Super Security in the City

Chapter 4704: black hole

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme continued to chase Luo Jun and Ye Liuli. Although the two were still communicating, their speed did not slow down at all. Taiyi Supreme said to Siamese Supreme again: "That gem with the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram will always absorb energy from the outside world. I can't guess what problems will follow. We just need to kill them in front of the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram. Luo Jun and Ye Liuli, then this Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram is not something to be afraid of." Siam Supreme said: "Not bad!" After a pause, he added: "But what the poor monk doesn't understand is that it does not require the divine power of Yin and Yang to drive the Eternal Sky. Is it from Tianxuanji? Why can the gem be driven?"

Taiyi Supreme said: "Maybe it's because the gem is not a spiritual creature. I can't guess what's going on."

Besides, after Luo Jun and Ye Liuli escaped from the Gate of Void, they did not dare to stay in the endless space.

The injuries suffered by both of them were serious. The good thing is that they have always maintained the state of Yin and Yang spiritual cultivation, otherwise, both of them would be dead at this moment. After escaping, the two used their yin and yang divine power to absorb the energy from the outside world, and at the same time used their yin and yang divine power to suppress the mana raging in each other's bodies.

As a result, the two people's escape speed was greatly slowed down.

If Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme hadn't delayed some time in the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map, they would have been overtaken by them at this moment.

But if the current trend continues, it will eventually lead to a dead end.

The two men were still injured, and their bodies felt like they were being burned by fire, and the pain was unbearable. In the spiritual platform, I felt that Tai Yi Supreme and Siam Supreme were getting closer and closer. At this speed, they would be overtaken in less than three hours.

Once you catch up, it's a dead end!

Ye Liuli stopped and communicated with Luo Jun in her belly: "Escape like this is a dead end, we have to think of a way!"

Luo Jun said: "Now I have a way to extend the time."

Ye Liuli's eyes lit up and she said, "What method?"

Luo Jun said: "We will set up a teleportation array here. When they chase us, it is unlikely that they will find our teleportation array. When they are about to catch up with us, we will teleport to our current location again. After that, we Running away in the opposite direction."

Ye Liuli said: "This is not a solution, but it barely buys some time. After they find out that they have been deceived, they may also set up a teleportation array."

Luo Jun said: "Yes, it can only be used once. If it is used more, it will not work."

Ye Liuli said: "It's not too late, let's do this first!"

After the two agreed, they immediately set up the teleportation array.

Then he continued to escape forward.

In the process of escaping, Luo Jun also felt the existence of the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map. He felt that the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map was flying rapidly in the void...

He immediately told Ye Liuli about the situation. Ye Liuli was overjoyed after hearing this and said: "You mean, the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map did not fall into the hands of Taiyi and Siam?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes, the Zhouji gem actually absorbed the energy of Siam and Taiyi, and then escaped with the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map. Now Taiyi and Siam are completely separated from the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map. Taiyi and Siam chose to hunt us down, so they gave up on the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map."

Ye Liuli said: "Is the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map far away from us now?"

Luo Jun said: "It's very far away, completely in the opposite direction!"

Ye Liuli said: "Can you instruct Zhou Ji Gem to bring the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map to join us?"

Luo Jun said: "No! Now I have completely severed the linkage with Zhouji Gem."

Ye Liuli was stunned for a moment and said, "What does this mean?"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said: "There is my super brain crystal inside the Zhouji Gem, and it is constantly absorbing energy. When the energy is too strong, it will lose control even in my hands. So now, the Zhouji Gem has already lost control... It's just that I don't know how Zhouji Gem will deal with this problem in the future. The Eternal Sky Mysterious Map has already fallen into the hands of Zhouji Gem. I don't know what the Zhouji Gem's plan is now. Super Brain Crystals can derive their own wisdom and thoughts, which is why I have never dared to create too many super brain crystals, because once out of control, the consequences will be unpredictable even to me!" ωω

Ye Liuli suddenly felt a headache and said, "So, the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map cannot be retrieved?"

Luo Jun said: "It's hard to say, it's out of control anyway."

Ye Liuli said: "Why can the Zhouji Gem control the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map?"

Luo Jun said: "I can't explain clearly!"

The two of them fled while absorbing energy.

About three hours later, I watched Tai Yi Supreme and Siam Supreme getting closer and closer. At this moment, the two people quickly activated the teleportation array...

The Taiyi Supreme and the Siamese Supreme rushed all the way without stopping. It's like a young man who is anxious to get married to his bride. Just as he is about to catch up with the bride, the bride disappears again...

This time it looked like we were about to catch up, and I thought there would be no more accidents.

As a result, in their consciousness, they discovered that Luo Jun and Ye Liuli were missing in front of them. After concentrating on sensing, he discovered that these two goods had arrived at his rear area. It's a pity that the two of them came from that place after all the hard work...

"This..." Siam Supreme was stunned. He did not expect that the other party would do such an operation, and he suddenly felt like being fooled deep in his heart.

What followed was uncontrollable anger...

"How unreasonable!" Siamese Supreme's eyes burst out with fire.

Taiyi Supreme is used to it, and knows that if it goes so smoothly, there is something wrong.

He said to Siamese Supreme: "I want to see how many clever ideas he has left. Let's set up the teleportation array here, and then chase him. When we are halfway through the pursuit, we will set up the teleportation array again. We will chase him all the way and set up the array all the way. Let's see. How many tricks does he have left!"

The Supreme Lord of Siam nodded and said: "When the poor monk catches these couple, they will be unable to survive or die!"

Taiyi Supreme smiled and said: "How come a monk can have such great anger?"

Siamese Supreme said: "As the saying goes, Buddha also has fire!"

After Luo Jun and Ye Liuli escaped to the rear behind Taiyi Supreme and Siamese Supreme, their internal strength had recovered a lot, but it was not enough to fight against Taiyi Supreme and Siamese Supreme.

If the Eternal Sky Mysterious Map can be successfully retrieved, the chances of winning will be much greater.

But now Eternal Sky Mysterious Map is running far away, and it is impossible to catch up. Luo Jun felt that the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram had been flying far away, with no intention of coming back.

Luo Jun felt helpless and could only take care of the immediate matters first.

The two continue to flee...

At this time, the road back to the Heavenly Sword God Realm was clear, but the enemies behind them were chasing too closely, and there was no chance of escaping back to the Heavenly Sword God Realm.

While escaping, Ye Liuli said to Luo Jun: "Now that Yuan Wuxin is dead, I have no regrets. I will rest where I am and wait for them to come. You take this opportunity to escape, there is still a glimmer of hope!"

The moment Yuan Wuxin died, everything was in a hurry!

In such a hurry, Ye Liuli had no time to rejoice, and Luo Jun was already injured. But Ye Liuli knew very well that if Luo Jun hadn't fulfilled his purpose, she wouldn't be able to kill Yuan Wuxin.

After Yuan Wuxin's death, Ye Liuli has been on the run nervously...

After hearing what Ye Liuli said, Luo Jun said: "We have already practiced spiritual practice, and you have also seen my memory. In my life, have you seen that I have abandoned my companions once?"

Ye Liuli was stunned for a moment, and then realized that what he said was indeed boring. He was not such a person in the first place.

Ye Liuli said: "Are we really at the end of our rope?"

Luo Jun said: "Of course not! Look for black holes and wormholes. There are endless mysteries in black holes and wormholes. We can hide in them and seek survival."

Ye Liuli knew that Luo Jun had a deep understanding of wormholes and black holes, so he immediately said: "Now it seems that this is the only way to survive."

Immediately I began to search for it.

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme continue to hunt Luo Jun and Ye Liuli, getting closer and closer to each other...

Seeing that they are almost catching up again.

Siamese Supreme felt a little uneasy in his heart and said: "The more I deal with these two brats, the more difficult it seems to kill them. This time it seems that they have no way out and no way out. But Tell me, will there be any accidents?"

Taiyi Supreme smiled bitterly and said: "Brother Siam, how long have you been dealing with him now? I died and came back to life in his hands. That's how scared I am of him. To be honest, I don't know. Is there anything else he can do this time. Hopefully, everything goes well and he can be killed successfully. In fact, Ye Liuli is not a threat at all. Death or immortality, it doesn't matter."

Siamese Supreme said: "That's right!"

Seeing that they were finally about to catch up with Luo Jun and Ye Liuli...

Suddenly, the two lost each other's trace and breath in the spiritual platform.

Luo Jun and Ye Liuli seemed to disappear out of thin air.

"This..." Siam Supreme was stunned and said: "Where is this trouble again?"

Taiyi Supreme said: "Brother Siam, don't be upset, they will not disappear for no reason. If we find the place where the breath disappears, we will know the whole story!"

Siamese Supreme nodded.

The two of them quickly chased after each other and soon arrived at the place where Luo Jun and Ye Liuli disappeared.

At this time, they fully understood why the other party's aura disappeared...

Because what they see in front of them is a...huge cosmic black hole.

The black hole is like a huge black lake...

It's like a black funnel in the universe... Countless cosmic energy, black matter, etc. sank toward the funnel.

It's more like a quicksand place in the desert, swallowing up all the quicksand.

"Going into the black hole?" Siamese Supreme wondered: "Are you seeking death?"

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