Super Security in the City

Chapter 4697: The method of inferiority

Empress Liuli also felt Yuan Wuxin approaching!

The two of them continued to escape in the direction of the Sky Sword God Realm... But at this time, Luo Jun felt a little scared... Zhouji Gemstone continued to move forward.

In the Liuli Jade Pot, Luo Jun said to the Liuli Empress: "When the two of us were injured before, it was the best time for Taiyi to chase us, but they did not chase us." The Liuli Empress was startled and said: "You It means that they did other actions. For example, Taiyi summoned other ancient tribes?"

Luo Jun nodded and said: "It's very possible!"

Empress Liuli said: "What I don't quite understand is why Taiyi didn't summon the Ancient Clan before we came out of the Heavenly Sword God Realm? If we had summoned them early in the morning, we might have died before."

Luo Jun said: "I don't think much about this. Maybe he still has some situation that he hasn't dealt with. This Taiyi is a man who has become a spirit. If he can do it, he will definitely do it. If he doesn't do it, there must be something wrong with it. The reason." Liuli Empress said: "It seems that we should be grateful that he had not dealt with the situation before. Now that I think about it, the dangers involved in rushing out this time are unimaginable. If Taiyi is really fully prepared, we will be dead."

Luo Jun said: "Not bad!" After a pause, he said: "It's just that right now, we don't have many ways to survive. If Taiyi and Yuan Wuxin are just two people who cooperate and come to hunt down, it will be the same for the two of us against each other. We are invincible. What is even more frightening is that they know that we are going back to the Heavenly Sword God Realm, and have arranged for other ancient tribes to intercept us quietly in front." Empress Liuli said in a deep voice: "According to your inference, there must be someone ahead of us. The Taikoo tribe intercepted this matter, we can’t take any chances!”

Luo Jun said: "Okay, we are now determined to be intercepted by the Taikoo tribe in front. What should we do next?"

Empress Liuli said: "You are smarter than me, I will listen to you!"

Luo Jun began to think deeply and said: "If we speed up and fight against the ancient people intercepting in front... what do you think will happen?" ωω

Empress Liuli said: "Firstly, the Taikoo clan cannot kill him. Secondly, he is afraid that he is not a Taikoo clan. Since they dare to let people go to intercept him, they are confident."

Luo Jun said: "The most troublesome thing about the Taikoo tribe is that they cannot be killed. If we rush to fight with the Taikoo tribe, even if we crush them and then suppress them... then suppressing them will be very energy-consuming!"

Liuli Empress said: "Furthermore, I suspect that the Ancient Clan can also carry out some kind of void travel. If the Ancient Clan intercepts us and opens the door to the void, allowing Taiyi and Yuan Wuxin behind to directly shuttle through, the consequences will be serious. .”

Luo Jun said: "What you said is very likely to happen, because the Ancient Clan can summon companions directly from the Star Gate Forbidden Area, so it is not surprising that they have the ability to shuttle between each other!" Empress Liuli said: "So , we can’t fight against the Taikoo tribe who intercepted them in front.”

Luo Jun said: "That means you can't return to the Heavenly Sword God Realm."

Empress Liuli said: "Yes!"

Luo Jun said: "But even if you run in other directions, escaping in the void is not an option."

Empress Liuli thought of something and said, "Can you use the wormhole spirit to create a wormhole?"

Luo Jun said: "The wormhole soul needs to maintain its position in the void. A wormhole that can be shuttled can be created in three days, but the shuttle distance is not far."

Empress Liuli said: "No matter how close the shuttle distance is, it will be difficult for two legs to catch up. Just standing still for three days is very risky. Can we first let the wormhole soul evolve the wormhole in place? Let's move toward Escape to other places for a day and a half, and then turn back. By the time they react, we have already left. Although your wormhole spirit cannot follow you, you can let the wormhole spirit return to human form and then find the natural worms. Shuttle through the hole and then meet us."

Luo Jun took one more look at Empress Liuli, then smiled and said, "This is a good idea. I can't tell you are still very smart."

Empress Liuli was stunned for a moment, then said: "What are you talking about? I have always been very smart. On the other hand, you, sometimes I feel that your wisdom is boundless, but many times you are quite stupid."

"Are you stupid?" Luo Jun said, "Are you?"

Empress Liuli said: "You don't seem to be very good at using the resources and advantages you have."

Luo Jun smiled. Then he said: "The method you mentioned is feasible, but I am a little worried that they will hunt down my wormhole soul. If the wormhole soul falls into their hands, it will be very troublesome." Empress Liuli said: "How much trouble?"

Luo Jun said: "The wormhole soul may escape my control..."

Empress Liuli said: "Can't it be destroyed?"

Luo Jun said: "It can be destroyed..." Empress Liuli said: "That's no problem. If you find it's dangerous, just destroy it."

Luo Jun really couldn't bear it, because he had feelings for the wormhole soul and the time soul. The two souls are said to be souls, but they also have their own thoughts, ideas, etc. It doesn't make sense deep down that I don't take them seriously.

Every time a soul is recreated, it is actually equivalent to a new person.

Because the super brain crystal is re-created every time!

He didn't dwell on it. When life and death were at stake, it was all just minor issues.

He thought for a while and then said to Empress Liuli: "I have other concerns."

Empress Liuli asked: "What are you worried about?"

Luo Jun said: "After the wormhole soul separates from me, it will have an impact on me. Some of my moves require several souls to be combined together to reach the perfection of the body before they can be used. As for the Zhouji Gem, I am now Let it be always activated, so there will be no problem. Once it shuts down, I will lose a soul and can no longer activate it. Although the wormhole soul can be re-created, it will cost a certain amount of money. Time. I'm afraid that something will go wrong in the meantime... After all, our escape through the wormhole will not solve all the problems once and for all. If they also find the wormhole and carry out the corresponding shuttle, then I will become very It’s passive.”

Empress Liuli frowned her beautiful brows and said: "From what you said, there is indeed a problem." After a pause, she said: "I am just suggesting that if you feel it is inappropriate, just think of other ways!"

Luo Jun said: "My Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram also requires two people to practice yin and yang to activate it. If you refine the divine sword and I activate the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram, we will be able to fight."

Empress Liuli didn't have any psychological burden and said: "Then let's try Yin Yang spiritual cultivation?"

Luo Jun felt a little sorry for Wu Fei'er, but when things got to this point, there was no need to be pretentious. He still had to survive before he could think about anything else. He nodded and said: "Okay!"

The two sat opposite each other again in the glass jade pot, and then touched each other with their palms!

It's a pity that it still didn't work.

No matter how hard the two of them force themselves to trust each other, without any reservations, etc., there will be no success without success!

They were desperate and forced to merge, but the two of them suffered some minor injuries.

This made Empress Liuli quite angry and said: "What kind of rotten technique is this? It's impossible to practice it at all."

Luo Jun knew very well that he had a big problem here. Deep down I always feel sorry for Wu Fei'er...

Although he had suppressed everything and not thought about it, after the movement, the two skills just couldn't be integrated!

"There is another way!" At this point, Luo Jun simply stopped hiding it.

Empress Liuli's beautiful eyes widened and she said, "What can I do? Didn't you tell me earlier?"

Luo Jun said: "The method of spiritual cultivation is the superior method. It requires complete trust between two people and the integration of their minds. This requires each other to be better than a couple... There are also inferior methods. The inferior method is physical cultivation."

After saying that, I felt my face was burning.

Even though Empress Liuli was an open-minded person, her face was on fire after hearing these words.

Although she is quite old, she is still young.

"This..." Empress Liuli was speechless.

Luo Jun said: "I never said it because..."

Empress Liuli suddenly remembered something and said, "It's not easy for us to get along with each other, but why didn't you tell me that you had this method for those couples I was looking for before?"

Luo Jun's old face turned red: "I told them, I just didn't tell you!"

Empress Liuli said: "Why don't you tell me?"

Luo Jun was speechless and said: "This, this, this... it doesn't matter whether you say it or not. Do you still want to observe it live?"

Empress Liuli's pretty face turned red again and said: "How is that possible? What are you talking about?"

Next, Luo Jun said nothing more.

It's a bit embarrassing that things have developed to this point.

Luo Jun didn't want to take this step, but he was afraid that if he allowed it to continue, he would only have endless regrets in the end.

Empress Liuli was not a shy person. After thinking for a while, she said: "No matter what kind of cultivation, I can cooperate. But are you sure you can succeed?"

Luo Jun said: "Not sure! This thing is not something I can control alone. I can't be sure."

Empress Liuli couldn't help but become anxious and said: "If...then wouldn't I suffer a big loss?"

Luo Jun understood what she meant, and felt a little ridiculous. He smiled bitterly and said, "That's how it is anyway."

Empress Liuli sighed and said, "I need to think about it carefully."

Luo Jun said: "Don't be in a hurry!"

Empress Liuli ran to the beach by herself to think...

Luo Jun took out the glazed jade pot, released the energy of the Zhouji Gem once, and then let the Zhouji Gem continue to move forward.

During this period of time, he did not build a physical body for the Wormhole Soul and Time Soul, mainly because he was afraid of an accident while building the physical body.

Anyway, the role of the physical body is not that big, so don’t worry for now.

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