Super Soldier

Chapter 1089: Goofy returns!

"Yes, because of you." Akasaka, looking at Xiao Bing, asked, "Have you ever used a sword?"

"This." Xiao Bing hesitated and said, "I have never used it."


In the middle of the mountain, Akasaka, "the reason why the spirit is called the spirit is because it has been psychic compared with the treasure, and it can be acquainted with the master's soul, so every piece of the instrument must be created when it is created. If you want to have a tacit understanding with the spirits, I am going to refine you, but I have never seen you used a sword, so I don’t know where to start. After studying so much time, I understand this. Reason, hey, I said that I am a master of refining. In fact, I still have to slowly explore the casting of the spirit."

Xiao Bing suddenly realized: "I understand, you mean, you must let me see how I use the sword, right?"

"Yes." Akasaka Nakayama. "You don't have eight swords. It's better to show them with a sword in front of me. Some people's roads are just fierce. Some people are swordsmanship. Everyone feels differently about the sword. The feeling of using a sword is different. I have to know the number of your roads, and then I can create the true instrument that belongs to you."

"Well, I can do it any time, show it for you now."

Xiao Bing’s body has completely recovered 100%. He just couldn’t wait to get active activities. Xiao Bing returned to the room and took out a sword. He walked out and stood in the yard. The people in Xiaofu knew Xiao Bing. To dance the sword, all gathered around and began to watch.

Akasaka Zhongshan stood at the door of the refining room and looked at Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing arched the archer: "I am ugly, I will give ugly!"

Xiao Bing holds the sword and silently says: "Spirit sword and spirit sword, since I brought you back, I have not used you once, and let you come and me today!"

The sword sent a scream, and then Xiao Bing began to wave the sword in his hand. All the people watched the thrilling, but they saw the sword in the whole yard, and the long sword shrouded all the way around Xiaobing. The power of the sword is huge. However, Xiao Bing can master the scale, and the convergence of Jianqi will not hurt people. This skill has reached a state of being freely retracted.

Many people are clamoring, and the red rose said: "I have never seen Xiao Bing's sword, but I didn't expect his sword to be so good, so exquisite!"

Akasaka is also watching, and he keeps his eyes on it.

After Xiao Bing received the sword into the sheath, there was a good voice around him. Xiao Bing was very happy to look at the Akasaka Zhongshan, waiting for Akasaka to praise himself.

However, I didn’t want Akasaka to shake his head and turned into the refining room. Xiao Bing’s stranger also followed. Others didn’t know what was going on, and they all dispersed.

Xiao Bing followed the inside of the refining room and asked: "What's wrong, Akasaka, is it that my sword is not good?"

"No, you never used a sword before, but the sword is just very subtle. Even a kendo master may not be able to handle a sword."

Xiao Bing curiously said: "But I see you."

Chihkan Zhongshan Road: "I don't shake my head because your sword is not sophisticated enough, but because you are not a swordsman, even if your sword is used better, but you are not a swordsman, it is useless after all."

Xiao Bing curiously said: "If I use a sword, isn't it a swordsman?"

Akasaka sighed: "The person who uses the sword may not be a swordsman. The person who does not need the sword may not be a swordsman. This is the mystery of the swordsman. A person can have no sword in his hand and a sword in his heart. This is a realm of the swordsman; A person can also have no sword in his hand, and there is no sword in his heart, because he is a sword that is invincible, and this is also the realm of the swordsman; one can have a sword in his hand and a sword in his heart."

Xiao Bing listened and nodded. At the time, Akasaka Zhongshan looked at Xiao Bing with some regrets. He said, "But you are different. Although my martial arts is not as good as you, my affinity for a person and a weapon is really You know too much. You have a sword in your hand, but you have no sword in your heart. This is not because of your mystery, but because you are not a swordsman. Even if you have a sword in your hand, it is a weapon for you. And won't be your soul, understand?"

Xiao Bing frowned and thought carefully. Finally he nodded and sighed: "I understand, you are right, the sword is not my soul."

At this time, the long sword in Xiao Bing’s hand once again sent out a sorrowful sword. Xiao Bing couldn’t help but look at the sword in his hand. He smiled bitterly: “I’m sorry, I’m disappointing you.”

"This can't blame you, you are not a swordsman in your bones. This can't be changed. It doesn't mean you don't care about the sword."

Xiao Bing sighed: "But since Tianshan got them, I made up my mind to treat them well."

"I know." Akasaka Nakayama looked at Xiao Bing, said, "You are a good person, even for the Spirit Sword, you are very good, but some things are not reluctant, just like if you don't love someone, just compare Like the other side, I feel that this young girl is very good, plus she especially loves you, so if you want to accept it, even if you accept it reluctantly, the mind between you will not produce a tacit understanding, it is difficult to collide. ”

"This is actually a truth. You got these ten swords. You think you can't bury these swords. If you get them, you should be responsible for them, but I believe that you can be good to them, but it is difficult to collide. A real spark, this is actually the biggest burial for them, and for you to forcefully carry some weapons that can't really reach 100% fit, although it can also improve your combat effectiveness, but there is no way. Playing to the strongest, but burying their true value."

Xiao Bing frowned and asked, "What should I do?"

Akasaka’s tone of calmness in the mountains: “If I give you advice, it is to give them to the owners who really belong to them.”

The sword in the hands of Xiao Bing sent out a few protesting swords, and Xiao Bing frowned and said: "Give someone?"

"Yes." Akasaka Zhongshan Road, "The Spirit Sword is a supreme weapon for any one person, because the Spirit Sword is already psychic. With your energy and the spirit, the combat power will definitely increase a lot, but you Does the heart feel really happy?"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment. When he was just dancing swords, Xiao Bing did not feel the feeling of heartyness, and he could not help but fall into deep thoughts.

Zhongshan Road in Akasaka: "Give the spirits to people. I say that this is unimaginable for anyone. Even if it is for anyone, it is impossible to make such a decision. To be honest, if it is me, it is also I am impossible because I am in a bystander, so I can say this simply, so everything is in you."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "I understand, Akasaka, you should rest well in these two days. The two swords are slowly casting, and I will take it with me."

"Yeah." Akira Nakayama agreed. He looked at Xiao Bing and left the refining room. He sighed and muttered to himself. "I just said something though I was in my heart, but I am afraid there is no one under the sun. If you can accept it, let the spirits be sent to people, can I do it myself? Loss I said the exit."

Xiao Bing returned to the room with a sword, and then grabbed it in his hand. The other hand gently touched it. The long sword kept screaming. It seemed to be talking to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing smiled: "I know what you mean. You don't want to leave. Don't worry. Since I brought you back from Tianshan, I will be responsible for you. I won't bury you in the future. At the very least, let you reflect the real. The value of finding the real happiness."

Xiao Bing smiled and re-hung the sword back. At the same time, he kept thinking about what he said in the mouth of Akasaka. Xiao Bing thought secretly, yes, I am not really a swordsman. !

The matter of Lingjian was put aside for the time being. Xiao Bing decided to solve this problem slowly. Now the strength has been fully restored. If Gao Fei and Tokugawa Benxi have a gamble, Xiao Bing can’t wait to find it immediately. Tokugawa Benxi, a good lesson to teach this bad old man, let him know the depth of knowledge, Xiao Bing always has a feeling that the tiger fell to Pingyang was bullied by the dog.

But now it is not enough. Gao Fei and Tokugawa Benxi will have a battle. After all, Xiao Bing does not intend to help in the dark. In the last battle between Tokugawa and West, Xiao Bing saw it, Gao Fei. There is only one line distance from the breakthrough to the Tianzun realm, and it is estimated that it has already broken through.

Xiao Bing is thinking, suddenly there is just Maggie shouting: "Bing brother, flying brother is back!"

I go! Really say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

Xiao Bing immediately turned over, happily rushed out of the room, and then came to the room, saw Gao Fei sitting and greeted everyone, his character is cold, but these people in Xiao Fu are Still very good, and there is no shelf, but also a little more normal people's emotions.

Seeing Xiao Bing came out, Gao Fei’s eyes fell on Xiao Bing and said with emotion: “The boss’s strength is really fast, I really are not as good as you!”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You are so polite, in fact, your real combat power is stronger than the surface realm."

Gao Fei shook his head and said: "But let me directly cross the level to defeat a strong person in the realm of Tianzun, I can't do it. But I believe that I will catch up with you one day sooner or later. Boss, The next time I fight with Tokugawa Benxi, I hope that you will not give a secret hand."

Maggie widened her eyes and asked: "Is the brother brother still helping? The brother brother is so handsome!"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Don't listen to your flying brother, I said, when will I help?"

Gao Fei did not argue, but said: "I want to learn from the boss again!"

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