Super Soldier

Chapter 1051: The crisis of the second goods

The next day, Princess Nami told her neighbors to tell the Emperor’s decision to Fengchen Jiakang. Fengchen Jiakang was punching in the yard. After listening to it, the expression was very indifferent: “Go back and thank you for me. Beautiful princess, if you can, let Princess Nami give me the warmth of the body of the Emperor."

"Well, then I will go back first."

As soon as the forefoot of the cockroach had just left, the face of Toyotomi’s face was gloomy, and the situation of Akasaka’s Zhongshan was too important, and the two people who called him told him that there was a master in the home of Akasaka’s Zhongshan. The two men of Toyotomi Jiakang simply couldn’t see the strength of that person, and it was because of this that Fengchen Jiakang planned to go out in person.

But now that I can only stay in the Imperial Palace, I can't go out at all, and I can only give it to my people.

Toyotomi Jiakang took two steps in the yard and decided in his heart. He had already organized a mysterious organization belonging to him outside. Although there were not many people, everyone was loyal to him, but this organization I don’t want to use it on weekdays, but also to avoid being discovered by his master, but now is an important time. If you can let Akasaka Zhongshan create a legendary spirit, then his strength must be improved by at least half, only strength is The biggest cost.

Toyotomi Jiakang made up his mind and was about to call people to get started. His mobile phone first rang. Fengchen Jiakang took a look at his mobile phone and saw that the two men called him. On the phone, he immediately picked it up and said coldly: "What happened? Was it discovered by the people of Akasaka?"

"No, absolutely not." There was a very frightening attitude. "We both are very cautious in doing things. Just before you asked us to find a way to investigate the identity of the master, we have already investigated through some relationships. , special report."

"Oh." Toyotomi's family faintly said, "So, let's talk, who is he?"

The other party cautiously said: "Sometimes Jingdong City was full of enthusiasm, all the public security bureaus were uprooted, Master, do you know?"

"Of course I know." Fengchen Jiakang asked, "Is it difficult for you to say that Xiaobing?"

"Of course not, of course not, but that person is a person of Xiaofu. It is one of the most effective cadres around Xiao Bing. The relationship with Xiao Bing is very close, and his strength is definitely not to be underestimated. I am afraid it is very possible. It has reached the peak period."

The face of Toyotomi Jikang instantly became dignified. If it really reached the peak period, I am afraid that even the people in Toyotomi’s family’s hands were not sure to be able to arrest people from this person’s hands. If you play, you can count as a top player in any place. If you let people run away and stun the snake, it’s not a big deal. If you are told by the old man, you know that you are secretly sending people to arrest Akasaka. This is a trouble.

Toyotomi Jiakang continued to pace. If he personally went to work, he would naturally be able to come, but the current situation is that he has no way to go out for the time being, not to mention that Xiao Bing is simply a madman, and the strength is probably unfathomable, otherwise it is not May escape from Jingdong City, if he is known to be his own hand...

The mobile phone is careful: "Master, what do you think?"

Toyotomi Jiakang continued to squat, and suddenly he stopped and said: "This is the end of the matter. You will stay there for monitoring. Remember not to act rashly."

There was a long sigh of relief and said: "Know, Master."

"Well, I will personally inform my Master about this matter and let my father start."

"Ah?" asked in amazement. "You are not saying..."

"I haven't said anything." Toyotomi's Kang Kang said with a harsh tone. "If I hear a sentence that is not good for me, you know what it will be."

The other party screamed: "Know, know, we haven't heard anything, go watch now."

"Well, let's go."

Hanging up the phone, Toyotomi’s face suddenly showed a smile, and he was not annoyed because of his temporary dilemma. He smiled faintly: “If Xiao Bing knows that his confidant is dead or injured. In the hands of Master and his old man, I don’t know what Xiao Bing’s big madman will do.”

Toyotomi Jiakang walked out of the yard with a happy face. Although he was disappointed that he could not get the Akasaka Zhongshan in his own hands, he thought of a better and better way. To benefit, even if the fisherman is not profitable, at least weaken the strength of others, and it is also a happy thing for Toyotomi.

Toyotomi Kangkang walked quickly toward the temple of the martial temple. After walking to the door of the martial temple, he stepped into the hall and asked the guard inside the hall: "I want to see my master, Master, the old man. where?"

"Tokugawa adults are practicing the house."

"Okay, I am going now!"

Toyotomi Jiakang came to the door of his master's practice room in Tokugawa, and knocked on the door. Tokugawa Bensai said inside, "Come in!"

Toyotomi Jiakang pushed the door and went in. When he just opened the door, he felt the magic inside. The horrible pressure made the phoenix’s hair rise straight, and Tokugawa’s Benxi had already stopped. Standing there, I can imagine how horrible the power was when he was practicing in it.

Toyotomi Jiakang said from the heart: "Master's current realm has surpassed the original Shibo, and he is better than his old man. Even if he is a teacher, Master should be the first person in the world."

Tokugawa Benxi snorted and looked at Toyotomi's family, and asked: "I heard that you have been living in the Imperial Residence recently, and you have been punished by the Emperor of the Emperor."

"Yes." Toyotomi Jiakang sighed. "His Majesty is very dissatisfied with the actions of the former disciple."

Tokugawa Benxi laughed: "He is not dissatisfied with you, but is dissatisfied with me. He feels that I am challenging his authority."

Toyotomi Jiakang said cautiously: "Since Master understands how Emperor Majesty thinks, his disciples don't understand much. Why don't you pay attention to it..."

"Attention?" Tokugawa’s eyes showed a fascinating light, and then he was cold and cold. "In this world, the strong is the respect, the emperor is a big age, because it is royal. Chinese people, their royal generations have been admired by the people for generations, and even do not need any effort and effort. The people under the heavens must respectfully call them the Emperor of the Emperor, His Royal Highness, the Royal Highness of the Princess... Oh, my Tokugawa West has the martial arts of the world, and deserves the same treatment!"

Toyotomi Jiakang bent down and said with respectful attitude: "Master is right. Right, Master, the disciple came here this time because there is another thing to be clear to you."

"Another thing?" Tokugawa Benxi, "You say, what."

"Previously, Master has always let me investigate the whereabouts of Akasaka, and although the disciples are not punished, they don't dare to slack off. They have already had some eyebrows before entering the palace. Later, they deliberately let people investigate. Now Akasaka Zhongshan I have found it!"

“Found?” Tokugawa’s eyes brightened and he was excited. “Where is he? Where is Akasaka Zhongshan??”

The Toyotomi family respectfully said: "The location of Akasaka Zhongshan is just below the volcano on the Kagoshima side."

"It turned out to be the case." Tokugawa Benxi’s eyes gradually brightened, and he laughed loudly. The laughter shook the whole room and the blood of Toyotomi’s blood was boiled by the laughter. His eyes could not help but reveal a stunned color. I did not expect that the gap between myself and Master would be so great.

Tokugawa Benxi’s laughter was very satisfying. He looked at Toyotomi’s family, and said loudly: “Great, great, just take this Akasaka to the hand, I must let him help me refine the legend. The spirit of the sword, even if it is impossible to refine the spirit, can refine the sword that is close to the spirit. If he can refine the spirit, I have the spirit in hand, and the strength must be improved by more than half, even if it is And Tianzun realm can fight for the front, under the heavens, who else is my opponent?"

Toyotomi Jiakang bent over and respectfully said: "Master is right. When you are under the heavens, you will be invincible."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……."

Tokugawa Benxiha laughed, and the mouth of Toyotomi’s mouth couldn’t help but reveal a smile.

At this moment in Kyoto City, Xiao Bing still does not know that there is danger in the second goods. He is a bit troublesome in these two days, because almost every day, there are beautiful women looking for the door, all of which were Xiao Bing’s identity as a dragon. In the city of Kyoto, Xiao Bing lived in the Pink Lady Club for three days. Three beautiful women have come to the door, and all of them have been sent away by Rouge.

The Red Pink Beauty Club is the first club in China. No one knows the background inside, so even some of the big ladies are afraid to let it go.

After being sent away, every time Rouge sent a person, Xiao Bing felt more guilty, especially when Rouge looked at himself every time. Xiao Bing felt that he felt a little bit like laughing and laughing.

At this time, Rouge just sent a beautiful woman away, Xiao Bing got to the door and looked out. After seeing that the beauty had left by car, it was relieved.

Rouge looked at Xiao Bing with a flirtatious look, and giggled: "Xiao Big Brother, oh, Long Shao, you are OK, I see the woman around you, if you can finally smash it, it is no different from the ancient emperor. The ancient emperor is the Third Palace and the Sixth House. You can also build the Three Palaces and Sixth House. You are not to be subordinated!"

Xiao Bing coughed twice, and some awkwardly said: "That... this is purely a young year. It’s not too bad, oh, cough, oh..."

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