Super Soldier

Chapter 1013: Ninja assault

Those people thought that Xiao Bing’s idea was to go from the inside of the building to the rooftop, and then to destroy the ten snipers on the roof, or to jump off the back of the building, so they had already taken precautions. The 100-member team of 100 people surrounded the high-rise buildings, and hundreds of muzzles were aimed at every part of the entire high-rise building. The plane hovering in mid-air was even secretly investigated. Scorpio novels|2

The sniper's eyes on the roof squinted at the sight, and the muzzle was at the entrance to the roof.

But no one had ever thought that Xiao Bing had not moved after the end of the battle...

At this moment, Xiao Bing was sitting in the canteen of the office building, looking for some cooked food and sake. He was eating and drinking. The hands and mouth were all greased. While eating his mouth, he muttered: "r The sake of the sake is really not good, or the beer and liquor of China are more pleasant, no taste, really tasteless."

After Xiao Bing finished eating, he also took a nap and then slept directly on the bench.

The outside people couldn't get through the high-rise buildings. There are more and more people. The ten snipers on the roof are highly concentrated for more than an hour. After that, they finally have a tendency to collapse. They have to divide the ten people into five. People group, taking turns to rest.

They waited for more than an hour, and they did not see the movement of Xiao Bing. If the whole building was surrounded by air, even if the flies flew over, I would have seen them. They would really think that Xiao Bing had escaped.

But what exactly does Xiao Bing do inside?

Is he more patient than us? He is also watching the outside all the time inside, as long as there is no flaw, he will take the opportunity to escape?

Almost everyone thinks so.

Tokugawa Benxi of the general command room also said: "This Xiao Bing is a special warrior king. Now he is definitely looking for loopholes. He is like a wolf surrounded by hunters. Now who is more patient than that. Tell them that the sky is getting dark, and the surrounding area is brightly lit. Since he is more patient, compare with him and see if he can't afford it. In addition, let the sta special forces form a death squad and go hunting. He, if he can't kill, must force him out."

"Know, Mr. Tokugawa."

Tokugawa Benxi smiled coldly: "Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing, you are looking for flaws in it, the spirit must be highly nervous, more than an hour has passed, and now your mental strength must be no small consumption, just like you are tired When you let those people go in, you can't kill you, even if you can't kill you, you have to consume you further and fight for you."

High mental strength? Looking for flaws like a wolf?

Where did they know that they thought Xiao Bing was hiding in the dark and had been observing the movements outside? In fact, Xiao Bing was eating and drinking, and then he was sleeping!

Xiao Bing slept in the canopy of the canteen hall, and the mouth was still mouthful.

A special war squad quietly sneaked into the building, but the entire building has a total of 30 floors. Even if it is a layer, an office, an office, and soon, can you find Xiao Bing?

This squad has a total of twenty people. After entering, they are divided into two groups. They go to the left side of the elevator one by one, one of them finds the left side of the elevator, and the other one goes to the right side of the elevator.

The hall of the canteen where Xiao Bing is located is on the twenty-ninth floor, which is equivalent to only one layer away from the direction of the rooftop.

They searched layer by layer, and after searching a floor, they used the walkie-talkie and the general command to send a message.

"There is no layer, not found."

"The second floor has been searched, and there is no."

"The third floor has not been seen."

After forty minutes, these special warriors once again said through the intercom: "The twenty floors have not been found. We are looking very carefully and there is no clue to this person."

An hour later, these people said to the headquarters through the walkie-talkie: "There are no people found on the 28th floor. We will go to the twenty-ninth floor."

Sitting in the general headquarters, Tokugawa Benxi’s face is ugly, and it’s ugly. What is going on? Did the people run? However, there are people around the building monitoring, and even the big screen of their command room can be monitored to every corner around the building without a blind spot. Unfortunately, there is no monitoring equipment installed in the building. Is it that Xiao Bing really becomes a The fly flew away?

The people of these special teams are very good. Even after they have searched the 28th floor continuously, they have consumed them for more than an hour, but they are still very focused and the two teams ran from the stairs. Going up, when the twenty of them all stepped into the twenty-nine-story corridor, Xiao Bing, who had been sleeping in the cafeteria for almost two hours, opened his eyes directly.

Xiao Bing wiped the saliva of his mouth, and his face showed a smug smile. These **** lay down on the net and want to harm Laozi, but you are all there to be solemn, but Laozi is crying inside, now still A mouse took the initiative to send it to the door, and see how I can play with you!

Xiao Bing moved a chair and placed it next to the door, then sat down on the chair.

Those people searched one by one, because the canteen is the most inside room, so the people of this team have not found it.

Finally, the two teams finally found the two innermost rooms on both sides of the corridor. The squad that searched the canteen opened the door of the canteen. Then three people armed with submachine guns rushed in. These three people look to the front, left and right respectively.

When one of them saw Xiao Bing, he just opened his eyes and had not had time to make any reaction. Xiao Bing had turned into a residual image. Hey, these three people fell to the ground at the same time, outside. People didn't even know what was born, they saw that the three teammates who rushed in fell to the ground, and the blood of the body spurted out and the blood flowed into the river.

The machine guns in these hands directly shot into the canteen. The people outside were all excited after hearing the gunshots. They waited for two hours outside. They consumed a lot of them in these two hours. Patience, now I heard the gun inside, and finally I can be sure that I have already directly confronted Xiao Bing.

Rows of bullets spurted in, but their bullets had no way to penetrate the wall. Xiao Bing leaned against the wall and rested.

In addition, the team’s people heard the gunshots and rushed to run here.

Xiao Bing secretly calculated that the outside door should be seven people, it is better to deal with, if it is rushed by other people to reinforce, then it is a bit tricky.

The strength of these people is probably about darkness or enthusiasm, most of them have not reached the innate realm, that is, they are cheaper in terms of some weapons.

At this time, two helicopters suddenly flew over. The two helicopters slowly flew toward the building. When they slowly landed on the 28th floor, several black shadows collided directly. Broken the window and flew into the room on the 28th floor. These people were dressed as ninjas. Each person had a long knife hanging on his body and a bag hanging from his body.

Xiao Bing leaned against the corner of the wall, letting the outside people shoot in the bullets. At this time, suddenly two grenades were thrown in from the door. Xiao Bing was not shocked. Under the two feet, both grenades were all before the explosion. Was kicked out of the door, an exclamation outside, a rumble.

Xiao Bing slammed his ears and shouted: "The trough!"

When Xiao Bing rushed out of the door, four of the seven special warriors outside the door had fallen into a pool of blood. They saw that they were dead. The other three people were also seriously injured. Xiao Bing did not say anything. When the three of them passed by, the three men were all struck by lightning, and they all fell to the ground.

In addition, the ten members of the team just ran halfway, and saw Xiao Bing rushed to them. They hurriedly lifted their guns and rushed toward Xiao Bing, but did not expect Xiao Bing’s unexpected whole person to stick. On the ground, they rushed toward them. When they moved their guns to the ground, Xiao Bing had already reached their eyes.


Xiao Bing is almost a punch. The heads of these ten people are like eggs, which are easily beaten. In the twinkling of an eye, all the twenty special forces are solved by Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing took a clap and sighed: "Too special is easy, too special is easy, this is what fighting power, it is simply no match with our dragon teeth!"

Xiao Bing said as he walked slowly toward the front, and the canteen had been shot by bullets. He couldn’t see it, not to mention that after killing these people, the outside people might It will not be so surrounded and not attacked, and will definitely come up with a more radical approach. It seems that it is time to start to show your strength to the outside world!

Oh, and time is coming soon...

Xiao Bing’s mouth showed a smirk.

You want to start with me, want to black out me? That's great, this evening, it will be the most terrible day in history, the black Jingdong!

I want blood to be dyed into a river!

Xiao Bing slowly swam to the entrance of the corridor. Suddenly, the three knives of the cold face suddenly appeared in the middle of the night, divided into upper, middle and lower three roads, respectively, to Xiao Bing's neck, chest and knee.

These three knives seem to come out of thin air, but they are as fast as a meteor.

In Xiaofu, Xiao Mingyue, who was lying on the bed, suddenly sat up, and the leaves opened their eyes and asked, "What happened, Mingyue?"

"I... I feel a little heartbeat. Is my father in trouble?"

The leaves smiled and said: "Do not worry, it's okay, you may be thinking of your father, and I will call him tomorrow, let him come back soon."

"Well." Xiao Mingyue thought that with the strength of Xiao Bing, there are really few people in the world who can threaten him, so she nodded, and she retired very happily. The leaves smiled and continued to sleep with Xiao Mingyue. .

Xiao Mingyue closed his eyes and thought silently, Dad, you must have nothing to do. If anyone hurts you, I would rather break my promise and drink the blood of the person who hurt you.

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