Super Soldier

Chapter 1034: Xiao Bing went to the banquet!

Xue Jia gave Xiao Bing two days, and then he publicized this thing and made everyone known.

Two days later, Xiao Bing went to the Xuejia mansion empty-handed. Now that both sides have torn the face, Xiao Bing will naturally not bring the gift in the past. As for the hand of the Xue family, the box is brought in the past, or what wreath is brought. Class, that is the plot in the TV series, Xiao Bing does not want to be so stupid, so simply empty handed over.

Xiao Bing took a taxi in the past. When I heard that Xiao Bing was going to live for Xue Lao’s grandfather, the taxi driver was very enthusiastic about Xiao Bing, and even with a bit of awe. He could even imagine the driver. It is not an ordinary person who is qualified to give Mrs. Xue’s life. The casual one is not something that his ordinary people can provoke.

After waiting for the car to slowly approach a luxury villa halfway up the mountain, Xiao Bing pointed to the door of the mansion where many luxury cars drove in front and asked: "Is this Xue family?"

The driver said with emotion: "This villa of Xuejia, like a taxi driver like me, can't afford it even if he doesn't eat or drink for ten years."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "Sometimes, ordinary is also a blessing, there is no need to envy them."

When Xiao Bing said this, he thought of the Ye family of the year. The first richest man in the city of Yecheng was the end of the game. In total, three children and two children died in the intrigue. If this is only Ordinary one, will it be like this? Will the ending change?

The taxi stopped outside the mansion. After Xiao Bing paid the fare, he got off the bus and walked toward Xuejia Villa.

At this time, several people at the door who were responsible for the door-to-door and the passengers were all curious to see Xiao Bing. It was too strange to be a taxi in the Xuejia Mansion.

At the entrance of the villa, there are some masters who are responsible for maintaining law and order. At the same time, there is a 30-year-old middle-aged man who looks like a gentle-faced white-faced scholar. After seeing Xiao Bing, the middle-aged man immediately respected and said: " Did Mr. bring invitations?"

Xiao Bing handed the invitation to the middle-aged man. After the middle-aged person received the invitation, he saw that the inside of the invitation was Xiao Bing, and immediately returned the invitation to Xiao Bing, and then said: "It turned out to be Mr. Xiao Bing, I Xue Ning, deputy director of Xuejia, has no problem with Mr. Xiao’s invitation. Please come in.”

Xiao Bing promised to walk into the hospital. Xue Ning looked back and looked at Xiao Bing. He said to two of the security guards around him: "You two went in, just the man, wherever he went, he did not care, but he did not care. Don't worry about anything, keep an eye on it, you know?"

The two security guards promised and then followed.

Someone next to Xue Ning asked: "The second general manager, just that person is the wicked person who interrupted the two legs of Master Xue Tianyi? I heard that he is the most famous hegemon in the underground world. How is it so young?"

Xue Ning coldly said: "Don't talk casually, do you know? This thing of Master Xue Tianyi should not be casually mentioned in the future. If anyone is heard by the uncle, I think we will talk about this behind the scenes. I am afraid there will be trouble. ""

The man hurriedly agreed and said, "Know it."

Xue Ning also secretly sighed. Before that, he was also the person of the uncle Xue Gang. Now Xue Tianyi’s two legs are broken. The grandfather is destined to be wrecked. It seems that he has to find a way to close the relationship with the other two masters. Especially the second master Xue Chuan, now the whole school is talking about it, saying that Xue Chuan will soon replace Xue Gang's status, and he also sees it this way.

After Xiao Bing entered the yard, he immediately noticed that two people were quietly staring at himself. He didn't care. He appeared here today. These people are also polite to let him in, it is already unexpected, but this It also proves that today is a feast without a feast. If you specifically want to deal with yourself at the birthday party, how can you let yourself go in peace?

However, this Xue family is really enough to get it. Xue Lao’s grandfather is 80 years old. Normal people should think of a good way. But today’s trouble, you have to go through it. You can see from them. Xue family is how much he hates himself.

Xiao Bing looked back and saw that someone came in from the outside, but Xue Ning arranged for the next person to lead the way and think of his treatment. Xiao Bing said: "This Xue Jiake is really not bright at all. Isn't it just knocking out the two legs of your grandfather's grandson? As for, invite me to come, but also treat me coldly, hey, little belly."

There were several white dining tables on the lawn inside the villa's yard, and there was a red carpet in the middle of the grass. Some people were standing there talking and looking very hot, but after seeing Xiao Bing walked over, Immediately everyone was quiet, and almost all eyes fell on Xiao Bing.

These people are all high-ranking figures from all walks of life in China. They naturally heard about Xiao Bing, and even recognized Xiao Bing. If they changed to be before, they would definitely find a way to have a good relationship with Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing now controls the underground world of half of China, and may become the owner of the underground world of China at any time, but now they are afraid to talk to Xiao Bing, for fear of standing in the wrong team and offending Xue.

No matter from which point of view, they feel that Xiao Bing’s single-handed trip today is almost equivalent to a dead behavior, even if you are a tiger or even a river tyrannosaur, but you become a dead tiger, what else? usefulness?

Those people stood together, and when Xiao Bing approached, they all looked away from each other, even facing Xiao Bing, and treating Xiao Bing as air, as if there was no such person at all.

Xiao Bing didn't care. Then he sat down at a table. There were delicious dishes on the table, as well as fruits and desserts. Xiao Bing took it up and ate it. Some people saw it with the light, but still in the heart. Some people have to admire Xiao Bing's mentality is really good, they all die to the end, actually still eat so fragrant, there is no tension at all, but what is the use, this is Xiao Bing's broken meal.

Xiao Bing can care no matter what they think, it is most important to be able to eat enough, and comfort is more important than anything else.

After a while, a few people came out of the villa. Xiao Bing glanced at the goose legs and glanced at them. There were several young people walking in front. The appearance and Xue Tianyi were similar. They should all look like Xue. The family, two of them are still seen by Xiao Bing, one is Xue Cai Ning, the other is Xue Shaonan, when the two men went to Xiao Fu to mention the relatives, saying that they wanted Xue Shaonan and Liu Xiaorui to get engaged, but they were Xiao Bing. Refused, from a brief contact, Xiao Bing can feel that Xue Cai Ning is not a general woman, at least there is a snack machine.

In addition to Xue Cai Ning and Xue Shaonan, there are three young people who look more like, two of them are in their early twenties, and one looks like only fifteen or six years old. Xiao Bing heard about the third generation of Xue’s second generation Xue Jiang. It is a very great person. In the military region, it is already a major general. Xiao Bing is now a lieutenant, but he can't compare it. Xiao Bing is almost a miracle in the miracle. There has never been a case since the founding of the country. Such a young lieutenant, the youngest is also over 50 years old, and Xue Jiang is now 46 years old, when he is 50 years old, he is likely to get the rank of lieutenant general!

Although Xue Jiang said that his ability is outstanding, he is the pillar of Xue's future, but he has three disappointing sons. It is estimated that he is in the army most of the time, so he is a little negligent to his son. Discipline, this made his three sons become the sons of the scorpion, and the three young people who look close to each other should be Xue Jiang's three sons Xue Jiadong, Xue Jiacheng, and Xue Jiahe.

These young people walked quickly behind, and Xue Cai stared at the high-ranking people who were present and said hello. His younger brother Xue Shaonan stood beside the rules, Xue Jiang’s three The son just found a table and sat down. Xiao Bing was able to hear the conversations after the three of them sat down. It seemed that they were talking about the third-line female star.

Then the Xue’s old man came out from the inside with the support of his two sons. His left is Xue Long, the eldest son, and Xue Chuan, the second son on the right. Xue Jiang is not here, but Xue Jiang’s days are rare. At Xue's family, most of the time they were busy in the army. They followed three of them behind the three of them. One of the thin, tall men who looked dark and black had a horrible strong man. It is a super strong man who has reached the middle level of strength, and followed by two people, one is Xue Hu of Dan Jinfeng and the other is the master of Dan Jinfeng.

The Xue Hu was originally ordered to invite Wei Sihai to go out of the mountain. Later, he was oppressed by the momentum of Wei Sihai, and even some suffered minor injuries. Now the injury has been fully restored and the peak strength has been restored.

Xiao Bing took a glance and didn't take it easy. The four major families have such a level. There are a few masters in the mansion. It is too normal, but it is still too weak for Xiao Bing. Ding point threat.

All the people who saw Xue’s family came out. All the guests knew that it was estimated that Xue Jia and Xiao Bing’s banquet would begin immediately. Then, let’s see how Xue’s move, how Xiao Bing dealt with it. .

Master Xue, who was walking down to the stage, looked at everyone below. He let the two sons go down first, then stood with a cane, his eyes swept down, his hair was gray and his body was awkward. It still looks very weak, but he is standing there casually, and there is a natural power.

He is not a strong martial artist, but the momentum is not under the martial arts strong, even a strong master may not have such a power, this is the majesty of the superior.

The eyes of Xue Laoye finally fell on Xiao Bing's body, and there was a faint radiance in the muddy eyes.

Ps: Explain that the original four chapters are updated today. As a result, many new characters are coming out, so the character settings have been sorted out and delayed for a long time. And the child is sick again, gastrointestinal cold, vomiting and fever, a little bit of chaos... If you only update three chapters today, tomorrow should be four chapters, so stay tuned!



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