Super Soldier

Chapter 1012: Otsuka R

Xiao Bing once again escaped the ten bullets, jumped several times in a row, and finally hid under the floor of the opposite building and entered the dead ends of the snipers. Scorpio novels|2

The 'sta' special forces are the trump special forces of the r country, ranking the top in the world. The status in the r country is like the dragon tooth of China, but the strength is far from the dragon tooth, the dragon tooth is the world. The first special forces, and sta is the middle of the comparison of the top ten special forces in the world.

Even so, sta is still dedicated to the existence of those advanced warriors, among them are top snipers, top martial artists, as well as assassin masters who can compete with ninjas, such a presence, even those top-level The martial arts masters are not willing to easily provoke such a presence, and there is not a good one in the world's top ten special organizations.

Xiao Bing once and naturally confronted this special force. Knowing the special forces of Sta, if it is Xiao Bing in the realm of Tianzun, it is still very easy to deal with them, but now Xiao Bing is far from the peak period, even if it wins. However, it is still not easy to crush.

At this time, the whole street rang the sound of the radio: "Xiao Bing, you surrender, as long as you take the initiative to surrender, automatically seal the body inside the infuriating, we will spare you life, otherwise, my sta special forces will Will unload you eight."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "I heard it. This is the voice between the stale leaders of Sta special forces. Shepherd Jun, you are better than me in the World Special Forces Competition. Your sta is above the World Special Forces Competition. However, we have a dragon tooth in China, and I have suffered some injuries recently, but the strength is still stronger than the original in the period of the dragon tooth. I don’t know how much you have said that with the sta special forces, I will unload eight pieces. Do you want to shame?"

The herd’s column must have long guessed that Xiao Bing would not surrender, so he only persuaded him through the radio, and he no longer persuaded him. Then Xiao Bing heard the rumbling of the tires on both sides of the road. The sound of pressing the ground, the sound is so big, I don’t even have to think about it.

Xiao Bing sighed: "I really shameless, but also use the tank? Mom, see how I crush your tank!"

Sure enough, there were four tanks on both sides of the road. Xiao Bing was also a military fan, not to mention the military origin, and immediately recognized it as the Mitsubishi tk-x1o tank, the main battle tank of the r country!

In January 2012, the 6th Army Self-Defense Force, which officially served in the country of R, adopted a variety of revolutionary new technologies. Since its birth, it has been a high ranking in the world tank rankings.

Xiao Bing touched his nose, and he really was to be seen. He really could see himself. This time they not only dispatched the special forces, but even the 6th Army Self-Defense Forces used them. The aircraft tanks came out, Nima, Laozi. It’s not about bringing an army. Lao Tzu is a person himself. As for this.

Xiao Bing did not know that, in their view, Xiao Bing’s combat power was more powerful than a small army.

The ten snipers all pointed their guns at the top of the building. As long as Xiao Bing entered the middle of the road, they would immediately fire. Their sniper rifles had a fast bullet and strong penetration, although they might not be able to kill. If Xiao Bing is dead, Xiao Bing will not be injured without 100% control. Xiao Bing is naturally unwilling to take risks.

"Well, you are hiding on the roof to deal with me, then I will go directly to the rooftop to find you, no better!"

Xiao Bing said, the whole person jumped directly in the same place, and then went to the top of the building like a monkey. At this time, there was a horn on the helicopter and shouted: "Xiao Bing has been on the roof, and the sniper is careful!" ”

At the same time, all the helicopters were sprayed with organic guns. The numerous bullets above Xiao Bing were like bullets and rain, which turned into a tight air curtain. Xiao Bing grabbed the window frame and did not continue to climb up. Then A row of bullets fired at the position where Xiao Bing was.

Those bullets hit the hood of Xiao Bing's suffocating temper. Although they did not break through Xiao Bing's hood, Xiao Bing was directly hit by a dense bullet and smashed him from the window. Inside the room, screaming, the window glass was all broken, and then Xiao Bing fell into the room and rolled a little. Although there was no injury, he still couldn’t help but frown. It seems that he really has to be careful this time. Be cautious, be careful to drive the ship forever!

When the Special Forces and the 6th Army Self-Defense Force joined forces to fight against Xiao Bing, Tokugawa Benxi was sitting in the general command room inside the Imperial Palace. There was a big screen hanging on the wall. The screen was divided into several pieces and the whole street would be All the pictures from front to back, left and right, and up and down were broadcast live.

Some people in the command room are busy in the emergency, some are constantly debugging equipment, and some are constantly talking with the front line to understand the specific situation, Tokugawa Benxi is sitting there, standing behind a few people, one of the one-eyed officers bent down, Said: "Mr. Tokugawa, you are our **** of war, why not take it personally, although he is strong, he must not escape your palm."

This one-eyed officer is the staff of the 6th Army Self-Defense Force.

Tokugawa’s eyes stared at the screen, faintly saying: “If anything needs me to take it myself, what do you want your army to do?”

The staff hurriedly straightened up and saluted a military ceremony: "Hey!"

Tokugawa Benxi continued: "This person is the former special commander of China. Now he is the leader of the dark world. If he can take him, this is the great contribution of your 6th Army Self-Defense Forces and the Sta. All the senior officials on both sides will receive great awards. All the players who participate in the battle will receive generous rewards, and those who are dead will also receive generous pensions. For example, you may be given the opportunity to advance because of this time."

The staff's eyes lit up and the body was straighter. The loud voice: "Hey, willing to work for Mr. Tokugawa, willing to work for the martial temple, willing to play for the Emperor!"

Tokugawa Benxi’s face showed a smile, his eyes gazed at the picture above the screen, and he secretly thought that it seems that the strength of this Xiaobing is not at its peak. If I personally shot it, at least 80% The chances are to take him, but after all, he is a person who has just broken through Tianzun before. The Tianzun level is so mysterious after all. Who knows if he will have any means to play with me and burn a jade? What special is there before dying? The means to counter-attack me!

Even with my means, even if he burns jade, he can't kill me, but it is not worth it for me to be seriously injured!

Tokugawa’s character is insidious, and he thinks that Xiao Bing is on his own territory. Since there are other means to capture or kill Xiao Bing, why bother to take risks again, even if the risk does not seem big .

After Xiao Bing entered the building, a flash disappeared from the room and did not jump out of the window, but went directly to the corridor.

The snipers above the roof immediately became nervous, and the guns were pointed at the entrance to the rooftop one by one. Fortunately, there was only one entrance. As long as Xiao Bing appeared, they guaranteed the shooting of Xiao Bing into a sieve.

Four helicopters hovering in the sky, two of which lifted the muzzle on the outside of the building, and two of the two helicopters in the helicopter were also aimed at the entrance to the rooftop.

The martial strength of the Chinese people may be under China, but they are extremely well-trained. The country of r is indeed unacceptable in this respect. Even in the world, their country is no matter which field they are in. They are extremely strict and extremely professional, and they are always humble and eager to learn, and are willing to learn from any of the most advanced countries in the world.

For example, they are studying m countries and Germany in military training. In martial arts, they often study Huaxia martial arts, and in the field of science and technology, they are advanced technologies in the West.

I am not ashamed to ask, but they have done the extreme for them, but they are also shameless. If I have passed you after I have finished school, I will in turn invade you. It is equivalent to the apprentice, and I want to bully the master.

In the face of Xiao Bing, no one dared to care about it, thinking all the thoughts that could be thought of it all over the place.

Then they heard Xiao Bing shouting loudly from the inside of the building: "Tokugawa Benxi, you bastard, turtle, bastard, grandson, have the ability, don't let these shrimps and crabs come over and die, I am bothering to kill them, you have Let's come over, let's practice and practice?"

The people outside heard Xiao Bing yelling at their r-go gods, and they all looked at each other and didn’t know what to say.

Xiao Bing was silent, and then he shouted again: "I am injured now, and the strength has just recovered to break the void period. Your grandson is not very good, breaking the peak of the void, you should be able to kill me, hurry. Take advantage of this opportunity to come and do me! Not only can you kill me, but also make a name for yourself, let people look at the prestige of your country, the **** of war!"

In the general headquarters of the Imperial Palace, everyone looked at the unbearable Tokugawa Benxi, and Tokugawa Benxi snorted and said: "Let him continue to go, die to the end, still hard!" ”

Tokugawa’s heart appeared in the heart of the West, and the stinky boy wanted to use the radical method to lead me. Is there really any killer that I want to use? Want to use it for me? Hey, since there are other people who can help me kill you, why should I still go there in person?

Tokugawa Benxi looked at the people who were connected to the front line and said, "You let the herders tell me for me. Just hand over the secrets of the Tianshan old man, I let him go!"

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