Super Soldier

Chapter 1073: Xiao Bing fights Tokugawa Benxi!

Tokugawa Benxi rushed out from the emperor's house, and the masters of the temple were all rushed out.

Xiao Bing single-handedly, standing alone, carrying his hands, no fear.

Tokugawa Benxi’s chest burned with anger, and the crazy big shouted: "Some people are you saved?"

Xiao Bing bears his hands and looks at Tokugawa Benxi with a cold look. The anger in Xiao Bing’s heart is not less than that of Tokugawa’s West. Although people have been successfully rescued, Tokugawa Benxi dares to take his own people. Even the two goods have been seriously injured, that is the Field's biggest provocation!

Xiao Bing said one word: "Tokugawa Benxi, they are my friends, but they are tied by your private, and you also seriously hurt my friend, I am here waiting for you, just let you give me One account!"

"Interpretation?" Tokugawa Benxihaha laughed aloud, with a hot color in his eyes, and sighed, "You have already landed on my site. What do you want to explain?"

Xiao Bing faintly said: "You hurt two goods, I also hurt you, fair and reasonable!"

"Okay, well, if you have the ability, you will hurt me!" Tokugawa Benxi said loudly, "All the orders of the Wushen Temple, collective killing Xiao Bing!"

Xiao Bing smiled and laughed loudly: "The people in the Wu Shen Temple will not be my opponents. Only the people present can fight with me. Do you want the entire Wu Shen Temple to make cannon fodder for you?"

At this time, the people of the Wu Shen Temple also showed extreme imperfections, and some hesitated, did not immediately go up and do.

Tokugawa Benxi laughed and said: "Okay, well, then I will single out with you. I would like to see how powerful you are in the underground world."

After that, Tokugawa Benxi stepped forward toward Xiao Bing, palms like a knife, and the palm knife fell to the top of Xiao Bing's head.

This blow is simply a split of time and space, so that the temple of the martial arts and all those who saw this scene are moved.

Xiao Bing’s gaze has also become dignified, faintly said: “Well, it seems that it has broken through to the half-step Tianzun, let me try your strength!”

Xiao Bing suddenly turned into a myriad of afterimages. Tokugawa’s palms were empty, and all the afterimages were all punched toward Tokugawa.

Others can only see that there are five or six Xiaobing at the same time and they are punching to Tokugawa, and this strength has surpassed what they can understand.

Tokugawa Benxi closed his eyes, and his body instantly teleported several times. Xiao Bing’s fists all fell through. Then, Tokugawa’s once again, countless punches and punches went out. Xiao Bing quickly retaliated. Two people no longer this time. Dodge, crazy battles are together.

"Oh!" Xiao Bing made a crazy scream in his mouth. His body is full of endless power. He wants to vent all this power and slam the enemy.

"Oh ah!" Tokugawa Benxi also screamed wildly. His eyes were full of demon, and his body was covered with a black ray. The aftermath of the retreat step by step, as for those weaker guards, they flew directly.

"It’s terrible." Several elders of the Wushen Temple glanced at each other and looked at each other. They felt awe in their hearts.

This is the power that human beings can reach. Is it so hard to imagine when it comes to breaking the void?

The air followed the vibration, the aftermath swept around, the ground began to crack, and the fight between the two men swept the mountains and rivers, so that everyone who saw this scene was shuddering.

In the emperor's residence, the emperor has already stood on a high tower at this moment, next to him is the general manager Miyagawa Taiji, the Royal Guard's chief instructor, Nakahei Taro, and the Tokugawa Benxi's close disciple, Toyotomi Kazuya, Na. Beautiful princess.

Princess Nami wants to go down, but she is blocked by Zhongping Taro. Nami princess yelled and shouted: "You don't stop me, I want to tell the old thing, not to hurt my big brother!"

Zhong Ping Taro’s tone is calm: “That is the peak match between the two most powerful people. If you are close, the power will even destroy you, not to mention that Xiao Bing is our enemy. It is our people."

Princess Nami is going crazy: "I don't care, I just can't let them move my friends!"

Zhongping Taro faintly said: "In fact, the battle between the master of the martial temple, Tokugawa, and Xiao Bing, who wins and loses, is hard to say."

"Oh?" The Emperor’s majesty said with enthusiasm. "Someone in the world can be Mr. Tokugawa’s opponent? Mr. Nakagira Taro, are you not mistaken?"

"No, I can feel that the strength of these two individuals has already stepped into breaking the void. According to rumors, Xiao Bing’s strength has already entered the realm of Tianzun, but he should not be in the best state now, so it should That is to be able to play the power of half-step Tianzun, the master of the Temple of the Virgin, Tokugawa Toshi, is also the power of the half-step Tianzun. It is naturally impossible for two people to be strong or weak."

The Emperor nodded and said: "But I still believe that the Wu Shen Temple is invincible. After all, the Wu Shen Temple is the strongest force of our royal family. Mr. Tokugawa is the strongest patron saint of our martial temple."

"Yes." Zhong Taitao immediately said, "I also believe that Mr. Tokugawa Benxi can win a big victory."

His Majesty the Emperor looked at Toyotomi and asked: "Don't you help your master?"

Toyotomi’s family smiled and said: "My strength is too far from them. I am afraid there is no way to get in."

"Yeah." The Emperor nodded slightly and smiled. "But it doesn't matter, you are still young."

At this time, someone ran up under the tower, and a guard said: "The Emperor, His Majesty, asks the Emperor to kneel down, do you want to build a cannon to bomb the Chinese?"

The Emperor said with a serious face: "This is their fair battle. Are you humiliating Mr. Tokugawa Benxi? Remember, Mr. Tokugawa is invincible and does not need any high-tech weapons to help. Mr. Tokugawa."

"Yes!" The guard promised and hurriedly retreated.

The emperor’s mouth floated with a smile, and when he saw two people fighting in the distance, his eyes showed deep taboos.

The fluctuation of the power even caused the walls in the distance to sway, and the trees on both sides of the road were uprooted.

The general manager muttered in his mouth: "What power is this, is this the power of the gods?"

When I heard this sentence, the Emperor was tight and full of wrinkled hands, and all the palms were sweaty.

Xiao Bing said: "Old guy, do you admit defeat? With your age, your physical strength is better than mine. Now you and me are tied. After a few hours, you will be defeated by me!"

Xiao Bing yelled while attacking wildly. "Little doll, have you never heard of **** or old spicy?" Tokugawa Benxiha laughed. Suddenly, the strength of his body climbed, and Xiao Bing attacked even more fiercely. He suddenly remembered On the top of the Tianshan Mountains, the power displayed by Tokugawa Benxi once made Xiao Bing think of the ban on the use of Tokugawa Benxi on the top of the Tianshan Mountains.

Just as Xiao Bing said, if you continue to fight, after a few hours, Tokugawa’s winning face will become smaller and smaller, because his physical strength will not keep up with Xiao Bing’s rhythm, a young and vigorous, another It’s already sunset in the West, and it’s naturally not the same.

Therefore, he has no way to do it. He can only use his ban in advance if he still has a tie.

I remember that on the same day, when Tokugawa’s strength was still breaking the peak of the void, the use of Tokugawa’s use of the ban could already borrow the power of the demon, and now the strength of Tokugawa’s West is further, who knows his ban. What a terrible power will it play?

Xiao Bing stepped up the attack rhythm, but Tokugawa’s Benxi continued to dodge, and at the same time brewed the power of terror.

Xiao Bing saw that after a round of attacks did not hit Tokugawa Benxi, Xiao Bing also stepped back a few steps, and then he also began to gather strength, his hands clasped into a group, and the two hands actually brewed white The lightning, the squeaking lightning is getting brighter and brighter, and it is getting more and more dazzling, making people look scared.

The blackness of the hands of Tokugawa Benxi became more and more heavy. A black face was formed above his head, and then he heard the words of Tokugawa Bensai: "By borrowing the power of the demon!"

Xiao Bing was slightly relieved, but fortunately, it was the same as the last time. Before the Tokugawa Ben West stepped into the demon, the strongest power he could borrow was the power of the demon. There is not much difference between the half-step Tianzun period and the break of the peak of the void.

However, even if it is the power of the demon, Xiao Bing is also the Tianzun in the heyday, and the strength of the demon statue is equal, and now the strength of Xiao Bing has not yet reached Tianzun, temporarily on the half step, but there is no way to fully play it out. The power of Tianzun, this power is even Xiao Bing does not dare not feel dignified.

Tokugawa Benxi laughed and said: "Do you regret that I still stayed here to see me this time, but also want to be fair with me? Now I will let you see and see my strongest attack on Tokugawa Benxi, borrow the power of Heaven. Kill you from this world!"

Xiao Bing sneered: "The last time I couldn't kill me, this time I want to kill me?"

"The last time I was escaped by hypnotism, this time you think that the same trick, I will be recruited twice?"

With a bang, the black face suddenly turned into a huge black sphere, and then Tokugawa Benxi rushed to Xiao Bing, and the white electric ball in Xiao Bing’s hand was pushed out.

Countless people are watching this scene. The black magical sphere intersects with the white lightning electric ball. The incomparably horrible force erupts instantly between two people. The power to destroy everything begins to spread wildly around the temple, the martial temple and the guards. Shouting and yelling toward the city wall, a piece of trees on both sides of the road was instantly destroyed. All the people could not even open their eyes. Even those who watched the battle on the distant towers felt the glare of the light. No.

When they opened their eyes again, they were stunned and couldn't believe it.

Countless people who saw this scene were amazed.

Is this still the power that human beings can have?

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