Super Security in the City

Chapter 4706: Trapped in two dimensions

Ye Liuli was also brave enough at this time, since people were about to die anyway! Then he said to Luo Jun: "If I had known this, I should have had **** with you. It's a pity that I still don't know what it's like to be a man." After hearing this, Luo Jun felt regretful, but even if he had the intention, he was powerless at this time. , smiled bitterly: "You should have told me earlier!"

Ye Liuli also found it funny.

After this interruption, the two's fear of death became less severe.

"If you are going to die here, just rush all the way down, as deep as you can. Even if you can drag Taiyi and Siam to death here, it will be good!" Luo Jun's heart suddenly moved. .

Ye Liuli naturally had no objection, and immediately said: "Okay!" After that, he asked again: "Do you regret it?"

Luo Jun was stunned. But I understand what she means...

Having fallen to this point, he has forgotten his main mission.

In this way, Chen Hongmeng can no longer be suppressed. In the future, the main body’s family may still be unable to escape death...

Luo Jun thought about it carefully, and finally said to Ye Liuli: "I don't know what I should regret? I have done everything I can do along the way. I have a clear conscience... I have no guilt! I have tried my best. As for the result, , it’s not something I can control.”

Ye Liuli sighed: "You are right, it's just a pity."

Luo Jun no longer thought about anything else and rushed towards the depths with all his strength.

At that moment, there were many thoughts in my mind.

Many things flashed through my mind like flashes of light.

Death is right in front of you, and there is no need to regret anything else.


Suddenly, the black hole particles in front of him changed. They actually passed through a large tunnel and then came to another place.

What we were there just now was filled with black hole particles strangled, overwhelming the sky, and blocking out the sun.

However, the place we arrived at was extremely strange, as if we were on a black curtain.

To be precise, it is the black ground. This ground is very vast and boundless. At a glance, it looks like a black and calm lake.

The lake is full of black particles. Luo Jun couldn't figure out what these particles were made of.

The only thing that made him relieved was that there were no more particles strangling him around. He finally doesn’t have to resist so hard anymore…

The whole person was relaxed.

It's just that he couldn't absorb the energy around him. At the same time, he wanted to take steps, but found that he couldn't move away at all.

His feet seemed to be nailed to the black ground below.

Although there are countless particles on the ground, they are motionless, as if they are under a glass cover. The glass cover is extremely smooth...

Luo Jun wanted to use his magic power and pull out his feet, but there seemed to be heaven, earth, stars, and the universe above him, suppressing him, making his body extremely heavy.

At the same time, there was an invisible pressure pressing on him.

The feet continued to sink downward.

"What's going on?" Luo Jun was surprised.

Ye Liuli also noticed this situation and turned pale with horror.

Completely irresistible.

Ye Liuli asked Luo Jun, "Should we separate?"

Luo Jun had a flash of inspiration in his mind and said: "No, if there is anything different between you and me, this current state of yin and yang spiritual cultivation is the only difference."

Ye Liuli nodded and said, "Okay!"

Luo Jun looked at his feet and immediately found that his feet actually... appeared inside the black glass cover.

Moreover, the feet are no longer three-dimensional, but are displayed in a flat portrait.

The pressure above is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole person is sinking into the glass cover below.

Then the two legs completely entered it and finally became part of the portrait.

Luo Jun was horrified.

Ye Liuli couldn't figure out what was going on...

He felt no pain in his legs, or even in his whole body.

"What on earth is going on?" Ye Liuli was puzzled and could not hide the panic in her voice.

Luo Jun's eyes flashed and he said, "I understand, this is... a two-dimensional space."

"Two-dimensional space?" Ye Liuli said: "Are we going to be compressed into two-dimensional creatures?"

Luo Jun said: "It seems so."

"Why is it two-dimensional, not three-dimensional, four-dimensional, or even five-dimensional?" Ye Liuli couldn't understand.

Luo Jundao: "Because this universe is a four-dimensional space, and we are three-dimensional creatures. So it can only compress us towards lower dimensions."

Ye Liuli said: "It seems we are still in a dead end?"

Luo Jun said: "No matter what, it is better than being strangled into particles immediately."

His body gradually sank into the glass cover. After a while, Luo Jun's entire body entered the portrait and became a paper figure inside the black glass cover.

Inside the black glass cover, endless particles exist.

Luo Jun is still very obvious in this, but he is completely motionless, just like the man in the painting.

At this time, Luo Jun's consciousness was still intact.

And it can barely drive mana inside the body...

He understood that it was because of his and Ye Liuli's yin and yang spiritual cultivation that he was able to transcend.

Otherwise, it would have been motionless.

As long as the body is completely motionless and the magic power cannot circulate, it will be slowly compressed into particles.

Although Luo Jun couldn't see clearly what he looked like, he could imagine what he had become.

At the same time, there was a sudden explosion from above, and two more people came down.

Those two people were none other than Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme who had been chasing them all the way.

When Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme were chasing halfway, they suddenly found that there was no trace of Luo Jun in front of them. The two of them were suddenly surprised...

After Siam Supreme reacted, he said: "Has it been strangled by black hole particles?"

Taiyi Supreme said: "Not necessarily, what if there is an escape route below?"

Siamese Supreme said: "Isn't this impossible?"

Taiyi Supreme said: "Go and have a look, it will make you feel at ease. If there is no way down below, you can be sure that he and Ye Liuli are really dead."

Siamese Supreme said: "You are too cautious."

Taiyi Supreme smiled slightly and said: "After living for so long, we finally understand a truth. That is, accidents are everywhere. If you don't see it with your own eyes, everything is possible!"

Siamese Supreme said: "Okay!"

So the two chased him all the way down. Even later, they tried to stop but couldn't, and finally fell into this two-dimensional space.

After entering the two-dimensional space, the two of them saw Luo Jun in the two-dimensional space. Luo Jun was like a picture scroll, motionless.

"What's going on?" Siamese Supreme was surprised when he saw this.

Taiyi Supreme wanted to take action, but suddenly found that his feet were pinned to the ground. When he was circulating the magic power in his body, he suddenly found that he could not move and the magic power in his body was completely suppressed.

The same goes for Siam Supreme.

The two of them couldn't help but turn pale with horror.

At the same time, Siam Supreme and Tai Yi Supreme also felt that their bodies were changing.

That feeling is very mysterious, wonderful, and difficult to describe!

It's like feeling that your body is turning into plastic. They felt that their Tianyou particles began to harden, then turned into black hole particles, and were then absorbed by the two-dimensional space.

The two of them watched as their feet were sucked in, then their thighs, and then their entire bodies!

Throughout the entire process, there was not a trace of resistance.

Not long after, the Siam Supreme and Taiyi Supreme were all sucked into the two-dimensional space and turned into endless black hole particles.

It's like they have never been in this world!

As for Luo Jun, he continued to maintain the appearance of the scroll.

Time seems to no longer exist.

At least for this black hole and two-dimensional space, it seems that they do not exist.

But time still exists for Luo Jun.

Because at this moment, his thoughts are still there, so the time is also there.

Luo Jun does not want to sit still and wait for death. His life motto is that as long as he is not dead, he will always fight for the last glimmer of life.

At the same time, Luo Jun felt that his hands and feet were beginning to... format.

It was his and Ye Liuli's mana that had been resisting this formatted invasion.

Ye Liuli asked Luo Jun: "You have always been full of wit, is there any way to resolve it now?"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly: "I'm observing."

Ye Liuli said: "Anyway, there is nothing I can do." Then he asked: "Did you observe anything?"

Luo Jun said: "The mysteries in this universe and even the multiverse are really endless. I never thought that there would be such a two-dimensional space inside a black hole... It seems that the universe we are in is a four-dimensional space. Is it possible? The four dimensions are only what we can see...and the main place where Hongmeng Dao goes is the fifth dimension, or even the sixth dimension, the seventh dimension, the eighth dimension, etc.? So what is the highest dimension?"

Ye Liuli said: "This question is too profound and I can't answer it. Now let's think about it, how to escape from danger?"

Luo Jundao: "If we want to escape, we must think outside the box. Compared with two dimensions, we are in a higher dimension. But now we are still trapped in it, which shows that we cannot look at this problem from a high dimension."

Ye Liuli said: "Why can two dimensions trap three-dimensional creatures like us?"

Luo Jun said: "As long as the quantity is large enough, ants can also swallow elephants!"

Ye Liuli knows the earth's culture well, and he also knows about ants and elephants. He said: "So now we are elephants, and these black hole particles are ants..."

Luo Jun said: "Sadly, we should not be considered elephants. And these black hole particles are more powerful than ants, so our situation is even worse."

Ye Liuli said: "Tell me, is there a one-dimensional space below the two-dimensional space? What is after the one-dimensional space? Nothingness?"

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