Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1423: Zen Ceremony (more than 4200 words)

Remember [] for a second,!

"What treasure is this?"

The old man Tianhe was shocked when he saw this scene.

He clearly felt that the power in his body was also strongly suppressed, and the activation was very slow, and it could not be used for battle at all. That is to say, as soon as the other party's treasure came out, he suppressed the entire Tianhe Gang from top to bottom!

Such strength, is it?

The old man Tianhe suddenly thought of a possibility, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

He hurriedly begged for mercy: "Zuncha also asked to accept the magical powers, I am willing to come down!"

"It's not over if you surrender early! Why should you suffer this crime!"

Yu Guihai chuckled lightly, and then stretched out his hand, the colorful net that covered the sky and the sun instantly flew up and shrank at the same time, and instantly turned into a ball of colorful light and flew into his hand and disappeared.

"Meet your honorable car." The old man of Tianhe brought the other two powerhouses from the mysterious fairyland to the door.

Yu Guihai nodded and said with a chuckle: "As long as you submit to me, I will not treat you badly. In the future, you only need to worship me as a teacher. This is the case with several of them."

The old man Tianhe was slightly stagnant when he heard the words. He thought that he would be a slave and a servant in the future, but he didn't expect that he would ask himself to be a teacher. It's just that he has his own inheritance of the Tianhe School, so it's not good to worship outsiders as teachers!

His hesitation immediately aroused Lao Yun's dissatisfaction. He immediately said coldly: "Tianhe, why are you hesitating? It's your good fortune that you can worship under the master's door, you don't want to be ignorant!"

When the old man Tianhe heard the words, he was suddenly shocked. Things have reached such a situation, and it is useless to keep a little restraint.

He immediately knelt down and said: "Disciple pays respects to Master!"

"very good!"

Yu Guihai nodded, and then ordered: "Go and prepare all the secret techniques you have collected. I want to refer to it."

"Yes!" The old man Tianhe did not refuse, nor did he allow him to refuse.

Afterwards, the old man of Tianhe handed over the inheritance of the Tianhe School and various secret techniques collected over the years.

Their research on the avenue of water travel is indeed unique, which makes Yu Guihai a little amazed. Afterwards, he scoured the secret treasures of the Tianhe faction and obtained a lot of treasures.

However, Yu Guihai didn't stop there too much. After searching for a while, he took everyone to Xijijie.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped out of the cross-border gate of Xijijie, he was instantly attacked by a tyrannical and terrifying attack, which made both Ying Zhonghai and the old man Tianhe, who were in the middle stage of Mysterious Immortal Realm, terrified.

"How dare you wait?"

Everyone roared, and a surging immortal essence burst out.

However, after all, one party came prepared, and the other party was caught off guard. Moreover, in terms of strength comparison, aside from Yu Guihai, the strength of the other people was really not as strong as the three factions in the Xiji world.

Each of the three major factions of Xijijie has a powerful middle-stage Xuanxianjian, plus one or two early-stage Xuanxianjing experts. In this way, there are three middle-stage Xuanxianjian and five early-stage Xuanxianjian in total.

And Yu Guihai's subordinates only have two middle-stage Xuanxianjian and four early-stage Xuanxianjing.

What's more, everyone in Xijijie has a powerful formation to assist, and the strength that erupted as a whole, even the powerhouses in the late stage of Xuanxianjing would not dare to take it hard.

Therefore, everyone only supported for a moment, and then the protection was broken by the opponent's attack.


The incomparably powerful power instantly poured down. Everyone's expression changed, and under this kind of attack, they would be hit hard.

At this moment, a terrifying breath rose into the sky.


The terrifying aura directly pierced the attack of everyone in the Nishiji world like a sharp blade.

Then a sea of ​​immortal essence emerged, directly swept away the surrounding attacks.

There were bursts of exclamations in the distance, and all the nearby restrictions were cleared, revealing the nearby scenery.

However, they saw that there were three people occupying one place in the distance, surrounding the gate of cross-border.

These three parties have different clothes and logos, and they are the three major factions of the Xiji world. Judging from the appearance of their common enemy, it is obvious that they have already received the news, so they have temporarily joined forces with the public.

This is also the reason why the three major factions have always been able to gain a firm foothold in the Xiji world. They fight within each other, and they will never collude with foreign enemies. Once there is an external force to deal with Xijijie, the three major factions will instantly unite and unite to the outside world.

Their combined strength is enough to make any powerful force shy away.

But today, they met an opponent.

Yu Guihai personally took action, defeated the joint attack of the three factions in one fell swoop, and swept away all the powerful prohibition formations that the three factions had worked so hard to set up nearby.

Its powerful strength instantly made the masters of the three factions raise their vigilance.

"Everyone, I'm afraid we have encountered a powerful enemy. This kind of power is probably the powerhouse in the late stage of Xuanxianjing." A white-haired old man sighed with a solemn expression. This person is the Supreme Elder of the Chaos Sect, Chaos Xingsha.

"That's right. I think we might not be our opponents. The opponent's move just now is enough to sweep us all." Another old man said with a gloomy expression. He is Wu Tiandou, the head of Xingchenmen!

"I have a plan to keep me safe." The third person was a middle-aged man with a smile, and he said with confidence. This person is Jin Maitian, the suzerain of the Heavy Metal Sect.

"Oh? Fellow Daoist Jin, let's talk about it." Luan Xingsha was surprised when he heard the words.

Wu Tiandou also listened attentively, wanting to see what tricks this powerful man on the same level had.

Other low-level powerhouses are even more confident. In particular, the disciples of the Heavy Metal Sect raised their heads and raised their chests, showing pride on their faces.

Jin Maitian said with a smug look on his face when he heard the words: "Then there is only surrender!"


The crowd fell silent. What a lousy idea!

This time, the disciples of the Heavy Metal Sect all looked ashamed and lowered their heads. Faceless!

Jin Maitian didn't care at all, and said lightly: "I waited to help each other before and agreed to the outside world, that is because the enemy is not strong enough. Let me ask you, if a Supreme Being comes, will you surrender or not?"

Wu Tiandou smirked when he heard the words, and asked, "You miser, if the Supreme came, I would definitely surrender, but are these people the Supreme?"

"Hehe, then you don't know. You should know that money can communicate with the gods. I have already bribed the other party's people and found very top-secret information. This Qingyang Immortal Venerable is a supreme one. Otherwise, you Do you think those hard-boned dragons and the Tianhe faction will surrender so easily?" Jin Maitian laughed.

"What? Impossible, right?" Wu Tiandou and the others looked at Yu Guihai in the distance in surprise.

Although this person is powerful, he cannot see the slightest strength of the Supreme Being.

At this time, Yu Guihai said, "Hehe, the fairyland has been divided for too long, why don't all the fellow daoists surrender and join together to recreate the grand occasion of the fairyland in the past."

He had already heard the conversation of the three, and was very surprised by Jin Maitian's words. He didn't expect that this person had already planned to surrender. The previous siege was a temptation.

If they can follow, they will most likely surrender. If it doesn't follow, they won't be so easy to talk to. Even if it is the Supreme, if there is no strength, it will not be seen by others.

Everyone in the Xiji world is still arguing, and there is no consensus on the surrender. Even the majority disagreed with the surrender.

Seeing this, Yu Guihai didn't say much, and immediately waved his hand, a colorful brilliance shot out, and the volley turned into a giant net to cover all the people of the three factions.

The terrifying power of the ban fell, and the three factions lost their resistance.

Knowing this time, they realized how powerful Yu Guihai was, and they all scrambled to beg for mercy.

Yu Guihai spared everyone as usual, and then searched all the three major factions, and obtained seven or eight Mysterious Immortal Realm exercises and countless treasures.


On a giant mountain in the center of Xijijie, Yu Guihai stood on the top of the mountain and looked into the distance. Behind him stood a dozen or so experts from the Mysterious Immortal Realm, all of whom had already worshipped him as his teacher.

After a long time, he turned around and instructed: "I'm about to go to Tainan Realm and accept Tainan Realm. Lao Yun will go with me. You guys will go to conquer the nearby Little Immortal Realm. After all the conquests, lead all Xuanxianjian experts to go there. Tainan Realm will reconcile with me!"

Everyone didn't know the agreement between Tainan Xianweng and Yu Guihai, and when they heard this, they were all surprised. I don't know why my master suddenly wanted to occupy the Tainan Realm.

The Tainan Realm is the hub of all realms. Once it is occupied, I am afraid that all forces will join forces to target it!

However, they did not persuade.

Although everyone was forced to apprentice by Yu Guihai, Yu Guihai did not leave any means of control. Whether everyone is loyal or not, there is no need to consider at all, there must be Xiao Jiujiu.

Maybe they all want Yu Guihai to die in Tainan Realm, and then they can return to freedom.

"Disciple obeys!" Everyone said in unison.

Afterwards, Yu Guihai took Lao Yun into the gate of cross-border.

"Master, I'm afraid these junior brothers are not sincere! Why doesn't Master exert control over them?" After leaving, Lao Yun asked suspiciously.

"Haha. Don't worry. I have my own opinion. Sooner or later, they will be loyal to me and will never betray me." Yu Guihai laughed.

Lao Yun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and now he completely believed what Yu Guihai said. Yu Guihai was omnipotent in his heart.


In Tainan Realm, Tainan Valley, Yu Guihai met Tainan Xianweng again.

At this time, the Tainan Xianweng had become extremely old, and the appearance of the five declines of heaven and man appeared on his body.

"Fellow Daoist," Yu Guihai showed a hint of concern, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Tainan Xianweng's wave.

"Fellow Daoist Qingyang, listen to me first."

"The old man has reached the limit, and he will die within ten days. Now all the powerful players of the major forces have come to Tainan City. As long as the old man dies, they will start to fight for the control of Tainan Realm." Tainan Xianweng finished, Take a few breaths.

"Do you have any plans, fellow Daoist?" Yu Guihai asked.

"Yes, I am going to hold a Zen Ceremony in Tainan City three days later, and give you the Tainan Realm. However, there will definitely be many powerful people making trouble at that time, and fellow Taoists will need to take action to suppress. The old man wants to ask. Are you confident? If not, it is not too late for fellow Daoists to leave. It is better than setting yourself on fire." Tainan Xianweng said.

"I'm ready, fellow daoists just follow the plan. To be honest with fellow daoists, the Tianlong Realm, Wanchuan Realm, Xiji Realm and the nearby Little Immortal Realm in the southwest have all been under my control." Yu Guihai calmly said. said.

"What? Haha, well, I knew fellow Daoist would not let me down!" Tainan Xianweng's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and then he laughed.

Immediately, he made a sound transmission. Not long after, Nagumo came over.

"I have seen Master, and I have seen fellow Daoist Qingyang!"

"Fellow Daoist Nanyun!" Yu Guihai nodded slightly.

"Yun'er, you go to prepare, and help the teacher to announce an event. Three days later, the Zen Ceremony will be held in Tainan City. The teacher should give up the position of Tainan Realm Lord to Qingyang Daoist friend!" Tainan Xianweng commanded.

"What? Obey!" Nan Yunzi was shocked when he heard the words, and then agreed again.

He did not expect that the master would actually hand over the Tainan Realm to others. But as long as the Master's orders, he will implement them without compromise. As for handing over the Tainan Realm to others, he doesn't care, because he knows that he can't keep it.

However, a worry flashed across his face. I just don't know if my brother can let it go.


In Tainan City, a shocking news spread quickly, attracting everyone's attention.

"Three days later, the Zen Ceremony? Hehe."

In the dark secret room, a figure woke up from meditation and said with a cold smile.

Then, he got up and left the secret room.

Undercurrents began to surge, and the powerhouses of the major forces gathered one after another, quietly waiting for three days later.

Three days passed quickly. There was a tall stone platform in the center of Tainan City. Above the stone platform was a wide square, surrounded by seats for viewing.

Now there are some people sitting in these seats, and they all exude a strong mysterious fairyland atmosphere, and there are even some powerhouses in the middle stage of the mysterious fairyland.

Not long after, a stone gate at the back of the square burst open, and a group of people walked out.

The leader was an extremely old man who was sitting in a wheelchair, with Nan Yunzi pushing behind him. Another handsome young man walked on the side.

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect that Tainan Xianweng had become like this. This looks like the five declines of heaven and man, and the limit is approaching. No wonder there is a rush to hold a Zen Ceremony.

such a pity. Its two disciples are not up to the mark, and they simply do not have the strength to stand up to the Tainan Realm.

Nan Yunzi pushed his wheelchair to the side of the square, Tainan Xianweng looked around and said loudly: "Thank you for coming to participate in the old man's Zen Ceremony. Now I announce that the position of Tainan Realm World Lord will be relinquished here. A fellow Daoist."

Yu Guihai had already told Nan Yunzi his real name. After all, it would be too much to hide the other party's words at this time.

As soon as Tainan Xianweng's voice, the audience suddenly burst into an uproar.

They thought that Tainan Xianweng would pass the world master to a certain disciple, but they did not expect to pass it on to this strange young man.

However, someone soon recognized Yu Guihai's identity.

"This person is Qingyangzi who has recently gained fame. I don't know where he came from, but he dares to get involved in this muddy water." Someone questioned

"Hehe, no matter what his origins are, this time I'm afraid he will have a big somersault." Someone sneered.

"What does the Taoist friend seem to know?" someone asked.

"Hehe, there is nothing to keep secret. This time, the ten realms such as Lu Shengjie, Xuantian realm, and Chongshan realm have reached an agreement, and in the future, all realms in the Tainan realm will govern together. You said that this Qingyangzi can fight against the ten realms. and its affiliates?" the man replied.

"What? There is such a thing? It's a pity. I'm afraid that Qingyangzi will not end well!" Another person said regretfully.

At this moment, there was a sudden shout from the sky.

"I don't agree to this!"

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