Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1422: Conquest (more than 4200 words)

Remember [] for a second,!

"Hahaha, fellow Daoist Qingyang is joking!"

Ying Shan laughed loudly.

"I'm not joking. I'm here for real."

Yu Guihai said calmly.

"My Heavenly Dragon Realm didn't offend your Excellency, did I?"

The smile on Ying Shan's face slowly cooled down, and he asked coldly.

At the same time, a mysterious signal was sent from him and spread to a crystal palace deep in the sea.


"Who is it? Who dares to challenge the majesty of Tianlong?"

A huge dragon figure swam out of the palace and raised an angry roar in the sky.

Then a voice sounded in the hearts of all the dragon people, "There is a strong enemy attacking, quickly gather."


"Ha ha!"

The powerhouses of the Zunzun dragon family have put down what they were doing and gathered in the direction of the summons.

Since then, it is natural that the movement is huge, but Yu Guihai does not see it.

He is not afraid of the gathering of the dragon people at all, but let it go, so that it can be done all at once, so that it will not be too troublesome to find them one by one.

Yu Guihai dared to do this, but he was not arrogant. Rather have strong self-confidence.

He was on the tenth floor of the real fairyland before, and his strength was comparable to the early stage of the mysterious fairyland. Now he has been continuously promoted to the second floor of the mysterious fairyland, and his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, at least in the middle stage of the mysterious fairyland.

It is impossible for him to be hindered by a middle-stage Xuanxianjian and an early-stage Xuanxianjing in the Tianlong realm.

Yu Guihai chuckled and said to Shan: "You Heavenly Dragon Realm didn't offend me. But they blocked my way. However, you don't have to be hostile. It's not a bad thing for your dragon family to submit to me. "

"Hahaha, how arrogant! You came to provoke me for no reason, and you asked me not to be hostile. What a joke! Today, I must let you know that my Tianlong Realm is not easy to mess with!" Ying Shan laughed wildly, Angrily shouted.

"Humph! You little snake man really knows what to do! My master can take a fancy to your Heavenly Dragon Realm, which is a great blessing for your dragon people. You don't know what to do!" He sneered and reprimanded.

"Hehe, do you think our dragon people are as weak and incompetent as you are, and want us to kneel down? Sorry, our spines are not that old!" Ying Shan sneered and confronted each other.

"You are eloquent and don't know how to respect the old man. I will discipline you for Ying Zhong Hai first." Lao Yun snorted coldly, and a terrifying white cloud shot out with a wave of his hand.

"I'm afraid you won't succeed! Just let me weigh it, you old man still has some strength!" Yingshan roared wildly, his body suddenly increased, and a layer of hard blue-black scales appeared on his body, rich blue Black mist automatically appeared around his body.


As soon as the white cloud touched the blue-black mist outside Yingshan, a huge explosion of thunder broke out. The two forces eroded each other. It was obvious that the white cloud had the upper hand and quickly eroded the blue-black mist towards the Yingshan. Attack away.

"Good old dog!" Ying Shan shouted angrily, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body, and the blue-black mist on his body instantly increased sharply, which was able to withstand the white cloud.

"It's a bit of a skill, but unfortunately it's not enough!" Lao Yun sneered, and a more powerful terrifying force poured out of his body, which broke the deadlock in an instant and quickly wiped out the blue-black air.

"Open it for me!"

At this moment, Ying Shan finally realized the huge gap between himself and Lao Yun, and immediately struck the strongest blow in shock and anger. on the group.


The blue-black flame was so powerful that it exploded in an instant, and even the white cloud couldn't bear it, and broke a hole directly.

Upon seeing this, Yingshan instantly transformed into a cyan light and escaped from this opening.

"Hey! Want to run? It's too late!"

Lao Yun sneered, waved his hand suddenly, and a larger white cloud burst out, trapping Ying Shan again in an instant.

bang bang bang~~~

There was a violent roar from the white cloud, and it was Ying Shan who was trying to break the ban with all his strength. But it's a pity that this white cloud is so tough that it can't be blasted again.

The old cloud sneered. His white cloud was transformed from a heavenly spiritual treasure, combined with his pure immortal essence far exceeding the ordinary level of the same level, once a powerhouse of the same level was trapped, it was basically impossible to escape by himself.

This Yingshan, he is determined to eat!

"Your Excellency Lao Yun, please be merciful!"

Suddenly a gentle voice came, followed by a blue Ruyi flying from the sky and smashing towards the white cloud.


The white cloud burst open with a sound, and a blue light flew out from it, falling into the distance and turning into the figure of Yingshan. His state is a little embarrassed, the spirit armor on his body has been broken, his face is a little pale, and his eyes are glaring at Lao Yun.

Beside him stood an old man with gray hair. The old man had dragon horns on his head, scales on his neck, and his breath was like a sea.

"Ying Zhonghai!" Lao Yun said solemnly when he saw this person.

"Your Excellency Lao Yun is a senior when he talks about his age, so why is it embarrassing for a kid. Should you give me an explanation on this matter?"

The ancestor of the Dragon Clan, Ying Zhonghai, had a calm tone, but everyone could hear the terror suppressed under this calm. If there is a disagreement, it will definitely provoke a thunderous attack from this person.

However, Yu Guihai is here to find fault. This is the person he was waiting for. Since the Lord has come out, it is time for him to take action.

"Haha, Ying Zhonghai, do you want to take the initiative to surrender, or let me subdue."

Yu Guihai said with a faint smile.

"Hahaha, Lao Long, I have lived in the Heavenly Dragon Realm for a long time. I am lonely and ignorant. I didn't expect that an arrogant person like Your Excellency would appear outside. Let me experience your methods."

When Ying Zhonghai heard this, he could no longer suppress his anger, and laughed instead. As soon as the voice fell, it suddenly turned into a red light and shot towards Yu Guihai.

The red light exudes a terrifying avenue of power, which contains the scorching aura of burning everything, and the surrounding void is sizzling with burning, showing twisted ripples.

Seeing this, Lao Yun's complexion changed greatly, this level of power was beyond his scope of coping. If he is under this move, it is absolutely difficult to resist.

There was a hint of surprise on Yu Guihai's face. The power of this red light has reached the top level in the middle stage of the Xuanxian realm. This should be Zhong Hai, without saying a word, he has used all his strength!

However, he was not afraid at all.

Just raised his hand and grabbed the red light in his hand. The red light twisted violently for a while, and soon it showed its original shape, which was a red fire dragon.

The fire dragon's neck was tightly grasped by Yu Guihai, letting the terrifying flames radiate from his body, struggling desperately, but unable to break free.

"Are you still obsessed with Daoist Ying Zhonghai?"

Yu Guihai looked at the fire dragon with anger in his eyes and said lightly.

Ying Zhonghai, who was forced out of his original shape, was shocked and angry. He already knew that this Qingyang was not easy, so as soon as they met, he directly unleashed his strongest blow, trying to catch this person by surprise and win the chance.

But he didn't expect that this person's strength was unexpected. His strongest blow didn't even hurt a single hair on the opponent. Instead, he let himself go directly to the door and was subdued by him.

At this time, when he heard Yu Guihai's words, he would rather die than give up if Zhong Hai's qi and blood were on the line, but he saw Yu Guihai's eyes at a glance.

That look has neither joy nor sorrow, it seems that there is no joy, anger or sorrow, and it is as profound as the void of the universe, which makes people fall into it.

Ying Zhonghai's heart sank instantly, his mind cleared, and cold sweat broke out from his body.

He can't see the details of this person at all, he doesn't seem to have any feelings at all, and everything in the world seems to be ignored by him. Even if the creatures of the entire Heavenly Dragon Realm hindered him, they would probably just be treated as a stone blocking the way, kicked away and shattered directly, without even causing the opponent's heart to fluctuate.

This made his thought of putting out a few harsh words instantly vanished.

"I am willing to surrender!" Ying Zhonghai said immediately and meekly.

At this time, many strong dragon people came one after another, but they did not expect to see their ancestors being caught in the hands like a small snake, and humiliatingly said the words of surrender.

But none of them dared to make a different voice. Because they all know that this strong man has the strength to decide the life and death of their race.


Yu Guihai nodded, and as soon as he let go, the fire dragon fell directly to the ground, turning into an old man and knelt down.

"The dragon family, from now on, submit to the master and never betray!" Ying Zhonghai said respectfully.

Then, he looked at the dragon son Longsun in the distance, and yelled at him, "What are you doing? Why don't you come and see the master!"

Many dragon people powerhouses looked at each other in dismay, and had no choice but to go forward and bow down, Shanhu greeted the master!

Yu Guihai was very happy, and immediately said that the dragon people can submit to him, and there is no need to be a slave. He just accepted several Xuanxian from the Dragon Clan as his disciples.

He immediately settled in the secret place of the Dragon Race, learned all the secret techniques collected by the Dragon Race, and searched all the treasures and secrets of the Dragon Race, and then searched for a place to retreat, ready to continue to improve his cultivation.

As for the dragon people, everything is the same as before, except for the addition of a master on the head, the others are no different from before.


rumbling rumble~~~

rumbling rumbling~~~~

The terrifying robbery thunder resounded in the sky, and Yu Guihai once again began to cross the robbery. He was breaking through the third floor of the Xuanxianjing and advancing to the fourth floor.

At this time, more than a year has passed since he conquered the Tianlong Realm. During this period, he has already raised his cultivation base once, and raised his cultivation base to the third floor of the Xuanxian Realm.

Now he is about to break through again!

In the distance, a respected powerhouse watched the battle with a dignified face, including the dragon man powerhouse and the big disciple Lao Yun.

"Senior brother, why does Master make such continuous breakthroughs?" Ying Zhonghai asked in shock.

It was the first time he had seen such a situation, and even in the historical records, no one could break through so quickly.

"Hehe, I don't know either. According to my estimation, the master may have been injured by the supreme, and now he has recovered, so his cultivation has improved rapidly, and it may not be long before he can reach the position of supreme." Lao Yun smiled and put his guess. Say it.

This kind of thing must be shared with people who are equal to you, so that others will be shocked, otherwise you will feel uncomfortable in your heart.

"What? Really?" Sure enough, Ying Zhonghai and the other strong dragon people heard the words, their eyes widened, and they were extremely shocked.

"How else can there be fakes? Apart from this situation, can Junior Brother think of anything else?" Lao Yun replied.

"Indeed!" Ying Zhonghai nodded in approval. His face became more and more shocked, but also ecstatic. This is a supreme one. I have become a supreme disciple, let's see who else dares to look down on the dragon people in the future.


Yu Guihai didn't know anything else, he only knew about transcending tribulation.

One after another tribulation thunder fell and was resolved by him one after another. Now that he has adapted to this kind of tribulation thunder, it is nothing more than a little stronger in power than before. Facing his lightning resistance, he can no longer pose too much threat.

He devoured all the tribulation thunders, and easily survived this catastrophe. His cultivation base was successfully promoted to the middle stage of Mysterious Immortal Realm, and his strength increased sharply.

The robbery clouds dissipated, and everyone swarmed over, kneeling on the ground to congratulate.

"Congratulations to Master, congratulations to Master, great achievement, immortal blessings will be enjoyed forever!"


Yu Guihai was speechless, why does this slogan look like a big villain?

"Let's all get up. Today, my cultivation base is higher, and I am in high spirits. I am ready to sweep the surrounding worlds in one fell swoop. What do you think?"

Yu Guihai said lightly.

"That's right! I am willing to be the vanguard, and win all the worlds as a gift for the master!" Lao Yun and Ying Zhonghai said in unison.

"Okay! Come with me!"

Yu Guihai waved his hand arrogantly, and took Lao Yun, Ying Zhonghai and Ying Shan, a group of four to set off!


In the Wanchuan Realm, on the vast land, countless rivers run vertically and horizontally, forming a network of staggered water veins. These water veins are connected with the veins of the earth to form an incomparably terrifying array, called the Great Array of Wanchuan Returning to the Spirit.

Once this great formation is activated, it is enough to make the super powerhouses in the late stage of the Mysterious Immortal Realm retreat.

The strength of the Tianhe faction that masters this world is not weak, and no one is usually provoked. This great formation has not been used for hundreds of thousands of years.

However, today, this great formation has started!

The countless water nets on the ground exude the terrifying power of the Milky Way, condensing the terrifying waterway that destroys the world and destroys the earth.

But the four figures above were not afraid at all.

"Who is Your Excellency? Why do you want to invade my Wanchuan Realm? Daoist Lao Yun, Daoist Ying, why are you acting like a tiger?"

Under the support of the great formation, a tall old man shouted loudly.

He did not immediately launch a large-scale attack, because this large-scale deterrence is more important than actual combat. It's best to scare them away.

"Hehe, old man Tianhe, this one is my master, the supreme one. I advise you to surrender immediately, this is the creation of your clan." Ying Zhonghai said with a laugh.

"You are really fascinated by ghosts. Since it doesn't make sense, then try our Wanchuan Guiling Great Array!" The old man Tianhe shouted angrily when he heard the He immediately launched a large array to bombard the four come.

The tyrannical power of the big array can make Lao Yun three people tremble with fear. They can't stop this kind of power no matter what, and they can only pin their hopes on the master.

"Hehe, then let you be convinced!"

Yu Guihai laughed, and with a casual throw, a net bag flew down.

The net pocket became bigger in the sky, and soon turned into a colorful net that covered the sky and the sun, and thick net wires staggered and enveloped the void.

The terrifying power of restraint spilled down.

"What's the matter? Where's my power?"

"My immortal essence can't move anymore."

"Divine Sense can't be used either, what's going on?"

Below, many disciples of the Tianhe Sect exclaimed one after another, causing chaos.

Even the disciples of the abbot Wanchuan Guiling Great Array were suppressed with all their strength. As a result, the incomparably powerful formation collapsed in an instant!

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