Super Soldier

Chapter 1032: Awarded to Lieutenant General!

If you choose not to fight, Xue Chuan is afraid that the old man thinks that he can't protect the interests of the family and is indifferent to his family. Network

If you choose to fight, Xue Chuan is afraid that the old man thinks he lacks the overall situation.

Xue Chuan thinks that Xue Tianyi is not here now. Xue Gang’s family heir’s position is probably not guaranteed. Then he should be in the upper position, but now it’s not a matter of nailing, so everything must be careful, not the slightest. Slack and carelessness.

When I saw Xue Chuan’s silence, the old man was a little unhappy. The tone was slightly aggravated. He said, “What’s wrong, you don’t even dare to say anything now, is it afraid to affect your homeowner’s position? ”

When the old man said this, Xue Chuan was shocked and said: "Father, don't think too much. I just think that this matter is of great importance. It must be considered more carefully before it can be decided. It cannot be reckless."

"Well." Xue Jia's father looked at Xue Chuan. He didn't know whether he was appreciative or disappointed. He did not show the slightest difference. "Xue Chuan, your character is calm and calm. It is reasonable to say that it is also a material of the master. But your character is too cold. Sometimes, too straight is not a good thing, too hot is not good, there is a snack machine is right, but if the mind is too deep, it is not a good thing, because others will prevent Looking at you, afraid of you, hiding from you, not trusting you, this is a taboo for being a family owner."

Xue Chuan hurriedly said: "My son understands."

"Well, you understand, but you can't change it. Hey, it's reasonable to say that your big brother is indeed a good candidate to inherit this position, but his son has missed this matter. If he is the owner, it will be difficult to protect him in the future. The position of the head of the family was passed to his son, and it was impossible for a person who could not walk even the way to be the owner of my Xue family."

Xue Chuan is silent. He said that he is not right. He said that he is not right, so he can only be silent now.

Xue Laotai continued: "Your third brother is relatively unsettled, but this is only one. Second, your third brother has three sons, but each son is a dude, and his son is innocent. If the three sons who handed over the family to him in the future, it would be better to give it to the son of the boss. This is the second. Your third brother is not very interested in the position of the owner. The greatest interest of your third brother is In the military, and our Xue family really needs a person to constantly take power in the army, so that we can ensure the status of the Xue family, this is the third."

Xue Chuan’s heart has already begun to rejoice in the dark.

Xue Laotai said: "So, no matter from which point of view, you can only be the most suitable candidate. Now the position of this owner is not yours."

Xue Chuan slammed into the ground and trembled: "Father, I promise to treat my brother well, be kind to all my loved ones, and I will definitely give the whole Xue family a big boost."

Xue Laotai nodded and said: "But you should not be too happy too early. I have not made a thorough decision. You have a son and a daughter. If you inherit my position, the future Xuejia’s family must be your son. To inherit. However, I must make sure that your son will not be the kind of the three sons of your third brother. Only then can I safely hand over the position of the owner to your hands."

Xue Chuan continued: "I will educate my children."

"Yes, I have to educate. So I will give you a few years. In recent years, the position of the owner will not be handed over to any of you. After a few years, if I see your child is still good, That position is for you."

Xue Chuan excitedly said: "Thank you father, thank you father."

"Get up." Xue Laotai was a little tired.

"Yes, father." Xue Chuan stood up.

Xue Laotai said: "Now you can safely say it, how do you feel it, how do you solve this problem of your nephew, do you want to start with Xiao Bing?"

Xue Chuan thought about it for a moment and said: "Father, I think this thing is not a shot. If it is not, Xue's family is equivalent to being beaten, the prestige must be cut, and it will be seen by the other three families. ”

"Well." Xue Laotai nodded.

Xue Chuan said again: "On the other hand, now that Xiao Bing has been torn apart with our Xue family, there is no possibility of easing. Xiao Bing's power is great, although it may not pose a threat to Xue's family, but If there is a snake at the moment, staring at our Xue family, it will be a trouble after all. Even this snake may be used by the other three families in the future, and it will be more troublesome at that time. In this case, it is better to look at the present. I have already torn my face and smashed the roots."

"Good!" Xue Laotai said. "You didn't let me down this time. In fact, the last point you said is the most important. We can't let a snake snake stare at us all the time. They are very worried about it sooner or later, so weeding the roots. It is the best policy."

Xue Chuandao: "If you want to do it, you must be a Thunder strike. If the dog is anxious, he must jump to the wall. This Xiao Bing is so strong. When his father said that he should not provoke him, then he must not provoke him. So if we don't provoke the best, don't provoke it easily. If it doesn't, then you must be able to kill him with a stick."

"You are right." Xue Laotai said, "And this thing we must rely on the strength of the country. This Xiao Bing is the strength of Tianzun's realm. It is far from being comparable to ordinary warriors. Even if it is our Xue family, as long as He thought that he had enough power to easily kill it, but if he did, it was the enemy of the whole country."

Although Xue Chuan knew that Xiao Bing was very strong, he was shocked after hearing his father's words. He was very surprised: "He is so powerful?"

Xue Laotai said: "He is more powerful than you think. Otherwise, with the energy of our Xue family, how can I be so concerned about him? Hey, no matter how powerful he is, now that he has already provoked our Xue family, then He must die, the more powerful he is, the more we will kill him. Otherwise, one day, one day, Xue Jia will die in his hands. This matter, you help me to arrange it and use the police to arrest him. He arrested, then I greeted the above and asked Longya to shoot!"

"it is good!"

Xue Laotai said: "You should retire first."

Xue Chuan bent down deeply and retired with respect and respect. He said while walking: "Father, take a rest and take care of your body."

Xue Chuan left, Xue Lao’s brow slightly wrinkled and sighed, saying: “This Xue Chuan, the mind is too heavy, but unfortunately, now he is only suitable for this position. He may not be the best, but it is the most suitable. , 唉... Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing... This is a character that even Wei Weihai can kill. I thought that I had inadvertently contacted Wei Sihai who had been escaping for many years. I thought I could use him to eradicate it. Xiao Bing, never thought of... Xue Tianyi, this guy who is not enough to make a mistake, I used to look at him."

Xue Laotai seems to have some exhaustion, closes his eyes and falls asleep directly.

The next morning, Xiao Bing received a call from the front desk and said that someone came to pick him up. Xiao Bing guessed that he was from the old class, so he dressed and went downstairs. It was a man in military uniform. Waiting for himself, he immediately observed a military ceremony after seeing Xiao Bing and said: "I am the captain of a guard under the old bureau, and the old director said let me pick you up."

"Let's go." Xiao Bing smiled. "I'm in trouble."

"No trouble."

Xiao Bing sat on his bulletproof car, and the car drove all the way to the National Security Bureau. Then Xiao Bing got off the bus and went all the way to the office of the old class. When he entered, the old class still smoked in the office.

Xiao Bing said: "Old class, what is it for me?"

The old class looked up and saw Xiao Bing coming in. He pointed to the sand next to him and said, "Close the door, then sit down."

Xiao Bing closed the door and sat down on the sand. He immediately said, "The old class, if you have something to say, I am busy."

"Busy? What are you busy? You can't go anywhere except Kyoto. You can't believe that you only need to go to the airport or the station. Xuejia will immediately start the action and use whatever means will leave you." ”

Xiao Bing dismissed: "On their point, can you still leave me?"

The old class said: "Yes, your ability is big, the means is high, but people are bright and upright. You interrupted Xue Tianyi's two legs. Do people let the police catch you always?"

Xiao Bingdao: "Xue Tianyi raped, why not arrest Xue Tianyi?"

The old class sighed: "What do you mean by arguing with a top-level giant? If you really want someone to arrest you, you are resisting and not resisting. If you resist, it is resisting arrest. It is estimated that the Xue family’s mind is just right. If you don't resist, once you are caught in the cell, then everything will be forbidden."

Xiao Bing also retorted, the old class said with a smile: "Don't rush to argue with me, I will show you something."

The old class took out the key, opened a drawer, and took out a document from the inside, threw it on the table and said, "Look at it."

Xiao Bing walked over and picked it up and glanced at it. Then the whole person’s eyes flashed with joyful light. Excited: "So fast? Is this now me?"

"Of course it is yours." The old class laughed. "I said it at the beginning. The state has the authority to give you the rank of lieutenant general. It is just that there is some resistance, but the big one said, as long as you The strength can break the void, the lieutenant general will be awarded to you immediately, I did not expect your kid to really compete, so quickly reached. To be honest, I thought that you must be at least 40 years old before you can get this. The officer’s certificate, even if it is, is already fast, but the lieutenant, it’s already a senior general!”

Xiao Bing was like a baby, and he was excited to say: "Great, great, lying, I don't think I have a chance to get this, old class, thank you very much."

The old class waved his hand and said: "This is what you won. What do you thank me for?"

Xiao Bing looked at the old class and said: "When I don't understand it, even if I promised to give my lieutenant's rank after my strength broke through to Tianzun, Lieutenant General is very high in China. The generals of the level, this is a big event, how could it be so fast? And everything is still so coincidental. After I offended Xue’s family, the lieutenant’s rank immediately got the hand, the old class, you are Help me in the middle to torture the above, you are helping me to increase the weight against the Xue family!"

The old class didn't want to mention this, but now Xiao Bing took the initiative to say it, and the old class didn't hide it. He smiled and said: "I have seen you since childhood, your boy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I remember the time when I saw you for the first time. How old are you? At that time, I was still in junior high school. You started to work with a group of off-campus gangsters. One person and so many of them played, and your nose and face were swollen, and you were not afraid. I knew then. Taking you away may be the biggest mistake of my life, because I will continue to wipe your **** for you in the future!"

After the old class was finished, he laughed, and the old class and Xiao Bing looked at each other and laughed.

After laughing, Xiao Bing looked at the old class seriously. Some excitement said: "From the time you took me away, the old class, I will treat you as my relative in this world, as my father! ”

When I heard this sentence, the old class’s eyes were red and some were moist. At the same time, the mouth yelled: “Bad boy, what acid is so acidic in me, play with me? I tell you, even if Xue’s family is four big families, Don't want to bully you. If you are bullied by Xue, don't talk about knowing me as an old man. I can't afford this man!"

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