Super Security in the City

Chapter 4698: House of Flying Daggers

Empress Liuli thought about it all night, while Luo Jun changed direction and did not run towards the Sky Sword God Realm.

Running towards the Heavenly Sword God Realm at this time would be equivalent to walking into the enemy's tiger's mouth.

While Empress Liuli was thinking, Luo Jun also thought a lot. I always feel that Fei'er chose to sleep because he had foreseen today's disaster at the Gate of Eternal Life. She felt that only Empress Liuli could help her turn the crisis into safety...

Deep down in his heart, Luo Jun did not reject Empress Liuli. He was always a man, and a **** at that. I just feel so sorry for Fei'er...

And the crisis at this time seemed to be untying his moral shackles!

After a night of thinking, Empress Liuli came to Luo Jun for a detailed discussion.

Empress Liuli said: "Do we really have no other way to go?"

Luo Jun thought for a while and said: "It's not that there is no way out, it may be more dangerous. And even if we do this, it may not be able to solve the crisis." Empress Liuli said: "I understand, it's just It just increases your chances of winning, right?"

Luo Jun said: "That's right!" Empress Liuli said: "To be honest, I am not a casual person. Although it is said that cultivators take physical matters very lightly, I am not such a person. I have my own Persistence and perseverance..."

Luo Jun coughed dryly and said, "I am not a casual person, especially now. Fei'er is my wife, and she was seriously injured to save me."

Empress Liuli said: "Indeed, so my burden is very heavy."

Luo Jun was also at war between heaven and man in his heart.

Although he had his own philandering and desires, when things came to a close, that strong feeling of guilt immediately hit his heart.

"Let's think of other ways!" Luo Jun took a deep breath and said. After hearing what Luo Jun said, Empress Liuli breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, let's think of other ways!"

Luo Jun felt relieved deep in his heart...

People are always so entangled...

Even after cultivating to this point, Luo Jun felt that he still couldn't see through people and feelings.

He couldn't be so ruthless and careless.

If you really do it, you may be considered enlightened.

But Luo Jun would find that kind of life boring.

Young children have the childlike interest of young children, teenagers have the bloodiness and impulsiveness of teenagers, and adults have the stability of adults.

In the world of monasticism, Luo Jun felt that although he had advanced cultivation, he was still very immature in terms of age. It is impossible to treat women and emotions as playthings like our predecessors did.

After Luo Jun changed his course, he decided to look for the wormhole and stay away from it.

While staying away, I wanted to remove the aura attached to my body. If the aura can be cleared away, the enemy can escape tracking.

But this is a tough one.

Your own scent is like the original scent of a plant. It is this scent that the other party controls. How to remove it?

Even though Luo Jun had the super brain crystal, he was unable to do anything about it and couldn't solve it.

Soon, he gave up on the idea.

Originally, if the opponent's cultivation level was not enough, I could completely block this aura, and even set up a heavenly secret formation to deceive him.

But the current opponent is really too powerful.

So Luo Jun has no good solution!

And at this time, something happened again.

Both Luo Jun and Empress Liuli felt that Yuan Wuxin and Taiyi had given up tracking them...

Empress Liuli lost her countenance: "No, they are still heading towards the Heavenly Sword God Realm."

Luo Jun was also surprised and said, "Do you want to seize the Heavenly Sword?"

Empress Liuli said: "That must be the case."

Luo Jun couldn't help but cursed: "What a great blow to the bottom of the cauldron." Then he asked Empress Liuli: "Do you think the Heavenly Sword can stop them?"

Liuli Empress said: "Yuan Wuxin alone will certainly not be able to obtain the Heavenly Sword. But now that there are people from the Taikoo clan and they are immortal, I am not sure. The only thing that can be certain is that if I return to In Heavenly Sword God’s Domain, nothing is a problem.”

Luo Jun said: "But if we return to the Heavenly Sword God Realm at this time, they will lead everything away."

Empress Liuli said: "I can give up the Heavenly Sword God Realm. If necessary, I have the decision to do so. But, what about your wife?"

Luo Jun pondered for a while and then said: "Their move is to force us to return to the Heavenly Sword God Realm, but I don't think they know that Fei'er is inside the Heavenly Sword God."

Empress Liuli said: "Yes."

Luo Jun said: "I'm thinking, if we keep staying away, will they give up on Heavenly Sword God Realm?"

Empress Liuli said: "It's just that the Heavenly Sword is also an absolutely rare treasure. They may not be tempted by the Heavenly Sword!"

Luo Jun sighed, knowing that he couldn't afford the gamble.

After a long time, he said to Empress Liuli: "Then let's... return to the Heavenly Sword God Realm."

Empress Liuli said: "This is their dirty trick. If we go back, we will fall into their trap."

Luo Jun said: "Yes! But we have no other way."

Empress Liuli said: "We can't be impulsive now, we must think of a countermeasure."

Luo Jun said: "You have to think about it carefully."

The two of them did not immediately return to defense, thinking hard together.

"There is actually no chance of breaking through their defensive line. I can keep accumulating energy with the Zhouji Gem. After encountering the Taikoo clan, it will explode instantly and kill a **** path!" Luo Jun said to Empress Liuli: "It's just that once By returning to defense, they will know that we value Heavenly Sword God Realm very much. Then, it will be difficult for us to leave Heavenly Sword God Realm in the future."

When Empress Liuli heard what Luo Jun said, she suddenly became enlightened: "Let's talk about the future matters later. As long as we can return to the Heavenly Sword God Realm now, we can solve the current crisis!"

Luo Jun said: "That's all we can do."

They continued to discuss like this, finalized the details, and then began to fly towards the Sky Sword God Realm.

After flying for a few more days…

The **** that was supposed to come finally came.

The Zhouji Gem is in the void, full of energy.

Suddenly, energy began to fluctuate in the void ahead.

Then, a figure of lightning flashed towards this side.

Luo Jun and Empress Liuli quickly stood up, and the Zhouji gem was also held in Luo Jun's hands.

Luo Jun continued to accumulate energy in the Zhouji gem...

After the figure in front arrived, Luo Jun and Empress Liuli looked over. The person who came was seen wearing black clothes, his face was shrouded in dark shadows, and his face shape could not be seen clearly. The only thing that can be seen clearly is a pair of eyes...

"Who is coming?" Luo Jun asked loudly.

The man in black stared at Luo Jun and said word by word: "My name is Siam!"

Luo Jun was startled: "Siam? Is it the Siamese Supreme, or the Siamese monk?"

The man in black said: "Even if he is the Supreme Being, he is also a monk."

Luo Jun said: "Monk? A monk who has practiced Buddhism for hundreds of millions of years?"

Siamese Supreme said: "More than a billion years!"

Luo Jun was stunned. More than a billion years... Damn, how old is the human civilization on Earth?

He immediately smiled and said: "This Buddhist teaching is really of such a long history!"

Siamese Supreme said: "In the ancient gate, Buddhism flowed out from the beginning. Buddhism and Taoism are the foundation of the universe. As long as the universe is old, Buddhism and Taoism are as long ago."

Luo Jun said: "I admire it, I admire it! But why did the Supreme Lord block my way today?"

Siamese Supreme said: "Take the lives of the two of you!"

Luo Jun said: "Why are people who practice Buddhism so arrogant?"

Siamese Supreme said: "Buddhism is also a branch of magic. Learning it is for the purpose of reaching heaven and earth. Killing people is also a method of Buddhism!"

Luo Jun said: "That's it!"

At this time, the Zhouji gem in his hand had condensed to the extreme.

Suddenly, there was a chill in his eyes, and he blasted out the Zhouji Gem with a bang.

He did not use the Zhouji Divine Sword because the opponent was immortal and was not suitable for cutting in a small area. Simply bomb it over a large area and blast the particles all over its body into pieces. As a result, it will take longer to recover.


The Zhouji Gem was violent and boundless, and all its energy burst out at this moment, killing the Siamese Supreme with unparalleled ferocity.

The Siamese Supreme's expression suddenly changed. He only did not scold Luo Jun for his lack of martial ethics, but actually carried out a sneak attack after a disagreement.

He retreated quickly...

Then the power of divine magic circulated throughout the body, forming a huge vortex of Tianyou particles.


The interior of the Tianyou particle vortex is as vast as a black hole in the universe!

There are all kinds of profound Buddhist teachings, endless mysteries, and the way to time and eternal life!

However, the energy explosion of Zhouji gem also contains the principles of heaven and earth, the avenue of the universe and even the ultimate.

At this time, after the Zhouji Gem blasted into the whirlpool, under the crushing energy, all time, avenues, and secrets were crushed by the Zhouji Gem.


Finally, the Zhouji gem broke through everything in sight, completely blasting away the vortex of particles that day, and finally blasted towards the Siamese Supreme's abdomen.


In an instant, the Siamese Supreme was blasted through by the Zhouji Gem. At the same time, all the energy in the Zhouji Gem was blasted out, blasting the Siamese Supreme into countless heavenly particles, scattered in the void.

Luo Jun flew forward and grabbed the Zhouji gem that had dispersed all the energy.

Then, he injected mana into the Zhouji Gem, and the Zhouji Gem continued to absorb external vitality and energy.

Empress Liuli did not dare to delay, and flew forward quickly with Luo Jun.

What they were waiting for was this moment, to defeat those who blocked them with lightning speed, and then open up the route home.

But at this moment...

Another figure flashed ahead.

Luo Jun and Empress Liuli couldn't help but lose their composure, because they had sensed that the arrivals were none other than Yuan Wuxin and Taiyi Supreme.

These two people have come to the front from the rear.

I never expected that they would come so quickly.

Luo Jun then understood that Siam Supreme had set up a teleportation array in the distance first, and then came to stop him and Empress Liuli.

They had already guessed that their side would defeat their people in a flash of lightning. Therefore, they have already been fully prepared!

This is often how things develop. If you are smart, others are not stupid!

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