Super Soldier

Chapter 1056: Meet Zhang Qiang

Xiao Bingben didn't want to wait, Xiao Bing now wants to immediately rescue the two goods and the Akasaka Sun Yat-sen, but the physical condition of the second goods is not right now, even if he is really able to break into the Imperial Palace now, rely on two The goods are just getting rid of the dangerous physical condition of life, and I want to save him? It feels like helping two goods die early.

Therefore, Xiao Bing must wait until the body of the second goods recovers a little, and does not need to be completely restored. At least when walking, it will not involve the injury, and he must also design a good strategy, the master of the emperor is like a cloud. Even if the strong stronger wants to leave with a few people who don’t have much resilience at the same time, it’s not that simple, let alone if the r country is completely irritated, and even if the jade is burned, I am afraid that even Xiao Bing is hard to live. Go out.

Xiaohui Baihuizi looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Fortunately, you have not been stunned by anger. Xiao Brother, since you know that it is not the best time to save people, you should not let your emotions control your emotions. It’s more important to calm down now than anything else."

"Well, fortunately, you remind me next to you." Xiao Bing slowly calmed his emotions, closed his eyes and thought for a while, then said, "I think there must be another person around me to help me."

Xiaohui Baihuizi asked: "Who?"

Xiao Bing said: "You don't know, a man who can really use the human heart, called a poisonous fox. Miss Bai Huizi, after he comes over, I may have to go back to China first. If he needs anything to meet him, You will help him as much as possible."

Xiaohui Baihuizi said: "Reassured, I will do my best, you are my boss now."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Just because of this?"

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled and said: "We are still confidants! When are you going to go back?"

"This is not in a hurry. My friend's physical fitness is different from ordinary people. His resilience is super strong, but he will need time to recover after all. According to my estimation, his injury is very heavy, half a month's time. It’s enough, let me let the poison fox come over and say.”

"Okay, it's not early, you have to rest early. You can still sleep in the room you used to sleep before, and that room is cleaned every day."

Xiao Bing said: "Let you worry."

Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled and said: "All said, we are confidants."

Xiao Bing looked at Xiaohui Baihuizi and smiled and said: "No, we are friends."

"Bosom friend?"

Xiao Bing whispered and said: "Life is a rare confidant, and it is most difficult to know."

Xiaohui Baihuizi heard a whisper and said to himself: "The sound of the ages is the most difficult, and the sound of the ages is the most difficult... Yes, maybe we may not be able to meet a friend like us all our lives. ""

"I go back to rest, you are early."

"it is good."

Xiaohui Baihuizi sent Xiao Bing out of the room, and then a happy smile appeared on her face. She slowly walked to the window, opened the window, breathed the fresh air, and muttered with a smile: "Yes, We are friends."

When Xiao Bing returned to the room, he first called the poisonous fox, let the poisonous fox prepare, and then came over earlier. Then Xiao Bing was lying on the bed, forcing himself to press the impulse to save the person immediately, and turned over and over for a long time. I slept slowly.

The next day, four o'clock in the morning of the next day, the entire cherry blossom nightclub was woken up, and someone knocked at the door.

On weekdays, the Sakura Nightclub will not come so early. When the old aunt who is in charge of hygiene and janitor opens the door, she sees a very handsome young man with a temperament and coldness. The old aunt is curious and asks: Who are you looking for? We are not open so early."

The young man responded with a fluent r: "Is there any trouble with Xiao Bing here? Trouble telling me, I said the poisonous fox is coming."

The old aunt looked at the young man in surprise and said, "You wait, don't come in first."

Then the old aunt ran upstairs and knocked on Xiao Bing's door. Xiao Bing slammed the door open, dressed in a pajamas, looked at the old aunt and asked, "Auntie, what happened?"

"Someone downstairs wants to see you, saying that it is called a poisonous fox."

Xiao Bing was also very surprised. I didn't expect the poisonous fox to come so soon. Xiao Bing went to the stairs and looked down. The door stood really like a poisonous fox. Xiao Bing immediately walked away with a smile. Halfway through, I waved to the poisonous fox and said, "Come in."

The poisonous fox walked into the store, followed Xiao Bing into the room, and then directly opened the door and said: "Lord, this time your mission can be said to be the toughest ever."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "So I only let you run this trick, hey, there is a host here, help me think about the loopholes in the matter, I can rest assured a lot. Oh, yes, you are so It’s long gone, I haven’t slept last night?”

The poisonous fox said: "After I received the call from the main public, I did not dare to neglect. I immediately convened the intelligence team of my organization. After the explanation was completed, I immediately rushed over by plane. My intelligence team also Will be turned into zero, come separately, maybe it will come in handy."

"Okay." Xiao Bing tightened his fist and screamed. "Then we will fight with Tokugawa's old and undead."

Poison Fox Road: "You still need the Lord to tell me everything you know, including the Temple of the Warrior, the Imperial Palace, and Tokugawa Benxi, and all the people you know in the country." Tell me, I will help you analyze it."

"Yes." Xiao Bing said, "I will tell you slowly."

Xiao Bing told the poisonous fox that it was already more than seven o'clock in the morning. The poisonous fox had been listening very carefully. After listening to it all, he began to meditate in silence, and analyzed all kinds of available. The intelligence on the board, Xiao Bing did not bother him, just sat next to wait, after more than half an hour, the poison fox said: "I feel so a little bit of eyebrows, the last time the Lord has escaped once, using It’s their internal infighting, I think we can use the same method this time.”

"That line, here you try to arrange it first. After a while, you have a good night's sleep, and you are not in a hurry. I have to go back to China first. After all, the information in your hands is too little. I have to get some through the Dragon Gate first. intelligence."

The poisonous fox smiled and said: "If you want to win with wisdom, the important thing is to know yourself and know what to do. It is good to get more information. Then I am waiting for the news of the Lord."

At the lunchtime near noon, Xiao Bing introduced the poisonous fox to Xiaohui Baihuizi. The original Xiaohui Baihuizi had to clean up a room for the poisonous fox to rest, but the poisonous fox refused the goodwill of Xiaohui Baihuizi. It turned out that his man had rented a house here after he arrived in Jingdong City. He was going to stay there, but he exchanged contact information with Xiaohui Baihuizi. If necessary, he would contact Xiaohui Baihuizi at any time. .

Xiao Bing was arranged here, taking the afternoon flight and re-arriving to Kyoto City in the evening. Xiao Bing took the subway to the downtown area of ​​Kyoto. He was planning to take a taxi to stay in the Pink Lady Club for one night. In the morning, I went to see my ears again. A black car suddenly stopped at the side of the road. A young man walked down from the car and waved at himself. He shouted: "Bing brother!"

Xiao Bing stunned. Although he has removed the mask now, it is also a disguise. How can anyone recognize himself at once? Look at this person who rushed to his own hand, also dressed up strictly, wearing a large sunglasses, wearing a mask on his mouth, but Xiao Bing quickly revealed a smile, even if the other dress is in how Strictly, Xiao Bing can also recognize that the person who greets is Zhang Qiang.

At the beginning, Xu Wenting’s father was tempted by Xiaosan, and the family’s eyes were about to fall apart. Xiao Bing couldn’t bear to continue watching, so he asked Bi Tingting to find a little actor who was not famous but very acting in the entertainment circle. After a scene, let him pretend to be the rich second-generation **** to seduce the little three of Xu Wenting's father. As a result, Zhang Qiang really did what it was like. Later, in order to thank him, Bi Tingting also fulfilled his promise and gave him some opportunities. Recommend him to star in a big production movie, he really was a hit.

After Xiao Bing saw Zhang Qiang, he felt very touched in his heart. He did not expect to encounter it here, but there is a feeling of being in the hometown.

Xiao Bing walked over and patted Zhang Qiang’s shoulder and smiled. “I’m good, can I recognize me?”

"Of course." Zhang Qiang laughed. "Don't forget what I did. When you are an actor, you must know how to perform. You must also observe. Bing Ge, the temperament of this person is different. I just drove by. I recognized it at once, let's go, talk on the bus."

"Okay, get on the bus."

Xiao Bing smiled and sat in the position of the co-pilot. Zhang Qiang sat in the driver's seat and took out two cigarettes. He handed one to Xiao Bing, one by himself, and then opened the window. Two people began to swallow the clouds. stand up.

"Bing brother, where are you going to go?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There is no place to go. I am going to find a place to live first. I will go to the city village next to Kyoto City tomorrow and see a person."

"Oh." Zhang Qiang said, "Since there is nothing to go, let me go tonight, how are you going to see? There is a patty tonight, a female star in the entertainment circle, although there has been no special fire work. However, the acting is still very good. I was not an artist of a contracting company. I don’t know why I invited me. But she is a beautiful woman, specializing in the role of a beautiful little three."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "I am too windy now, so I am not too interested in what beauty is."

"Emma, ​​Xiao Brother, you are just like me. I feel this way too. It is too windy, so I didn't intend to go there. I am not familiar with her, and her friends are not too familiar. But These two days just happened to go to Kyoto to talk to the company about the contract, so it’s not too good to go. It’s just that you are with me. If you don’t want to let me go, let’s go.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "That is no problem, but you must not smash my identity when you arrive. You say that I am a trader in Jiangcheng, and then I am old-fashioned with you."

"Yes, it depends on you." Zhang Qiang smirked. "To be honest, if the little stars know that you are the most popular star now, it is estimated that they will take the initiative to post to you. You can't run this evening."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly.

Zhang Qiangdao: "Yes, Xiao Da Ge, I have recently had a girlfriend. Well, I have been here for more than two months. I feel very much like it. I am going to give her a kiss on Valentine’s Day this year. Look at her long. How about?"

Zhang Qiang took a photo from the wallet and handed it to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing glanced at it and nodded secretly. He smiled and said: "Yes, the age is not big, the length is still very good, and you really match it. But the relative is Not too early?"

But see the beauty in the photo wearing a pink skirt, the length is really beautiful, pure and beautiful, and there is a pair of talking big eyes.

"It’s not too early to mention, I’m already 30 now. She graduated from college this year. We can get engaged first, then get along and talk about getting married for a while. Anyway, I like her very much.” When talking about this, Zhang Qiang reveals the color of happiness in his face.

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