Super Soldier

Chapter 1090: The evolution of the magic knife

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Alright, I also have this intention."

Although Xiao Bing said that the realm is obviously above Gao Fei, according to the current realm of Xiao Bing, it is difficult to find a few people in the world to bring him challenges. The Buddha is one, and Gao Fei is half. Tokugawa Benxi is also half.

In Xiao Bing's view, it is hard to say that Gao Fei and Tokugawa Benxi are strong and weak. Gao Fei's age is light, but his opinion on martial arts may not be under the old guy of Tokugawa Benxi. Even in some respects, I still have to feel that Gao Fei is a enchanting, but Tokugawa Benxi can't be underestimated. His ban is that Xiao Bing feels awkward, and the most important thing is that he The ban will not rob him of his own life. This is different from the time when Igawa Valley used the ban, but Xiao Bing always felt that the ban on Tokugawa must be harmful.

There is absolutely no ban in the world that can be used casually. The reason why the ban is forbidden is because this kind of move cannot be used unless it is forced to do so. Otherwise, this is not a forbidden operation, but a routine move, so Tokugawa Benxi This ban must pay a painful price that I don’t know, but I still don’t know what the price of Tokugawa’s West is going to pay.

Xiao Bing and Gao Fei came to the woods, and then began to compare one stroke and one style. Now they have no comparison in the realm of martial arts. The difference between the half-step Tianzun and Tianzun is different, but in Each of the moves can also be understood.

The two abandoned the pure power confrontation, but used the move to win. Gao Fei could feel more about Xiao Bing's recent insights on the move routine, and then absorbed and accepted it. The same was true of Xiao Bing. Gao Fei was above the martial arts. Some of the insights are even those that Wei Sihai and Tokugawa Benxi can't reach. The old soldiers have learned and absorbed them, and they feel that they have gained a little more insight.

When two people stop, each feels that their strength is not one and a half points higher than before. Of course, if you want to break through again, it is still very difficult, and there is a long way to go.

Xiao Bing said: "When you next battle with Tokugawa Benxi, his strength will return to its peak. Even I know that he is still learning the essence of Shinto martial arts. Once he continues to merge the gods and the devils, It is very likely that he will step into the realm of Tianzun, but he was also seriously injured before. This time needs to be injured first. It should not break through so early."

Gao Fei’s eyes are bright, and some excitement says: “Is it true? I really want to kill it with Tianzun’s realm, otherwise it’s too challenging.”

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Gofei, you are a madman."

Gao Fei smiled and said: "Not crazy, not a Buddha."

Xiao Bing asked: "Have you stayed in Xiaofu during this time?"

"No, it will take up to two or three days, then I still have to walk around."

"Would you like to go around? Where are you going next?"

Gao Fei thought for a moment and asked: "The boss, about the Guwumen faction, have you heard of it?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "I know their existence, but I don't know their movements."

"I want to find the whereabouts of these sects, and then challenge the top players. People like me can only make progress in constant battle. In the past, because I wanted to protect Maggie, I could only stay in Xiaofu. Now the boss is stronger than me, and the strength of Xiaofu has also increased. I don't need me here."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "In fact, there are still many better things in life than martial arts. I feel that you should find an object?"

Gao Fei was cold-faced and didn't talk. Xiao Bing laughed and said, "You don't have that kind of expression. When you come across, you really meet someone you like. Even if I stop you, you must fight with me." Maybe you will love to be more crazy than anyone else!"

Gao Fei said: "Boss, I sometimes envy you especially."

"Oh? Envy me handsome?"

Gao Fei is not like a joke at all. He said in a serious way: "I envy you as a person who is not so serious. Every day, he is facing the top three, holding his left and holding the world, laughing and laughing, but why the strength can progress so fast. To be honest, The promotion of my strength is already fast enough. I think it is difficult to find a few talents that are stronger than me under the sun, but your talent is even more outrageous and stronger. You don’t need to practice, you can sit directly. Rockets go up like ...."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You guessed wrong. I actually have a lot of efforts behind it. My current martial arts is not based on pure efforts. I want to improve now. I need to understand life. Looking for insight in life, everyone has different ways of comprehending each other. But I really think that instead of deliberately pursuing a certain realm, it is better to enjoy the bit by bit of life, and some aspects are naturally natural."

Gao Fei shook his head. Obviously, Xiao Bing’s idea of ​​letting go of nature and being incomprehensible cannot be understood. It is like everyone has different martial arts for each person. Everyone has their own different path. This is the same. The truth.

Xiao Bing is not in a hurry to persuade Gao Fei. In Xiao Bing's view, everything in life must be rooted in life, and all originate from life. Whether it is technology, martial arts or other civilizations, it is inseparable from life. Life is the foundation of all things. If Gao Fei really meets someone he loves, he may understand this truth.

In the royal family of the country, the recent Tokugawa Benxi seems very violent, the mood has been very bad, no one dares to bother, even his disciple Toyotomi Ieyasu is not too afraid to come and disturb him, except The last thing that lost his face in front of Gao Fei was that the most irritating thing was the loss of the magic knife. The magic knife followed him for many years. He had already shared his mind. At this time, he lost it and directly let him play some strength. discount.

Recently, in addition to raising the wound, he is constantly studying the martial arts of the gods and gods. He intends to attack Tianzun’s realm as soon as possible, and then he will find Xiao Bing’s account and grab his own magic knife. He still believes that the magic knife must be given by Xiao Bing. Take it away, otherwise how could it be lost for no reason?

The combination of magic and martial arts is indeed capable of producing unexpected power. Recently, he gradually began to gain something, but he felt that his devil was getting stronger and stronger.

Tokugawa is sitting in the practice room on the knees. His body is covered in black air, but there are some weaker golden scent. It is because he practices two martial arts, but his current magical atmosphere completely suppresses Shinto.

The breath on his body was strange and evil. Finally, he opened his eyes and suddenly stood up and muttered to himself: "I finally recovered completely. The next step is to continue to merge the gods and the devils and find ways to impact Tianzun."

In the residence of Toyotomi Jiakang outside the Imperial Palace, Toyotomi Jiakang played with the magic knife in his hand, his mouth with a smug smile, this time he fished the fish to get the magic knife to get his hand, on the one hand The strength of his master is damaged to a certain extent. On the other hand, this is his secret weapon. With this magic knife, his minimum strength can be improved by 30%, and he is invincible at the same level, even if he is facing him. A high-level opponent may not seriously hurt the other party if it is unexpected.

Toyotomi Jiakang smiled and muttered to himself: "Unfortunately, if it is really made into a spiritual device, I can even use this skill to kill people across the level and directly kill opponents who are one level higher than me. However, if it is really made into a spiritual device, it will not fall into my hands. Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing, this time, you have helped me a lot, hurt this old guy for me, still Let me get such a treasure."

During this time, Toyotomi Jiakang was hiding here to practice the knife and cultivating his feelings with the sharpening knife in his hand. The magic knife in the hands of Toyotomi Jiakang and Fengchen Jiakang are very compatible, and they can complement each other. He can even feel it. The breath in the magic knife is connected with the blood of his body. Even he is still under the stimulation of the magic knife to break through the state of breaking the peak of the void, but he feels that he has been practicing the martial arts of the Word of God. It is very difficult to achieve, and the difficulty of learning is very difficult.

Toyotomi Jiakang even suspected that the martial arts booklet had any problems, but Toyotomi Jiakang was also a very sensitive person to martial arts. He studied it carefully, and now the things are really exquisite and very It makes sense, there is no problem at all, then it can only explain that his physique does not fit the martial arts of the Word of God.

As a result, Toyotomi Jiakang is basically about to give up the practice of Shinto martial arts, and began to practice the magic of the whole body.

Toyotomi Jiakang looked at the magic knife and muttered to himself: "This magic road has reached the peak of the sword, and then it is the spirit. Unfortunately, the master of the refiner who can forge the spirit is too Difficult to find, and Akasaka Zhongshan is in the hands of Xiao Bing, I want to grab people from the hands of Xiao Bing is almost impossible, there seems to be only one way ...."

In the eyes of Toyotomi Ikekang, there is a cruel light: "The rumor kills one person as a human sin, and murder will cause grievances. In mythology, there were people who used magic knives to kill countless people. In the end, the bones were everywhere, the blood flowed into the river, and there was a day. The magical change on the knife has an idea, and it has automatically evolved into a spirit... This magic knife is only one step away from the spirit. How many people can use this knife to harvest the life, can we find a way to give it Evolution!"

"Just like this, the rumor is too deep, it is easy to fall into the magic road." In the eyes of Toyotomi Jiakang, there was a bit of hesitation, and finally he finally shook his head and sighed, and for the time being.

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