Super Security in the City

Chapter 4688: talent

Luo Jun didn't hide his secrets and said: "If you want to learn, I can certainly teach you. But whether you can learn it or not depends on your talent."

Empress Liuli said: "My talent has been outstanding since I was a child!" She said it naturally, but she was not bragging to Luo Jun, but because she was indeed extremely talented since she was a child.

Luo Jun smiled slightly, knowing very well that this great golden elixir was not easy to learn. If Empress Liuli can really master it, that wouldn't be a bad thing. Now I will teach Empress Liuli about the principles and secrets of the Great Golden Pill.

Empress Liuli listened very seriously. After hearing this, she also tried to operate, but it didn't work at all. Finally, Empress Liuli said: "What your great golden elixir requires is not talent, but experience. You must have a sufficient understanding of everything to learn it. It also involves huge computing power... No matter how talented you are, I think you can still learn it." It won’t work.”

Luo Jun was slightly startled, and then said: "You can say that."

Empress Liuli said: "It has nothing to do with talent. I can't learn. It's definitely not because of lack of talent!" Luo Jun burst out laughing when he heard this, feeling that the empress also had a childish side.

After that, Empress Liuli said: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, let's practice Tianjian Dao together! After practicing Tian Jian Dao, you can optimize your great golden elixir. We will prepare everything as much as possible. Find Yuan Wuxin later."

Luo Jun nodded and said: "Okay!" He remembered something again... and said: "Jianlao seems to be your master too?" Empress Liuli was startled, and then said: "Jianlao once taught me and helped me, so I also called Call him master."

Luo Jun suddenly realized it and said: "That's it!"

Empress Liuli and Luo Jun began to practice Tianjian Dao. The Pure Yang Sword Strength that Luo Jun needs to cultivate is not difficult... when it is accurate, it is not difficult for Luo Jun. He also had a deep understanding of Tianjian Dao. At this time, he grabbed the Taichu Sword and abandoned all his messy secrets.

There is only the way of kendo in my heart...

All the laws, avenues, and mysteries are gathered in the sword!

Heaven, earth, stars, universe, I am the only one who is supreme!

Luo Jun didn't even think about the pure Yang meaning in the Pure Yang Sword Strength...

After that, he pointed out the Taichu Sword, and the sword intent suddenly surged in the Taichu Sword.

Luo Jun felt the presence of Heavenly Sword vaguely, and he also knew that when he swung the sword at this time, the sword energy of Heavenly Sword would also be triggered by him.

This is the realm of the Eleventh Sword!

Empress Liuli said to Luo Jun: "Draw your sword at me!"

Luo Jun nodded and said: "Get ready!" Then he swung his sword with all his strength!

This sword instantly activated the divine power of the Heavenly Sword, and all the sword energy from all directions was condensed by the Taichu Sword.

One sword can break through eternity and cut off the universe!

Empress Liuli immediately resisted with the shadow of her heavenly sword.


The two sword qi violently collided in the void. Finally, Luo Jun's sword qi chopped the phantom of the Heavenly Sword into pieces, and then killed the Liuli Empress. The Liuli Empress was slightly startled, took a step back, and then another phantom of the Heavenly Sword appeared, cutting Luo Jun's sword energy into pieces.

Luo Jun felt the power inside his body surge, and at this moment, the sword energy around him became extremely friendly.

Those pure sword intentions entered his body and were immediately activated by him into the supreme sword power.

The sword radiance in Taichu Sword soared!

Luo Jun roared loudly and slashed three terrifying sword intents at Empress Liuli in succession!

One sword is more vicious than the other, and one sword is more tyrannical than the other!

When he first came to Heavenly Sword God, Luo Jun still had a heavy burden. I don't want to give up the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map, I want to practice spiritual training with Wu Fei'er to fend off the enemy, and I want to maximize the power of Zhang Daoling and others.

So if your heart is not pure at the beginning, then your sword skills will definitely be much worse.

But now it's very different. I don't want anything anymore, I don't care about anything, I just do it!

The art of swordsmanship became extremely pure in his heart!

In addition, his own magic power is extremely deep, and now there are three souls working together.

The mana in the body is like the stars in the universe, boundless and running wildly.

Three swords were slashed out in a row, and Luo Jun felt wet with joy!

Empress Liuli was slightly surprised. She didn't expect that Luo Jun was so powerful, and she felt that she could not see through this guy more and more.

Not afraid at the moment, he retreated abruptly and suddenly pointed out.

Suddenly, thousands of sword energy surged out, forming a whirlpool of Heavenly Sword Storm.

The three swords slashed into it. Empress Liuli's eyes were sharp, she formed seals with her hands, and then rubbed...

The endless sword energy and divine power strangled the three swords into pieces.

Not to mention that, Empress Liuli condensed all the sword energy, and finally formed a phantom of the sky sword, and then killed Luo Jun.

Luo Jun was also surprised. He didn't expect that the Liuli Empress could easily resolve the three sword attacks he had launched so forcefully, and she also slashed with an even more powerful sword.

In the crisis, he gathered all his divine power and struck out with a sword!


The phantom of the Heavenly Sword and the sword energy of Luo Jun's Taichu Sword were killed together, immediately breaking the sword energy of the Taichu Sword, and then headed towards Luo Jun.

Luo Jun formed seals with his hands, and the Taichu Sword flew out immediately, creating a storm of sword energy in the void.

The storm of sword energy entangled the phantom of the Heavenly Sword and strangled it fiercely.


Finally, the phantom of the Heavenly Sword was chopped into pieces by the sword energy storm.

Luo Jun then used Taichu Sword to absorb all the sword energy storm and energy, and then formed a powerful sword force to kill the Liuli Empress.


Just as Jian Jin came out, another phantom of the Heavenly Sword had already arrived, cutting Luo Jun's Jian Jin into pieces.

Then, the phantom of the Heavenly Sword came towards Luo Jun again.

Luo Jun complained endlessly, feeling that the Liuli Empress was too fierce.

In the crisis, the sword energy storm was activated again, and at the same time the time soul was activated, causing time dislocation.

Then, the wormhole soul also went in and strangled it with wormhole particles, and finally cracked the phantom of the heavenly sword.

But as soon as she cracked it, the Liuli Empress slashed out another phantom of the Heavenly Sword, which immediately broke through Luo Jun's sword energy storm, and then struck towards Luo Jun's eyebrows.

At this moment, Luo Jun felt like he was dying, and secretly said: "My life is at stake!"

For a moment, there was nothing you could do with this sword!

He was about to die under the phantom of the Heavenly Sword. Suddenly, with a bang, the phantom of the Heavenly Sword shattered itself.

Luo Jun's back was dripping with sweat, and he knew that his life had been saved.

I also know in my heart that I am really no match for this girl in the Heavenly Sword God Realm!

In the void, all kinds of energy storms have dissipated.

Empress Liuli came to Luo Jun, but she praised her repeatedly, saying: "You are indeed a genius in practicing swordsmanship. You can practice swordsmanship to the eleventh sword at the beginning, and you are so brave. If I hadn't merged with the Heavenly Sword, I'm afraid I’m not your opponent either!”

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said: "In your hands, I have no power to fight back!"

Empress Liuli said: "That's because this is my domain and world. If you leave the Heavenly Sword Divine Domain, even if you simply fight with swordsmanship, I won't be sure of defeating you. If you use other Taoist powers, I am no match for you!"

Luo Jun said: "That's right, I don't have many opponents outside the Heavenly Sword God's domain!"

Empress Liuli said: "The more powerful you are, the more confident we will be in killing Yuan Wuxin. Now, let's practice Tianjian Dao together."

Luo Jun said: "Okay!"

Empress Liuli said: "I will use my eleventh sword later. You can feel it carefully and integrate your pure Yang sword power at the critical moment."

Luo Jun said: "I know."

Empress Liuli flew to a higher position, and then used her divine power. Her body was filled with the power of Heavenly Sword Dao. As soon as the divine power came out, thousands of sword intentions in the void were gathered together.

For a moment, infinite sword energy surrounded Empress Liuli, like a boundless ocean.

The sword energy suddenly became fierce, and it was like a tsunami coming, setting off a huge wave of swords!

Luo Jun saw the right opportunity and used his sword power.

Although Empress Liuli's sword power is fierce, her underlying attributes cannot escape the femininity of a woman.

This is a natural gene!

At this time, Luo Jun's Pure Yang Kendo joined Empress Liuli's monstrous sword waves...

At this moment, it was like a tsunami in the hazy sky. Suddenly, sunlight penetrated the clouds and enveloped the sea area.

The tsunami is still extremely violent...

But in the void, the clouds dispersed and the sun shone.

It was a beautiful sight!

Empress Liuli began to fuse Luo Jun's pure Yang sword power, and their sword power suddenly turned into sword dragons.

The sword dragon of the Liuli Empress is the color of Liuli, extremely pure!

And Luo Jun's sword dragon is pure gold in color.

The two sword dragons are lingering together, but the two swords are merging.

At this time, the Liuli Empress took the lead. Suddenly, the Liuli Divine Dragon swallowed up Luo Jun's sword dragon.

Luo Jun didn't resist either.

Not long after, the two stegosaurs completely merged together...

Empress Liuli suddenly opened her mouth...

Luo Jun knew what she meant, and in a flash, he entered the belly of Empress Liuli...

This is a bit like the spiritual practice of Luo Jun and Wu Fei'er.

But not, because the two just merged with the divine power of swordsmanship!

At this time, the entire body of the Liuli Empress was filled with kendo divine power. Luo Jun channeled his kendo power to fully support the Liuli Empress.

Empress Liuli felt that her body was filled with endless divine power.

She felt that her power had reached the extreme, and the infinite changes in the way of swordsmanship were beyond her imagination.

This is...the twelfth sword!

The legendary twelfth sword that is impossible to master!

Empress Liuli's eyes flashed with joy!

Then, she jumped up, shuttled quickly, and left the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

Arriving in the void of the universe, Empress Liuli condensed a divine sword she had cultivated, and then killed and transformed one after another.

In an instant, thousands of sword intentions condensed in the void of the universe. With one sword slash, the sword energy traveled a hundred thousand miles.

After another change, the sword energy turned into thousands of sword lights, absorbing the surrounding sword energy!

"Roar!" Empress Liuli roared, and suddenly turned all the sword energy into sword dragons, and hundreds of sword dragons flashed in the void. ωω

After a long time, Empress Liuli stopped.

Luo Jun also ran out of Empress Liuli's mouth.

There was no discomfort in Empress Liuli's belly, because her belly was also full of kendo divine power, which was like the ocean. Luo Jun felt like he was in the sea...

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