Super Security in the City

Chapter 4694: Taiyi is not dead

Yuan Wuxin was now completely sure that he had killed the other party, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The thirteenth sword that he had gathered at its peak was slashed out. This was because the strength had reached this point and there was no way back.

After using up the Thirteen Swords, his energy was completely exhausted. The whole person seems to be exhausted...

Not caring about anything else at the moment, he sat cross-legged and quickly took the elixir, hoping to restore his divine power in the shortest possible time.

And at this moment, a figure flew towards him with lightning in the void.

Yuan Wuxin was startled, and then he concentrated on sensing and immediately realized that the person coming was actually... Empress Liuli.

"She is obviously far away from here, how could she arrive suddenly? How is this possible?" Yuan Wuxin couldn't help but be horrified.

At this moment, Empress Liuli appeared and came to Yuan Wuxin.

Yuan Wuxin looked at the Liuli Empress. The Liuli Empress was dressed in white, just like a fairy descending from the Nine Heavens to the mortal world! The difference is that the Nine Heaven Fairy is just beautiful, while the Liuli Empress has the temperament to dominate the world.

Empress Liuli looked at Yuan Wuxin coldly. She had been waiting for this day for too long!

Yuan Wuxin smiled miserably and said, "It seems that I am doomed today."

Empress Liuli said: "Do you have any last words to confess?"

Yuan Wuxin said: "I just want to know, was the appearance of that guy just now an accident, or was he with you?"

Empress Liuli sneered: "What do you think?" Yuan Wuxin said: "They should be in the same group, but I don't quite understand why he would use his life to help you?"

Empress Liuli said: "You don't understand?"

Yuan Wuxin said: "I really don't understand!" Liuli Empress said: "But I don't intend to let you understand, you just have to die!" After saying that, it was time to take action.

Yuan Wuxin suddenly smiled ghostly and said, "Have you ever thought that maybe this is the moment I'm waiting for?"

Empress Liuli's expression changed slightly and said, "What do you mean?"

Yuan Wuxin said: "Do you really think I will fight with that guy without thinking?"

Empress Liuli snorted coldly: "Stop making false claims here, you will die!" After saying that, the Taichu Sword appeared in her hand.

Just when he was about to kill Yuan Wuxin, suddenly, Yuan Wuxin opened his mouth...

Immediately a figure spit out.

Empress Liuli slashed out a terrifying sword energy from her hand!

The sword energy shocked the sky!

Just kill towards the figure's eyebrows.

The figure didn't say much, and quickly took out his palm, and the palm instantly turned into a whirlpool of Tianyou particles.


After the sword energy penetrated into the particle vortex, it was quickly swallowed up by the Tianyou particles.

The person who came was none other than...Xuan Zhenghao!

"Is it you?" Empress Liuli couldn't help but turn pale when she saw Xuan Zhenghao.

She didn't understand how Xuan Zhenghao got together with Yuan Wuxin.

Xuan Zhenghao looked at Empress Liuli and said calmly: "You didn't expect me to show up, did you? But I had already expected that you and Luo Jun would intercept and attack separately. Now all this is just waiting for your appearance."

Empress Liuli was shocked and unwilling at the same time. "Why do you want to help Yuan Wuxin? What's the benefit to you of helping him?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I have no intention to have any friendship with me. But just as I asked you not to help Luo Jun that day, you didn't listen. Luo Jun, I must kill him. Since you want to block the road in the middle , I have no choice but to kill you."

Empress Liuli said: "Luo Jun is dead now, you can feel at ease, right?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Luo Jun is very cunning. He seems to be dead, but he may still be alive. But I still know something about him, that is, if he is still alive, he will definitely not ignore you. If I kill You and he haven't been able to show up, then I can be sure that he is dead."

Empress Liuli asked: "What is the deep hatred between you and him?"

Xuan Zhenghao said coldly: "If he doesn't die, I will feel uneasy!"

Empress Liuli knew that she couldn't persuade this guy to leave today. If she wanted to kill Yuan Wuxin, she had to repel Xuan Zhenghao first.

Yuan Wuxin also knew the danger and immediately retreated.

Empress Liuli and Xuan Zhenghao fought.

The sword energy was like frost, and the terrifying sword power was condensed, killing Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao doesn't care at all...

First, resist with the vortex of Tianyou particles.

The Liuli Empress's sword energy penetrated through that day's Youparticle, and then shot Xuan Zhenghao's head through.

But Xuan Zhenghao didn't care. He shook his head and recovered immediately.

And while Empress Liuli was taking a breather, she struck out with lightning from her palm!

His palm power seems simple and unpretentious, but in fact it is extremely powerful! Thinking back to the beginning, Luo Jun had to rely on the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram and spiritual training with Wu Fei'er to barely win...

Empress Liuli could only rely on the sharpness of her sword to cut through this palm force.

The two sides fought extremely quickly.

Empress Liuli's swordsmanship is only inferior to Yuan Wuxin. If Xuan Zhenghao were not immortal, he would definitely be able to win.

Because the sword is so sharp, even if a master with similar cultivation level comes, his various divine powers will not be able to stop the sharpness of the sword.

Xuan Zhenghao pressed forward step by step, attacking Empress Liuli's vital points with every move, and his power seemed to be inexhaustible.

After Empress Liuli slashed several swords in succession, her vitality began to be greatly depleted!

The power of swordsmanship lies in its sharpness and sharpness, but its disadvantage lies in the rapid depletion of vitality. Just like a fighter plane, although it is extremely fast, it consumes terrible fuel.

Xuan Zhenghao was penetrated by Empress Liuli's sword several times, but nothing happened.

Suddenly, while he was taking advantage of Empress Liuli to take a breath, he struck Empress Liuli in the chest with a palm.

Empress Liuli retreated violently, and the sword energy on her body slashed violently, shattering most of the power of his palm. But even so, Xuan Zhenghao's palm was extremely powerful, almost dispersing all the magic power of Empress Liuli.

All the internal organs are damaged!

Countless sword energy was rushing wildly in the body, and the situation was very similar to Wu Fei'er.

Empress Liuli barely stood upright, then spat out a mouthful of blood.

Xuan Zhenghao stepped forward quickly and was about to kill Empress Liuli.

Empress Liuli quickly stood up and moved her sword to protect herself. Her internal organs were filled with burning.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and wanted to kill Empress Liuli.

At this moment, a voice came from the void. "stop!"

It was Luo Jun's voice.

The Void Gate appeared behind Empress Liuli, and Luo Jun stepped through the Void Gate and came out.

Xuan Zhenghao also knew that even if his methods were monstrous, it would be difficult to kill these two people in a moment.

This gate to the void is always present and does not disappear.

This gate to the void is nothing but the transformation of the spirit of time.

"You are indeed not dead!" Xuan Zhenghao said coldly.

In the void, the wormhole soul appeared and flew back into Luo Jun's body.

It turned out that Yuan Wuxin's eleventh sword chopped the time soul into pieces, but the twelfth sword chopped into pieces the wormhole soul.

When the wormhole soul exploded, Luo Jun had already opened the teleportation array and escaped.

After escaping, quickly recover your vitality, and then quickly condense the Time Soul and the Wormhole Soul.

After condensing, the Time Spirit formed a gate to the void, allowing Luo Jun to directly cross over.

Luo Jun looked at Xuan Zhenghao and said: "The matter is now over, and there is nothing to hide between us. Can you tell me, are you Xuan Zhenghao or Taiyi Supreme?"

Xuan Zhenghao sneered: "Really want to know?"

Luo Jun said: "Of course!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "But why should I tell you?"

Luo Jun said: "Whether you tell me or not, there is no loss to you. It just makes me feel knotty and suspicious! But in essence, it has no impact."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "But I just want to make you a **** feel unhappy!"

Luo Jun laughed and said: "Then I am very sure of one thing now. You are not Emperor Xuan, you are Taiyi. Because there is no hatred between Emperor Xuan and me. Only Taiyi would hate me so much!"

Xuan Zhenghao was startled, but did not refute!

A chill flashed in Luo Jun's eyes, and he said: "Taiyi, I don't know how you came back to life, but I promise you, I will definitely make your life worse than death. When the time comes, you will hate why you are alive. , you will beg me to kill you!"

Taiyi Supreme simply stopped hiding and laughed loudly, saying: "Very good, the attitude is correct, I think so too. How many children of my ancient clan have you killed? How can I be kind to you now?"

Luo Jun said: "Okay, let's just wait and see!"

Taiyi Supreme said: "I can't catch you right now, but I tell you that I have planted an indelible mark on this girl. Wherever you run away, I will chase you. Just wait for death!"

Luo Jun said: "There are many people in the world who want to kill me, Luo Jun. You are by no means the first, nor the last. But your result will never change, that is, I will kill Kill you!"

Taiyi Supreme said: "Little kid, when I was roaming the universe, your ancestors of the human race on the earth were not born yet. I am eternal, and you are just a speck of dust in the years. Forget it, I’m too lazy to argue with you, time will prove everything to you later!”

Luo Jun said: "The universe will eventually perish, and you will also perish. It's very unfortunate that when you meet me, the time for your destruction will come, hahahaha..."

After saying that, he took the extremely weak Liuli Empress into the Void Gate. Then, the door to the void closed.

At that time, the soul also returned to Luo Jun's body.

Anyway, he is quick to talk, and as long as Luo Jun doesn't want to lose, he will never lose.

At this time, Na Yuan Wuxin also came to Taiyi Supreme, and he had recovered a lot of energy.

"Why let them leave?" Yuan Wuxin asked puzzledly.

Taiyi Supreme was slightly startled, and then continued: "His Gate of the Void is always open. No matter how fast I use my methods, no matter how powerful my attack is, I will fall into the Gate of the Void."

Yuan Wuxin said: "You can destroy his Void Gate. Once destroyed, he will not be able to leave."

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