Super Soldier

Chapter 1037: The underworld was scared to death!

The invited guests all watched the excitement. Each of them was a powerful person in the upper class of China. No one is comparable to these underground worlds, but if they are allowed to be one person For the siege of so many underground worlds, they think that even if they have some power, they can't afford it.

Can Xiao Bing actually say that there is a reluctance to kill him?

How awkward this is, how arrogant.

Lin Zihang said with a smile: "This Xiao Bing is really a bit interesting. Others say that we are the most arrogant in Kyoto. I think he is much less arrogant than our Kyoto."

Xue Cai Ning looked at Lin Zihang and looked at him. Then he smiled and said: "How could he compare with Lin Shao? He is just a slap in the face of killing and killing. He can't get on the table."

Lin Zihang said with a smile: "I am not the one who has the ambition of others. I will destroy my own prestige. In fact, I will not be able to talk about the background of the family. This Xiao Bing should be comparable to Xu Shao, the leader of the younger generation. He really only fights and kills. But who said that killing and killing is not allowed on the table, Xu family as the head of the four major families, is not the first Chinese family based on force?"

Seeing that Lin Zihang said this, Xue Caining did not say anything, but there was still some dissatisfaction between the eyebrows. === Full-time Master /book/9677/===.

Xu Jianxin, who is a Xu family, said: "Lin Shao said that he can't underestimate this Xiao Bing. In all respects, he is qualified to become a new generation of leading figures, but there is no one in the world. The giant family is a support. Even if this is the case, if he is given him for another ten or twenty years, I believe that he will become a weaker than the four in Kyoto. Unfortunately, he has not been so long. Today, Xiao Bing It’s a pity to be history!"

Wen Wei asked: "Is Xu Ge brother feeling sorry?"

"It is a little pity, but he is too sharp, although I can feel that he is very strong, but he should not be tempted to Xue family, so this is all he asked for himself, this is also a common problem of the geniuses of the past and the present, That is too self-righteous, and it is not subject to a little bit of grievances. Hey, is there such a degenerate genius as he is still missing?"

Wen Yan said with emotion: "I feel very sorry to hear Xu Erge say this, but as Xu Ge said, this is what he asked for."

Xu Jianxin said: "His death has become settled. Now let's see how many cards he can play out of Xue's family. Xue's family is one of the four major families, and it is not so irritating."

At this time, what everyone thinks is basically the same as what Xu Jianxin said. No one is optimistic that Xiao Bing can win the Xue family, but they also know that Xiao Bing is not a good one. Xiao Bing has been destroying the dragon tyrant since he debuted. Wei Jia, but also confronted Wei Weihai's peak, although most of them were still unable to understand what the war symbolized, but did not prevent them from knowing that Xiao Bing was strong enough, but they had the greatest hope for Xiao Bing. It is able to force out more of Xue's cards, especially the other three families are hoping that Xiao Bing can consume more of Xue's strength before losing.

Zhang Boyun listened to Xiao Bing’s words and couldn’t help but smile: “You actually said that we are barely enough for you to kill? You killed us? Do you know how many masters we brought this time, we know that you are powerful, even Longba and Weijia have been destroyed by you, but this time for you, we are also preparing a lot, with all the help of the master. Xiao Bing, you offended Xue Jia, but also want to annex the entire Chinese underground forces, You are self-defeating!"

“Yes!” Wu Gui also shouted loudly. “You are self-destructive!”

Xiao Bing glanced at Wu Gui and smiled coldly: "I can kill you first, then kill others."

Wu Gui was so scared that his face turned pale and he stepped back and forth. Seven or eight masters behind him quickly stopped in front of him. Wu Gui was annoyed: "So many people are there, why should you kill me first?"

Is Wu Gui can not be afraid? Even the two hundred-year-old monsters can be killed by Xiao Bing. So many people besieged Xiao Bing. If Xiao Bing really pulls himself back, I am afraid that even if Xiao Bing finally died, he will not be able to live.

Xiao Bing sneered: "Your name is not good, what is wrong, even called Wu Gui, plus a three-character is the big traitor Wu Sangui, I will not kill you who killed?"

Xiao Bing’s words are simply unreasonable. I want to vomit blood to Wu Gui’s depression. The smile that Lin Zihang is watching next to him, the heart is secret, wonderful, wonderful, but unfortunately, this person is going to die soon, otherwise I can really make a difference.

Zhang Boyun said coldly: "What to do with his nonsense, to kill him!"

These underground worlds have hurriedly stepped back, and many of the experts behind them swarmed and rushed toward Xiao Bing.

The weakest of these people have also reached the realm of Ming. The five senses of Xiao Bing have already surpassed ordinary people. They are completely breaking the void. They can only judge it with a glance at it. There are a total of fifty-eight people in front of them. Among them, there are twenty brilliant masters, twenty dark masters, ten masters, and eight others have reached the innate realm. Among them, four of the Dan Jin period, and four of the Jin Jin period, the other four. Two of the sturdy masters are the beginning of the enthusiasm, and the two squats.

Such a existence, even if it is the dark world of the dark world, the general dark world organization must retreat. If the strength of Xiao Bing is only to break the initial stage of the void, it may be barely able to kill these people, and it is difficult to guarantee victory. If Xiao Bing reaches the void period, Basically, you can get an overwhelming advantage, and now the strength of Xiao Bing is breaking the peak of the void, and killing these people is not much different from crushing some cockroaches.

Those who came to see these people said that they all started, and they all excitedly widened their eyes.

One guest said with excitement: "The people in the underground world are really tyrannical, saying that killing and killing, there is no rule at all."

Another person whispered: "Shen boss, you can be wrong. For the underground world, the fist is the biggest rule. Whose fist is hard, who is the rule."

The boss of Shen asked: "Oh, Director Zhou, then who do you think their fists are hard?"

"This is still asking." This week, the director smiled and said, "If it is only a single-on-one, I am afraid that no one in this area can be the opponent of this Xiao Bing, but the good tiger can’t stand the wolves. He wants to be alone. Faced with so many masters, these masters are basically elites who are carefully selected. Any one that is enough to be used as an ancestor by the general small forces, so many people kill him, he also Can you be spared?"

Xue Gang tightened his fist and shouted: "Don't kill him. I spend 10 million to buy his two arms and legs, interrupt his legs and feet, and then hand it over to me!"

Master Xue also walked down from the stage and stood between the crowds. He held a cane and snorted coldly. The words he said seemed to be intended to be heard by others: "This is the price of offending our Xue family. !"

Some people think that Master Xue is able to mobilize one-third of the power of China's underground world. Every one of them is a bit chilly, and the heart is more awe-inspiring to Xue Jia, and Xue Laotai wants this effect.

Xue Gang’s eyes are all full of excitement. His son’s legs are broken by Xiao Bing. The status of his family successor is lost because of Xiao Bing. All this makes him almost crazy. He can’t wait. Eat Xiaobing's flesh, drink Xiaobing's blood, smoke Xiaobing's tendons, and now there is a chance, he almost stunned out.

And just as he just opened his mouth and was about to smile, suddenly the smile on his face was completely solidified. Everyone else was stunned. Some people even had a big mouth and even a duck egg. Can be loaded into it.

This is... how is this possible?

Xiao Bing passed directly through the crowd, and then suddenly appeared in front of Wu Gui, slap in the face of Wu Gui, Wu Gui screamed, half of the skin was actually sucked down, flesh and blood, scared Some maids and female guests around me screamed out, and even some of them were directly scared to death.

Wu Gui just fell to the ground, Xiao Bing gave his head a blast, and seeing this scene, some men who are not so strong in their hearts can't even bear it, and they vomit on the ground.

Lin Zi’s head was stunned, Xu Jianxin’s eyes widened, and the beautiful and touching face of Wen’s eyes was also eclipsed. Xue Cai Ning screamed out.

When Xiao Bing killed Wu Gui, he sold the back to others. A dark master grabbed a knife and slashed it directly on Xiao Bing’s back. The result was a slamming sound. The tiger's mouth was torn, and the painful screams, the knife in his hand flew straight out, then he saw a big fist directly in front of his eyes, his neck was very short and painful, he only found His head seemed to be separated from his body. Before he died, he saw his head getting farther and farther away from the body, and his headless body stood there for less than a second. Crashing to the ground, and he lost his life and consciousness.

Xiao Bing faintly said: "The second one."

Xiao Bing is as straight as a tiger into the flock, punching one by one, one foot and one foot. Almost every time he shoots or stretches his feet, there will be someone who will fall, and the remaining underground worlds will be awkward. Each of them has widened their eyes and completely lost the appearance of the former as the upper-class world in the past. In addition to the shock, there are timidity and madness.

Shaanxi Jiang Wei may have been scared, like a mad mad screaming: "Kill him, kill him..."

He suddenly found a face in front of him, Xiao Bing's face, just Xiao Bing was killed in the crowd, I don't know when it appeared in front of him, then Jiang Wei screamed directly, mouth A green liquid emerged, and the eyeball turned over the white eyeball and fell to the ground with a bang.

Everyone saw this scene shocked, and they could feel the horror and strength of Xiao Bing.

The imperious underground world of Shaanxi was so scared that it was directly scared to death by living!

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