Super Security in the City

Chapter 4705: Deep in the black hole

Taiyi Supreme said: "Luo Jun has a deep understanding of black holes, and he also has the soul of wormholes. Wormholes and black holes are inseparable! They can jump into it, which just means that they are at the end of their rope and have no way out." gone."

Siamese Supreme said: "Then we want to go in?" Taiyi Supreme said: "Of course, now is the critical moment. There is nothing terrible about this black hole, isn't it just swallowing everything? But it wants to swallow you and me, but it's not so easy."

Siamese Supreme said: "That's good!"

The two of them then entered the black hole together.

Deep in the black hole, there is an endless suction and crushing force. After entering this black hole, the corrosive power and the crushing power squeeze in, and countless substances turn into black hole particles, and the black hole particles begin to strangle again...

After Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme entered the black hole, endless black hole particles strangled them.

The two quickly used their protective golden light to block these strangulations...

The deeper you go, the more powerful this particle strangulation becomes.

Taiyi Supreme said to Siamese Supreme: "In this black hole, any living thing will be crushed. We only need to search carefully to find the existence that is not crushed, that is where Luo Jun and Ye Liuli are. In addition, particles There are also rules for strangulation. If you find these rules, the strangulation damage caused by particles will not be so great."

Siam Supreme smiled slightly and said, "Brother Taiyi knows a lot."

Taiyi Supreme said: "This is all thanks to the memory of Xuan Zhenghao."

The two of them kept going deeper into the black hole.

Not long after, I found different material particles in the black hole. I was overjoyed at the moment, thinking that was where Luo Jun and Ye Liuli were.

Then, he quickly chased after him.

In the black hole, Luo Jun and Ye Liuli had recovered some energy. At this time, the two of them were still in a state of spiritual cultivation, because the divine power of Yin and Yang could provide them with many conveniences. Many unreasonable principles can be used to relieve constipation... This is the magic created by the combination of yin and yang.

Luo Jun knows a lot about black holes, so he takes the lead at this moment. He walks within the laws of black hole particle strangulation, which makes it much easier.

Luo Jun said to Ye Liuli, "They are indeed chasing us."

Ye Liuli was taken aback and communicated with his thoughts in his belly, saying, "Then what should we do?"

Luo Jun snorted coldly and said, "Now that we have come to this place, there is nothing to fear from them."

Ye Liuli breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems you are very confident."

Luo Jun said: "Even though these two guys have lived so long, when it comes to their understanding of the universe and black holes, they may not be as good as me."

Ye Liuli said: "I know you once owned a black hole crystal. Now, do you want to create an upgraded version of the black hole crystal based on the Zhouji gem, and at the same time create a super brain crystal?"

Luo Jun said: "I have indeed thought about this problem and recreated a black hole version of the Zhouji Gem. But doing so would violate my previous oath. Before the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram and the Zhouji Gem are solved, I really can’t build it anymore.”

Ye Liuli didn't quite understand and said, "My life is at stake right now."

Luo Jun said: "The bottom line cannot be broken. This is a rule I have set myself."

He felt that the super brain crystal was a terrible thing, and once abused, the consequences would be disastrous. If you always break your own rules whenever you encounter difficulties, then what is the difference between you and Chen Hongmeng?

Ye Liuli already understood Luo Jun's character and saw that he persisted, so he said no more.

Not long after, Tai Yi Supreme and Siam Supreme really caught up with them.

Luo Jun's strength had recovered a lot by this time, so he stopped hiding.

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme have obviously found some patterns in the black hole. When they came in front of Luo Jun, they seemed extremely relaxed.

When Luo Jun saw this, he not only frowned, but then sneered and said: "You two are really endless!"

Taiyi Supreme also sneered and said: "Don't you people on Earth have a saying that takes advantage of your illness to take your life? If I don't kill you today, will you wait until you regain your strength in the future and come to take our lives again?"

Luo Jun also knew that it was useless to beg for mercy now. No matter what both parties said, the other party would not believe it.

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme exchanged glances, and then they both attacked Luo Jun.

Around everyone, endless black hole particles are like the oven of heaven and earth, constantly strangulating.

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme's ancient thunder swords and Mo Lian Buddhist beads broke through the black hole particle strangulation and attacked Luo Jun with great fierceness. Luo Jun's figure quickly retreated, retreating within the laws of the black hole's movement. At the same time, he waved his palms to push more black hole particles towards the Mo Lian Buddha Bead and the Ancient Thunder God Sword Qi.


The black hole particles were like countless energy explosions, but at this time they were broken open by the Mo Lian Buddha Bead and the Ancient Thunder God Sword Qi, and they rushed toward Luo Jun's face extremely fast. Luo Jun brought out the Taichu Sword. With two consecutive swings of his sword, he chopped away the Mo Lian Buddha Bead and the Ancient Thunder God Sword...

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme were faster, and then they quickly attacked Luo Jun.

Luo Jun kept walking through the vortex of black hole particles, and at the same time he kept using his sword to resist.

The two sides fought very quickly...

Several attacks by Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme were also defused by Luo Jun. But in this black hole, the energy consumption between the two parties is extremely terrifying, and it is difficult to replenish the vitality of the universe.

Inside a black hole, there is no cosmic energy, and there is no way to absorb other surrounding matter. Because all matter and magnetic fields are shattered by black hole particles and absorbed deep into the atmosphere.

After Luo Jun fought with these two people, he felt that his body's vitality was severely depleted and he gradually felt tired.

If he hadn't understood black holes extremely well, he would have been defeated at this moment.

However, Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme seemed to be getting more and more courageous as they fought without any signs of fatigue. Luo Jun knew very well that the internal mana reserves of these two people were very strong...

After all, they are all old monsters who have lived for more than a billion years!

Luo Jun and Ye Liuli already felt that something was wrong.

Ye Liuli said in a deep voice: "If we continue to fight like this, we will still end up dead!"

Luo Jun said: "It seems that we can only continue to go deeper."

Ye Liuli couldn't help but worry and said: "Although you know about black holes, you only know about black holes within ten thousand miles. The deeper places are restricted areas for living beings!"

Luo Jun took a deep breath and said: "Standing there will lead to a dead end. If we go inside, even if we die, we will drag these two old dogs to death."

Ye Liuli said: "It doesn't matter if I die, but the burden on you is very heavy. Why don't you find a way to hide your body and aura, and then I will lead them deeper."

Luo Jun said: "Stop saying these useless words. Firstly, I can't hide my aura now. Secondly, how can I abandon you. When we are together, there is life. Once we separate, it will be a dead end."

As he spoke, he continued to drill deeper into the bottom of the black hole.

The Taiyi Supreme and the Siamese Supreme were also chasing after them.

The deeper you go, the more terrifying and powerful the strangulation power of black hole particles becomes.

Gradually, Luo Jun also felt extremely strenuous.

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme also noticed the terror around them, and felt fear in their hearts.

The Siamese Supreme felt fear and communicated to Taiyi Supreme: "Brother Taiyi, no one knows the secret deep in this black hole. If this continues, we are afraid that we will be in danger!"

Taiyi Supreme sneered and said: "If they can't hold on, they won't be able to hold on first. If we are not in a hurry, we will keep forcing them from behind and not give them a chance to look back. Sooner or later we will wear them out..."

Siamese Supreme said: "I'm afraid we won't be able to turn back by then!"

Taiyi Supreme said: "We continue to explore the laws of strangulation of black hole particles while retaining our vitality. In short, Brother Siam, we must kill this couple this time. If they survive here, we will not be able to survive in the future. Way to live."

Siamese Supreme nodded and said: "Okay, everything is up to you!"

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme continue to pursue each other.

Luo Jun and Ye Liuli had no choice but to continue flying towards the depths of the black hole.

Three more hours later, they had arrived at a depth of more than 30,000 meters in the black hole.

The strangulation of black hole particles in this place has reached an unimaginable level of brutality. Every strangulation is like a cosmic tsunami, as if it will completely crush everything in the world and the gods.

Luo Jun felt extremely strenuous and uncomfortable...

He was looking for rare patterns in the tsunami of black hole particles, trying to survive in the cracks, and his strength was almost exhausted.

It's like an ordinary person grabbing a tree in a tsunami and drifting with the waves. He wants to give up every moment, but he knows that once he gives up, he will be dead.

Every time I feel like I can't catch it, but I catch it magically.

Gradually, a feeling of suffocation came over me.

This feeling is really despairing. Because even if Tai Yi Supreme and Siam Supreme turned around and left at this moment, they seemed to have no strength to leave this ghost place.

You know, black holes tear toward the bottom.

It's like a frenzied tide of sand that keeps strangulating towards the depths, sinking...

In this case, it is extremely difficult to fly up.

In its heyday, it was not possible to fly up in this situation, let alone the current situation.

Luo Jun was completely unfamiliar with the black hole particles here, and found that the strangulation of these black hole particles was irregular and terrifying.

Ye Liuli has also been using her magic power to cooperate with him to resist.

At this time, Ye Liuli was already a little drowsy...

"Are we really going to die here?" Ye Liuli couldn't help but ask Luo Jun.

Luo Jun was extremely bitter and said: "'s a dead end!"

Ye Liuli said: "Hey, if I had known this, I shouldn't have had so many worries in the first place."

Luo Jun was slightly confused and said, "Huh?"

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