Super Soldier

Chapter 1009: Will kill traps?

Xiaohui Baihuizi said: "My former mother, Ms. Sang, often talked to me about her family. I have also seen her husband, because Mama Sang will only go home for two days a week on weekdays. It’s too late, so I have to live directly in the store, so her husband often comes to see her, every time she talks with her in the room, then she goes.??”

Xiao Bing said: "Their feelings must be very good."

Xiaohui Baihuizi said: "Yeah, but I rarely see them show love together. Every time I see my brother-in-law, he is a gentle look, neither indifferent nor very enthusiastic. Because The two of them often don't get together. In the beginning, I even thought about whether he would go to Mommy to find other women."

"One day, I really met him outside and walked with another woman. The woman was very beautiful, not worse than her mother, and the two people walked together and talked and laughed. Then a very gentle look, not warm and indifferent, he did not see me, but with a woman's sixth sense, I can feel that the woman must have feelings for her brother-in-law, the eyes are full of emotions ""

"After returning to the store, I hesitated to tell my mother, I was afraid of destroying their feelings. Later, I still reminded me of the kindness that I couldn’t resist, and then she was not surprised, and said to me with a smile. That woman was her husband's first love girlfriend, and she still wanted to destroy their feelings. Then I felt very strange, male chasing female, separated mountain, female chasing male, compartmental yarn, why she didn't feel nervous at all I asked her if she had no feelings for my brother-in-law, or did she have an external heart?"

Xiao Bing asked: "How did she tell you?"

Xiaohui Baihuizi said with emotion: "She later told me that she had already seen that the woman had a plan and wanted to break up her husband and her husband, but she trusted her husband, she did not want to manage too much, husband and wife When you get along, from hand to hand, what is the most important thing?"

Xiaohui Baihuizi said: "I asked her the most important thing is trust? She told me that the most important thing is that both people can feel happy and happy. If they feel relaxed at their side, then no matter how much experience The big test, they will never be separated, because they can each become a safe haven for their hearts."

Xiaohui Baihuizi said: "Then they have been a few years later, and the feelings are still the same. Oh, then Mom is not there. The brother-in-law came in person on the day of the funeral. Recently I heard that he is always alone. I am drunk. Xiao Bing, I said that I have never had any emotional experiences, but I think that Ms. Sang’s words are quite right. You and your girlfriend are happy and happy with each other. Isn’t that more important than anything else? If there are always things that are heavy in your heart, not only will you feel uncomfortable, but your girlfriend will feel unhappy."

Xiao Bing muttered to himself: "Happy, happy..."

"Yeah, treat her well and love her from the heart. As long as she can feel it, it will suffice. As for other aspects of your feelings, I can't give you too many ideas. I can't say you." Passion is right, I can only say that the most important thing for you is to let the woman you like, to be happy to live this life, so that is not against each other."

"I understand." Xiao Bing gave a sigh of relief and smiled. "Bai Huizi, you are not my confidant, I will respect you for tomorrow."

"That is of course." Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled happily. "Tomorrow is my birthday."

"Well, I will honor you a cup tomorrow, I wish you a happy birthday,"

The next day, Xiao Bing left after the lunch from the Sakura Nightclub and went all the way to the downtown area of ​​Jingdong City. He was going to choose a good birthday present for Xiaohui Baihuizi. He came to the cake shop and bought a big one. The cake, then bought a platinum necklace for Xiaohui Baihuizi, and then took the gift back in the car.

Today, for the birthday of Xiaohui Baihuizi, the entire cherry blossom nightclub was also closed for business. In addition to Xiao Bing, everyone in the nightclub celebrated this birthday for Xiaohui Baihuizi.

Xiao Bing walked in with the cake, and there was already a beautiful beauty next to him: "Wow, a big cake!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Wait for a while, we all have a share."

Another beautiful woman said: "The food has already made the kitchen ready. There are more people today. Let's eat it on the first floor lobby."

"it is good."

Someone came over to help put the table, and then there were all kinds of dishes in the kitchen. They were all dishes from the country of R. Xiao Bing put the cake on the table. Sakura looked at everyone and asked: "I am going to call Miss Bai Huizi?"

"Come on!"

It was already dusk, and the sky was not too dark, but it was a little dim. When Sakura went upstairs, someone immediately turned off the room lamp, and then lit the candle. The footsteps upstairs just sounded, everyone Sing up: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

Xiao Bing also sang along with him.

Xiaohui Baihuizi stepped downstairs step by step, and there was a happy joy in her eyes. When she went to the cake, everyone sang, and they immediately began to say: "Hurry up and make a wish."

Xiaohui Baihuizi gave her hand the right hand, closed her eyes, silently made a wish, and then everyone helped her to blow out the candle together.

Someone used to open the room lamp. Everyone was happy to sit down, and then they began to pour the sake. Everyone toasted the small island Baihuizi. One beautiful woman said with a smile: "Miss Baihuizi, I will give you a cup for everyone." For so many years, you have always treated us like sisters, and never give up, I wish you a happy birthday, get married soon and find a good Lang Jun."

She said, everyone looked at Xiao Bing and then all laughed.

Although everyone knows that Xiao Bing even has children, Xiao Bing is the only man who can easily enter and exit the Xiaohui Baihuizi mortuary, so it is inevitable that one will have some thoughts and think that these two people are very good, even They may have feelings of each other, so they started to pick up.

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled slightly: "Thank you, thank you."

Say, give a glass of sake to you.

Xiao Bing also followed a drink.

Then everyone began to take turns to bless the blessings, and they all took out their birthday gifts. When everyone’s birthday gifts were piled up on an empty table next to them, everyone looked at Xiao Bing at this time, Xiao Bing smiled. Out of the box with a platinum necklace, everyone opened the box and everyone was amazed.

Xiaohui Baihuizi said quickly: "Dr. Xiaobing, I can't do this. This is too much for you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Don't forget, we are confidantes between us. Come on, I will wear it for you."

Xiaohui Baihuizi is not a woman who is twisted and pinched, so she sits there and lets Xiao Bing walk behind her with a necklace and gently put her on. The two are very close together. Xiaohui Baihuizi can even feel that Xiao Bing’s breath is sprayed on her neck behind her, and there is a glimpse of her heart.

Xiao Bing put the necklace on the small island Bai Huizi, and then just prepared to sit down and saw a team of police officers rushing in from outside.

Princess Nami went to visit her grandfather in the Imperial Palace. She just walked to the door of the grandfather’s palace. He heard that Tokugawa Bensai said: “My Majesty the Emperor, I have sent a policeman to surround the Sakura Nightclub and let them go and pick them up. Inside Xiao Bing, according to my investigation, this Xiao Bing once pretended to have sneaked into the Imperial Palace by Ichiro Aoki, and even deceived Princess Nami, and the destruction of our god-making plan was not separated from him. ”

The voice of the emperor of the country sounds very old, but it is also very spiritual. His tone of voice reveals a bit of worry and says: "Mr. Tokugawa, you should know that this Xiao Bing is the Chinese soldier, the official of China. It’s very important in your eyes. Even if you are investigating those who are really true, there is no evidence. If you rush to do so, it is easy to cause diplomatic disputes in big countries. Moreover, the battle between Xiao Bing and Wei Sihai, the world’s great powers are all given by satellite. After shooting it, it is simply a battle in ancient times. His strength is unfathomable and unmeasurable. How can you send someone to act rashly..."

Tokugawa’s deep tone of the West: “Because his strength has reached such an incredible state, he has already entered the realm of Tianzun, and he has to take advantage of him to be injured in the war, scribbling the roots, leaving no trouble. Martial arts has always been a strongman, far from our country. If he does not take advantage of his weakest time, he will kill him. According to his age, how many years will the martial arts in our country be suppressed?"

I heard that Tokugawa Benxi said that the emperor of the country was silent.

Tokugawa Benxi continued: "I also watched his battle video. I can be sure that he must not be in the peak state now. The strength will never recover so quickly. This is the best chance to kill him!"

The emperor of the r country sighed and asked: "Can he be arrested? Can those policemen be his opponents?"

Tokugawa Benxi has some insidious smiles: "The police will not be his opponents naturally. The innate powers can't be humiliated, let alone a peerless power that breaks into the void, so I decided that he will definitely kill. It is estimated that many policemen will die."

The country’s emperor was surprised: “Would you send them to go?”

"Some ants are gone, and they die when they die. In this way, is it better to provoke a dispute and take the opportunity to kill him?"

The emperor of the r country was silent, and Tokugawa Benxi smiled and said: "I am relieved that I am already arranged, and those police officers are going to die, but then there will be a network of nets to ensure that he can't escape from the wings!"

Princess Nami couldn’t listen anymore. She pushed the door and rushed in. She pointed to the nose of Tokugawa’s Benxi and shouted: “You stink old man, you are not allowed to bully me Xiao Bing!”

The face of the r emperor sank, Shen Sheng: "Nami!"

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