Super Soldier

Chapter 1031: War or not fight

Rouge sat down on the bed and looked at Xiao Bing. He said, "Let's say, what is the plan? I heard that you have recently made a brilliant record in the underground world. Even the northwest kings who have been so prominent for so many years are planted. In your hand, Xiao Brother, you really make me look good."

"Generally, the third in the country." Xiao Bing sat down on the chair opposite the rouge, tilted his legs and said, "Rouge, you worry about me, is it..."

"Don't think about it, say it again, you are not that kind of person, it's all right to tease me." Rouge white looked at Xiao Bing and said, "No matter what, you and I are not friends, friends are between each other. Isn't it a concern?

"Well..." Xiao Bing thought for a moment and said, "I am relieved, I am prepared for this matter. Xue's power is huge. I am not a soft egg. I am not able to pinch or bully." of."

Rouge asked: "I know that the underground forces in China today are all for you, but you should not forget that you have not really unified the underground forces of the whole of China, and the underground forces in other places are still one by one. Looking at this thing, they can't wait for you to be so moldy, because everyone on earth knows that after you have destroyed the Northwest King, it is a matter of time to unify the underground world of China."

"Since they know this, they are now looking forward to your luck. If they can fall into the rocks, they will never hesitate."

Xiao Bing sneered: "They are afraid that they have not yet done this."

"I just told you, don't think that you are very stable in the underground world. In fact, you still have a lot of enemies. Even if you are in the northwest, you are being accepted by your people. You are obeying you, but they are not doing it at all. The degree of guilt, want to let them really convinced you completely, at least two or three years?"

Xiao Bing made a snap and said: "You are right."

Rouge said: "There is no need to say about internal worries. These are just time issues for you. They can be solved sooner or later. It is better to let them go, let alone you have so many powerful people. The poisonous fox is a let. There is a mysterious think tank, and there is a mysterious crow. In addition, you seem to have a lot of masters in Xiaofu. But internal worry can be solved naturally, but what about foreigners? You want to rely on you to be not a piece of underground power. Going to die with Xue's family? What's more, Xue's family is a white road. It's still at the foot of the emperor. You can't use all of your means."

Xiao Bing touched his nose and said: "Who said that I want to use underground forces to deal with him, and I want to deal with a Xue family. I don't need to bring those people in the three northern provinces. I am enough!" ”

Rouge can see a kind of flying style from Xiao Bing's body. The kind of self-confidence seems to let him see the dragon. At first she saw the dragon and the younger one interrupted a second-rate family in the red-pink family. Legs, the kind of domineering at that time, she could not forget her life.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Despite your reassurance, Xiao Bing is not a fool. If you dare to stay in Kyoto, instead of choosing to escape, it proves that I have a way to face this matter. The courage of something."

"Well, I know." Rouge sighed, although the Xue family was so daunting to touch, Rouge is hard to imagine how Xiao Bing can deal with Xue’s revenge, but Looking at Xiao Bing, who is full of confidence on his face, Rouge’s heart is still a lot more solid than before.

She is now the same thing as Xiao Bing and Long Shao. They always can make people believe that no matter what is difficult in the world, they will be easily relaxed. Even if this is incredible, you They will always be involuntarily and even some idiots will believe in them. This is the charm of them.

Rouge looked at Xiao Bing and muttered to himself: "You and the person I like are simply too similar."

Xiao Bing jumped in his heart and smiled and said: "You won't fall in love with me?"

Rouge white Xiao Xiao glanced and said: "If I don't already have a beloved man, I might really like you, even if you are a girlfriend, I will not give up, but unfortunately, my There is only him in my heart, and it is impossible to pretend other people."

Rouge’s words made Xiao Bing feel a touch. He didn’t expect Rouge to be so passionate about himself. Even she didn’t even know what she was doing, but she chose to fall in love with her, the world. How can there be a fool like a rouge?

Xiao Bing looked at the rouge, his heart was ups and downs, his eyes were gentle, just like looking at his beloved woman, he asked softly: "The one you like, does he love you?"

"Of course, I believe that he loves me." When he said this, the tone of Rouge revealed affirmation and self-confidence, as well as love and expectation for Long Shao.

Xiao Bing asked: "He will marry you?"

The rouge hesitated. She finally shook her head and said, "I'm not sure, maybe... he seems to have other women who love him, but I believe he is true to me, no matter if he doesn't care for me, I I am willing to wait for him. If one day he proposes to me, I will marry him without hesitation. If he refuses to marry me, I will be willing to accompany him, even if we are far away from the world, but he is in my heart. The face is close at hand, this is enough."

Xiao Bing sighed: "A silly woman, you are a stupid woman."

Rouge rubbed his eyes, haha ​​smiled and said: "Love is going to make people stupid, you are not a woman who loves too, your girlfriend, that Ye Xiaoxi. You said, sometimes you will feel that you are A stupid man?"

"No, she is also a silly woman." Xiao Bing sighed. "You two are all stupid women who are stupid and can't be stupid, but I believe that the man will never disappoint you, just like I will not let down Ye Xiaoxi. In the same way, he will definitely give you an account. There are too many substances in the world, too many men and women are immersed in the material, and love is getting less and less. If he fails you, old Heaven will not forgive him, he will not forgive himself."

When Xiao Bing said this, it seems so serious, so sure.

Rouge smiled and said: "Look at what you said so seriously, it is like the person I like is you like, you don't know people, and you say so, I have to believe."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway!"

It’s too late, rouge can’t live here. After talking with Xiao Bing for more than an hour, Rouge is gone. As a woman, she is a good woman. As a friend, she is also very interesting. Before she left, she advised Xiao Bing to find a place to hide. Rouge was not in front of the huge Xue family, but she was willing to use her network to help Xiao Bing to clear the relationship, but she was finally rejected by Xiao Bing. The soldiers clearly expressed an idea, and they must fight to fight!

After the rouge went away, Xiao Bing went to the window, pushed open the window, looked down, looked at the night scene of Huaxia, looked at the lights below, and he sighed slightly, muttering to himself: "This world, Everyone lives in matter, how many people really have feelings? Hey, a woman like rouge can like me, it is my blessing, like Liu Kexin, the woman like the leaves like me. , or my blessing, there are red roses, Princess Anna... Just like the leaves said, avoiding is not a way, everything goes with the flow, I will give you all of you one day sooner or later!"

Xiao Bing’s hands clasped the window tightly and shouted out loudly to the outside: “Mom is a bazi, Laozi is a playboy, Lao Tzu is not a man, but Lao Tzu will not give up every woman of mine, life I Live is to live beautiful, live to be lively! And the **** Xue family, Lao Tzu this time is to kill the chicken and monkey, you have to fight, I will go to war with you!"

After Xiao Bing shouted, he laughed happily. For a long time, he was not so cool, happy and happy!

In Xue Jia, Xue Jia’s grandfather sat on the chair in the yard, under the moonlight, his eyes closed slightly. He had been the owner of this Xue family for decades, but he never encountered it. I have never had such a provocation.

At this time, Xue Chuan, who was temperamental, walked in from the outside. The old man opened his eyes and glanced at him, then faintly said: "You are coming in."

"Yes, father, are you looking for me?"

Xue Chuan respectfully stood in front of his father and stood up.

The old man leaned on the seat and his eyes closed slightly. He sighed: "Xue Tianyi can't stand up anymore. This is a big blow to your big brother."

Xue Chuandao: "It is very big. No one wants to be born in this matter. We are all very sad. My father is pleased."

The old man said: "We have been in Xuejia for so many years. After the founding of the country, it was the top family of China. After several generations of efforts, we have already firmly established one of the four major families in China, even if it is the above We Xuejia also attach great importance to it. No one in China has ever dared to make such a provocation against Xue. Your two legs are interrupted, which is equivalent to the slap in the Xue family..."

The old lady sighed and said: "But this thing is Xue Tianyi's own death. I have already told you that no one can provoke Xiao Bing. Since Xiao Bing killed Wei Sihai, I know that this person is not You can easily provoke, you don't understand the power of this level of power, so they lack awe. But Xue Tianyi still went, even a woman who violated Xiao Bing, even if he was killed, it is a deserved."

The old man raised his eyelids and looked at Xue Chuan and asked: "Xue Chuan, you are Xue Tianyi's second uncle, what do you think?"

Xue Chuan's temperament is cold, his head is silent, his mind is running wildly, thinking about how to respond to his father's inquiry. In fact, there are only two choices, war or no war.

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