Super Soldier

Chapter 1011: Big kill

Xiao Bing’s gas field was fully open and shouted loudly: “I can only kill the ring!”

Since the beginning of these people, Xiao Bing also counted on these police officers to give themselves an account, but I did not expect to be disappointed at the end, they are simply posing to be bullying themselves as a 'foreigner'. network?

Ok, you think you are high.

Do you think that wearing this policeman's uniform can step on the head of others, and even with your words, I want to keep my prison in my life?

Xiao Bing sneered in the heart, Tokugawa Benxi, Tokugawa Benxi, you don’t want to use these people to irritate me, let me kill, and then you can use the power of the whole country to catch me and want to kill I, or first torture the secrets of the Tianshan old man.

Then I am as you wish.

Let you understand what is called stealing chicken without eclipsing rice.

Let all of you understand what kind of person I am Xiao Bing!

If people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. If people commit me, I will kill people!

The horrible air waves even flew around several desks, and several police officers who were closer to Xiao Bing also flew out, including the Taro, who also flew out and slammed into the distance. On the bookshelf, the whole person almost fell apart. After falling to the ground, all the books on the bookshelf were lying on him.

When I watched Taro, I didn’t expect the martial temple to let myself catch such a terrible wicked person. I was terrified at the moment. When I didn’t get up, I pointed to Xiao Bing. Canghuang shouted: “It’s shot and killed him!”

The three police officers pulled out their pistols. They just pointed their guns at Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing waved his sleeves and a force swept away. The three police officers flew out and they wow. The spit out a large mouthful of blood, two of them died, and the other one looked at their two colleagues with great horror. After they both died, they still looked at him with their eyes wide open.

The man’s body trembled, sitting in the corner of the wall, twitching and lifting the pistol again, slamming, pens running through his brain, directly staring at him on the wall, after he died, eyes There is still a horrified look inside.

Xiao Bing raised his hands and even killed three people. These police officers were high in the past. He once thought that there would be such a madman killing people directly in the police station. Although they have heard of it before, it is not possible with the Chinese people in front of them. In comparison, this Chinese murder is really unscrupulous, even if the terrorists are not so rampant, and of course, there is no such strength.

"What is this? Chinese Kung Fu?" There is a young policeman who has been a little scared, and he is watching the Xiaobing.

Several policemen wanted to shoot at Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing punched them. These policemen were directly smashed into dregs, wrong, and there was no residue left.

Seeing this scene, several police officers have already scared their pants.

With a slamming sound, Taro watched the shot, and the bullet flew toward Xiao Bing’s head. The eyes of Taro’s eyes were all pleasure, and finally the devil could be killed. The other police officers also breathed a sigh of relief.

No one has had time to shoot from start to finish. This is the first time someone can make a bullet. They think that this devil is even stronger, and it is impossible to hide the bullets.

But where did they want to, Xiao Bing did not even hide at all, just gently extended two fingers, the bullet was directly sandwiched between his fingers.

Xiao Bing sighed and said to himself: "The strength has recovered in the past few days. Unfortunately, the distance is still too far away from the peak period. If not, a small bullet, I am afraid I will even have a hand. No need to go out, just use the suffocating gas to bounce the bullets. It seems that this time you can't go to the emperor to find the old guy's troubles. Go home first, and then raise your wounds before you come to discuss it."

Xiao Bing was dissatisfied, but these policemen were already scared. Although they were police officers, they also saw some cruel and powerful criminals. However, these empty-handed bullets have never been. I have seen them, and this is no wonder that they are still weak. Although the strength of Xiao Bing has fallen sharply, it has not recovered to the peak period, but it has remained at the level of breaking the void, not to mention breaking the void, even if it is the strongest of the sturdy period. In the dark world, they are regarded as top players. How can these ordinary policemen accidentally encounter them?

Xiao Bing threw the bullet away and looked at the Taro. He watched Taro horrified and screamed in his mouth. He squatted on the floor and shouted and shouted: "Don’t kill me, don't kill me, they are all martial arts temples. The people who let me do it, the new director of the Wu Shen Temple told me! Say this is the meaning of the new Wushu of our country, let me arrest you and wait for them to come and dispose of it."

“Oh?” Xiao Bing had recorded his passage with the recording function of the smart watch on his wrist. Then he smiled and said, “So you really did this? Are you not a public servant? Shouldn’t your police serve the people? Is it the exception for the police in your country, which are dedicated to the rights of the people?”


Xiao Bing snorted and he was scared. He said quickly: "Yes, yes, yes, no... not... we are a scum, we are different from other police stations. The people in our police are all royals. Those who are promoted or inserted there, we are all for the royal service, so usually the royal family wants to start, we will arrange our police to do it, and it is convenient."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "So, you are really not a good thing."

Looking at Taro, he was so scared that he was crying. He shouted: "This is all too greedy. The policeman hugged the thigh of the emperor and sat firmly in that position. I also want to climb up, so I want to This time is the order of the martial temple. I must hold it and hug the thigh of the martial temple..."

At this time, a middle-aged man was sitting on the ground at the entrance of an office. The middle-aged man pointed to Taro and said: "Eight teeth road, look at the eyes, you want to die, don't drag me into the water. This gentleman ...I am... I am the police department in this police station. This matter has nothing to do with me. I am embarrassed. You can rest assured that I will give you an account."

The so-called police department is the director of the Public Security Bureau, and the police officer of this Taro is called the police, which is equivalent to the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. Therefore, this middle-aged person is the highest leader in the Public Security Bureau and is the head of Taro. boss.

The imperial police department was looking at Xiao Bing with a charming look at this time. A pair of pleasing look, Xiao Bing faintly said: "No need."

The police did not want to understand what it meant. Xiao Bing suddenly slammed into the air, and the air made a loud noise. Then he looked at Taro’s head and broke a big hole directly. He fell to the ground and could not die anymore.

The police department was so scared that the other policemen saw that Xiao Bing dared to kill directly in front of the police department, but no one dared to scream.

r people have always been this feature. They worship the strong, fear the strong. When they know that one's strength is obviously above them, they will be afraid and will surrender, but when their strength and status are above you, They will go to oppress you.

This is why they surrendered to China in ancient times and invaded China after modern times, but now they have become the running dogs of the country.

Xiao Bing took a steady step and walked step by step toward the police station. There were still many policemen still alive. They now have the opportunity to raise their pistols to shoot at Xiao Bing, but no one dares to do so. They can only watch Xiao Bing leave step by step, and their eyes have deep fear.

Xiao Bing doesn't care whether these people will be shot. If there are people who dare to shoot for themselves, it is nothing more than killing a few people. Xiao Bing is not very interested in killing people, but he does not mind killing these people. The arrogance, lest they think that their former Chinese soldiers are bullied!

Only a moment later, Xiao Bing has killed eight police officers, one of which is still a policeman here, similar to the deputy director of China, and then walked out of the police station and stood by the road.

Xiao Bing did not leave immediately. He carried his hands and shouted: "You don't really expect the little policemen to grasp what? What are the layouts of the sky, all come out, let me have a good knowledge!"

At this time, the surrounding atmosphere looks unusual and strange, and the long streets are only Xiao Bing alone.

Xiao Bing looked back at the police station and smiled. "You guys are still working for your royal family and the martial temple. You come out and open your eyes and take a good look. Your country has already given you." Abandoned, they blocked the street, did not let the pedestrians go in and out, just like to destroy me in this street, and it is already early for you to shut me down, I am sure I will start with you. You are just A group of cannon fodder!"

Xiao Bing looked up at the top of the opposite high building and muttered: "Is right?"

A row of snipers wearing special police uniforms and holding sniper rifles suddenly appeared on the opposite high-rise. Xiao Bing had already seen that they were ten people and they were very clever snipers. They should be r. Selected from the special forces of the country.

"Is this the network you have arranged? Tokugawa Benxi, you are really cautious. I have already guessed that I have been injured and have not fully recovered. I am still afraid to take the risk to deal with me personally, otherwise I will use it. I have so many people shooting at me!"

At this time, the ten snipers on the opposite side of the building shot at the same time. Their sniper rifle's degree, strength, and penetrating power are all far from ordinary rifles. Even the sturdy masters dare not be so hard. It’s quite easy for them to break their own anger.

Unfortunately, they are facing Xiao Bing.

At this time, there was a rumbling sound above the sky. Several helicopters were above the height of 100 meters and hovered over the head of Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing was in a blink of an eye and escaped ten bullets. Then those people immediately found Xiao Bing's next foothold. Ten more bullets were fired again.

Xiao Bing muttered to himself: "Oh? I have also smashed a few of your snipers, is the ‘sta’ special force of one of the world's top ten special forces?”

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