Super Soldier

Chapter 1093: The battle of the Xue family!

Xiao Bing smiled slightly: "Miss Wen, you have won the prize. How do you say that I am a crowbar?"

Wen Hao couldn't help but smiled and said: "I just think that the lesser dragons in Kyoto are really different."

"No, no, no, no, after the analysis, I think Miss Wenda is what makes me look good. Xue Caiing thinks that the mind is deep and the calculations are done, but I think she is her or her cousin Xue Tianyi. In fact, it is not as good as you!"

Wen Wei smiled slightly and said: "My mother is no longer pregnant after giving birth to me. My father is a good man who is rare in the circle of wealthy people. If he is replaced by other wealthy patriarchs, he is likely to divorce my mother. And then, other people, at the very least, will let the outside woman help to have a child, but my father did not, he said, even if I only have one child, he also recognized, he also thinks this is God The greatest gift to him."

Xiao Bing is awe-inspiring: "It is worthy of admiration."

Wen Yan smiled and said: "So I always think that he is the most perfect man in the world. Mr. Xiao, the red lady is here, oh, yes, don't call me Miss Wen again, I can call me warm in the future."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay, gentle, since then, we should be friends."

Xiao Bing reached out and Wen Xiao looked at Xiao Bing, then smiled and reached out, and the two men's hands were held.

Going out of the car, Xiao Bing waved his hand and watched the gentle car drive out. Then he climbed the stairs and walked into the pink lady.

For this gentle, Xiao Bing's impression is still very good, at least the other side is a smart woman. From this point of view, if Wen Yu wants to keep a distance from Xiao Bing and avoid offending Xue Jia, then Wen Wei just I will definitely not stop, I will not call Xiao Bing to sit on the first officer. Everything I say, such as Wen Xin, a smart woman, will be thought through.

For many people, now there may be some awe of Xiao Bing, but they have to keep a distance, but Wen Wei does not care about those, because Wen Wei saw a deeper level, she saw how many years in the future, Xue The home must be going downhill, and Xue’s infighting is about to begin. Who will still worry about Xiao Bing? At this time, I don’t meet Xiao Bing, but what time is it waiting?

This woman is very smart!

Inside the Xue family, in the ward of Xue Laoye, the three sons of Xue’s family are all standing by, everyone is looking dignified, Xue Chuan’s eyes are faintly hidden with a sense of expectation, Xue Gang’s expressionless, Xue Jiang Full of grief.

At this time, Xue Chuan sighed and said: "My father is now unconscious. The family can't be without a day. My father had already explained it before his death. After him, Xue family gave me temporary management. I also hope that my brother and brother can do their best. Help me."

Xue Jiang first said: "Reassure, as a Xue family, I am duty-bound. But I don't want to be too mixed in the family. The former Xiao Bing can be so unscrupulous in the family, not because no one at home, I The idea is to reach the rank of lieutenant within a few years, so I plan to return to the army tonight, and strive to advance as soon as possible, shining Xuejia."

Xue Chuan nodded: "The third brother said yes, you are the backbone of our Xue family. Although we have many doors in the army and politics, the father and grandfather are still all over the world. They are also the same to Xue. Will take care of it, but these are not as useful as the strength of our own home. Xue family wants to continue to be strong. Your younger brother must be promoted to lieutenant as soon as possible. Even in the future, he will be promoted to a general. At that time, Xue Jia will at least still It will stand still in the days that we can see in the future, and stand in one of the four major families in Kyoto."

Xue Chuan looked at Xue Gang and said: "Big Brother, I know that the things of Xunzi make you feel disheartened now, but you must cheer up. There are still many things in the family that need you to help me. Our brothers are united. Its profit is broken."

"Yeah." Xue Gang nodded a little dull.

Xue Chuan sighed and said: "I also hope that my father will wake up one day."

Xue Gang said: "Second brother, third brother, you will continue to stay here. I want to go back to Jingjing. The blow to me these days is really...hey."

Xue Chuan and Xue Jiang both expressed understanding and immediately let Xue Gang leave. After Xue Gang left, Xue Chuan sighed and said: "Three brothers, Xue Tianyi, this kid is really not worrying, because he, we Xuejia only lost It’s such a big face, but he’s the son of Big Brother. Now he’s gone. The big brother’s attack is too big. I’m afraid that his will will go down, so I want him to temporarily put down all the family’s. Affairs, after unloading the burden, go abroad to distract, do you say good?"

Xue Jiang’s eyes were a bit complicated, and he took a deep look at his gloomy second brother, and then said: “I follow the advice of my second brother.”

"Okay." Xue Chuan sighed. "Let him go out and let go. After he returns, I will continue to hand over some of the company's business to my eldest brother, but I will not let my older brother get too tired. Now I am I only hope that my older brother will not be overwhelmed. Father and God are not there."

Xue Jiang sighed: "I hope so."

Xue Gang gloomy out of the hospital, then sat in his car, then immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call. On the other side of the phone, he screamed in a loud voice: "Ready to start the action, the family meeting is about to Expand and seize power immediately!"

Xue Gang hung up the phone and dropped the phone to the side. Then he slapped it on the steering wheel. The tone was cold and cold. "Xue Chuan, Xue Chuan, I have been waiting for so many years. The position of the owner is originally. It should be mine, now my son is gone, do you think that I will give you the position of the owner so easily? You are too small to see my Xue Gang's courage! Who is the deer, it is not known!"

The next day, Xue Jiang returned to the army, and Xue Chuan held a family meeting. Now the Xue family’s old man is not there. The family must hold a meeting to determine the new owner’s choice, although Xue Chuan has recently obtained The father's approval, the father has repeatedly said that Xue Chuan replaced Xue Gang's status and became the first heir to Xue's family. However, after the old man is absent, it is necessary to convene a meeting to declare it.

In today's family meeting, Xue Chuan did not call his two brothers. Xue Jiang was because he went to the army. As for Xue Gang, he did not even notice the notice. According to him, Xue Gang recently He has been hit hard. He wants Xue Gang to rest well. Actually, Xue Chuan does not want any changes.

In the entire living room of Xuejiafu, at this moment, Xuechuan is sitting in the first place. There are four people sitting on the left and right sides. The oldest ones are about sixty or seventy years old, and the youngest ones are more than thirty years old. All of them are the real pillars of Xue’s present, and they are the big ones of Xue’s family.

Xue Chuan coughed and said with a sad face: "Everyone should have heard of it. The owner of our Xue family, my father, is now unconscious in the hospital. The doctor said that he woke up. Hope is very embarrassing, the possibility is no more than 4%, as a son, although I feel very sad in my heart, but the country can not be a day without a king, the family can not be a day without a master, my father has long been interested in the position of the owner It’s passed to me and I’ve been in the middle of it all the time. I think everyone knows it.”

"As my father's biological son, I have the blood of his old man, and I am obliged to bring the whole Xue family to glory! So I..."

Xue Chuanzheng said, suddenly someone pushed open the door and entered. Xue Chuan was expressing his attitude with impatience. Suddenly someone interrupted himself. Xue Chuan angered: "Whoever lets you not knock on the door... Hey, Big Brother? You How come?"

It was not someone else who came in at this time. It was Xue Gang’s brother Xue Gang. At this moment, among the eight big shackles here, two of them showed a confused face, and two people were indifferent. The other four people are proud of their faces.

Xue Gang came in at this time and sat down directly in the same first place next to Xue Chuan. Xue Chuan smiled and said: "Big brother, I see you have a bad mood recently, so I didn't invite you to come."

"I understand." Xue Gang’s face also showed a smile, said, "Second brother, anyway, I am also a part of this family, and this family has been in my care for these years. In the middle, even if it is the grief of the mood, it should not delay the family events, but also must be present, the second brother is not considered."

Xue Gang said yes, the family events of these years are generally handed over to him to take care of, because the old man always wanted him to inherit the family patriarch, and Xue Chuan only played a role in the side, as for Xue Jiang is all in the army.

Xue Chuan said with a strong smile: "The big brother said that my brother is really lacking consideration. Since the big brother is coming, please ask the older brother to listen to it. Recently, the family has had so many major events, and my father is not here. We must stabilize the people, so I will arrange the work of the next family now, and then reassign the affairs that are managed by everyone, and in order, we will be able to tide over the difficulties."

Xue Gang’s face is not good: "The second brother, you are not right, your father is not here, the family should be taken over by me. I am the eldest son of the family, your brother, not to mention that I have been In charge of family affairs, you are more experienced than the second brother, and my father has always been willing to hand over the affairs of the family to me."

Xue Chuan frowned and said: "Big brother, the meaning of the father before the coma, you do not know..."

Xue Gang sighed: "My father was already unable to do so at that time. I felt that every decision made by my father at that time was made under the ambiguity of consciousness."

Xue Chuan has a bit of a heavy tone: "Big Brother!"

Xue Gang said: "Let's do it. We voted here. The eight people present here can represent all the seniors of our Xue family. Everyone has a vote. Xue family is the Xue family of all of us. Now everyone is going to vote. Does everyone think that it is up to me to be the owner, or is my second brother to be the owner?"

Xue Gang's gaze looked around, and his face was calm and confident. Xue Chuan's eyes twitched twice, and his eyes became more and more gloomy.

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