Super Soldier

Chapter 1010: Xiao Bingjin Police Station

Tokugawa Benxi saw Princess Nami, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, saying: "It turned out to be Princess Royal, then"

Princess Nami’s temperament was still said, but it was stopped by the Emperor’s harsh eyes. Before Tokugawa’s departure, he looked at the Princess Nami with a meaningful look and then slowly left the palace.

After the footsteps of Tokugawa’s Benxi’s footsteps went completely, the Emperor’s majesty’s tone was harsh: “Nami, you just had something to do.”

His Majesty the Emperor is now more than 70 years old, his head is white, and he is skinny, but he still looks very spirited. He has a majestic arrogance. When he narrows his eyes, even a pampered Princess Nami. I couldn't help but be awkward, but I quickly thought of what I just said in Tokugawa. I immediately said, "That Tokugawa is too much. He didn't tell the grandfather that he was good at making people. Master. Grandpa, I want you to let Xiao Bing, he is my friend."

The Emperor frowned and said, "How do you make friends with him?"

"Oh, I don't care, Grandpa, you just let him go, okay?"

"No," said the Emperor in a serious tone. "Not to mention the fact that Mr. Tokugawa has already arranged it properly. Are you going to let your grandfather not give you the face of Tokugawa Grandpa? You know, he is your deceased grandfather. The younger brother."

"What about it, my grandfather didn't mention me with such a younger brother, and he only appeared after my grandfather died. I heard people say that he is a rebel teacher, afraid that my grandfather will clean up the portal, so I Grandpa is gone, he dares to shake it out."

The Emperor was shocked and said harshly: "What are you talking about?"

Princess Nami flattened her mouth and snorted: "The grandfather used to love Nami before. Now my grandfather is gone, you really don't love Nami, no one in the world loves Nami."

The Emperor’s heart was soft and he sighed. Although he only recognized Nami as a grandfather, he treated the Princess Nami as a granddaughter. After the death of Ixuanchuan, Nami was sad for a while, now Princess Nami. When I mentioned this, I felt aggrieved. The Emperor thought that she would only have one of her loved ones in the world. She couldn’t help but soften her heart and sighed and said: "Nami, don’t blame you. Grandpa will scold you. You really shouldn’t be so arrogant about Mr. Tokugawa. After all, he is your elder, the younger brother of your grandfather, not to mention that he is still the owner of the new martial temple, the one the royal family is relying on. No matter what contradiction between him and your grandfather, you should try not to get involved. Although I am guarding you, no one dares to take you, but if one day the grandfather is gone, he will not be relieved."

"The grandfather will live a hundred years old, then I don't know him well. Can the grandfather promise me to help me save Xiaobing's big brother?"

"I can't help you with this matter." The Emperor said with seriousness, "The Xiao Bing is a Chinese person after all, and it is a huge threat in the future. Although Tokugawa Benxi makes his own claim, we have to know the big picture, what he did. Things must be beneficial to the country."

Princess Nami stunned and angrily said: "Then I will save Xiao Bing brother!"

Princess Nami said, going outside the palace, the Emperor said in a harsh tone: "Come, bring the Princess Nami into the mortuary, let her rest, and don't go out!"

"Yes!" rushed in two guards outside, one left and one right, the princess arm of Nami, pulling the Princess Nami toward the palace.

Princess Nami screamed as she struggled: "Let me go, let me go, Grandpa, I am going to save Xiao Bing brother..."

Princess Nami was taken away, and the Emperor’s eyes suddenly became deep. He whispered to himself: “Tokugawa’s West, Tokugawa, and so on, so big things are all private, you are indeed getting more and more Don't put my emperor in my eyes..."

The Emperor snorted and stood up and walked towards his room.

Xiao Bing just sat down and saw a group of policemen rushing in. All the people in the hall who gave birthdays to Xiaohui Baihuizi had a change of face. The small island Baihuizi was the face of the police officer who smiled and smiled. Dao: "Looking at Taro’s police, I don’t know what happened to the people here. I was able to bother you with a policeman who brought you hard to enter me."

Xiao Bing once learned about this. In the country of r, the policeman’s presence is basically the same as the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of Huaxia. It really belongs to a high-powered real person, and this person seems to be forty years old. Wei is very prosperous.

Looking at Taro, he glanced around and snorted. He didn't take care of the island's Baihuizi. If it was placed in the past, the owner of this cherry blossom nightclub was still in the Yamaguchi group. He didn't dare to be so arrogant, this time one. On the other hand, the Yamaguchi group has already changed the cherry blossom nightclub. He only knows to transfer to a Chinese person. On the other hand, this time is the task directly explained by the Wushen Temple. If it is completed, he is equivalent to holding the temple of the martial arts. Thighs, when you want to climb up, it is easy.

How can Tsang Taro know that this martial temple is simply to let him be a cannon fodder to die, let a deputy director of the deputy director level come over as cannon fodder, Tokugawa Benxi is indeed quite awkward.

Looking at Taro’s high-pitched voice, he said, “Who is Xiao Bing?”

Everyone didn't expect these policemen to come to Xiao Bing. Some people looked at Xiao Bing in a subconscious way. They looked at Xiao Bing immediately and asked: "You are Xiao Bing?"

Xiaohui Baihuizi said at this time: "Mr. Xiao Bing has been living in our Sakura Nightclub for a few days. I have not left. Is it a mistake?"

"Misunderstanding?" The watcher Taro laughed. "Let me come to catch Xiao Bing. I don't know what misunderstanding will not be misunderstood. You can take a trip with us."

The last sentence is that Tsao Taro told Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing smiled: "Is it yours to catch me? Is it the temple of the martial arts?"

In the past few days, people have been monitoring Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing has already guessed it.

The watched Taro snorted and said: "This is not what you should know. Come, please give him back to me!"

Xiao Bing frowned slightly and asked, "Do you really want to catch me back?"

"Yeah, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Bing sighed and slowly stood up. The people in the Sakura Nightclub thought that Xiao Bing’s decisive decisiveness could not help but worry.

Xiaohui Baihuizi hurriedly stood up and said: "For no reason, you can't just grab people!"

Takuma Taro smiled and said: "Miss Baihuizi, I respect you as the first geisha of the country, I don't know how many big people are watching, so I don't care about you, but this thing is not yours. You can't control it, or don't get angry with it. Come, copy this person to me!"

Someone immediately came over with a handkerchief ready to hold Xiaobing.

Xiaohui Baihuizi still wants to talk. Xiao Bing has smiled and looked at Xiaohui Baihuizi. He said: "You have to continue your birthday, don't worry about me, just a little thing, I will go back."

Xiaohui Baihuizi opened his mouth, but he really didn't know what to say. In the end, he could only say: "Xiao Bing, I will definitely find a way to save you."

Takuma Taro sneered a sneer, and in his heart, the temple of the martial arts had to deal with this Chinese. Can you find a relationship with the right to the temple? Can you find the phase, or can you find the emperor?

Seeing that Xiao Bing was honestly stunned, and looking at Taro’s proud words: “Take people away, take the team!”

Seeing that Xiao Bing was taken away by these people, the people in the Sakura Nightclub couldn’t help but anxiously, and they looked at Xiaohui Baihuizi and asked: "Miss Baihuizi, what should I do?"

"Yes, Mr. Xiao Bing said that it is the temple of the martial arts to catch him? I heard that the temple of the martial arts can not be provoked."

"Miss Bai Huizi, can you think of a way?"

Xiao Bing is very approachable on weekdays, even if they are not discriminating against them, so they are also concerned about Xiao Bing from the heart, naturally afraid of Xiao Bing.

Xiaohui Baihuizi is also somewhat helpless at this time, even if she is smart, but after all, she is also a weak and windless woman. At this time, it seems that there is not much.

She sighed and said: "I have to try a few phone calls, be sure to fight for the rescue of Xiao Bing's brother!"

In the whole country, countless people want to have a relationship with Xiaohui Baihuizi. I don’t know how many people want to please her. Most of them are powerful people who have left a connection with Xiaohui Baihuizi. The way, but the island Baihuizi never contacted them, it is only today that it came in handy.

Xiaohui Baihuizi made a phone call and then a phone call, but I didn’t expect that when I learned that it was the participation of the Wushen Temple, these people were all unable to help, and finally the island’s Baihuizi sat in the seat. The hearts of all people are full of worry.

Xiao Bing was sitting in the police car. Several police officers were supervising him. The police car had been heading towards the police station.

It is reasonable to say that Xiao Bing is absolutely unwilling to cooperate with them. Even if Tokugawa Benxi did not expect it, he generally reached the peerless power of Xiao Bing. Looking at these ordinary people is like watching ants. May be willing to be detained by a group of ants, so Tokugawa Benxi has long judged that Xiao Bing will directly kill these policemen in the nightclub, and he also arranged the Tianluo network in advance, but did not expect the results to be useless.

However, the masters he sent out followed the police car all the way, and reported to Tokugawa Benxi.

When the police car entered the police station, Xiao Bing’s hand was handcuffed and ready to be escorted into the detention center. Xiao Bing suddenly looked up at the deputy director and asked in public: “You caught me because I made a mistake. What is it? Or is it that your country is like this, and you can arrest people for no reason?"

Looking at Taro's proud smile: "I have offended Mr. Tokugawa Benxi, you are waiting to sit in prison for a lifetime, a Chinese in a district, want to ask for justice in me? Dreaming!"

The other police around him also looked at Xiao Bing, as if to say that Xiao Bing is not self-sufficient. We want to start with you, even if you have not made a mistake, what can you do?

Xiao Bing stopped to check the words of Taro, and looked at the surrounding eyes, and suddenly smiled. The smile was too mad, and the people around him were confused by him.

Xiao Bing laughed suddenly and his face was still smiling. He said, "If you say this, then I will be relieved. At least I will not be too conscience, and my heart will be more balanced."

Looking at Taro, he looked at Xiao Bing like an idiot and asked, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Bing laughed and said nothing, a violent breath dissipated from the body, and his handcuffs broke into several segments in a moment, and the power of terror raged in all directions!

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