Super Soldier

Chapter 1022: Gao Fei is about to fight Tokugawa Benxi!

After eating dinner, the leaves left Liu Kexin. She lived with Liu Kexin and drove Xiao Bing to another room. Fortunately, Xiao Fu was big enough, there were enough rooms, and there were several empty rooms. Xiao Bing himself fell asleep when he just found a room and didn't know how much the two Nizi had needed for one night.

Xiao Bing went to the amusement park with Liu Kexin, Liu Rui, Maggie, Xiao Mingyue and No. 1 on the second day. Originally, Xiao Bing did not need to carry No. 1 and No. 2, Xiao Bing’s strength has now recovered. At the level of breaking the peak of the void, few people in the world can hurt the people around him, and among several girls, it is not bad for Xiao Mingyue not to bite others. Others still want to hurt her?

However, Xiao Bing only has one person himself, and he is afraid that he will not take care of him. He also has troubles. Xiao Bing does not want Xiao Mingyue to do anything to avoid revealing the difference between Xiao Mingyue in front of the world. Xiao Bing only wants to let Xiao Mingyue is an ordinary girl who lives peacefully, so Xiao Bing warns Xiao Mingyue not to be exposed to his own strength unless he is allowed to do so, or if he is in danger of life. And identity.

A group of people came to the entrance of the amusement park. Xiao Bing asked the second to buy tickets for several people. Then Xiao Bing took Liu Liu with his left hand and Xiao Mingyue with his right hand. Several people walked in together.

Xiao Mingyue stared at a pair of big eyes, and looked at it in the east. He kept looking at it and looked at it. He was very curious about everything. From time to time, he pointed to something excited and jumped and screamed loudly. It’s more exciting than those who play.

Walking in front of the cockroach, went to buy a few marshmallows, and also bought a copy for everyone, Maggie was eating while watching Xiao Bing, looked at Liu Kexin, smiled and asked "Oh, how many of our children didn't bother with the brothers and sisters?"

Liu Kexin’s face was red, and some flustered words: “Today is the protagonist. I just came to accompany him. My sister Maggie is so ridiculous, I am leaving.”

Mai Qi saw Liu Kexin's face thin, really want to go, hurriedly rushed forward, grabbed Liu Kexin's arm and smiled: "Okay, okay, Maggie is joking, but my heart, sister, I will ask you to eat later. Is it good to have a cold drink?"

Liu Kexin often goes to Xiao Fu now. As long as she is on vacation, the leaves will often greet her. It is not like a rival, and Liu Kexin and Xiao Fu’s people are also very familiar, plus Liu Kexin. Not only beautiful, but also simple and well-behaved, so Maggie and Liu Kexin are so close.

Liu Kexin’s eyes turned and said, “Okay.”

Maggie smiled and said: "I know that my sister can definitely not be angry with me, go, play together. I have to ride a roller coaster!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "If you take a roller coaster, the moon and the flower can not accompany you. Can you, can you play a roller coaster?"

"I am." Liu Kexin glanced a little at the roller coaster, then shook his head.

"Oh, it’s my own, that’s really boring." Maggie grinned. "That's it, just play the bumper car."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is no problem."

Several people lined up to play bumper cars, up to two people in a car, but Liu Rui and Xiao Mingyue are compared, so it doesn't matter if they sit together. The original Xiao Bing is sitting in a car with Xiao Mingyue. As a result, Maggie directly ran Liu Rui and Xiao Mingyue and ran into a car and sat down.

Maggie also waved and waved: "Reassured, I will take care of the moon, you two take a car together!"

Xiao Bing and Liu Kexin glanced at each other. Liu Kexin’s eyes were a bit shy and joyful. Xiao Bing smiled and said: “Let’s go, let’s sit together.”

"This Maggie, how does it seem to be looking for opportunities for myself and Liu Kexin?" Xiao Bing did not know if he thought about it.

Xiao Bing and Liu Kexin just found a car, then sat in, the two people were very close, even the skin of each other touched it gently, and they could smell each other's body, Liu Ke The faint scent of the heart, the sweatiness of Xiao Bing.

噗通噗通, Xiao Bing can even hear Liu Kexin's heartbeat at the side began to add, he turned his head and looked at Liu Kexin, gently patted Liu Kexin's back, smiled and said: "I haven't played before? You can sit on it, I will drive you up!"

"Good!" Liu Kexin noticed Xiao Bing's hot eyes, his eyes hanging down slightly, his face with a little reddish, looks more pure and moving, like the water peach, the people can't help but want Take a bite on it.

Xiao Bing's throat rolled a little, and a slamming sound, a car directly hit Xiao Bing's bumper car, directly flew the car out of the car, Liu Kexin screamed, Xiao Bing took the opportunity She gave her a sigh in her arms and smiled. "It's okay, it's okay, this car is not dangerous, just the game."

After Maggie hit the car of Xiao Bing, he said to Liu Rui, who was next to him: "Flower, you didn't see it, your brother is taking advantage of the cheaper sister, this time I know why I want to create opportunities for both of them." Well, these two people are sympathetic, and they don’t necessarily look at it in private, but when they are too many, they can’t open it, sorry.”

Xiao Mingyue also looked at Maggie with a squint. Maggie looked at Xiao Mingyue, who was sitting in the middle, and smiled: "You don't have to listen, you can't understand."

"I can understand." Xiao Mingyue said, "What you mean is that my father wants to carry my mother with my aunt."

Maggie smiled and said something silent: "I am a enchanting person in Xiaofu, but you know how old you are when you are two or three years old. I think you are a enchanting person."

Liu Rui didn't quite believe it: "This is impossible... I think the good-hearted sister is very good."

Maggie said: "How can it be impossible, but the people who can be my sister are good, otherwise I will not create opportunities for them. In fact, those outside you are really too complicated. I like it, I like it. It’s good to be together, and the nephew doesn’t have to oppose the brother’s brother to find other girls. It’s not a big deal for everyone to live together?”

Xiao Mingyue heard that he nodded again and again. Liu Rui couldn’t smile: "Mingyue, don’t be taught by your Maggie aunt, Maggie, don’t be jealous, I think you think more."

"Cut, you still doubt my judgment. I don't believe you take the time to observe and observe."

Liu Ruidao: "And, you just have people outside us too complicated, then what are you inside?"

Liu Rui, who asked Liu Rui, was speechless. She just went out with her mouth, but she didn’t even think that Liu Rui had the problem in the statement. She even told her that she didn’t know how to answer.

Liu Rui is just asking about it. When she sees Maggie, she is not too serious. At this time, Xiao Bing has rushed over the accelerator and shouted: "How dare you hit me and see how I am? Revenge!"

With a bang, Maggie’s three hoes were also hit and flew out.

In addition to Xiao Bing and others, there are still many people playing here. At the beginning, everyone is not familiar with each other. They only know each other and chase each other. Soon they are all released, and they laugh.

After playing the car, Xiao Bing and others played four or five projects in the amusement park. The two people on the 1st and the 2nd are always behind, Xiao Bing let them play, they don’t play, wait until Playing almost, Xiao Bing and others came to the cold drink hall, Maggie invited everyone to eat cold drinks.

Today, it is basically Maggie's treat to eat delicious. Gao Fei gave Maggie a lot of money before leaving. Although Maggie lived in Xiao Bing, there is definitely no shortage of money, but Gao Fei still does not want to owe Xiaofu. too much.

Everyone was eating food in the cold drink hall. Suddenly, the phone ringing up, Xiao Bing took it out, but it was the phone call from the old class.

On the day of returning to China, Xiao Bing had already called the old class to avoid worrying the country.

It seems that this time the old class called, there must be something.

After Xiao Bing connected the phone, he smiled and said: "The old man, eating cold drinks, you come to eat together."

The old class haha ​​laughed and said: "You stink, I have to lick me across the mobile phone. Why don't you come to Kyoto City to invite me to eat, I have to go to Jiangcheng for a cold drink?"

Xiao Bing relaxed in his heart. Since he can still make jokes, it proves that there is nothing big, at least there is nothing wrong with it.

Xiao Bingdao: "Old man, hurry up, what?"

"Reassure, there are no tasks to hand over to you this time, just a little bit of news that you just heard."

"Oh? What did you hear?" Xiao Bing curiously said, "I am really curious to call the big director personally and call me."

"This is not a news. Do you have a master in Xiaofu called Gao Fei?"

Xiao Bing’s face was immediately serious and he asked, “What happened to him?”

The old class said with emotion: "You don't have to be too nervous. He is not very good. It's just that you are at home in recent days. You may not know it. The Gao Fei has recently challenged the top players in the world and has beaten five top players. However, including the Thai Chassen boxing champion, now I listen to him in the r-country of Tokugawa Benxi, and Yosemite Benxi will fight with him in Jingdong City one month later!"

Xiao Bing’s heart was almost jumped out. He hurriedly asked: “Is Tokugawa Benxi promised?”

Old class: "Tokugawa Benxi has already answered the decisive battle!"

Xiao Bing’s pupils contracted slightly, and there was a compelling glow in his eyes.

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