Super Soldier

Chapter 1036: Xue Lao's first card!

Faced with the anger of the Xue family, Xiao Bing did not anger at all, but smiled faintly: "The old man is too serious, thank you, I said you are welcome, you invited me to participate in life. Feast, I will come over to congratulate you on your 80th birthday, but Xiao Bing is not so good to talk to, even if your Xue family is very powerful, I will not send a smile while letting you stretch out and slap on my face. I still know how to respect the old and love the young, but this person must be worthy of my respect. Today is the day of your birthday. What happened? Is this a banquet for me?"

Xue Gang suddenly stood up and angered: "Xiao Bing, you have to see clearly, who are you talking to! My father is highly respected, even if the heads are extremely respectful to my father, you are just a province of the three provinces. The mantle is rogue, even in front of so many high-ranking people, in front of my father, I am happy!"

Xiao Bing looked at Xue Gang and asked, "Who are you?"

The anger in Xue Gang’s eyes can almost burn Xiaobing. He gnashed his teeth and said: “I am Xue Gang, the father of Xue Tianyi who was interrupted by you.”

"Oh." Xiao Bing nodded and sighed. "The child does not teach, the father has passed, your son is rampant, and even wants to start with my girlfriend. I interrupted my leg or was light. I wanted to find you. Xue Jia, come to you to discuss, but if you think about it, you don't have to take it."

Xue Gangqi’s violent jump is like thunder: “ are a little bastard, my son’s nature will do that kind of thing for your girlfriend? It’s clear that you have set up a conspiracy trick, deliberately let my family go to heaven...”

A slamming sound, all the people were shocked, Xiao Bing was still sitting there one second before, and suddenly one second stood in front of Xue Gang’s position, and slaps Xue Xue to take off. .

Lin Zihang’s eyes widened and his heart groaned: “It’s no wonder that even Xue Shao’s legs are dare to interrupt. This Xiao Bing is simply too lawless. But this time there is a good show, Xue’s is never It will be good to stop, but it seems that this Xiao Bing is also fearless, en... Calculate the odds, this is at the home of the Xue family, plus with the underground world of the three provinces is still impossible and the old family of Xue family Fighting, even if it is not enough to add a underground world in the six northwestern provinces, or Xue Jiaying is more likely."

Everyone else is also a face that can't believe it. Everyone still thought that Xiao Bing would take the initiative to apologize this time. I didn't expect Xiao Bing's slap directly to shatter their thoughts. It seems that today is really There is a good joke, most people have a schadenfreak mentality, even if today Xue family can kill Xiao Bing, but the third generation successor was interrupted, followed by the second generation successor After being slap in the face, Xue Jia is finally going to become the laughing stock of Kyoto City. The four big families of the Tang Dynasty...have become a laughing stock. This is something that may not happen for decades, just to let them see the excitement.

The Xue family’s face is full of enthusiasm, even if Xue Chuan has become more deep-eyed, although Xue Chuan and Xue Gang are competitive, but after all, they are all Xue family, and now it’s not just a Xue Gang. This slap in the palm is the entire Xue family.

Xuejia’s old man’s temper trembling: “Well, good, Xiao Bing, you are innocent from the underground world, and you can’t be lawless. It’s really lawless. If I can let you go out safely here today, then I’m Xue Shien. It is also the owner of the Xue family."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Why are you still in the Longtan Tiger Cave? Well, you should eat it. Since you don't welcome this guest, then I will leave. There is no need to stay here to see what your face is. You have a master in Xue's family. Although they are out, I can see if there is anyone in Xuejia who can stop me Xiaobing!"

After Xiao Bing finished, he turned and left. All the people looked stunned. Xiao Bing completely regarded Xue Jia as a no-man's land. This kind of flying arrogance, this kind of arrogance, I am afraid that only the Xiao under the heavens The soldiers can do it.

At this time, suddenly there was a group of people coming out of the mighty outside. There were probably forty or fifty people. These people were all awkward. The first few people who looked at the front seemed to be big-sized. They were very Far away, he arched his hand at Xue Laotai and shouted: "Yunnan Wanchanglin."

"Folding Jiang Wugui!"

"Two lakes Wang Xichuan."

"Shaanxi Jiang Wei."

"Two Guangxi Zhang Tiesheng."

"Let's have a birthday together with Xue Laotai!"

Xue Lao’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and then arched the hand: “I’m bothered.”

After these people have reported their names, the faces of the people have changed a little. These names are all famous in the underground world of China, although they are more famous than the original Longba and Wei Tongtian. If they are together, even Longba and Wei Tongtian will retreat from the three homes. This is the underground world leader of the seven provinces in China!

These seven people are standing here, talking about the forces, basically not weaker than the current Xiao Bing, even though Xiao Bing now has nine provinces in the three northern provinces and six northwestern provinces, but the six northwestern provinces are not completely reconciled, so Together, these seven people can almost keep pace with Xiao Bing.

The guests who came here didn’t expect Xue Lao’s grandfather to come in such a hand. These seven people, together with Xiao Bing’s words, almost occupied two-thirds of the underground world of China. So many underground worlds gathered together, I am afraid that China It has not happened several times in decades, and today it seems that Xue family has to bleed.

Xiao Bing also stopped and looked at these people like a smile. Is this the card in the hands of Xue?

After these people were celebrating their birthdays to Xue Laotai, they all glared at Xiao Bing.

Wan Changlin, the king of the underground world in Yunnan, has a big eyeball. The loud voice: "Xiao Bing, Wei Tongtian is my confidant friend for many years. You killed Wei Tongtian. It is equivalent to being like the sea and not wearing the sky. How can I spare? you?"

Xiao Bing did not take a sneer and smiled: "Do you mean to avenge the Wei family?"

In fact, Xiao Bing knew that Wan Changlin and Wei Jia had no relationship at all. If Wei Jia swallowed his own territory, then the next thing to suffer was this Wan Changlin, and then these people will be one after another. Swallowing, but Xiao Bing doesn't mind, how can a group of mice even if they come here? Xiao Bing is even too lazy to debunk the lies of these people.

Wan Changlin loudly said: "Yes, Wei Tongtian is killed by you, you Xiaobing and I don't share the sky, Xue Laotai, we have to say sorry, I am looking for trouble with you here today, I will come over again tomorrow. apologize."

Xuejia Laotai said faintly: "This is something between you, I don't mind."

The guests who were invited today are all secretly in the heart. So, **** is still old and spicy. Don’t think about it. These people are definitely invited by Xue’s family. However, Xue’s family is still a little out of the way, letting them fight each other. Regardless of who is the last to die, the one who will not suffer is the Xue family. The lion is going to use these methods. This Xue family is an old fox.

In their eyes, Xiao Bing is also a rabbit, and Xue is the tiger.

Xiao Bing faintly said: "You want revenge, but with your Yunnan power, it is not enough."

"Plus me?" Folding Jiang Wugui also stood up, loud.

Xiao Bing shook his head.

Wang Huchuan of the two lakes said: "Is it enough?"

Wang Xichuan is considered to be the top underground world in China, and one person occupies the sphere of influence of the two provinces.

Xiao Bing shook his head again.

“Plus us? Not enough?” Shaanxi Jiang Wei and Liang Guang Zhang Tiesheng also all stood up. These two people collectively represented the underground forces of the three provinces.

Xiao Bing was a very indifferent look from beginning to end. It was like an adult watching a group of children in a house, and even his eyes did not change. He sighed: "Would you guys?" It’s still far behind.”

"If you add me!" At this time, a group of people came in from the outside, Xiao Bing looked up, a total of more than a dozen black men, the head of the people is about forty years old, Long Xing Tiger step, the body is stronger than the previous ones.

At this time, some of the guests were amazed: "I didn't expect the people of Xiangxing Dongxing to come!"

"Did they not always participate in the underground world of the mainland? How come this time also came here?"

"Hey, is this still useful? Now Xiaobing’s power is expanding rapidly. If Xiao Bing can spend the Xue family this time, I am afraid that the future underground forces in China will be controlled by Xiao Bing. When they are in Xianggang The underground forces over there must also follow the title, and now naturally they want to use this opportunity to kill Xiao Bing in the cradle."

"I don't think that Xue Laotai does not shoot, but the shot is such a big squad! The person who is headed, I know, is the third spot of Xiangxing Dongxing, the big elder Zhang Boyun!"

Zhang Boyun was very far away from Xue Lao’s grandfather: “Zhang Boyun wished Xue Lao’s grandfather to be like the East China Sea, and he was better than Nanshan. I solved a little problem first, and then personally apologized to Xue Lao.”

Xue Laotai arched his hand slightly and was quite polite to Zhang Boyun.

Zhang Boyun took more than a dozen masters to stop in front of Xiao Bing, then looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "Xiao Bing, I heard that you have just said that so many underground worlds are even worse together in front of you." Far away, now with our Dongxing help, is it enough?"

"Oh, enough." Xiao Bing raised his eyelids, a faint road, "I can barely kill me."

Xiao Bing’s words are gone, everyone is shocked!

Manic, incomparable mania!

:. :

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