Super Soldier

Chapter 1035: Four families gather together

Xue Lao’s grandfather is now 80 years old. Today is his 80th birthday. In the family of the four families, his age is second only to Xu’s family Xu Zipao. The other two family leaders are one of his. younger generation.

At this time, the second housekeeper suddenly said loudly below: "Xu's two sons arrived."

At this time, the following arguments have come up: "Xu Jialai is coming."

"It’s the second son. Although it’s not the Xu family in Kyoto’s four young people, but Xu’s two sons and one daughter, everyone is a dragon and a dragon. I don’t think Xu’s family is coming, but it’s also reasonable. The thing, Master Xue is one of the most powerful people in Kyoto. Xu is the first of the four families, and he dare not take a break from Xue."

At this time, I saw a twenty-seven-year-old young man who came to a big stride. The man looked very energetic and looked at his eyes. When he walked, he walked long and Xiaobing glanced at it and found this. Xu’s second son is still a master of martial arts. Although he did not step into the innate realm, he also reached the stage of martial arts. He is considered a top-ranking expert in any city.

This young man came from him alone. He held a brocade in his hand. After walking to the stage, he bowed to Xue’s grandfather. Lang Lang said: “Xu Jiaxujian met Xue Shushu, I My father has recently been unwell and doesn't like noise, so let me give Xue Shushu a birthday for him. This is a small birthday, not a tribute."

Next to the natural one, the next person will pick up the birthday of Xu’s family and register it at the same time.

Xue Laotai smiled and said: "Jianxin looks more and more arrogant, Xu family is really good, you go back and thank me and your father, I haven't seen Xu and my brother for a long time, have the opportunity to let him come and sit. Sitting, I have some good tea here, just waiting for him to taste."

Xu Jianxin smiled and nodded: "I must tell my father."

Xu Jianxin’s father is Xu Zi’s current owner Xu Zipao. Xu Zipao’s age is older than Xue’s grandfather, but when he had children, it was too late. He had his first child until he was fifty. Then there was another son and a daughter, so the Xu family had two generations in total, but the age of the second generation of Xu family was similar to that of the third generation of Xue family. This is also the age of Xu Jianxin and the third of Xue Jia. The generation is almost the same, but it is the reason why Xue Laotai is an uncle.

Others have come forward at this time, even the most highly respected figures have also made a courtesy to Xu Jianxin: "Building a young master."

Xu Jianxin is also a humble person who is not humble but polite.

Xiao Bing looked in his eyes, and his heart was secret. This Xu Jianxin was not the most eye-catching dragon in Xu's family. Actually, there was such a temperament. It seems that Xu family is indeed the first family in Kyoto.

At this time, the two general managers suddenly screamed: "Miss Wenda."

I heard the words of Miss Wenda, and everyone looked at them one by one, but saw a beautiful and unparalleled young woman wearing a blue dress walking on a small step. The age of this beauty is almost the same as that of Xu Jianxing. They are all twenty-seven years old, and her appearance is even higher. Her body is more difficult to have. The woman is the daughter of Wen’s contemporary family, Miss Wen Jiada. Warm.

Wen Jia’s current owner, Wen Chaosheng, is just 55 years old this year. He is a younger brother of Xue Lao’s grandfather. He has been married for many years, but his wife has only given him such a daughter. It has been spread in the upper class of Kyoto City. The wife of the dynasty had a disease and had no fertility. This Wen dynasty was a rare man who was loyal to his feelings in the upper class, so he would rather have no son and not consider other women.

Fortunately, this gentle talent and ability is even better than the average man, and the eyebrows are not allowed.

Unfortunately, no matter how good Wenyu is, if she is the owner of Wen’s family in the future, Wen’s family will probably change their surnames one day sooner or later.

Wen Yan said with courtesy: "Xue Lao is very good, Wen Hao has seen Xue Laotai."

Xue Laotai smiled and said: "Warm, you are more and more beautiful."

"Grandpa, this is a gift for you, not a tribute."

Wen Hao is holding a scroll in his hand. It should be a calligraphy and painting. But I don’t have to know that Wen’s shot must be worth the price. The next person rushed to pick it up and register it.

Xue Laotai smiled and said: "How old is your father?"

Wen Wei smiled and said: "He has been very good recently, but he just left the country a few days ago, not at home, so this time I will replace my father to give my grandfather a birthday."

Xue Laotai nodded slightly, and Xue Caiing, who was on the side, had come over and grabbed Wen’s hand. He smiled and said: "Wen Xiaojie, I will go to the side to talk."

Xue Tai’s grandfather saw this scene and felt in his heart that Xue Cai’s gimmick is now the best third generation in Xue’s family. It’s not much worse than Xue Tianyi. Unfortunately, she is a daughter and she is not suitable for her family.

At this time, the second general manager went on to say: "The young Lin Da of the Lin family arrived."

At this time, some people whispered: "It is said that the four families have to compete with each other, but today the other three families are all coming."

"That is of course, the birthday of Master Xue, how could they not come to celebrate."

At this time, a young man who looks like a sunny and lively man came over here. The young man was dressed in white clothes, handsome in sunshine, but it gave people a somewhat unscrupulous temperament. When he saw Wen Wei and Xue Cai Ning After that, the eyes immediately became bright, completely the eyes of a playboy, but he quickly regained his gaze and looked closely. His eyes were full of wisdom.

The young man smiled and said: "Master Xue, I wish you a blessing like the East China Sea and Shoubi Nanshan! This fan in my hand is a fan used by Qianlong. Just after the auction, I will give Xue Grandpa a birthday."

Everyone heard it was amazed, and the next person gave it to the past and registered it.

Xue Laotai smiled and said: "Lin Zihang, let your Lin family spend money."

"No cost, no cost." Lin Zihang suddenly turned to look at Wen Hao and Xue Cai Ning, smiled. "Oh, Miss Wen Wei and Cai Ning girl are also there, I have a lot of words to talk to both of you." ”

Lin Zihang is like a **** who saw the little beauty like the past. Xu Jia's second master, Xu Jianxin, coughed like a clear scorpion at this time. Lin Zihang seemed to be surprised to say: "Oh, this is not Xu. Brother, I just saw you, I didn’t expect you to come, what about Master Xu Da in your family?"

Xu Jianxin said calmly: "My older brother is not in Kyoto recently, so I didn't come over."

"Oh, it turns out that, oh, Kyoto is four, but it’s a pity that I am alone. I thought it would be a gathering."

As soon as the words were finished, many people’s faces changed. Kyoto’s four minors, apart from the mysterious dragons, knew the identity of the other three people. One was a fake Xu Jian’an, and Xu Shao was also the first in Kyoto. Big and young, the leading figures of the younger generation of China, one is Xue Tianyi of Xue's family, and the other is Lin Zihang of his Lin family.

Each of the three young masters can make a splash in the city of Kyoto, even if there is great energy throughout China, and even many people are talking privately. The future Xu family, Lin family and Xue family are under their leadership. It will continue to be brilliant and maintain the status of the four major families. As for Wen Jia, Wen Jia is one of the four major families, but because the younger generation of Wen Jia is the most outstanding woman, it is not among the four.

When Lin Zihang said this, wouldn’t it make people think of Xue Tianyi, who had just been interrupted by Xue’s family, so the face of the person who was present would change, and then they would eat a table for one person. The mouth full of oil is Xiaobing.

At this time, everyone sat down. Seven or eight people sat around a table. Only Xiao Bing was isolated. It was obvious that he occupied a table by himself.

Xue Laotai said at this time: "Today is the 80th birthday of the old age. I am very glad that all my friends can appreciate me. Come and give me a birthday. I thank you all here."

Xue Laotai sighed and said: "But today's birthday, I originally didn't want to. I should all know that there was something happening in our Xue family recently. The son of my eldest son Xue Gang was interrupted. The child of God is also outstanding among the peers in Kyoto City. It is the child I value the most, but now because of this, he will be depressed, and even in this life can no longer stand up, this is thanks to one person. ""

Xue Laotai suddenly looked at Xiao Bing and twitched: "Mr. Xiao Bing Xiao, you are supervising my grandson for me. I thank you for the old man."

Xiao Bing threw the bones in his hand on the table, took out two so far, wiped his hands and mouth, then looked up at Xue Lao’s grandfather, and even with a very sincere smile, smiled and said: “The old man is too You're welcome!"

Lin Zi’s Lin Zihang saw this scene, and there was a hint of weirdness in his eyes. He smiled in his heart: “This Xiao Bing is simply too shameless. Does he think that Xue Lao’s grandfather is really thanking him? Now Xue’s people I must not want to lick his skin, pump his ribs!"

Other people think about it in the same way. Many people feel that Xiao Bing is too crazy. You can only go to the Xue family when you go to the meeting. Actually, a little apology has not been revealed. People say thank you, and you still take it for granted. He is either full of enthusiasm, or a madman. Most people think that Xiao Bing is a madman, but no one dares to provoke it. Even if everyone is optimistic about Xue, they will not This time to go to the team, after all, Xiao Bing has an amazing martial arts, even if it is a madman, but also a tyrannical madman.

Xue Laotai was really angry. His crutches were **** the ground. The majesty of a superior person made many people suffocate. He looked at Xiao Bing with a look of anger. Shen Sheng: "Xiao Bing Do you think that I am really thanking you? You don’t know the ignorant younger generation who loves the old and loves the young!"

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