Super Soldier

Chapter 1072: Tokugawa Benxi, who is thunderous

Xiao Bing did not refute Zhongping Taro. From the perspective of age, people belong to their predecessors. Of course, martial arts has always been a capable person, but Xiao Bing does not see any meaning for himself from the other's eyes. Xiao Bing always thought that this might be caring for himself, so Xiao Bing was very polite and asked: "I don't particularly understand the meaning of the old gentleman. Tianzhu novel ww"

Nakamoto Taro said: "The human life is only once, knowing that it can't be done, it is not courage, it is stupid. Under the circumstances, how many points can you win? At most three minutes, you can Winning is because of the combination of luck and wisdom in the battle, but whoever grasps this imaginary thing is not good, only absolute strength is the most secure, so your battle is equivalent to gambling."

Xiao Bing sighed: "I have to fight, I can't let the people of Xiaofu die for me."

"There is no green fire in the green hills." Zhongping Taro said, "If you want to be stronger, you will live longer than others. If you want to live longer, you must understand this. Some Being brave is just the courage of a man."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Mr. Zhong Tai Taro's words are very reasonable, but I still have a sentence to respond to the gentleman. If you want to achieve the strongest, you must stick to your heart, and my heart is to protect my side. Every friend and friend!"

Zhongping Taro was silent, then smiled and said: "Well, let's not say this, eat."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am deeply honored by Mr. Zhongping Taro's concern. Come, let me have a cup of Mr. Pingtaro."

Two people drank some wine, probably talked about the specific arrangements for the action, and then Xiao Bing personally sent Zhong Tairo.

In the next few days, the Eagle State, the M State and the R State began joint military exercises. The surrounding countries carried out a symbolic protest. On the last day of the military exercise, the long-term figures of the Eagle Kingdom and the M States were all Invited to participate in the banquet, for example, the commanding officers of the M country and the senior officers of the Eagle Kingdom, as well as Princess Anna, the royal family and government officials and even the phase of the country also attended the banquet.

After leaving the banquet, Princess Anna quietly sent Xiao Bing a text message saying that at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning, the Eagle State Navy would leave.

Xiao Bing immediately replied that he knew it.

Xiao Bing in the apartment rented by the poison fox, all the things were explained, the navy's clothing was handed over to the poisonous fox, and then they looked at them and said: "Now all go to bed early, start tomorrow! ”

"it is good!"

The next morning, Zhongping Taro intentionally opened a part of the guard at the gate of the palace, and Xiao Bing had already worn the costumes of the Royal Guard, and it was mixed in.

After entering, Xiao Bing directly saw Toyotomi Jiakang. When two people passed by, Toyotomi Jiakang stuffed a token into Xiao Bing’s hand and whispered: "Red 坂 Zhongshan belongs to me, two goods and After the red stalks are returned to you, after rescuers, meet in the agreed place."

"Thank you." Xiao Bing did not expect that he would one day cooperate with this disciple of Tokugawa Benxi.

At the time, the second goods were inside the medical hospital inside the Imperial Palace. They were basically doctors and nurses. There were also some guards at the entrance, but it was not particularly strict. In fact, the two goods have not recovered yet, and no one believes in the second. Can run out from here, so the guards are also symbolic.

When Xiao Bing walked to the entrance of the medical hospital, the guard at the door was about to stop Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing directly showed the token in his hand. This token was just given to Xiao Bing by Feng Chen Jia Kang. As for Xiao Bing, So smoothly found the location of the hospital, because Fengchen Jiakang and Nakamura Taro have given Xiao Bing a topographic map, which is marked on the above, Xiao Bing has long been in mind.

After the other party saw the token, they immediately stopped blocking, and then asked: "What are the orders of the three elders of the Wu Shen Temple?"

It turned out that this token was that Toyotomi Jiakang had just stolen from the three elders of the Wushen Temple, so no one would doubt the body of Toyotomi.

Xiao Bing faintly said with the standard r country: "The three elders have to see a person named two goods inside, and the two of you go in and bring him out."

"Yes, let's go to mention people!" Although the second goods are the people of the martial temple, but for them, the elders and the lords of the martial temple are the same high, they did not ask at all. Qualification, so I agreed directly.

The two of them turned and walked in. Xiao Bing pretended to be very calm and waited at the door. After a while, the two men took the goods from the inside and grabbed one arm. When one saw the second After Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing loudly said: "Ba Yuya Road, the three elders want to see you, take a trip with me!"

Said, Xiao Bing raised his hand and gave two goods and a slap, directly smashed the second goods.

The two men laughed: "I heard that this person is very powerful, you must be careful."

"Reassured, can I still care for a seriously injured waste? Let me go!"

The two goods simply couldn’t understand what they were saying, and they were taken away by Xiao Bing. After they got out of the good distance, Xiao Bing lowered the voice and said: "Two goods, you close my mouth, nothing." Don't ask, don't say, have you heard it?"

"Enn." Two goods whispered, "I am not stupid, you are here to save me."

Xiao Bing smiled, this silly goods also have a smart time.

Xiao Bing took the second goods and went to a partial room next to the Wu Shen Temple. Then he showed the token. He said to the person at the door of the door: "The old man who is not dead in Akasaka is not willing to do things well. The three elders let me take the token. Lift people, bring them both to see the old man in the past."

The guard at the door was not suspicious of him. He directly let Xiao Bing take the person away. The red scorpion branch was even smarter. Seeing Xiao Bing wearing a costume of the Royal Guard, and holding the token, he immediately guessed what Going back, she even resolutely screamed Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing Xin Dao this little girl is very talented.

Xiao Bing left with them and walked all the way toward Gongmen. When the road was inspected, Xiao Bing even showed up the token of the Royal Guard. The result was unimpeded until the palace gate.

At the entrance of the palace, there were a lot of guards guarding them. They saw Xiao Bing and immediately stopped in front. After Xiao Bing showed out the tokens of the three elders, these people looked at each other. One of them whispered: "It is better to ask. Three elders."

Xiao Bing was shocked. At the crucial moment, Zhongping Taro appeared here again. He looked at Xiao Bing and then waved his hand and said: "The three elders, you are also stopping? Release?"

Zhongping Taro has supreme authority in the Imperial Palace. Strictly speaking, these guards are all trained by him. For them, it is similar to the existence of a teacher. Where do they dare not obey, rushing to cross-examine more, directly letting go The palace gate.

Xiao Bing swayed with two goods and red stalks and walked out very far, which was relieved.

In the middle of Akasaka, there is a blood flowing into the river in the refining room. The bodies of the guards outside the door are lying in the refining room. Those who are in harmony with the mountains of Akasaka are also in the refining room. At this time, it has disappeared with Akasaka Zhongshan.

When Xiao Bing arrived at the designated location, Akasaka Zhongshan had already been there, and his two close-fitting masters of the poisonous fox were also there, but they did not see Toyotomi’s figure.

After seeing his granddaughter in Akasaka, Akira said with excitement: "Well, are you okay?"

Akasaka swayed hard and said: "I am fine..."

The poisonous fox said: "Fengchen Jiakang has already left the person, the lord, now start acting?"

"Well." Xiao Bing nodded and said, "You take them first and follow the original plan."

The poisonous fox does not say anything: "You come with me."

The second goods looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "Xiao Boda, what do you do?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I naturally have my things, go with the poison fox, don't delay my plan."

Poisonous Fox Shen Sheng: "Go!"

"Oh." The two goods originally wanted to stay, but Xiao Bing and the poisonous fox were the smartest people in his eyes. When they saw both of them said that the two goods did not dare to continue to argue, they had to follow the poisonous fox. Walk together in the side lane next to you.

The poisonous fox brought them into the apartment they rented, then gave them a few sets of navy clothes, let them change them, and then took them out into the pre-rented car and drove towards the harbour.

Xiao Bing turned and returned to the embassy to stand out. At this moment, Xiao Bing had taken off the costumes of the Royal Guard on the road, wearing his own clothes. At the door of the Royal Guard, he was so handicapped. A horrible murderous moment was released in the direction of the Imperial Palace.

At this time, the change of the refining room finally alerted the surrounding guards. They saw that the guards at the door of the refining house suddenly disappeared. They felt that they were not quite right. When they opened the door, they saw the dead bodies and immediately pulled them. When the alarm sounded, Tokugawa Benxi also learned about the escape of Akasaka Nakayama. He hurriedly sent people to find two goods and Akasaka branches, but the two men disappeared.

He couldn't think of dreams. In such a majestic imperial home, even a master of his level would have been difficult to save three people at the same time. Even these three people were all missing.

At this time, there was a deafening roar outside the Imperial Palace, and shouted loudly: "Tokugawa Benxi, you give me out!"

Tokugawa’s heart was shocked and immediately rushed out of the temple of the martial arts. He did not immediately go out to find Xiao Bing, but first came to the refining room. When his own magic knife had disappeared, Tokugawa’s violent thunder jumped. Then directly rushed out from the refining room, directly to the outside of the imperial home to kill, for a time, his body inside the magic boiling.

Inside and outside the Imperial Palace, murderous!

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