Super Soldier

Chapter 1079: Goofy, the soul is out?

Xiao Bing feels that this horrible murderous murderous air can be used as a blade. He can’t help but sigh: “It seems that Gao Fei’s time is a breakthrough, and the strength has improved!”

Gao Fei’s current strength is enough for most people to look up to it, breaking the peak of the void, and even reaching the peak of the peak, and only one step away from the half-step Tianzun.

Xiao Bing has always felt that Gao Fei is the most perverted person among the people he has seen, except for the Buddha. The reason why this feeling is derived from the speed of Gao Fei metamorphosis is that his strength is really too fast. It’s almost impossible to imagine Xiao Bing.

Tokugawa Benxi looked at Gao Fei, and the anger finally reached its peak. First, the two sons pressed on his head, and then such a junior also gave him a public challenge, even though the strength of this junior seems to be a little scary, old. Gently reached the peak of breaking the void, Mom, is the strength of the young people now so abnormal?

Tokugawa Benxi looked at Gao Fei, loudly: "Is you going to challenge me?"

Tokugawa’s voice really makes everyone’s ears squeak, he wants to kill the person in front of him, reshape his reputation, let everyone know the strength of the lord of the temple, let all people Shocked.

Gao Feidao: "Yes!"

Gao Fei stood up at a distance of more than ten meters in Tokugawa. At this moment, there was no other person in his eyes. There was only this Tokugawa Benxi in his eyes, and there was no other feeling in his eyes. There is only killing in his eyes!

Tokugawa Benxi is annoyed: "Your eyes are despising me."

"No, I respect everyone who is qualified to be killed by me!" Gao Feidao, "Your strength is very strong, I can't see through it, but because of this, the more I can find a sense of accomplishment when I kill you. The more I can inspire my strongest strength, let me make a breakthrough!"

Gao Fei’s words made all the people stunned and made everyone respectful. This is a real person who is constantly improving by relying on the power of killing. No one wants to be an enemy of this kind of person, even if your strength is not here. Under the people, you don't dare to do it with such people easily, because once you start, it is very likely that you will never die.

Tokugawa Benxi laughed and said: "Okay, well, since you have set foot on the land of our country, you will leave your life and don't go back!"

Gao Fei no longer spoke, he closed his mouth, his body's murderousness climbed, and then the killing in his eyes almost condensed into a substantial light, even if the strength of Tokugawa Benxi was above him. I feel some scalp tingling.

This person... how can his eyes be so terrible? Is he a machine, is there no feeling?

The air is already condensed, and everyone is holding his breath and watching this scene. Tokugawa Benxi took a deep breath, and his head above it began to gather more and more magic, all of them are jealous. With their eyes wide open, they clearly can see that Tokugawa’s body is surrounded by black air, and a grimace formed by a black gas appears on the top of his head.

Xiao Bing's pupils contracted slightly, and the eyes were cold and glamorous. This Tokugawa Benxi actually used the ban on the beginning of the battle.

Tokugawa's strength in the West is itself in the degree of half-step esteem. If you use the ban, even Xiao Bing must deal with it...

"God, what is this?" Some people began to marvel. "How do I feel a power that can destroy everything in that black gas?"

"Me too." Someone took a sip of cold air and said, "I feel that if black gas attacks me, I am afraid that even the bones will not be left."

Everyone else is also face to face, and the face has changed color.

Tokugawa Benxiha laughed and said: "I want you to take a look. This is the true power of the Lord of the Temple of God! My power can break everything, destroy everything, and let all those who dare to be enemies with me destroy! ”

The red rose lowered the voice: "The power of this person..."

Xiao Bing took a breath and said: "He is summoning the power of the demon, and then launching a demon slam... unless my injury is completely healed, otherwise there is no way to resist the power of this, the previous day because of this stock Strength, it has been seriously injured!"

At this time, Gao Fei moved.

All the people did not expect Gao Fei to rush straight in the past. If other people feel the power to tremble with them, I am afraid that the first thing I should think of is to escape. Everyone has a fear of death. Heart, how can the moths hit the fire in general?

Tokugawa Benxi saw Gao Fei rushing toward himself, first laughing, then the smile suddenly disappeared, then the horror of the face, everyone else also widened his eyes, the speed of flying is already very fast, but Gao Fei is When sprinting, his soul seemed to rush out of his body faster than him, rushing to the front of Tokugawa Benxi.

The soul is out?

Xiao Bing also widened his eyes and his heart pounded.

Tokugawa Benxi never imagined that this kind of thing would happen in the world. This is simply not understood by human beings. How can the soul break out? Is this still human?

Tokugawa Benxi hurriedly blocked his arms across his chest. Gao Fei’s soul was still a high-flying figure. He punched in Tokugawa’s body, and Tokugawa’s West went back and forth several times, after a punch. The soul has already dissipated, and the true body of Gao Fei has appeared in front of Tokugawa.

"No, not the soul!" Xiao Bing exclaimed. "That is the murderousness of the essence. It is the afterimage of the murderousness. My God, how terrible the murderousness can condense the adult shape. The extent of the attack, but also the ability to launch an attack, although only a blow, but this is beyond the level of human imagination!"

Tokugawa’s ban on the West has not been fully executed, and it was destroyed by the previous punch. At this time, he wants to re-apply the ban, and the high-flying body has already rushed to him. He had to start a life and death fight with Gao Fei.

The people watching the battle have heard Xiao Bing’s commentary. One by one, I understand how the incredible soul has just gathered together. That is to say, it is not the soul, but the murderousness has reached an incredible degree. There is a real human form. The strength of that punch is naturally incomparable with the body, but it is enough to kill most people. I am afraid that the strong under the void will have been killed by that punch.

Gao Fei used the facts to tell everyone under the sun that murderous can kill people.

The Buddha son sighed and muttered: "He is a genius genius in the use of murderousness."

Gao Fei and Tokugawa Benxi launched a crazy confrontation. Both of them gave up the defense, madly attack each other, and all the people watched the heart pounding. Every attack of both of them took The horrible shock of the two men has surpassed their imagination.

At this time, Tokugawa Benxi had no chance to use the ban, and he was only able to use his own strength to compete with Gao Fei.

However, his own strength is also the degree of half-step Tianzun, it should also be above Gao Fei, but two people have already passed hundreds of tricks in the blink of an eye, but it is quite equal, no one can win!

All the people are scared to see the war. They only think that there is absolutely no whiteness today. This war does not say the horror and mystery of the two men’s tricks at the moment. It is said that the one that just started Tokugawa’s West is still not there. Completion has already made them all feel the shuddering slogan in the depths of the soul, and the move of Goofy has left the imagination of their souls, and they have been unable to forget them in this life.

Whether it is that ban, or Gao Fei's use of murder, they think that they may not be able to achieve their efforts for a lifetime. Any one of these two strokes is already the lifelong pursuit of the average peerless!

Tokugawa Benxi’s eyes were filled with anger, with madness, while madly attacking, and a squeaking voice was heard in his mouth. His heart was filled with endless killings, because the first time before defeated Xiao Bing In his hand, he was escaped by Xiao Bing for the second time. These two times have already angered Tokugawa Benxi. There is a volcano in his body that has been squatting all the time. At this moment, it must be completely erupted.

Gao Fei is as cold as ever. He can't see any emotions on his face. He is like a cold killing machine. He can capture every part of Tokugawa's body in the first place. The loopholes were then killed. Unfortunately, after Tokugawa’s breakthrough to the half-step Tianzun, his feelings were more sensitive than those under the half-step Tianzun, so Gao Fei never succeeded.

Two people gradually moved from the ground to the sky, and from the sky to the ground, the land that hit the ground trembled and dusty.

"The battle of the ancient times, this is definitely the battle of the ancient times. For thousands of years, this battle is probably second only to the peak of the Longgongzi and Wei Sihai. I did not expect anyone in this world to be so strong!"

"Hey, this is really a time when a strong man is born. Long Gongzi, Gao Fei, Tokugawa Benxi, and just one of them can be called a superpower who dominates an era. The result is in this. All the times are gathered together, it is simply unimaginable!"

Xiao Bing clenched his fists, his hand smashed out the fine sweat, even Xiao Bing was like this, not to mention other people!

In the end, Gao Fei and Tokugawa Benxi had a palm and two palms intersected. The two men did not move at all. Then the power of the two men went crazy and attacked the opponent's body. The two men did not move at this moment. However, each of them is in the most dangerous situation, and the confrontation of power in the body is the real most dangerous confrontation.

Everyone was relieved a little, and the battle just made them some unable to breathe.

At this time someone asked: "Who can win?"

"It should be Tokugawa Benxi. The strength of Goofy and the strength of Tokugawa Benxi should be worse. It is not easy to persist until now. With his horrible grasp of murder, I see any empty space, as long as It is a small flaw, and he can respond quickly. In the world, he is afraid that no one can do anything right to grasp the flaws. Unfortunately, his power is weaker than Tokugawa Benxi, if not For the use of murder and the grasp of flaws, he probably has already lost."

"Yes, now they are fighting for who is more powerful, Gao Fei lost!"

"Unfortunately, such a horrible peerless wizard, it is so hang!"

Ps: It’s not unusual to go to a friend’s house this afternoon to celebrate the joy of housewarming. There are only two chapters today. In the evening, I will come back in time, and the update at midnight will not be delayed.

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