Super Soldier

Chapter 1080: Who wins and who loses?

Is Gao Fei going to die?

In theory, this is indeed the case, because the gap in strength may depend on experience and skill to make up for some in the battle, but in this kind of infuriating competition, there is no way to have the slightest cleverness. It is only one step away from Tokugawa Benxi, but this step is separated by the sky.

Tokugawa Benxi’s face is crazy. His appearance seems to destroy Gao Fei completely, but Gao Fei is a calm face. Even everyone has some doubts. Is it even in the face of death, Gao Fei’s face? Nothing will be a little bit moving?

Although Gao Fei really let the world know that his time is still very short, but this war has let all people remember him, no matter whether he is alive or dead, Gao Fei these two words must be the world of shock, shock The world!

The red rose asked: "Xiao Bing, Gao Fei will be defeated?"

Xiao Bing looked at this scene nervously, and Xiao Bing could not answer.

Suddenly, everyone was surprised to find that Tokugawa’s forehead had sweat on his forehead, and Goofy was still calm, and Xiao Bing’s face showed a smile.

Suddenly, two people have stepped back and separated at the same time. Tokugawa’s West has been stunned, because it’s just that Gao Fei’s sudden explosion has shaken him away, and it’s still unstoppable in Tokugawa’s West. In case.

Gao Fei calmly looked at Tokugawa Benxi, and the tone was calm: "This time is no match."

Everyone is ashamed of it.

Gao Fei continued: "Continue to fight, I will kill you!"

Tokugawa’s face was blue and white, and he wanted to refute. The Buddha’s son sighed and said: “Gaofei’s right is true. If it’s his mercy, just fight with you for a moment, you will die. ""

Gao Feidao: "You have injuries in your body, and your strength is not at the peak. I won't even mean if I win. So this war, we are flat."

Everyone understands this.

"Is it true that Tokugawa Benxi’s body is hurting? It’s no wonder that he can’t take a high flight for so long, and even slowly takes the lead.”

"Yeah, but this Gaofei is really bright and upright. If you continue to fight, even if you really kill Tokugawa Benxi, there is nothing to blame for Tokugawa, and we don't know. The winner is king." The loser is awkward!"

"This is the pride of the strong. As a strong man, his heart does not allow him to do this, and he is not allowed to take advantage of it. This is the mentality of the strong."

"Well, this high flying, I remember him."

"Hey, see him in the future and he must hide far away. This person is terrible."

Tokugawa Benxi looked at Xiao Bing with resentment, but Xiao Bing was calm, as if he didn't know anything.

Except for Tokugawa Benxi, only the poisonous fox knows what it is. In fact, the poisonous fox has already guessed why Xiao Bing is going to be broken, because Xiao Bing wants to fight with Tokugawa Benxi, Xiao Bing at that time. Although the injury has not recovered 100%, it is not necessarily the opponent of Tokugawa Benxi, but Xiao Bing tried his best but it was not difficult for Tokugawa to be injured.

If Tokugawa Benxi is injured, today's battle, Gao Fei's victory is big, Xiao Bing knows Gao Fei's strong self-esteem, so he can't help Gao Fei, but he can use that time. Fight against Tokugawa Benxi, otherwise, under the full victory of Tokugawa Benxi, Gao Fei definitely has no chance of winning.

Xiao Bing won, and Tokugawa Benxi couldn't say anything. Gao Fei couldn't pick up the problem, because no one can show evidence that Xiao Bing is for Gao Fei. Xiao Bing is the reason for their revenge for the second. Come to fight with Tokugawa Benxi.

For the brothers, Xiao Bing is also willing to risk his life, for the brothers and ribs.

Tokugawa Benxi regained his gaze and took a deep breath. He said, "Okay, then after two months, I recovered my strength. You and I are here again!"

"No need!" Gao Fei said in a calm voice. "Two months later, after this battle, I will break through to half-step Tianzun. After two months, you are already not my opponent. I still have a fight with you. Necessary?"

Gao Fei’s words are extremely arrogant, but there is no slight pride in his eyes, because he is telling the truth.

Tokugawa Benxi was furious and said loudly: "Do you believe that I still have the ability to kill you?"

Gao Fei faintly said: "In the first battle, the injury in your body has been affected. I advise you not to be impulsive!"

After Tokugawa Benxi listened, he opened his mouth and still endured it. Then he said with a gloomy tone: "This time I gave you a challenge. Two months later, I am here. I will continue to fight with you. I dare not come to see you."

Gao Fei turned his head and looked at Tokugawa Benxi. He thought about it and said, "That's good. After two months, I will come to you!"

Although Tokugawa Benxi was injured in the body today, he still felt that his face was dull and snorted. He turned and walked to the side of the field. The people of the Wushen Temple were also behind, and the Wushen Temple said that he is now There is no special unity between Kawamoto and West, but they are all one after all. Tokugawa Benxi is their leader. Tokugawa’s face is dull. How can they feel that they have a face?

The people of the Wu Shen Dian left, and the masters around them immediately began to smile to Gao Fei. Gao Fei was not close to the human. No one looked at it. First, he looked at the Buddha son and said: "The Buddha son, now I am not as good as you."

Buddha son faintly said: "Do you want to challenge me?"

"No, I said, I am not as good as you, but one day, one day, I will challenge you."

Buddha son faintly said: "Well, I am waiting for that day."

After the Buddha’s son finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared inexplicably. All the people saw that the Buddha’s son suddenly lost his sight. They all looked at each other. It seems that the two sons are driving together and there is reason. They used to Buddhism disappeared for too long, and some of the hearts of the Buddha looked down on the Buddha. Today, the Buddha’s son is enough to hold down all of them. Only the Dragon Son may be an exception.

Gao Fei turned and slowly walked in front of Xiao Bing. His face finally showed some human emotions and sighed: "You should not help me."

Xiao Bing touched his nose and said: "I just didn't have a shot."

Gao Fei did not continue to entangle in this problem, but asked: "How is Maggie now?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "She had just traveled out some time ago. Now she is back at home and is at home. How are you going to go back with me?"

"No." Gao Fei sighed a sigh. "My strength has now reached a crucial step. I will go to the retreat first. After the customs clearance, I will definitely break through to reach the half-step Tianzun."

Xiao Bing looked at Gao Fei and asked: "Do you really think that after you have broken through the half-step Tianzun, will you have the grasp of Tokugawa Benxi in the heyday?"

Gao Fei faintly said: "Maybe."

Xiao Bing solemnly said: "Then you must not give Tokugawa Benxi the opportunity to use the ban, otherwise it will be difficult to win."

"Well, I know." Gao Fei’s eyes flashed brightly and said, "In fact, I am interested in experiencing his ban, perhaps letting him use the strongest attack. This is the biggest test for me."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Sometimes I feel that in martial arts, you are a madman."

Gao Feidao: "Who is the martial arts road, who is not crazy? Boss, your strength should be improved."

"Yeah." Xiao Bingdao, "Before the battle with Wei Sihai, it is indeed a great improvement, but recently the body is injured, but also need to recuperate."

Gao Fei took another look at the other people and finally said, "I will go first. After some time, when I break through, I will go back to see Maggie and take care of her for me!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "No problem, remember, we are waiting for you at home, no matter what troubles outside, if you need it, don't be alone, tell us."

"Well." Gao Fei promised, turned around and left without stepping back.

Xiao Bing looked at the back of Gao Fei and said to other people around him: "Do you know, I have a feeling, maybe it is an illusion, maybe it is not, Gao Fei is taking a step in the next step, morning and evening. One day, Gao Fei is sure to be one of the strongest in the world. Maybe it will not be worse than me, or maybe he can challenge the Buddha."

The dragonmen next to them will be relatively silent. The psychological impact of Gao Fei’s battle is really too big, but it also stimulates the strong fighting spirit of the Longmen’s generals. Always standing on the top of the peak of martial arts, although there are two big sons above them, they feel that there is nothing, but now there is Gao Fei, Tokugawa Benxi, which makes them super The strong also have a sense of crisis.

The impact of this war on them is positive. After returning, these gantry and eight cadres will inevitably start the road of madness and strength. Every strongman who has come to this day has the spirit of not admitting defeat.

Xiao Bing waved his hand to other familiar masters and then said to the people around him: "Let's go, Tokugawa Benxi has already touched the injury inside the body. He can't take care of us now, let's leave immediately, huh, huh. This Tokugawa Benxi now definitely regards me as an enemy of life and death. Unfortunately, after his injury is restored, my injury has already recovered. He is destined to be stepped on me."

Liu Zhen smiled and said: "The door owner said yes, in fact, what is unusual about this, you are the door of our gantry, you can compare it with a martial temple, then it is not that we are weaker than the martial arts Temple of God?"

"Yes!" The drunken gyro is also a big doorway. "It is possible to flatten what **** the temple of martial arts by one person."

Xiao Bing smiled a little, but there was no feeling of pride and complacency in his heart. The Buddha’s son was like a gully in front of Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing must one day cross the past from the top, and this has become a A catalyst that spurred Xiao Bing to keep improving.

The most important thing for Xiao Bing is that he found that even if he reached the realm of Tianzun, when he looked at the Buddha, he was as unseen as ever. This result is almost to make Xiao Bing’s heart deep. The flames at the place are completely burned.

Become stronger, or you must keep getting stronger!

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