Super Soldier

Chapter 1050: The idea of ​​His Majesty the Emperor

Princess Nami came to the residence of Emperor Majesty after the fall of Toyotomi, and Princess Nami was the little granddaughter of the Emperor. Although there was no blood relationship between them, there may be some fate, the Emperor’s Majesty Her favor is even above his own children, so Princess Nami is basically unimpeded, no one dares to stop her from seeing the emperor.

The Emperor did not sleep at this time. He was reading in the study room. The sound of knocking at the door came from the study. The guard said outside the door: "The Emperor, His Majesty Princess Nami."

"Well, let him come in." The Emperor's tone was calm.

Princess Nami walked into the study and quickly ran to the emperor and said, "Grandpa, what happened to you? I heard that you are not feeling well?"

The face of His Majesty's Majesty was indeed a little pale. He coughed twice as soon as he spoke, then shook his head and said: "It is hard to avoid when you are old."

"If you are older, you should love your body better. You have already seen it, it’s already more than eight o'clock. Why don't you go back to sleep?"

His Majesty the Emperor laughed and said: "In these years, Grandpa has never had the habit of sleeping too early. Although the Royals are desolate, but as the Emperor, the habit of studying hard every day has not changed. Hey, before World War II, Our country is headed by the emperor, and the military and political powers are in the hands of our royals. At that time, the most important thing for the emperor was diligence, ambition, and enterprising. At that time, the emperors were all correcting the cards until the middle of the night. What about it..."

The voice of the emperor took a few minutes: "Now the royal family is already famous, and there are not so many things, so I don't need to be so busy every day, I am happy, I am lying down at 9 o'clock every day."

Princess Nami politely said: "Whatever is so busy every day, or is it good now, take a good rest every day, eat, drink, and play, why do you want to do it, how good it is."

The Emperor smiled and said: "Nami, do you know why Grandpa likes you?"

Princess Nami thought for a moment and said, "Because Naomi is sensible, Naomi is good."

"Ha ha ha ha." The Emperor couldn't help but feel a little funny. He laughed and shook his head. "You can't say anything wrong. Speaking of well-behaved, I am afraid that my children and grandchildren will be jealous than you. You are the least ignorant and most arrogant child I have ever seen."

Princess Nami snorted: "Does the grandfather say so bad? Does the grandfather like me? Or is it because Nami is not sensible at all, and the grandfather prefers the child who doesn't understand things?"

His Majesty the Emperor smiled and said: "Yes, it is not right."

Princess Nami shook her head and said: "Nami can't understand."

"Hey, you are still too small, but the grandfather explained to you, you will understand." His Majesty the Emperor said, "The children under the grandfather have received formal education from the royal family and studied various etiquettes, so each A person is very obedient and very sensible. But do you know that if you enter the royal family like the sea, any one of the royal family will be ambitious, and if you have ambition, you will have calculations and calculations, and your family will become no longer pure. But you are different, you are rebellious, you are willful, you are willing to do it, but you don’t have a little bit of mind. Counting two words has nothing to do with your child, so looking at you, Grandpa will feel like It's very easy."

Princess Nami is happy: "I am praising my grandfather."

"No, I am saying you are stupid."


Emperor Majesty smiled and said: "But it doesn't matter. If you are an ordinary girl, like your beauty, like your silly character, you must have a big loss, you may be sold. Help the number of people, but you are not an ordinary person, you are a royal princess, even if you do not have royal blood, but I am a princess, who dare not admit it? Even if the future new emperor is in place, he does not dare to veto my original The decision you made, you are a princess every day, a princess for life, no one dares to bully your head."

Princess Nami said: "If you say it, I still feel silly."

"It's not like this. It's not that Grandpa feels you are stupid, but you are really stupid..."

Princess Nami: "...."

The emperor looked at her like, feeling full of fun, could not help but smile: "Oh, don't think too much, this stupid is not stupid. You stupid is not the kind of lack of heart, but no mind ""

Princess Nami said with a sigh: "How do I listen to it all the same! Forget it, Grandpa, I have one thing I want to discuss with you."

"Oh?" Emperor Majesty smiled and looked at Princess Nami, and said, "Let's say, what, let the grandfather listen."

Princess Nami said: "Today, Toyotomi Jiakang sat for me for a while."

"Oh." The Emperor’s smile was even stronger. "How is he, is this person okay? I heard that you have been letting him eat closed doors a few days ago. Is it finally a brain open today?"

"Cut, I have no interest in him. Can Grandpa do not worry about my feelings? He came to me for help."

“Looking for your help?” The Emperor’s Majesty was somewhat curious. “Fengchen Jiakang’s martial arts is unfathomable, and he is still an apprentice of the Lord of the Temple of God. There are still things in the world that can be difficult to live with, and you must ask for it. The body of the princess?"

Business of the other things business, but it is different from the other.

His Majesty the Emperor finally became serious and said: "Let's say, he asks you what to do, let the grandfather listen."

"Oh, he asked me to find the emperor's sire. He wants to leave the emperor for a few days, saying that it has recently reached a bottleneck, so he needs to go out and come back in a few days."

"He wants to go out?" The Emperor's armpit frowned slightly and thought quietly.

Princess Nami advised him: "Grandpa, what do you want to leave him in the Imperial Palace, just to match him and me? I have no interest in him. If I want to say it, he wants to go out and go out. And then, it’s not going to delay his work."

"Oh, do you really think so?" The Emperor’s majesty seemed to laugh and laugh. "You probably don't want him to entangle you every day?"

"What about that?" Princess Nami said with conviction. "I want to go out of the palace, but I am not forced by him. Will the grandfather become his best?"

After the Emperor’s consideration of the pros and cons, he slowly said: “According to normal, Grandpa will not stop him... He wants to go out and there is nothing. But now the situation is different. I just announced a few days ago to punish him. He stayed in the palace. If he left him so soon, even if he only left for a few days, wouldn’t he be the grandfather’s words and not believe?”

Princess Nami said: "What's the matter? Grandpa is the Emperor. Whoever has no words for Grandpa is useful. What does Grandpa say is not what?"

His Majesty the Emperor smiled and said: "Because I am the Emperor, I have to carefully consider it before I speak, because every sentence of my life is very difficult to change, and it is easy to give people a handle. So, he can't go out for a while."

"Oh." Princess Nami looks a little lost, but she doesn't argue anything. For her, if Toyotomi can stay a few days, this guy will not harass her, of course it is a good thing. However, if this Toyotomi family has no way to leave, it does not matter, it is not a big deal. ”

His Majesty the Emperor smiled and said: "Sometimes he was screaming outside, and he has already caused public outrage, but everyone is more concerned about the power of the Wushen Temple, so they dare not speak. The Temple of War wants to shock the whole Wu The academic world even wants to let the whole martial arts community awe, but does not know that the more pressing the martial arts world, the more likely it is to cause a rebound. This time, Grandpa’s grandfather will not let him go out in the Imperial Palace, but also to give an explanation to the martial arts community. It’s a buying heart. But these words Grandpa told you, you can’t say it.”

"Nami knows."

His Majesty the Emperor smiled and said: "So, I will leave him in the Imperial Palace for the time being. It is not entirely to create opportunities for him and you. It has other purposes. I have just left him in the Imperial Palace for a few days. Just let him go out, once he has done something outside, is your grandfather not giving up? How can the entire martial arts world be grateful to the Royal?"

Princess Nami sighed. She was not really stupid. It was just a matter of doing things, so she wouldn’t think too much. Now, since the Emperor is so clear about the explanation, she may not understand.

After seeing the emperor’s words, he was a little sleepy. Princess Nami said: “Grandpa, Nami, help you to go back to rest, don’t read the book. What is the grandfather’s watch?”

"The Emperor of the Emperor smiled and said, "This is the most precious art of war in China. It is not only the truth on the battlefield, but also how to manage it in life."

Princess Nami said: "In fact, China is also very good."

The Emperor said: "Well, China is good, the West is good, the country is good, we have to absorb their strengths. But, Nami, do you know what to do after taking advantage of their strengths?"

"Develop yourself?"

"Of course." The Emperor smiled and said, "Take their strengths and strengthen ourselves. Only in this way can one day have all their countries stepped under their feet..."

His Majesty the Emperor said that it was not only him, but also the ambition of the emperors of the R countries.

Princess Nami said: "Nami does not know the truth, and does not want to learn the truth. Nami now wants to have a happy life, can accompany the grandfather, hope that the grandfather will live forever. After that, Na It’s enough that the princess wants to be with a man she likes."

Said, Princess Nami thought of Xiao Bing.

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