Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1440: Mystery of the Underworld

When Yu Guihai came outside the stone hall, he saw Lu Rongfang standing not far away, looking at him up and down with a hint of surprise on his face.

"You got the Xuanyin Sword?" Lu Rongfang asked.


When Yu Guihai stretched out his hand, a small green sword appeared in the palm of his hand.

The small sword seemed to sense the existence of Lu Rongfang, and the tip of the sword turned to face him, making a constant buzzing sound.

Lu Rong showed a hint of complexity, and sighed softly: "This sword is a treasure of enlightenment that my father refined for me, but unfortunately, I failed my father's expectations."

"Why did the ancestor say that?" Yu Guihai asked curiously.

Since this sword is a treasure that Lu Sheng Supreme personally refined for him, I don't know why he put it in the sword tomb.

"The past is a long story, and I wasn't going to say more, but since you got this sword, I will remind you a few words." Lu Rong said solemnly.

"Ancestor, please tell me." Yu Guihai became more and more curious when he heard the words.

"This matter is also related to the Supreme War that broke out that year."

Lu Rongfang said, he didn't know what he remembered, but there was a hideous expression of fear and anger on his face that had always been like an ancient well.

Yu Guihai was shocked and listened carefully.

"Ordinary people don't know the reason for the outbreak of the Supreme War. They think it was caused by the ambition of some Supreme. In fact, this is not the case. I got some inside information from my father. The Supreme War in the Immortal World was actually related to foreign enemies."

"At the beginning, the immortal world seemed prosperous and powerful, but it was not so. There was a great enemy of the immortals, called Moruo, who came from a foreign land and was a huge threat to the immortal world."

"Moruo?" Yu Guihai showed a hint of surprise on his face.

"Yes, it's Mara. This is a very strange monster. They can directly devour the souls of living beings, occupy the fleshly bodies of living beings, and subtly replace the original owner. Even Xuanxian and even Supreme may be attacked, It is terrifying.”

Speaking of this, Lu Rongfang's face showed a hint of fear.

Yu Guihai was also moved when he heard the words: "Then isn't this monster hard to guard against?"

If this kind of monster is not paying attention in secret, wouldn't it be possible to secretly occupy the entire fairyland. Just thinking that the people around you may have been replaced by monsters is terrifying.

Hearing the words, Lu Rongfang shook his head and said: "No, Moruo monsters generally cannot break through the world barrier and enter the fairyland, but they can sense the thoughts of living beings. If someone talks about it, they will lock to the position of the world and sneak in. in the normal world."

"A long time ago, the fairyland suffered a disaster from the Mora monster. The losses were heavy and almost extinct. It is said that there were powerful existences above the supreme being in the fairyland, and they all disappeared in the disaster. The surviving creatures finally defeated the devil. Luo monster, and completely blocked the news of the Mora monster."

"In the endless years since then, the news of the Moro monster has been forgotten by the living creatures. They cannot sense the thoughts of the living creatures, and they cannot sneak into the world. The fairyland is thus stabilized."

"Then how did they appear again?" Yu Guihai asked.

"I don't know how it appeared, but when my father and the others realized that something was wrong, several major forces in the fairy world had already been infiltrated by the Mora monsters, from the lowest disciple to the highest supreme powerhouse were replaced."

"It is precisely because of this that the supreme battle was launched. It led to the destruction of the fairyland. The destruction of the fairyland was actually done specially by some normal supreme fathers. The purpose was to leave some roots for the fairyland."

Lu Rong said with a hint of fear.

"What? Could it be that Supreme Lu Sheng and the others can't defeat the forces of Moruo?" Yu Guihai said in shock.

"That's right, because there are too many powerful Moruos, my father and the others are unable to return to the sky. They simply smashed the cauldron and smashed the fairyland, so that half of the fairyland under their protection formed many small fairyland, because the Moruo couldn't find other worlds normally, That's why these roots are preserved." Lu Rongfang replied.

"It turned out to be so!"

Yu Guihai did not expect that the truth about the destruction of the Immortal Realm would turn out to be like this.

It was really shocking, Yu Guihai also digested it for a long time before he calmed down.

However, what does this have to do with Lu Rongfang giving up the Xuanyin Sword?

He raised this question. Lu Rong said helplessly: "Because when I was fleeing with my second brother, we were attacked by a powerful Mora. Fortunately, our brother had a reminder from our father, knew how to deal with it, and finally killed all Mora. But two The younger brother was infected with the aura of Mara and turned into a demon and lost his mind."

"If he is completely transformed into Mora, this little fairyland will even be completely destroyed. So I had to suppress my second brother and cut off his Yuanshen who was polluted by Mora's Qi. But Mora's Qi is extremely difficult to deal with. , I also suffered heavy losses and could not recover, and there is no hope of achieving the Supreme in this life."

"So I gave up the Xuanyin Sword and set up a sword mound to kill the breath I left in it. I hope that someone in the younger generation will be able to take out this sword and become supreme." Lu Rongfang said calmly.

Yu Guihai stared into his eyes and asked, "So is the current Lu Linsheng still Moruo?"

Lu Rongfang shook his head and replied: "No, the Qi of Moruo has been eliminated by me. The influence he suffered should also be eliminated in so many years of ban. And if he is Moruo, then he will never A normal descendant like you appears."

"However, half of his primordial spirit has been chopped off, and his mental temperament may be very different from the original. You took the time to bring him, and it's time for our brothers to meet."

"It's easy to say. I'll go down to the realm after a while and find him." Yu Guihai nodded and agreed.

He thought for a while and then asked, "Is there still Mara in this realm?"

"Probably not. Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so peaceful for so many years. That group of Mora was also encountered outside the realm when we fled." Lu Rongfang replied.

"That's fine. Do you know anything about Mara's world?"

Yu Guihai asked again.

Lu Rongfang thought for a while and replied, "My father told me a few things, but not much."

"It is said that the exotic world where Moruo lives is not a world in the ordinary sense, but a strange world that is completely contrary to the normal world. There is not the slightest normal way in that world, and all is just chaos, depravity, and filth. Contaminated with the breath of that world, it will gradually be assimilated and degenerate, and eventually become a Mora monster."

"This information was also found from ancient ruins. It comes from that powerful era that was destroyed by Mara."


Yu Guihai nodded. He felt that this Mora was somewhat similar to the grey liquid monsters in the Nether. Since this world is divided into immortal world and lower world, then maybe Moruo's world is the upper world of the gray liquid world!

"Do you want to unify the Little Immortal Realm?"

Lu Rongfang asked suddenly.

"Yes, the little fairy worlds are scattered all over the place, and some even attack each other, like a piece of scattered sand, I am afraid that there will be no need for Moruo monsters to appear, and they will automatically decline after a few years. So I plan to unify all the small fairy worlds, gather resources, and revitalize the fairy world. , to reproduce the glory of the ancient fairyland."


"Especially after knowing the Mora monsters, I have firmed up my determination. To be honest, we are not at ease now. As you said, the other half of the fairyland is occupied by the Mora monsters, they don't know When will we find our world, and at that time, if there is no powerful force to stand up, I am afraid that the fairyland will really be completely destroyed."

Yu Guihai didn't hide it, and answered calmly.

"You're right. I had this thought too, but it's a pity that such a big change happened. In addition, there is a strong enemy, so I have to give up this matter." Lu Rongfang nodded and said with great agreement.

"What other powerful enemies?" Yu Guihai asked curiously.

He could feel that Lu Rongfang's current strength is not inferior to him. If he wanted to kill Yue Tianshan's generation, it would be a piece of cake. Who else could be his opponent in this star field.

"Naturally it is Xuan Tianmao, the ancestor of the Xuantian Realm. This person is also the son of the Supreme. His father is the Xuanjin Supreme who fought side by side with my father. The Xuanjin Supreme cultivates the road of gold and is invincible. disappear."

"This person has always been my enemy, and his strength is incomparably powerful. If I wasn't injured, I could still heal him, but after I'm injured, I can only draw a tie with him. With him around, it's the biggest obstacle for you to unify the worlds. "Lu Rongfang said.

"It seems that this matter needs to be discussed in the long run. However, it doesn't matter. The unification of all worlds is the general trend. Even if Xuan Tianmao is powerful, if he dares to go against the trend, he will eventually be crushed into pieces." said too concerned.

"It's fine if you have a plan. I'm just reminding you. Well, remember to call the second brother to see me." Lu Rongfang nodded, warned again, and returned to the cave.

Yu Guihai came to the stone hall in the middle and tried it, but found that he couldn't go in at all, it seemed that something was missing.

He thinks that it should not be combined into a complete Lusheng Supreme Gong.

After that, he made a special trip back to the lower realm.

First, many disciples were called to meet. All the disciples were very happy to see Yu Guihai, and Yu Guihai was also very happy to see it. He specially selected some of the real fairyland powerhouses to bring to the fairyland.

The rest stayed in the lower realm, and gave them a lot of immortal world treasures, so that they would not suffer as much as those who went to the immortal world.

Afterwards, he came to the depths of the death star field and found Lu Linsheng. Talked to him about Lu Rongfang's words.

Lu Linsheng thought for a while before answering: "I have lost all these memories, maybe it is as Lu Rongfang said, maybe my soul is damaged, so I have lost some memories. However, here I am. Very good, I don't want to leave for the time being. You go back and tell the big brother, just say when I'm free, go back to see him. Let him not worry. "

"Okay. I will convey your meaning to him. By the way, are you really not going to the fairyland with me?"

Yu Guihai nodded and said.

"No, I don't want to go now. When I want to go, I will naturally go to you." Lu Linsheng shook his head and refused.

"Okay. Then I'll go first. If you go to the Immortal Realm, you must find me." Yu Guihai didn't persuade him any more.


Afterwards, Yu Guihai took the disciples to the Immortal Realm.

After the disciples of the lower realm came to the immortal realm, they were immediately stunned. This is really a fairyland in a dream. Many people even cried bitterly, venting the grievances of their ancestors.

Yu Guihai arranged everyone in the Tainan Realm. Due to the limitation of their cultivation, they could no longer occupy high positions. They all needed to start from the middle level, which was not bad.

Of course, there are still setbacks. In the lower realm, they all became immortals and ancestors. When they came here, they were at a lower level, and there were many people with higher cultivation than them.

After arranging all the disciples, Yu Guihai went into seclusion and practiced. This time, he has gained a lot in the ancestral land of the Lu family, and he needs to retreat and digest it. By the way, Lu Sheng's Yin Gong comprehension was integrated into the Hunyuan Dao tactic.


The white clouds are lingering, time is rushing, and in a flash, a year has passed.

In a cave, Yu Guihai opened his eyes.

The aura on his body was a bit more powerful, and a mysterious aura radiated out, which seemed extraordinarily ethereal and mysterious.

In the past year, he has completed Lu Sheng's Yin Gong comprehension and integrated it into the Primordial Dao Art. This powerful technique has also improved his strength a lot, especially his mastery of the Yin Attribute Dao has reached a new level.

When it comes to the avenues of Yin attribute alone, he is no less inferior to Lu Rongfang. The Xuanyin Sword has been completely mastered by him, and it has been integrated into his own Yin attribute avenue.

Once he is promoted to Supreme, then this Xuanyin Sword will also grow into a Supreme Immortal Treasure along with his Yin attribute The name Xuanyin Sword is a bit common. "

Yu Guihai called out the emerald green sword and thought silently.

Afterwards, after thinking hard, he finally came up with a better name, "Let's call it the Supreme Xuanyin Sword. It's not ordinary at first sight."

Yu Guihai took the Xuanyin Sword and pondered for a while. In fact, he did not fully achieve his goal in this retreat.

He originally wanted to combine Lu Sheng's yin and magic yang exercises, but he couldn't. There is no experience in this area in the ancestral land of the Lu family.

He guessed that the experience of combining the two might be in the stone hall in the middle.

However, he was temporarily unable to enter the stone hall in the middle. He plans to wait for his cultivation to reach the peak of the Mysterious Immortal Realm before trying to enter it.

Yu Guihai immediately left the customs and went to a deserted little fairyland that had been inspected for a long time, ready to continue to break through the cultivation base.




Countless robbery clouds covered the sky, and terrifying thunder and lightning appeared in the clouds like dragons and snakes.

A terrifying power gradually condensed.

Beneath the robbery cloud, Yu Guihai looked up at the sky, his face neither happy nor sad.

This tribulation thunder is extremely powerful, but he is not worried at all. He has gone through a similar situation many times, and he already knows it in his heart.

Soon, the first robbery thunder crashed down, carrying an incomparably terrifying power.

Yu Guihai suddenly threw out a fist, facing the tribulation thunder.


The terrifying shock exploded immediately.

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