Super Soldier

Chapter 1094: New home owner, Xue Chuan!

When Xue Gang came in, there were already four people in this conference hall with smug colors. Sure enough, after Xue Gang’s words were just finished, the four people immediately raised their hands and said: “These Mr. Xue Laotai has been cultivating Mr. Xue Gang all the way. We support Xue Gang."

The four people on the opposite side saw that these four people were so happy that they supported Xue Gang. Several of them all changed their faces one by one, and then they hesitated one by one. They also saw that Xue Lao’s grandfather had intentionally changed in the recent period. Li Xuechuan is the owner of the family. As for the specific reasons, these people are also clear in their hearts. They are naturally willing to follow the thoughts of Master Xue, and from now on, Xue Gang’s son has just died. If Xue Gang came to inherit this owner, it is true. Not the best candidate.

However, half of the people in front of him have supported Xue Gang. Xue Gang has been in an invincible position. If Xue Gang wins in the end, but he does not support him, will he be excluded?

The four of them sat there for a while, then finally someone raised their hand and hesitated and said, "I support Xue Chuan."

Xue Chuan sighed and his face was slightly slower.

The other three people glanced at each other and raised their hands. Two of them said: "I support the young master Xue Chuan."

Another person said at the same time: "I support Xue Gang."

Xue Gang's face was smug, and smiled: "Second brother, we should obey the hearts of the people. Now I am the big brother. I have five votes in the eight votes to support me. I don't think the second brother should fight with me. We are all brothers of one family and should be united. After I became a family patriarch, I will not be ill-treated in the future."

Xue Chuan smiled and sneered: "Big brother, do you think that my brother has nothing to prepare for doing things? You are embarrassed. In the past few years, you have run a family. There are naturally many people in the family who have already been bought by you. Little relationship has been opened up by you. I am not as good at you at this point, but if you think that I am unprepared today, then it is wrong!"

Xue Chuan took a clap and said: "All come out!"

However, I saw from the inside of the hall suddenly more than a dozen people holding an axe, these people are cold-faced, temperament cold, eyes like a beast.

Xue Gang asked coldly: "Second brother, what do you mean by this? All of you are in the family. Do you dare to dare to start with us?"

Xue Chuan said faintly: "I just want to be able to keep the family interests. The rest don't care. If you fall down, I can help another person. I am respectful of some of you, but if some of them are there, If people care about the interests of the family, then it will be no wonder that I am!"

At this time, one of the people who had just stood on the side of Xue Chuan suddenly stood up in an imposing manner. He shouted: "Xue Chuan, what do you mean? I am 58 years old, from the age of 20 I started to follow the old man, and it has been more than 30 years. I have made great contributions to the family over the years. Do you think that I am vegetarian?"

Xue Chuan made a look. At this time, a knife and axe suddenly threw the axe in his hand. The axe slammed directly on the head of the big cockroach. The axe fell deep into it. This big eyeball was big. , crashed to the ground, everyone is discolored.

Xue Chuanwei smiled and said: "My father's meaning cannot be changed. Anyone who opposes me here is against my father. Then I have to clean up the portal. I don't know who else is against me?"

Xue Gang took the case and shouted: "Who is the courage to give you the courage to dare to the elderly in the family? Come!"

At this time, a few people suddenly broke into the outside. When I saw a few people coming in, Xue Chuan’s face could not help but change. These people are all top-level masters in the family, and their strengths have reached the innate realm. Far from being able to compare these axe hands.

Xue Gang looked at Xue Chuan with a burning gaze and said: "Second brother, you actually started to attack the old people in the family. Seeing that you are my second brother, I am thinking of brotherhood and will only put you under house arrest. I hope that you can think through your life and reflect on your fault today!"

Xue Chuan's face was slightly pale, and smiled bitterly: "The king is defeated, Xue Gang, you are really good enough..."

Xue Gang proudly said: "Second brother, no matter how you are my second brother, I will not be willing to do it for you. The so-called brothers are willing to lose money, until I fully grasp the family." I will let you out to manage some of the family business affairs."

Xue Chuan sighed and closed his eyes.

Xue Gang haha ​​laughed: "You, starting today, I am the master of Xue's family, I..."

"Uncle, I am afraid I will not be able to take you."

At this time, I saw a beautiful woman stepping in from the outside. When everyone saw this beauty, they couldn't help but frown. Xue Gang said coldly: "Xue Cai Ning, what are you doing?"

"Yes!" At this time a family shouted, "When is there a time for you to talk to a junior?"

Xue Caiing smiled and said: "I am a junior, but my father is the future owner."

Xue Gang sneered: "What do you mean? A little donkey, but also a big slogan here, insane?"

Xue Chuan also frowned, said: "Catch, you go out...."

"Father." Xue Caiing said with a smile. "This time, my daughter came to congratulate you on your success in inheriting the position of the owner. Uncle, it is best for all of you to quit, otherwise you will be ruthless."

Xue Gang’s heart faintly raised a uneasiness, and at this time, the door suddenly burst into a crack at the door, and then a group of black masked people rushed in directly from the outside. These people were all temperament deep and cold, murderous. Everything is a top killer with blood on hand, and after the last person wearing a face mask rushes in, all the people feel cold and cold, even the masters brought by Xue Gang are also Feeling deep awe and uneasiness.

The grimace mask man stood there casually, and the horrible atmosphere enveloped the entire living room. Everyone felt oppressed and breathless. At this time, a master near Xue Gang suddenly screamed: "This to say it has broken the void!"

Everyone heard the words breaking the void, and they all looked at each other. Is there such a terrible force behind Xue Caining? Even if this power is not hers, but she borrowed or hired, it would be too horrible.

Xue Gang is cold and sweaty. If the other party has a strong player who breaks the void level, he is basically defeated today!

Xue Chuan stunned for a long while, and suddenly laughed together: "Haha... hahahahaha... Big Brother, this is the defeat of the king, I am not embarrassed, your son Xue Tianyi is dead, but also for the family The enemy, the father, therefore canceled the position of your family. Although the older brother you have made a lot of efforts for the family in the past few years, but you are now canceled the position of the owner, this is the general trend. Under the general trend, we have to obey, brother, I before and three My brother said, let you go abroad for a while, you will not return to China within half a year, so relax outside and relax. After half a year, I will send someone to pick you up!"

Half a year has already allowed Xue Chuan to turn everyone in the family into his own, all of which are placed in his position. When Xue Gang has any thoughts, he can't turn around.

Xue Gang’s face was gray and defeated, and he looked bitterly: “When you become a king, you lose the king, Xue Chuan, you might as well kill me directly, my son is gone, the position of the owner is lost, you still stay. What is my life?"

Xue Chuan sighed: "You are my brother, we need to jointly protect the interests of the family, whether in any family, brothers are not jealous, family is not harmonious, this is all taboo, how can I kill you, you Don't think too much, or go out and let go."

Xue Chuan looked at the masters brought to Xue Gang and said: "As for you, you are all the best players in the family, the sharp blade of the family, the weapon to kill the enemy. Now if you take the oath, you will obey me completely. Never betray, I can spare you."

The few people immediately squatted on one knee and said: "Since then, we respected Mr. Xue Chuan as the Lord and never betrayed."

Xue Chuan nodded and said: "Get up, I won't kill you."

Xue Caijing saw that her father was buying people's hearts. She couldn't help but frown. She hoped that her father would let her people kill the masters. This would also weaken her father's future power. Her father is obviously a very intelligent person, and he is very familiar with the aspects of buying people.

Xue Chuan looked at the seven people again. Four of the original eight big scorpions were on the side of Xue Gang. Before voting, there was another person who voted for Xue Gang, but it was forced to do so, or it was a wall grass. However, Xue Chuan did not care, Xue Chuan was concerned with the four people who had just joined forces with their brothers.

One of the four people has died under the axe. Xue Chuan pointed to the remaining three people and said coldly: "Kill them three!"

The three men suddenly stood up and couldn't believe it. One by one was terrified: "You can't kill us."

"Yeah, we are the backbone of the Xue family..."

A group of swords and axe rushed forward to kill the three people directly to death, and the other four big cockroaches were all scared and trembled.

After the four people who first supported Xue Gang died, Xue Chuan sighed and said to the remaining four monks: "The four of them provoked the relationship between my brothers, and the blame is to die. Don't worry, you are all The person who really works for my Xue family, and also the most valued and respected senior of Xue Chuan, I will pay attention to you like my father treats you in the future."

Xue Chuan’s hand was particularly beautiful, and it was considered to be both Enwei. The remaining four people hurriedly stood up and said in awe: “We swear to loyalty to our owners!”

At this point, the home of the Xue family is owned by Xue Chuan!

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