Super Soldier

Chapter 1095: See the Shaolin abbot!

Enwei pays equal attention to killing chickens and monkeys. After killing the four big cockroaches, Xue Chuan immediately sent his own people to replace the four big cockroaches, and then Xue's overall situation has been set.

Xue Chuan gave the other people a dismissal, and then Xue Xuejing gave it to the individual, and Xue Caining’s people also went outside to wait.

Xue Chuan looked at Xue Caining and asked: "Who are those outside the door?"

Xue Caiing smiled and said: "Why do fathers ask so much, just understand that it is not for you?"

"Yeah." Xue Chuan said, "Since you don't want to say it, I don't want to ask too much. This time, the reason why the father can sit in the position of the owner is losing you, condensing, what reward do you want? ?"

Xue Caiing smiled and said: "It can be shared by the father. This is the responsibility of the daughter. The daughter does not want any reward. It is just that the daughter wants to help you share some pressure."

Xue Chuan closed his eyes slightly, thought about it for a moment, then opened his eyes and said: "Well, the father was in charge of the economy that year, and since then the Xue family has come to you."

Xue Caiing smiled and said: "Thank you father."

"Well, go out."

"Yes, father." Xue Caiing promised to leave the living room and then left with those who took her.

Xue Chuan’s eyes in the living room were gloomy. Although Xue Cai Ning helped him, he also made him wary. If he changed his usual routine, he would never give Xue Caining such a big right, but now he has killed a lot. People, but also ready to send the big brother Xue Gang to foreign countries, the helpers around him become much less, it is precisely when people are employed, this is one of them.

Second, this time Xue Cai Ning helped himself win the position of the owner. If he refused to give any reward, I am afraid it would make people feel chilling. This is also the point that Xue Cai Ning can take.

However, Xue Chuan’s heart is deeply disturbed. His character is suspicious. He has not been very reassured about his daughter. He used to forget it, but now he has completely let Xue Caijing enter the family’s rights. How can Xue Chuan's heart be practical?

Xue Cai Ning is no matter what, she gambled this time, and she really won, at least temporarily entered the upper circle of Xue family, her status immediately became the first person in the third generation of Xue family, prestige is in full swing This is enough.

After leaving Xuejiafu, the grimace mask man said: "My boss said it, let me bring these people to your side and listen to you."

Xue Caiing was most interested in this grimace mask man. She smiled and said: "Mr. helped me so much. I don't want to ask my husband to have a meal. Thank you. I think we can make friends."

The grimace mask man suddenly said in a weird tone: "If Miss Xue Da is a smart enough person, she should know that some things can be done, and some things will not work well."

Xue Cai thought about it for a moment, her face changed slightly, and then she smiled. She immediately smiled and said: "It is a sudden agitation. This thing is still thank you, and please Mr. Xiao Bing for me."

"Well, I will go first. Goodbye."

The grimace mask man disappeared from the street in a blink of an eye. Xue Caiing thought of the man with a grimace mask. He gave a slight sigh of relief. He just did something wrong when he almost got it. She originally intended to draw the mysterious master, but after hearing the other’s words, I thought that if this incident was known to Xiao Bing, I am afraid that I would anger Xiao Bing, at least causing Xiao Bing’s suspicion. Isn’t he smart and clever?

When Xue Xinging and Xiao Bing were on the phone, it was to let Xiao Bing lend himself a batch of masters. Then the grimace man came to see him with these black masked men. Now the grimace man is gone, but the black man They are still left to help her, obey her orders, she has at least temporarily had her own strength.

Grimace mask man took off the mask in a no-man's place. It turned out to be Molong. He called Xiao Bing back to life and then flew back to the Longmen base. As for Xiao Bing, after solving the problem here, he Also left the Pink Lady, take a flight to Lushan, Zhengzhou, Henan.

After the exchange with the old class, Xiao Bing decided to go to Shaolin Temple first. Since Shaolin Temple is one of the ancient Wumen Schools, and one of the largest Guwumen Schools, it should know the specific location of the Fairy Gate, since the country I don't want to tell myself that I might as well ask the Shaolin side, maybe I can ask what the whereabouts are.

Xiao Bing thought so, after flying out of Zhengzhou Airport, Xiao Bing rushed directly to the foot of Lushan Mountain, and then climbed all night, finally arrived at the entrance of Shaolin Temple, this time is more than nine o'clock at night.

Xiao Bing folded his hands and respected the courtesy and worshipped the temple. Then he said loudly: "Jiangcheng Xiaobing came to visit the Shaolin abbot!"

Xiao Bing’s voice was calm, but it was directly spread throughout the Shaolin Temple, and every corner of the Shaolin Temple was heard.

At this time, Shaolin’s door opened, and several young monks rushed out from inside. They looked at Xiao Bing. One of the older hands was together: “Amitabha, our abbot is not seen, the donor please come back!”

The rest of the monks also screamed loudly: "Amitabha!"

Xiao Bing was also not discouraged and continued to say: "You are sorghum, I am looking for an abbot to ask questions, and it is a life-and-death life. The Buddha is compassionate and believes that the abbot will not avoid it."

These monks glanced at each other and insisted: "Our abbot never sees guests."

Xiao Bing sighed: "So, then I will only be hard, only rude!"

The elderly monk frowned and said: "This donor, our Buddha is a quiet place, and I hope that the donor will not bother."

Xiao Bing looked serious and serious: "I have long heard that Shaolin does not ask the world, but what is it for the Buddha? Is it just for the sake of the ear? Dharma has clouds, I don't go to **** who goes to hell, if you don't ask the world, one heart If you are a Buddha, you can clean your ears. Why come to hell?"

"This..." These monks were all asked by Xiao Bing, and they were speechless.

Xiao Bing continued: "The masters said that I disturbed the Buddhist monks. If they were meditation in a place where no one disturbed, they would be cleaned up. Then there are many people in the world who can be cleaned up. Everyone can be cleaned up, the bad guys. Can be repaired, good people can be repaired."

The monk’s treasure is solemn: "The donor said that it is good, good people can be repaired, bad people can be repaired, everyone can be repaired, this is my Buddhist truth, because as long as there is a Buddha in the heart, everyone can worship Buddha. ""

Xiao Bing asked: "If you have a Buddha in your heart, you can worship Buddha. The ear is not clean, but there is a Buddha in your heart. Is this person a Buddha?"

"This... also counts."

Xiao Bing also asked: "If the roots are clean, there is no Buddha in the heart, and there are greed, mourning, and ignorance in the heart. Is it also a Buddha?"

This monk looks serious: "Not counting."

Xiao Bing asked: "Since there are Buddhas and no Buddhas in the heart, whether to cultivate Buddha or not to practice Buddha, all have nothing to do with whether or not they are quiet, then what are you obsessed with?"

The monks looked sly and folded their hands together. "Amitabha." Xiao Bing looked at them with a smile. The monk who just said said: "The donor said that I am waiting for the Dharma. I should go back and review it myself. If you want to stay, stay here, I will not wait for the donor to leave."

These people are planning to return to the monastery. Xiao Bing suddenly said loudly: "Don't you be a monk who ignores his life and death, is this a monk?"

These people did not say anything and went back directly to the monastery.

Xiao Bing sighed and muttered to himself: "These monks said that they just hid, and the current monks are so embarrassed? But if they just refuse to see me, what should I do, is it hard?"

Xiao Bing squats at the entrance of the temple. For Shaolin, Xiao Bing is still more respectful. Especially, I heard that Shaolin will never be like the other ancient Wumen sects, and they are arbitrarily tied to the people. In this respect, those ancient The Wumen faction lacks the demeanor of everyone. The principle of weak meat and strong food is completely pursued. Compared with Shaolin, morality is worse than one and a half.

However, if you just wait here, but you are not willing to meet, but it is also a trouble.

Xiao Bing looked up at the temple and said loudly: "Jiangcheng Xiaobing is looking for Shaolin abbot, waiting here!"

After Xiao Bing finished, he sat down on the ground and sat down on the ground. Time passed by, and one night passed in the blink of an eye. On the second morning, some tourists began to climb the mountain. These tourists were from Xiao Bing. After passing through, all looked curiously at Xiao Bing, and one by one, while talking, they said: "Who is this person?"

"Yeah, why are you sitting here in the morning?"

"How do I see him a bit familiar?"

"I think it seems quite familiar. It's a bit like Xiao Bing, but it won't be, how can a big star sit here?"

"Well, it shouldn't be, wearing a hat, big sunglasses, so tightly occluded, can't see clearly, maybe it's wrong."

"This person is so weird."

"Yeah, it is really strange."

These people talked one by one, Xiao Bing was deaf ears, he has been sitting there, sitting in the morning to noon, the weather is hot, but this hot is not what Xiao Bing is, the tourists who come here are for Visiting Shaolin, now Shaolin is different from ancient times. Now it is a tourist attraction and cultural industry for tourists.

And Xiao Bing has become one of the attractions of these tourists. Almost everyone will talk about people sitting cross-legged outside Shaolin for a whole day. Some people come to play in the morning, and they can see Xiao Bing when they go down at noon. Sitting on the knees outside the door, even the posture and position have not changed a little bit, showing that there has been no movement.

One day gradually passed, Xiao Bing sat here for a whole day, but the Shaolin people did not catch Xiao Bing, nor invited Xiao Bing to enter, let Xiao Bing sit here, and Xiao Bing reached the Tianzun realm. It’s not too difficult to eat or drink for a few days, so he has never left.

Time is still fading, and gradually it is late at night. The tourists have already left all of them. Shaolin does not accept tourists. The monks in the group gather together and talk to Xiao Bing. They all say that someone at the door has to see the abbot already. Sitting outside the door for a day and a night, and then said everything, some said that Xiao Bing really has perseverance, and some said not to go to Xiao Bing, at most one night, Xiao Bing certainly can not stand to leave.

Xiao Bing is still sitting still outside the Shaolin Temple. He does not care what others think, and does not care what others say. For Xiao Bing, this is a competition between perseverance and endurance. If it is unavoidable, Xiao Bing Still don't want to go to Shaolin Temple! .


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