Super Soldier

Chapter 1055: "Yangchun White Snow"

Mr. Matsumoto on the other side of the phone said with a smile: "I haven’t been busy all the time. You know that Jingdong has been making a mess some time ago. We, people, must be careful and beware of the royal family. Safe work, so it is not very convenient. How, can the island Baihuizi still think about me?"

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled and said: "Why not?"

Mr. Matsumoto laughed and said: "I am so honored. I went to Miss Bai Huizi to go to the aristocrats. I have counted in it, not to mention Miss Bai Huizi is such a beautiful, high and elegant. Woman, I am afraid that no man in the world can get into the eyes of Miss Bai Huizi. I am fortunate in my life."

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled and said: "Mr. Matsumoto makes me feel ashamed. I am also a dusty woman. No matter which one of you is compared, it is far from good. Fortunately, you have been there for many years. I love you, my island Baihuizi can have this place today, all of which are brought out by everyone, how can I not know about my island Baihuizi. So how, Mr. Matsumoto came over this evening, the island Baihuizi personally Tea for you and play music."

Mr. Matsumoto was a little excited: "Is this true?"

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled and said: "When it is true, it must be true, but I don’t know if Mr. Matsumoto is so busy recently, can he take time out."

"Ha ha ha ha, can be the guest of the small island Bai Huizi, this is something that can not be met, of course, there is time, then I will pass, I will drink a cup of Miss Bai Huizi this evening. I have tea."

"Okay, I am waiting for Mr. here." Xiaohui Baihuizi hangs up and looks at Xiao Bing. He said, "He will come soon, Xiao Bing, wait for him to come, you will hide in me. The screen is behind."

"Okay!" Xiao Bing promised.

Xiao Bing waited here for a while. Sakura took the Mr. Matsumoto and started knocking at the door. Xiao Bing immediately hid behind the screen with Xiaohui Baihuizi. Xiaohui Baihuizi was lying on the bed, and Xiao Bing was It is the position of the chair and the middle of the bed that sits at the wall behind the screen.

Xiaodao Baihuizi lazy said: "Please come in, Mr. Matsumoto."

The door slammed open, and Matsumoto started to look at it. He looked excited and nervous and walked in from outside. Then Sakura closed the door and didn't follow it.

Mr. Matsumoto saw the screen and whispered, "Miss Baihuizi."

"I am here." Xiaohui Baihuizi turned up and looked up at the shady shadow of Xiaohui Baihuizi through the gauze, adding extra charm to the air.

Mr. Matsumoto’s breathing was slightly heavy, and some excitedly said: “Today... I am fortunate to be the guest of Miss Bai Huizi today. I am really lucky for my life.”

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled slightly: "Mr. Matsumoto is too polite."

When talking, Xiaohui Baihuizi had already put on his shoes and walked out from behind the screen. When he saw the small island Baihuizi, Mr. Matsumoto was almost stunned for a moment. Beauty is really beautiful.

It is said that Princess Nami is the first beauty of country r. In fact, it is difficult for the small island Baihuizi and Nami Princess to be separated. The reason why Princess Nami has the first beauty is the name, and Xiaodaobai Huizi is only the first geisha, because two people have different identities, one is a geisha, and the other is a princess. Naturally, it cannot be compared.

But if a person sees the island's Baihuizi, even if you don't even think she is a geisha in a nightclub, she has a different elegant temperament in addition to the beautiful appearance and moving figure of the country. Even if you say that she is a princess, there are people who believe.

It is such a person, even a picky man can not pick out her slightest problem, which is why she can be called the first geisha of the country.

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled slightly and poured out the country. Mr. Matsumoto had a sigh of relief. When the island’s Baihuizi had turned to go to the tea, he was relieved. He couldn’t help but sigh: “Miss Baihuizi is really The world is the best."

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled and said: "Mr. Matsumoto is too good."

"No, Miss Bai Huizi, you can afford it."

Xiaohui Baihuizi Road: "Mr. Matsumoto please sit down."

Mr. Matsumoto looked at it and sat down on the mat with his knees.

Xiaohui Baihuizi walked over and knelt down and gently poured a cup of tea for Mr. Matsumoto. Mr. Matsumoto was always watching the small island Baihuizi, and went all the way to the small island Baihuizi, two meters in front of him. The position of the knees facing him down, he only came back, and then picked up the tea, Xiaohui Baihuizi said quickly: "Tea is hot, it takes a while to be more mellow, so how, Baihuizi will be you Play a song?"

"Okay!" Mr. Matsumoto said, "I have heard that Miss Bai Huizi is a talented person, and today I am fortunate enough to see and see."

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled slightly, picked up the cockroach, began to play it gently, and the music was relaxed and active. Xiao Bing sat behind the screen and felt the picture appeared in his mind, as if he had been in a sea of ​​flowers, a cluster A cluster of flowers began to bloom and was full of vitality.

Xiao Bing can even feel the fragrance of flowers, and even the flowers seem to smile at themselves and sing softly.

Beauty is really beautiful.

The rhythm of music has changed and it has become more intense, and the flowers have become more beautiful and completely bloomed.

Next, the music is sometimes light and fluid, sometimes powerful, just like the ‘big bead beads falling on the jade plate’, crystal clear and full of vitality.

When the whole song ended, Xiao Bing almost screamed, and Mr. Matsumoto had already called up, and applauded and applauded: "Good song, good song. Just for this song, I Matsumoto came here today. Hey, it’s completely worth it, but this song has never been heard before. I don’t know what the name is?”

Xiaohui Baihuizi put aside on the side and smiled and said: "This song is called "Yangchun Baixue", the tea is already good, now is the most full of fragrance, Mr. Matsumoto please drink tea."

Matsumoto side up the teacup and said, "This is a good song, but I haven't heard it."

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled and said: "Because this is not a song belonging to our country, this is one of the top ten famous songs of China. It is the winter and spring, the earth is recovering, and the thriving spring is beautiful. It is said that this is the spring and autumn. In the period of the Jin Dynasty, the teacher of the music teacher or the Liu Qinzi of Qi State made the ancient music."

"Oh, it turned out to be from China." Matsumoto couldn't help but sigh: "Miss Baihuizi is so knowledgeable, it is a bit succumbing."

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled slightly: "This is nothing, because it was introduced to China by the Chinese stream, so I was very curious about their birthplace. I collected some famous songs, and this song is my favorite. of."

Matsumoto took a sip of tea and couldn't help but blink his eyes and praised him: "Good tea."

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled and asked: "Does Mr. Matsumoto feel that the mortuary of my small island Baihuizi is difficult to enter, but it is worth it?"

"It's worth it, it's worth it." Matsumoto sighed. "Today's contact with Miss Bai Huizi, I will never forget it."

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled and said: "Mr. Matsumoto, the time is almost up, but Bai Huizi has something to ask here. I don't know if Mr. Matsumoto can tell?"

Matsumoto said: "You ask."

"Is there any action on the side of the Wushen Temple today? Who is going to catch it?"

Matsumoto showed a hint of vigilance in his eyes and asked: "Who is Miss Bai Huizi?"

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled and said: "I don't care. The person who was taken away is a friend of a friend I know. I also asked for my friend. I just don't know if Mr. Matsumoto can tell?"

"This..." Matsumoto hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "The temple is not easy to provoke, if let them know..."

"Reassured, I am also inquiring about it. The Imperial Palace is so strict, we will not do anything. What's more, even if it is really risky, it will not let Mr. Matsumoto take the risk in vain." Smiling with a smile, "My friend put a card in my place, I make my own claim, 10 million yen, how does the gentleman feel?"

"This..." Mr. Matsumoto’s eyes lit up and said, "If that's the case, then let's fix it."

"Okay." Xiaodao Baihuizi smiled. "Mr. Matsumoto will tell me your bank card number, and I will transfer it to you."

Matsumoto told the card number to the island's Baihuizi, the island Baihuizi called in the cherry blossoms, and then handed the bank card to Sakurako, quietly told the cherry blossom password, let the cherry blossoms go out, two people in the room After a few minutes of idleness, Matsumoto actually received the text message. Sakura returned from the outside and returned the card to Xiaohui Baihuizi. After collecting the small island Baihuizi, he looked at Matsumoto and smiled and asked: "Now Mr. Matsumoto. Can you tell me?"

"Well, since Miss Bai Huizi wants to know, I know everything. As the vice captain of the Emperor Guard of the Imperial Palace, there is basically nothing I don't know in the entire Imperial Palace. Today, there are many people on the side of the Wushen Temple. By Tokugawa Benxi personally led the team, the results came back when Tokugawa Benxi and three elders, but they brought back three people, an old man, a girl, a seriously injured man."

Xiaohui Baihuizi asked: "How are they doing now?"

"I heard that the old man is Akasaka Zhongshan, but it is the most famous master of refining in our country, and that girl is the granddaughter of Akasaka, and your friend and the grandson of the Red Emperor know?"

"Well, I know."

"Oh." Matsumoto continued. "The man was very wounded and was in a coma, but all the famous doctors in the Imperial Palace all rushed over. When I left, I heard that there was no danger to my life. I met two doctors. The two doctors praised the person’s vitality as he walked away. If he changed other people to break seven or eight ribs, he was estimated to have died."

Xiao Bing heard the fire, but still resisted.

Matsumoto sighed and said: "Mr. Tokugawa has always done things very well, and we are not good at private evaluation. But you can rest assured that Mr. Tokugawa must have a purpose in stealing them. If you want to kill, you will not give it. Brought into the Imperial Palace, they are at least temporarily life-threatening."

Xiaohui Baihuizi sighed and said: "Mr. Matsumoto, thank you for telling me this. Baihuizi told my friends for a while that the weather is late and there is not much left today."

Matsumoto stood up and said very politely: "Then I will leave, Miss Baihuizi must remember, must not say this news is what I told."

"Reassured, Bai Huizi knows in his heart."

"I can rest assured that."

After Song Ben left, Xiao Bing came out from behind the screen. His face was gloomy and he took a deep breath. He gnashed his teeth and said: "The seven or eight ribs were broken!"

Xiaohui Baihuizi looked at Xiao Bing with some worries and asked: "Dr. Xiaobing, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and resisted the impulse of his heart. He said a word: "Wait!"

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