Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1439: The harvest of Rongfangdian (more than 4000 words)

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Yu Guihai left Lu Rongfang Cave Mansion, and he still had a lot of doubts about his attitude.

Judging from Lu Rongfang's attitude and what he said when he mentioned Lu Linsheng, at the beginning, the death battle between the two brothers should have been hidden. I am afraid that only the two of them know the details.

No, maybe only Lu Rongfang knew about it. Nine times out of ten, Lu Linsheng didn't know the inside story.

Because if Lu Linsheng is really still Lu Linsheng, it is impossible to deceive him, but he has never told him what is hidden in it before. This matter is either that Lu Linsheng is not the main soul of that body, or he does not know the secret.

Yu Guihai didn't care too much about this question, he put it down after a little thought. The grievances and grievances of others have nothing to do with him, he only needs to ensure the safety of Lu Linsheng. All he wanted here was what was in the stone temple.

"How about it?"

Lu Jingtian greeted him with a sigh of relief. At least it seems that the two did not have any conflict.

"It was a pleasure to talk. Ancestor Rong Fang intends to release his suspicions with Lin Sheng." Yu Guihai said lightly.

"That's great! It's all a family, that's how it should be." Lu Jingtian was very happy to hear that.

After all, if the two ancestors were to let go of their past suspicions, then the Lu family would have three powerhouses at the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, and all of them were of the highest strength. At that time, unifying the worlds is not an unrealizable dream.

"Well. I'm going to the stone hall on the left." Yu Guihai nodded and said.

"Here, the requirement for the stone hall on the left is that there must be ancestor Rong Fang's yin refining bloodline. Master should be more careful. If you can't do it, you can ask ancestor Rong Fang for advice, and don't force it." Lu Jingtian hesitated and reminded. road.

He was not afraid that Yu Guihai would be injured by the ban, but that he was worried that Yu Guihai would destroy this stone temple. Their bloodline is all the bloodline of Rong Fang's ancestors, and the role of this stone hall is indispensable to them.

"Don't worry, I will be careful." Yu Guihai promised and walked to the temple gate on the left.

When he came to the door, he also felt a strange breath sweeping over his body, and the door of the stone hall opened immediately, revealing a dark doorway.

Yu Guihai looked at it intently, but he couldn't see through the darkness inside the door. He didn't hesitate, and then stepped into the doorway, disappearing into the darkness. The stone gate closed immediately.


The stone hall on the right is full of terrifying and demonic energy, like a demon world, and this stone hall is filled with incomparably rich yin and ghost energy. Looking at the ghosts and shadows, all kinds of ferocious ghosts emerge in an endless stream, and the number is uncountable, like the scene of eighteen layers of hell, which is extremely terrifying.

Yu Guihai didn't care about this. Although these ghosts were good in strength, they were just like ants in front of him. If they dared to approach him, they would be wiped out in an instant.

He looked around, and soon found a palace in a corner of the space.

This palace is dark in color, shrouded in a strong yin and ghost, and it looks a bit gloomy. However, none of the surrounding ghosts dared to approach the palace within 100 meters.

Yu Guihai took a look and flew towards the palace, exuding a mysterious Yin Qi fluctuation from his body, which was the breath of Lu Sheng practicing Yin Gong. Where he passed, the surrounding ghosts avoided far away, not daring to approach at all.

Yu Guihai quickly came to the front of the palace, looked up, and saw that the palace was quite large, with a plaque hanging above the entrance gate with three big characters, Xuanyin Palace!

The door was tightly closed, with a ferocious ghost head inlaid on it, an iron ring in its mouth, and bursts of dim light emitting from both eyes.

Yu Guihai looked at it carefully, and found that there was a special restriction on this gate, and if there was no magic formula, it would not be able to enter. However, this restriction is useless to his cultivation level.

He took a step forward and waved his hand to unleash the power of Yin Gong. A slight fluctuation spread, and the door slowly opened.

Inside the gate is a dark courtyard with a black iron incense burner as tall as one person. Other than that, nothing else.

Yu Guihai checked it carefully and found nothing unusual. He stepped into the courtyard. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he heard the sound of the door behind him, but the door closed automatically.

He didn't pay much attention to it, and when he came to the incense burner, he saw that there were countless ferocious ghost heads carved on the incense burner, each of which was different.

A gray smoke suddenly emanated from the incense burner, with a faint fragrance, rising upwards.

Yu Guihai frowned slightly, went forward to check, but found that there was a slender incense stick inserted in the incense burner, the incense head had been lit, and it was emitting a slight red light.

He was thoughtful, the incense appeared only after he entered the door, not as filial piety to the gods and ancestors, but as a timer. It is very likely that the time he stayed here is the time when the incense burnt out.

Although this is only a possibility, but Yu Guihai has an instinctive confidence, he does not delay, and then walks inside. In front of it is a large hall, and the door has been opened at some point.

After Yu Guihai went in, he found that there was only one table inside, and there was an ancient book on the table. This ancient book is very dilapidated, exuding a faint strange atmosphere.

When he saw this book, he was stunned for a moment. This kind of breath was the breath of the book of life and death.

After a little thought, he knew the origin of this thing. .

This broken ancient book should be the remnant of the book of life and death. After it was smashed, this part was brought back by Lu Rongfang and placed here.

However, Yu Guihai was a little strange. There were quite a few fragments of the Book of Life and Death. Only the biggest piece is put here. It must have some special meaning.

He checked it and saw that there was nothing unusual, so he stepped forward to find out his spiritual sense.


The sea of ​​consciousness shook, and a huge flow of information was transmitted.

Yu Guihai comprehended carefully, and soon discovered that this was not Lu Sheng's experience in practicing Yin Gong, but the authentic refining method of the Book of Life and Death. Its content from material selection to refining, to advanced, and even the origins of this treasure are all recorded in detail.

This refining method is more subtle than Yu Guihai's own refining method. The book of life and death refined by this method can be used as the treasure of enlightenment. Once it is refined, it is the treasure of heaven. If the owner is promoted to the supreme, this thing can also be regarded as the treasure of enlightenment, and it can be promoted to the supreme immortal treasure.

The origin of this treasure is also very extraordinary. At first, it was really the possession of a powerful supreme master who mastered the avenue of life and death. This supreme powerhouse controlled countless powerful Xuanxian with this treasure, and was able to traverse one side.

Later, this supreme powerhouse offended Lu Sheng Zhizun and was beheaded by him abruptly. This treasure and the refining method also fell into the hands of Lu Sheng Zhizun, which was passed down in the Lu family.

Yu Guihai quickly accepted all the refining methods. The time was limited, and he didn't take a close look. He just put away the fragments of the book of life and death and left the hall.

He quickly came to the door behind the main hall. This was a quaint stone door, which was tightly closed. The door was carved with a human-shaped relief. This human-shaped relief was covered in armor, and its head was a double-horned skull.

This skeleton head is exactly the kind of mark of the yin refiner he had seen before.

At this time, Yu Guihai understood that the double-horned skull had a body, not a simple ghost head.

He thought about it for a while, and casually typed out a formula to show his identity as a yin cultivator.

Hang Lang Lang~~~

The stone gate slid open, revealing the courtyard behind. It looks like it was originally a garden. There are two pitch-black fields in it. The things planted in the land have already died and withered, and the trees are lying on the ground. on the ground.

In the depths of the courtyard, there is a small stone hall, and in front of the hall is a dead tree with a crooked neck. The majestic wind blew, and the dead trees also turned into fly ash.

Yu Guihai glanced around and walked along the road in the middle to the stone hall.

He came to the outside of the stone hall, but saw that the stone hall opened automatically, revealing the scene inside.

Inside the stone hall is a stone table with a round bead placed on it.

Yu Guihai went in and saw that there was a space within the circular pillar, and there were countless avenues circulating in the space. It seemed that a world was about to evolve, but there was a lack of key factors. It will collapse with a bang and turn into a scattered avenue again.

Yu Guihai suddenly realized that the circulation of these countless avenues seemed to contain some special secrets. He immediately sank his mind into it, and immediately felt that he seemed to have touched the mystery of the entire universe.

Countless avenues of evolution contain endless secrets. He swam through it by himself, received countless insights, and gained a deeper understanding of the operation and evolution of countless avenues.

"So it is, so it is,"

Yu Guihai showed joy and murmured. In the past, many incomprehensions and doubts were all answered from it.

It seemed that after endless years, Yu Guihai suddenly woke up from it. He looked left and right and saw that he was still in the stone hall. The round beads in front of him had turned into ordinary stones, and the strange scene had disappeared without a trace.

If it weren't for the fact that his harvest was real, he would even think that everything just now was just a dream.

"It turns out that only the avenues of the Yin attribute have such a mystery!"

Yu Guihai couldn't help sighing.

The innumerable avenues contained in the round beads are all yin-type avenues, and the reason why they can't evolve into the world is that they lack yang-type things.

Simple extreme attributes do not mean that the world cannot be evolved, but the world it evolves must be extremely bad, and there will be irreparable defects.

If the yin attribute avenue within this bead evolves into something like the ghost world, it can evolve. But what it evolves is a complete and normal world. Its owner seems to have some deep meaning.

Yu Guihai quickly put this issue behind him, he didn't care what his master thought, anyway, he already got what he wanted.

In addition to comprehending the mystery of the Great Dao, he found that the progress of Lu Sheng's comprehension of Yin Gong has been greatly accelerated, and the original need for more than 3,000 points of upgrade points is only 188 points.

He continued to move forward, and there was also a small door on the wall behind the stone hall, but this small door was a firewood door. It is woven from a piece of wood like a sword.

An extremely terrifying cold sword intent emanated from the Chaimen, and its power was enough to pierce through the void, making Yu Guihai feel the slightest threat.

With a look of surprise on his face, he remembered the statue of Lu Rongfang on the outermost entrance gate. The treasures around him include the book of life and death, round beads, ancient bells, and long swords.

Now that the book of life and death and the round beads have appeared, and the ancient bell is in the hands of Lu Jingtian, then the rest should be the long sword.

Yu Guihai tested it and found that the Chaimen was not so easy to open, and its ban was completely offensive. Only after passing the test of Chaimen's ban could one enter it.

He felt that this was a place that Lu Rongfang didn't want people to enter.

Yu Guihai thought for a while, then raised his hand and bombarded Chaimen.


With a loud bang, the Chaimen was torn apart, but the scattered pieces of wood turned into terrifying swords, forming an incomparably powerful sword formation to stab him in the head!

"Open it for me!"

Yu Guihai shouted loudly and suddenly punched out.


Countless thunderbolts exploded, the sword formation exploded directly, and countless terrifying sharp swords all turned into broken pieces of wood and scattered everywhere.

This door opens.

Inside the door is a small courtyard, with only one grave in the middle. An astonishing sword energy emanated from the tomb bag, cutting the surrounding void with a chi chi sound.

Yu Guihai didn't even enter the door, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the tomb bag abruptly, and a tragic green sword light shot out from it, stabbing straight towards his face.

Before he could reach his body, he could sense an incomparably cold and sharp aura that almost pierced his eyebrows.


Yu Guihai snorted loudly, opened his mouth and spit, and a golden light shot out, instantly fighting with the tragic green sword The tragic green sword light was obviously superior, even though the golden light had more Gui Hai's strong support was still suppressed by that miserable green sword light.

But this also gave Yu Guihai a chance. He suddenly stretched out his hand, and a dazzling giant net suddenly flew out, covering the tragic green sword in it.

Seeing something bad, the Jianguang quickly cut the giant net, but the giant net was so tough that it couldn't be cut open for a while, and the entanglement of the golden light made it impossible for Jianguang to do all his work.

Not long after that, the sword light was punched out by Yu Guihai, and it was a small sword that was as green as jade.

Yu Guihai was slightly surprised that the rank of this small sword was a heavenly treasure higher than a golden sword, and it was not far from the supreme immortal treasure.

He didn't understand why Lu Rongfang put such a treasure here and imprisoned it in a tomb bag.

"Is it a burial sword?"

Yu Guihai had a strange look on his face.

He didn't care too much about it. After all, what Lu Rongfang thought had nothing to do with him. He had already obtained this sword, so Lu Rongfang was embarrassed to go back.

After exploring this place, Yu Guihai went back to the front, looked in front of the incense burner, and found that the incense stick was only burning for a small section. He didn't care much, and went straight out.


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