Super Security in the City

Chapter 4695: narrow escape

Taiyi Supreme was quite speechless and said: "Normal people would not be able to open the door to the void in such a fierce battle. But he can do it, have you not thought about the reason behind it? Since he can do it, then It’s not something I can destroy in time. Otherwise, how dare he have the guts to talk nonsense here!”

Yuan Wuxin said: "Then what should we do next? Now that they have understood our plan, it is impossible to be fooled again. If they can successfully return to the Heavenly Sword God Realm, no matter how many of us there are, there will be nothing we can do to them. .”

Taiyi Supreme said: "It seems that I still need to find another Supreme Being to come over!"

Yuan Wuxin suddenly turned pale and asked, "What do you mean?"

Taiyi Supreme glanced at Yuan Wuxin and said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. We had an oath before... Besides, you are a good partner."

Yuan Wuxin was slightly relieved. If he were in his prime, he would not be afraid of Taiyi Supreme. But right now, his power has not been restored, so he is very scared.

Taiyi Supreme said: "Let's go, let's find a master as soon as possible to summon the Supreme. Then we will hunt them down!"

Yuan Wuxin said: "My disciples are all not strong enough. I'm afraid it will be difficult to find a master who can summon the Supreme in a short period of time!"

Taiyi Supreme sneered: "Is it difficult? With me here, it's not difficult!"

After Luo Jun and Empress Liuli came out of the Void Gate, they stood still.

Afterwards, Luo Jun activated the Zhouji Gem to turn it into a needle, then set a direction and headed towards the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

The safest place now is Heavenly Sword God Realm!

The straight-line distance from this place to the Heavenly Sword God Realm is three hundred light years.

Luo Jun has a wormhole spirit in his body, and he could have used the wormhole spirit to create a wormhole. But now the wormhole spirit is very weak and needs to be cultivated for a while. After cultivating it, the wormhole spirit still has to spend three days in situ to create a wormhole. The distance of this wormhole cannot be too long...

It’s too long, even the wormhole soul can’t do it!

It can only span more than ten light years!

It is not cost-effective to use three days to cross more than ten light years, because in three days, the opponent may have found the wormhole.

So for now, it's better to use the Zhouji Gem to escape.

While escaping, look for a suitable wormhole.

The Zhouji gem moves forward with lightning in the void. Luo Jun embedded the glazed jade pot in the Zhouji gem, and used magic power to seal the groove...

This makes it a little more comfortable!

In that glazed jade pot, Luo Jun's own energy and blood power had not yet recovered. At this time, we still need to check the injuries of Empress Liuli.

Empress Liuli's body was burning and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Her situation is similar to that of Wu Fei'er, but her cultivation is higher than that of Wu Fei'er and her injuries are lighter, so her situation is a little better.

But it’s just a few!

Luo Jun couldn't help frowning and thought to himself: "If this continues, even returning to the Heavenly Sword God Realm will not work. What will the Heavenly Sword God Realm do without the empress? Or, can she cure herself if she returns to the Heavenly Sword God Realm?"

Empress Liuli's eyes were tightly closed, and her entire consciousness was in a state of dissociation.

Luo Jun took a deep breath and channeled mana into her body, and found that the sword energy was everywhere inside her body, and the mana was gradually going haywire in the internal organs and even the small world in each cell.

Her skin has begun to ooze red blood!

If she is allowed to continue like this, the situation will become worse than Fei'er, and she may even die!

But how to save her?

For a moment, Luo Jun had no choice. His own vitality has not yet recovered, and the vitality of his two souls has also been greatly damaged...

At this time, Empress Liuli's sword power would definitely not be suppressed.

Seeing this going on, Empress Liuli is on the verge of death...

"I can't let her die, absolutely not! Let's not talk about the meaning of friends, let's talk about Fei'er... If she dies, Fei'er will become unsafe within the Heavenly Sword God. And how can I deal with Taiyi and Yuan by myself? Wuxin? Now that I have offended Yuan Wuxin to this extent, he will definitely not let it go."

Thinking of this, Luo Jun felt that he was getting bigger.

The Zhouji Gem continued to fly in the void, constantly devouring the surrounding energy.

The Time Spirit and the Wormhole Spirit are also continuing to absorb cosmic energy for healing.

Luo Jun worked hard to use his magic power to help Empress Liuli suppress the sword energy in her body. He had to do this because if he didn't, Empress Liuli would die.

But in this case, he himself would not be able to recover his strength well.

Not only was he unable to recover his energy well, but as the sword energy in Empress Liuli's body became more and more violent, he became increasingly unable to control himself.

This is a vicious cycle with no solution!

Luo Jun's mind was spinning, and he carefully thought about the various crises and experiences over the years.

He felt that he had reached a dead end that was visible to the naked eye. It seemed that he was not at a dead end yet... but if he kept going like this, it would only be a dead end.

In past crises, it seemed that life was hanging by a thread, but there was often still hope hidden.

It seems that I am not in a desperate situation this time, but if I let all this happen, I will lead to a truly irreversible dead end!

"How to break it? How to break it?"

Luo Jun thought hard and finally came to a conclusion!

That means you have to take risks and make a desperate move.

The Zhouji Gem continues to absorb the energy around it.

The energy inside it is in an extremely violent state...

"What if I swallow the Zhouji Gem?"

"My body is so weak now. How can I withstand such violent energy? After absorbing it, there is only one way to die. But... there is still a glimmer of hope. First of all, the Zhouji Gem was created by me, and there is a super brain crystal in it. The super brain crystal has its own wisdom... It has no self-awareness yet and will help me subconsciously. Secondly, just because my body is weak now, it can withstand more energy... My body is strong, so I can bear less energy. . It’s like I am a reservoir. There is less water in it, so I can withstand more water. If the Zhouji Gem was created by someone else, I wouldn’t even have to try it. It would be a dead end. And all the wisdom in the Zhouji Gem , the energy comes from me, and the compatibility will even be higher than that of pure Yang elixir."

"It's just... this is still very dangerous. It can't be said that there is no chance of death, but at least there is a narrow escape... Do I really want to put all my money into it?"

Luo Jun was very hesitant in his heart.

He likes to have everything in his hands.

If you swallow the Zhouji gem now, it is equivalent to leaving your fate to God.

It feels like I haven’t gotten this far yet!

The battle between heaven and man in my heart...

Looking at the situation of Empress Liuli, it is getting worse and worse.

If this continues, it's hard to say whether he will die...

But Empress Liuli is bound to die.

It can't be delayed any longer.

If Taiyi Supreme and Yuan Wuxin catch up again now, they will basically be waiting to die.

"I have to take the risk!" After considering all the circumstances, Luo Jun finally gritted his teeth and made a decision.

At this time, Zhouji Gem has absorbed enough energy.

Luo Jun settled in the void.

Then let the Zhouji gem turn into a golden elixir, a golden elixir the size of a football.

It can only be in this form at its smallest, and cannot be reduced in size. If it shrinks any further, it will explode!

The energy inside is too violent!

Luo Jun sucked all the Time Soul and Wormhole Soul into his body.

Deep in my heart, the war between heaven and man continues...

Countless calculations and calculations...

He felt that it was difficult for him to resist such violent energy. Logically speaking, once swallowed, his body would explode.

The only hope is that after being severely hit by this energy, in an unconscious state, his own wisdom is combined with the energy of the Zhouji Gem and the super brain crystal of the Zhouji Gem.

They seek their own survival in their own unconscious state!

In other words, oneself will lose all dominance!

This is something Luo Jun doesn't like, but he will inevitably face it.

The longer time goes on, the worse it will be!

The Zhouji Gem continues to violently absorb the surrounding energy.


Luo Jun gritted his teeth and suddenly opened his mouth...

Endless energy formed a vortex in his mouth...

The world inside the body is vast and boundless...

There is no problem swallowing a golden elixir the size of a football.

At the mouth, a gate to the void is formed.

The golden elixir passed through the Void Gate and quickly entered Luo Jun's body.

Then, the energy of the Zhouji gem began to be released.

Luo Jun tried his best to control the energy and did not dare to release all the energy instantly. When this energy is released, the time soul, wormhole soul and all the cells in the body greedily absorb it...


Suddenly...Zhouji Gem lost control...

With Luo Jun's current ability, it is indeed impossible to control such a huge divine power.

The terrifying energy inside the Zhouji gem was excreted in all directions...

Fortunately, Luo Jun has not added other secrets and avenues to the Zhouji gem at this moment. So the energy release of Zhouji gem is simple...

If it is an enemy, the overbearing meaning of destruction and beheading will be added.

But even so, Luo Jun couldn't bear it.

At that moment, terrifying energy exploded towards Luo Jun's limbs, bones and even his brain.

The Spirit of Time and the Spirit of Wormhole also sensed the danger to their own bodies and tried their best to protect Luo Jun's body.

First, the wormhole soul suffered these injuries, then the time soul, and finally Luo Jun's body.


Terror, extinction…

Luo Jun couldn't control his body at all. He felt like an ordinary person in the middle of a tsunami, unable to extricate himself.

Then another heavy object hit his head, boom!

I couldn't resist it at all and fainted directly...

"Am I going to die?" Luo Jun thought to himself before fainting.

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