Super Soldier

Chapter 1023: Emperor and Toyotomi

According to Xiaobing’s previous understanding, when Gao Fei left, Gao Fei’s strength could not be the opponent of Tokugawa’s Benxi. He has been away for a few months now, even for a level genius, he wants to Breaking the void period to break the peak of the void is very likely to take a few years, even if he really has a breakthrough in these months, stepping into the state of breaking the peak of the void, but Tokugawa Bensai is already reaching the peak of the void For many years, the old guy, Gao Fei’s winning rate is extremely low!

Xiao Bing still does not know that Tokugawa Benxi is already a half-step of the realm of heaven, otherwise, the heart is not holding any hope for Gao Fei. Scorpio novels.|2

The old class said: "I know that the strength of Gao Fei is very strong. It should be regarded as the strongest helper around you. The country itself is the Longtan Tiger Cave, plus the strength of Tokugawa Benxi, you think..."

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and said with a serious tone: "This is Gao Fei’s own business, and it has nothing to do with me. I can’t manage it, even if I want to manage it, because if I mix it into this battle, it’s Disrespect for him, this thing will become his long-cherished knot, and will become an inextricable knot in the heart of his future strong."

The old class thought about it and said: "You young people, but also, my old man is old. If I had your strength, maybe the strength is stronger than now. But the strength of Tokugawa West. It’s no different, I think under the heavens, only your strength can be above him. You must be mentally prepared for the battle of Gao Fei."

"Well, I know." Xiao Bing said, then hung up.

Several girls next to them looked at Xiao Bing, and Maggie asked: "Bing brother, what happened to my brother?"

"Nothing." Xiao Bing smiled and said, "This Gao Fei is really not worrying. Now it is everywhere and the masters of the world have challenged, and have already defeated several people. Just call the National Security Bureau and let me take care of it. I said that I have something to manage, it is as simple as that."

"Oh." Maggie smiled. "I am like this, my brother is so happy. I have confidence in him. He will not have an accident."

"Well, you fly so much brother, of course, there will be nothing, my old leader is mainly worried for others, haha." Xiao Bing smiled and said, but did not tell Gao Fei to challenge Tokugawa Benxi. Give them, especially Maggie and Gao Fei's feelings so good, if she let her know that she must be worried, not to mention that it is useless to let them worry about this now, it is also a matter of no help, there is no way to solve.

After eating cold drinks with them, Liu Kexin had to go home. The result was that he was sent to Xiaofu by Mai Qi, so that Liu Kexin could live in Xiaofu for a day.

In the martial temple of the country of R, Tokugawa’s apprentice, Toyotomi’s family, came to see Tokugawa, and after he was allowed, he came to the small meeting room of the martial temple. Tokugawa Benxi saw him coming in, showing a touch of relief. The smile said, "Come on, sit down."

In the face of this master, Toyotomi Jiakang is like a baby, sitting down honestly, not at all like the big devil who kills people without blinking.

Tokugawa Benxi looked at Toyotomi Jiakang and smiled with satisfaction: "You have done a very good job recently. The people on the list that I handed over to you have all been killed, and I am very satisfied."

Toyotomi Jiakang said with a serious tone: "They dare to talk privately about the master. They are disrespectful to the master. It is killing! It seems that the Emperor of the Emperor seems to be a little unhappy. I am calling me back to the palace, let me think in the palace, in the short term. Can't go out."

Tokugawa Benxi snorted and said: "The Emperor's old things are more and more. If he let you think about it, then you should stay in the palace for the time being, don't go out first, after all, his identity. It’s not good to put it there. Hey, the old guy of the Emperor recently provoked me a sigh of relief, but fortunately, you didn’t let me down, I am very satisfied.”

"Thank you for the praise of the Master." Fengchen Jiakang cautiously said, "The disciple was outside in the past few days. I also heard that the movement in the Jingdong area was over, and the Emperor of the Emperor actually let the Chineseman run away?"

"Well." Tokugawa Benxi's face was gloomy, and his tone was very angry. "I can't easily seize such an opportunity to get the martial arts experience of the old man of Tianshan, but I didn't expect him to escape. The defeat was successful. However, this matter has passed before. Since it is the decision of the Emperor, I have no way to pursue it."

"That is natural." Toyotomi Jiakang said, "I have heard it outside, saying that it is a Chinese master called Gao Fei. He even challenged the Master?"

"Hey, a guy who doesn't know how to live and die." Tokugawa Benxi said proudly, "I just want to show my strength in front of the world, shocking the world, especially those who are still dissatisfied with me. I want them to know how great my Tokugawa Benxi is, and my strength is that no one can resist!"

Fengchen Jiakang respectfully said: "Although the strength of the Master is not to be called the one who has never come before, it can be done in the world today."

Tokugawa Benxihaha laughed and said: "Not only that, I will break through to the legendary saints in the morning and evening, especially when I am in the same way. I will be the strongest among human beings after that time. The real ones are not coming!"

Fengchen Jiakang’s face worship: “When the disciples can follow the master, they will be named.”

Tokugawa Benxi smiled and said: "This is natural, and I just investigated and found that this Gaofei is the most effective helper around Huaxia Xiaobing. The strength should not be weaker than you. I will not kill him when I am, I will imprison him. Get up and use his life in exchange for the eternal school of the Tianshan old man. I want Xiao Bing to make a choice between the martial arts cheats and the powerful partners. If he chooses not to hand over the martial arts cheats, I will Gao Fei gave life to torture, and when I look at his majesty, hahahahaha..."

Tokugawa Benxi laughed wildly, and even the cruel light shone in his eyes.

Toyotomi Jiakang looked at his master. When the master finished laughing, he was respectful and respectful: "Master, this time I completed this task, can I..."

Tokugawa Benxi asked: "Do you want to learn about your martial arts about the gods left by your master?"

"Yes." Toyotomi's attitude is respectful. "The disciples are not good at learning. If they are able to take a step closer, they will be better able to share their worries for the master."

"Well." Tokugawa Benxi nodded and said, "Since you want to learn, then I will pass it on to you. You can take it back in this booklet. If you have time, study it well. If you don't, come over and ask me, remember. Hard work and hard work, Magic Road martial arts is progressing rapidly, although the progress of Shinto martial arts is slow, but the power is hard to imagine, I will pass it to you now."

Said, Tokugawa Benxi's hand directly flew out of a notebook, flew to the front of Toyotomi Jiakang, Toyotomi Jiakang gave the booklet in his hand, his eyes showed excitement.

Tokugawa Bensai said: "You are my disciple, I naturally will not treat you badly. You have worked hard during this time. Go on a good rest."

"Yes, Master." Even if it was the temper of Toyotomi's family, it was difficult to conceal the excitement at this time. He hurriedly stood up and bowed deeply to Tokugawa Benxi. Then he walked out of the bedroom and his footsteps gradually faded away. go with.

Tokugawa Benxi snorted and said: "You are right, your strength is improving, it can help me more, but when the cat teaches the tiger, there is still a trick, how can I not have it? What to keep."

Toyotomi Jiakang put the booklet in his arms and left the temple of the martial arts. He came directly to the emperor's palace. Before he had just returned, the emperor had already called him, but the Toyotomi family was eager to ask for the martial arts of this Shinto. So, first go to see the master Tokugawa Benxi, after leaving the martial temple, this came to the emperor to listen to reprimand.

Toyotomi Jiakang reported his identity and then led the next person to the back garden. Tokugawa Benxi sat in the chair and was sunning.

Toyotomi’s Kang Mai stepped over and respectfully said: “The Emperor’s Majesty.”

After all, Toyotomi Jiakang did not have the identity of his master Tokugawa Ieyasu. His master was a **** of war. He was only a disciple of the Valkyrie. His identity was very different, so he did not dare to stand in front of the emperor.

The Emperor snorted and looked at Fengchen Jiakang and asked, "Have you seen your master?"

"Yes." Toyotomi Jiakang said, "The task of the teacher respecting me has been completed, so I will go to the teacher to report it, and then come over to listen to the punishment of His Majesty."

The Emperor slowly asked: "Why should I punish you?"

Toyotomi Jiakang said: "This...because I have killed too many people recently..."

"You are right, but I don't want to punish you, but I want to say something to you. You should sit down first."

"No." Toyotomi’s attitude is respectful. "I am still standing here to listen to the teachings of His Majesty, and this will be able to be safe."

"Okay, yes." The Emperor smiled faintly. "You have to be more sensible than your master Tokugawa Ieyasu. You have to know how to converge. It seems that the edge is not as clear as I imagined."

The eyes of Toyotomi’s eyes flashed a bit, revealing a bit of thoughtful color, but did not forget to answer the emperor immediately, saying: “Before the Emperor’s squatting, I dare not let go.”

"Oh, you are the one I rely on. There is absolutely no need to be so respectful. Your attitude is to satisfy me. Your master, who is good, is just too much to show off. If not There are many people who are dissatisfied with me when I am in the pressure, the royal family and even the entire political arena."

"Oh? Is that the case?" Fengchen Jiakang deliberately pretended to be very curious.

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