Super Soldier

Chapter 1091: The death of Xue Tianyi

After Gao Fei stayed in Xiaofu for two days, he really left again. Before leaving, the angry Maggie still didn't talk to him until Gao Fei made the door of Xiaofu. Maggie chased it out. I’m clamoring for him to be careful outside. I can see that the relationship between the two people is really good, although Xiao Bing never thinks that the two of them are really brothers and sisters, but they are really like Like brothers and sisters.

After Xiao Bing left Gao Fei, he was not prepared to continue to wait. Aydin’s affairs had been dragged on for a month. For more than a month, Xiao Bing did not know how Aidin was in the fairy door. I don't know how the people in the fairy door treat Ayi Ding. Xiao Bing must immediately find the fairy door and rescue Ayi Ding, otherwise he will never rest assured.

In addition to anxiety, Xiao Bing now has deep self-blame. After all, Ayi Ding is because he will come, and it is impossible to say that Xiao Bing does not feel a little about this Aydin. Why do you need to hide?

The leaf is a woman of Xiao Bing, and she also understands the feelings of Xiao Bing. Although she is reluctant to go to Xiao Bing, she is always in favor of Xiao Bing to save Ayi Ding.

Before looking for the fairy door, Xiao Bing first came to Kyoto City, ready to see the old class first, have said that it is necessary to ask the old class to drink for a long time, it is time to fulfill the promise, of course, the most important thing is actually want to understand More things about the Guwumen School.

Xiao Bing just arrived at the Kyoto City Airport and received a call from the poisonous fox. The poison fox said on the phone: "The Lord, Xue Tianyi is dead."

Xiao Bing was not surprised at all. He smiled and said: "It seems that Xue Caiing is on the side."

"Yeah." The poisonous fox sighed. "This Xue Cai Ning is really smug enough. If you cooperate with such a woman, you really need to have a few more eyes."

Xiao Bing asked: "Do you think you still have to cooperate with her?"

The poisonous fox said: "The Lord has already made up his mind, why bother to ask me again? Although Xue Caining is heart-wrenching, how can he calculate the master? If you cooperate with her, slowly control Xuejia. The forces may have great benefits for us. After all, the strength of the four major families is indeed huge in China."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "You and I think the same."

"But according to my recent survey, among the four families, the other three families are very strong, but in fact the four families are not particularly worthy of the name, because the Xu family among the four families is really high, far from The other three families can be compared."

“Oh?” Xiao Bing said. “I remember I heard that Xu Shao was called the first of the four fewer in Kyoto. Even someone used to compare me with Xu Shao, saying that I have Xu Shao’s style. I really have a chance to really want to see you."

The poisonous fox said: "This Xu family heard that it is a martial arts family, and the family is a master."

"I have also heard of it." Xiao Bing said, "This is a very prosperous family of martial arts. It is said that the entire Xu family is very martial. Although I have never dealt with them, their reputation is really loud. The former heads of the past said that the dragon tooth as a special existence, anyone can provoke, but must not provoke Xu family."

The poisonous fox was surprised: "I only know that Xu is the head of the four big families. I don't think it is so powerful. It seems that their position in China is really high!"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing's cell phone suddenly had a movement. He looked at it. It was Xue Caining who was calling himself, but he was busy on the side. Xiao Bing smiled. "Don't tell you." Xue Cai Ning is calling me, I guess I want to tell me about Xue Tianyi."

"Well, then I wish the Lord’s trip a pleasant time in the recent period. When the Lord returns, I must have unified most of the underground forces in China!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You have worked hard!"

Xiao Bing hangs up the phone, and then picks up the call from Xue Cai Ning. Xue Cai Ning smiles on the phone and says: "I just had someone busy, I didn't bother you?"

"No." Xiao Bing asked. "Miss Xue is going to talk to me about Xue Tianyi?"

"Yeah, I don't think Xiao Dao's news is so well-informed. He is dead now. If he is poisoned, no one can find out who injected the venom into his body. Should our cooperation begin formally? Already?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Now I am your partner. If there is anything I need to do in the future, I will inform you."

Xue Cai said with a smile: "Xiao Da Ge is so happy, then I have finalized it. I will not be able to help you in the future. I am also obliged to help me. But now I can help Xiao Xiaoge very little. After all, I am not the family patriarch. As long as I am not a patriarch, I dare not stand up in public. After all, Xiao Da Ge and my family..."

"I can understand."

Xue Cai sighed and said: "Since the last big brother Xiao made a big trouble in our family, my grandfather was really seriously ill. Recently, my body is getting worse and worse. Today I learned the news of my brother's death. My grandfather even fell into a coma. Now he is in the hospital. The doctor said that the chance of being able to wake up is very small, basically he can't wake up."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "All this is due to Xue Tianyi. I am deeply sympathetic to a person of such a large age who does not protect in his later years."

Xue Caining said: "But I have a hunch, my grandfather is now falling, our family must now be in a big mess, and the struggle for power has officially begun. Xiao Da Ge, you have to help me a favor, help me to help my father to take the position of the owner, only My father became the owner of the family, and in the future I will be able to justify the position of the successor."

Xiao Bing said: "This is no problem."

"Thank you, Xiao Brother, I think so...."

Xiao Bing and Xue Cai Ning chatted and waited until the discussion was almost over. Two people hung up the phone. Xiao Bing left the airport and went to a hotel in the city. Then he found a private room and sat down. He ordered a few dishes. And a good bottle of white wine, and then began to wait patiently.

After a while, the old class came.

The old class walked into the private room, leaving his two close guards to stay outside. Then the old class looked at the table full of dishes and smiled and said: "Yes, stinky boy, finally willing to pay for it once." However, your kid is now a local tyrant.

The old class sat down and picked up the chopsticks and said, "What's the matter, hurry up, or else I can't eat my meal."

Xiao Bing was told by his old class about his own heart. He smiled and said: "Old man, how do you say that this person is such a villain's heart? You see me like that kind of thing to find you? ?"

The old class said: "Then don't say anything today."

"I actually have something really going on today."

"..." The old class said nothing. "You don't know when to start learning the second face. Hurry up and say, what the **** is going on, or else I am embarrassed to move chopsticks."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "In fact, it doesn't matter much. I just want to talk to you about the ancient Wumen faction."

The old class put down the chopsticks and said with a dignified face: "I really can't tell you the specific location of the fairy door. Now telling you that the approximate range is already my limit."

"I know, I know, I used to be a soldier. I naturally understand what it means to obey discipline. You don't have to worry, I can understand it." Xiao Bing said, "So I didn't even want to inquire about the location of the fairy door. I will then I am going to find it myself. I just want to know more about these ancient Wumen factions. How many ancient Wumen factions exist, how strong is the master inside?"

The old class sighed: "The strength of the master inside, I don't know the specifics. I didn't talk to you before. After all, after so many years, they all lived in the martial art and never came out, even every two. In the past ten years, the only ones who have been sent out are only the best new generation of disciples. Of course, these new generations of Tianjiao children are basically the top-ranking combat power of their martial art, but they are definitely not the strongest because they are There are old guys on it."

Xiao Bing nodded and expressed understanding.

The old class continued: "This can also be told to you anyway, then I will talk to you."

Xiao Bing hurriedly got up and gave the old class a drink, then said: "Old man, I will come to honor you."

The old class accompanied Xiao Bing and drank a glass of wine, and then said: "Since ancient times, the martial art of China has been led by two sects. These two sects are Shaolin and Kunlun, respectively, with the evolution of history, plus Later, when I entered the era of hot weapons, martial arts has gradually gone down. Many sects have already withered or even been cut off, but these two sects still exist, and they are the two strongest sects nowadays!"

Xiao Bing sighed, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. He asked: "Is there a master in the martial art?"

The old class smiled and said: "Unless the old guys in their martial art are dead, I think there should still be a master of heaven."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "If I can learn from them..."

"You still don't think about it." The old class said with a dignified tone. "The foundations of these two schools are beyond imagination. Try to be less tempted. The most important thing is that there is no need, and the state is more respectful to them because They have rarely asked outside matters since ancient times. For example, when the Qing army entered the customs era, the Tianshan old people also knew that the guardian Weiguo, and some martial arts masters also responded to the command of the Tianshan old man, but the two sects did not send it. A person."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It is really a group of foreign hermits."

"Yes, but this also guarantees that their continuation is the strongest, and it can be seen how high their ideological realm is."

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