Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1441: Tentative

In the blink of an eye, it was another three years.

In the Tainan Realm, Yu Guihai Cave Mansion, he strode out.

Now, his cultivation base has reached the pinnacle of the ninth floor of the Profound Immortal Realm, and he can step into the tenth floor of the Profound Immortal Realm at any time.

However, there are not many worlds suitable for him to break through.

According to his current strength, even if the ordinary Little Immortal World collapsed, it would not be able to meet his breakthrough needs.

Because he has so many great ways to cultivate, the ordinary Little Immortal Realm simply can't provide so many great powers and can't meet his requirements.

Only the top-level immortal realms like Lu Shengjie and Xuantian realm can meet his requirements. But letting him break through would also cause such worlds to be severely traumatized.

Yu Guihai doesn't want to do this for the time being.

At least Lu Shengjie is not easy to move, and Xuantianjie really can't be considered.

However, the Xuantian Realm must be captured first.

In addition to finding a place for breakthroughs this time, he wanted to complete the feat of unifying all the worlds.

Now, Yu Guihai basically no longer manages affairs, and all affairs are left to his disciples to handle. Only when he encounters something that his disciples can't handle, does he take action.

Yu Guihai took one step out, a thousand miles away, and in an instant he came to the gate of cross-border from the cave, and he threw himself into it as soon as he moved.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived at Lushengjie.

He came directly to the ancestral land of the Lu family. Lu Jingtian had already received his notice and was waiting here. As soon as he saw him, he saluted respectfully.


"Well. Where's Ancestor Rongfang?"

Yu Guihai nodded and asked.

"I'm waiting for you!" Lu Jingtian replied.

Yu Guihai didn't say more, then walked to Lu Rongfang's cave.

The door to the cave opened automatically, and Yu Guihai walked in.

Inside the cave, Lu Rong was sitting on the altar with his eyes slightly closed. When Yu Guihai came, he opened his eyes and said lightly, "Are you going to unify the worlds?"

Yu Guihai nodded and replied, "Yes, my strength has reached a sufficient height now, and it is not easy to improve for the time being. So I think the time is ripe."

"Oh? Are you so confident? You must know that Xuan Tianmao is not an ordinary strong man. He has cultivated the Golden Dao to a very advanced level, and in his hand he has the golden saber treasure bestowed by the Supreme Xuan Jin, known as the Supreme Being. The strongest attacking treasure." Lu Rongfang asked.

"Xuantian taking this person can no longer hinder me. I'm about to try his golden sword." Yu Guihai said confidently.

"Young people just have eyes above the top. Then I have to test your strength. If you can't even pass my level, then don't go." Lu Rongfang laughed.

"Ancestor Rong Fang, please." Yu Guihai said indifferently.

"Then I'll try your weight. Let's see."

Lu Rongfang let out a low voice, and suddenly raised his hand and waved, and a long black flag suddenly appeared.

An incomparably cold and terrifying power emanated from the long banner, and a spinning black hole appeared on the face of the banner, and countless ghost heads spewed out of it, all rushing towards Yu Guihai.

Each of these ghost heads exudes the terrifying fluctuations of the mysterious fairyland. If you look around, there are no less than tens of thousands of them, and they come screaming and screaming, which is equivalent to tens of thousands of mysterious fairyland attacking with all their strength.

In the face of this terrifying power, even the ordinary peak powerhouses of the Mysterious Immortal Realm have to shy away.

Yu Guihai sighed in admiration, as expected of a super powerhouse who almost stepped foot on the Supreme Being, he was such a terrifying power as soon as he made a move. Under this move, none of the experts in the Mysterious Immortal Realm he had ever seen could follow.

However, he was not afraid.

When Yu Guihai thought about it, a dazzling giant net appeared, blocking the countless ghost heads.


Countless ghost heads roared and slammed into the giant net, biting fiercely, but the terrifying power couldn't help the giant net.

Suddenly, bursts of multicolored light radiated from the giant net. Being irradiated by the ray of light, those ghost heads suddenly melted like ice and snow encountered flames, and all those who were farther away screamed and retreated.

As soon as Lu Rongfang stretched out his hand, the countless ghost heads retracted into the black long banner, and the black long banner flew into his hand and disappeared.

"It's really terrifying!" Lu Rong looked at Yu Guihai with surprise and said in admiration.

As the son of the Supreme Being, who was famous in the immortal world in ancient times, he has never seen any kind of person, but he has never seen a genius like Yu Guihai.

Once, he thought that his brothers were the top geniuses in the world, and even if there were stronger ones, they would not be much stronger than them. But now this idea has been broken by Yu Guihai.

Yu Guihai's genius is beyond his imagination. This age, this strength, is really unmatched!

What's more, he could feel that Yu Guihai's cultivation seemed to be still a little incomplete, and it was very likely that he had not yet reached the peak of the Xuanxian realm. But he has greatly surpassed the level of the peak of the mysterious fairyland.

Lu Rongfang knew that the power of his black long flag was the most supreme treasure of heaven, and had the potential to become the supreme fairy treasure. Under his full force, the power was extremely powerful.

However, it was impossible to break through Yu Guihai's dazzling giant net, and was even easily broken by the ten-colored ray of light it radiated.

To be able to achieve this level, the dazzling giant net even has the power of a supreme fairy treasure.

Even if he has a lot of knowledge, he can't imagine that someone would be so powerful.

"I don't know if Patriarch Rong Fang thought that I could unify all the worlds?" Yu Guihai asked indifferently.

"No problem. Your strength has surpassed mine, and Xuan Tianmao is definitely not your opponent. Go ahead." Lu Rongfang nodded and said.

"Okay. By the way, I wonder if I can enter the ancestral hall in the middle?" Yu Guihai asked again.

"No. The ancestral hall in the middle was set up by my father, Lu Sheng Zhizun, and was brought here by me. It is the means of the emperor. Your cultivation base has not yet reached the peak of the Xuanxian realm, and it will definitely be blocked by the ban. You'd better wait until your cultivation is complete, then try to enter, and then you can get the secret of the advanced supreme." Lu Rong said solemnly.

"Well. I see."

Yu Guihai nodded, then said goodbye and left.

After he came out, he saw Lu Jingtian waiting outside.

"What else do you have to do?" Yu Guihai asked when he saw that he was hesitating to speak.

"Report to Master, all the worlds on our side know that Master wants to unify all worlds, and they all want to fight, wanting to take the lead." Lu Jingtian replied immediately.

"This is a good thing, you tell them, I agree." Yu Guihai smiled.

The realms that Lu Jingtian mentioned are the five realms that were originally allied with Lu Shengjie. They originally fought against the Xuantian Realm together, but with the help of Lu Jingtian, they were all captured by Yu Guihai, and they had already secretly become his subordinate forces.

In fact, to be honest, there are only a small number of small immortal forces left in the worlds today, led by the Xuantian Realm, who have not yet surrendered.

Therefore, if he wants to unify the worlds, the only enemies left are those from this side.

Gu Yan

Soon, an order spread to all the worlds under Yu Guihai's command, and he wanted to recruit strong men from all walks of life to prepare for the unification of the worlds.

For a time, all the worlds are surging, and the waves are rising.


In the Xuantian Realm, in the Xuantian Sect, the sect master Xuandouyue and others gathered again, but this time, there were only four people left. Their Five Realms Alliance also has only Four Realms left. Yu Guihai had already taken over the battle boundary, and even the ancestor had been beheaded, and his body was still hanging on the door of the cross-border.

The faces of the four were not good-looking, they were very heavy, and they were silent in thought.

Finally, Xuan Douyue opened the topic, "Don't be stunned, everyone, what should we do next?"

"Fellow Daoist Douyue, Yu Guihai has a strong reputation and outstanding strength. I heard that even Lu Shengjie's gang has long been in sympathy with him. I am afraid that we can only rely on the ancestors of your sect to take action in person. The situation." Zhong Likui, the master of the Chongshan Realm, sighed.

"That's right, that's right. Only by joining forces and under the leadership of your ancestors can we fight against Yu Guihai." Zhan Lupao, the sect master of Huaxie Sect, also immediately agreed.

"I agree too. However, even if we add up, we are still a little weak. So I think we have to win allies." Jin Wuhuan, the world leader of Hualing World, had a different opinion.

"Haha, now that most of the worlds have surrendered to Yu Guihai, where are there any allies?" Zhan Lupao sneered.

"Humph! Someone is clearly short-sighted." Jin Wuhuan retorted with a cold snort.

"You," Zhan Lupao revealed an angry look.

"Alright, alright! Don't quarrel between the two fellow Daoists. We can discuss it carefully. Each one expresses their own opinions, and don't act on their own volition." Xuandouyue stopped the two of them in a roundabout way.

He then looked at Jin Wuhuan and said, "Master Jin, tell me carefully, what allies should we win over?"

"It's the people from Lu Shengjie!" Jin Wuhuan replied.

"What? It's impossible. Those people in Lu Shengjie have a deep hatred with us, and they are in sympathy with Yu Guihai, so how could they form an alliance with us? Jinjiezhu is probably not crazy." Zhan Lupao sneered immediately. road.

"Why don't you say that your Sect Master is brave and resourceful!" Jin Wuhuan sneered.

"You, explain to me clearly how Lu Shengjie would cooperate with me. I can't tell you, I will never stop with you." Zhan Lupao was angry when he heard the words, but he was still rational. A harsh word.

"Since Sect Master Zhan is so eager to learn, I will not hesitate to enlighten me." Jin Wuhuan chuckled and then explained.

"It is true that Lu Shengjie has a deep hatred with us, and it is true that he is in sympathy with Yu Guihai. But they have a factor that makes it impossible for them to sit back and watch Yu Guihai annex us."

"One is that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. If everyone is at peace, Lu Shengjie may have a close relationship with Yu Guihai. But if he wants to destroy us, Lu Shengjie will never allow it. Otherwise, if we are destroyed, how can he Lu Shengjie? Alone?"

"What Jinjiezhu said makes sense, is there another reason?" Zhong Likui nodded in agreement.

"The second reason is the most crucial. Don't forget, Lushengjie and the other five realms also have ancestors from the peak of the Xuanxian realm. Could these people be inferior to others? Especially the ancestor Rongfang of Lushengjie, He is the strongest with the same reputation as the ancestor Xuantian, how could he tolerate Yu Guihai’s younger generation riding on his head?”

"For these two reasons, I dare to conclude that as long as we take the initiative to show our love, Lu Shengjie can definitely become an ally."

Jin Wuhuan said decisively.

After he finished speaking, the other three suddenly thought, and they had to admit that Jin Wuhuan was right.

"Fellow Daoist Jin, who do we ask to contact Lu Shengjie?" Xuandouyue said.

"Lushengjie's status is at the same level as Xuantianjie, and you still have to send someone from your sect to be the main envoy, but there are still some good eloquence talents below, and he is willing to go with him." Jin Wuhuan said immediately.

"That's very good! Then I will invite the elder Xuan Mingli and Jinjiezhu to go to Lushengjie together." Xuandouyue nodded and said.

"Well, it's not too late, please prepare as soon as possible." Jin Wuhuan said.

"Okay, then we'll leave in three days."


Three days later, a mission with only two people came to Lushengjie.

This was Jin Wuhuan's idea, saying that this matter was to be carried out in secret, so only he and Xuan Mingli came.

The two came to Lushengjie secretly, only to see that Lu Jingtian had been waiting for a long time.

"Haha, I'm really honored by the presence of the two fellow Daoists!"

"Excuse me, Sect Master Lu, I'll be terrified!" Xuan Mingli said hurriedly.

When he saw Lu Jingtian greet him in person, he immediately thought that Lu Shengjie, just as they had analyzed, was unwilling to watch Yu Guihai unite. He immediately had full confidence in this alliance.

"This place is not a place to talk, two fellow Daoists, please come with me!" Lu Jingtian said.

Immediately, the two followed him to a hidden cave.

After the guests and hosts were seated separately, Lu Jingtian asked, "Why are you two here, you can talk about it."

"Hehe, why does Sect Master Lu ask for it when he knows it? How can Sect Master not know why I came here?" Xuan Mingli immediately laughed.

Since he was sure that Lu Jingtian also wanted to form an alliance and cooperation, he was a little bit more arrogant, trying to gain some initiative for his side.

"Haha, I really don't know. I also ask fellow Daoists to tell me." Lu Jingtian smiled casually.

"Sect Master Lu, don't hide it, let's open the window and say something bright." Jin Buhuan said with a smile on his face.

"Alright, then I'll just say it."

Lu Jingtian nodded and agreed to He immediately said, "The two of you must have come to form an alliance to deal with the Tainan Realm."

"Sect Master Lu is really discerning. That's right, we are here for this. Now all the worlds, you and me, and the Tainan world stand on a three-pronged basis. But the Tainan world Yugui Hailangzi's ambition has the intention of swallowing the world. Now more It is to attack our Xuantian Alliance. Once we are destroyed, I am afraid it will be your turn next to Lu Shengjie. What does Sect Master Lu think?"

Xuan Mingli immediately said impassively.

But after he finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong. Lu Jingtian and Jin Buhuan both looked at him with smiling faces, as if they were uneasy and kind.

His heart suddenly trembled, and he felt something was wrong.

"Haha, Elder Xuan is right, I, someone else, has the intention of swallowing the world!"

A voice suddenly came, and then a handsome young man walked out of a suite.

When Xuan Mingli saw this man's face, his face changed greatly. Although it was the first time he saw a real person, he was able to recognize that this young man was Yu Guihai.

"Meet Master!" Lu Jingtian and Jin Wuhuan suddenly respectfully saluted.

"You, you, you, Jin Wuchang, you are so shameless!"

When Xuan Mingli saw this, he immediately knew that he had been tricked. Jin Wuhuan had already defected, and Lu Jingtian had already surrendered to Yu Guihai.

"Hehe, fellow Daoist of Mingli, as the saying goes, those who know current affairs are Junjie, I advise you to surrender obediently. Master will definitely make a difference." Jin Wuhuan laughed.

Xuan Mingli was silent, he knew that he couldn't leave, not only that, he tried all the communication methods in an instant, but he couldn't use them all.

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