Super Soldier

Chapter 1097: God level monument

After Xiao Bing approached, he curiously asked: "Master Abbot, what is below?"

The abbot's face was dignified: "This is the secret of our Shaolin Temple. I didn't expect it to be caught by Xiao Shizhu this time. Then I will tell you, and also ask Xiao Bing to keep the secret, otherwise it will easily cause panic."

Xiao Bing said: "The abbot master is assured that I will keep secrets."

The abbot of Zhiming said: "In the depths of the bottom of the cliff, there is a mythical war of the mythical life! Yes, it is a Warcraft, and the strength of this Warcraft is likely to be close to the **** level."

Xiao Bing stunned: "God level?"

"It should be the existence of the peak of the saint!" The abbot of Zhiming said: "The strength of this wild World of Warcraft is too horrible. We have been here to suppress it for thousands of years. Now you should know why the old man is not willing to Do you know what the fairy door tells you? Because Laojiao is really unwilling to blend into any grievances in the rivers and lakes. In this world, everything can be destroyed. Only Shaolin Temple can't! As long as this Warcraft is not dead, Shaolin must not be chaotic!"

Xiao Bing looked back at the Shaolin sorghum, which was densely packed behind him. Xiao Bing’s eyes gradually turned red. He nodded and said: "I know, Zhiming Abbot, do you have anything I need to help?"

The abbot of Zhiming said: "The donor please stay here. The wilderness of Warcraft in the depths of the earth will wake up every ten years. This time it will start to hit the seal again, and wait for the old man to strengthen the seal. Zhiren, Zhide, Zhili The three younger brothers accompanied me to strengthen the seal!"

"Yes, the abbot brother!"

Out of the three sixty-seven-year-old daddy, the three old scorpions have a calm atmosphere, and Zhiren’s strength has reached a half-step sacred realm. The strength of Zhide and Zhili has also stepped into the realm of breaking the void. There is only a gap between the half-step Tianzun.

The Zhiming abbot suddenly took a step forward, and the volley flew down the cliff. The other three old scorpions also flew down the cliff. Xiao Bing did not hesitate, but also took a foot and volleyed.

When Xiao Bing flies to the bottom of the cliff, it is obvious that the ground beneath the cliff can be felt, and the evil spirit is getting stronger and stronger. Even wanting to invade his body, the four are sorghum walking toward the front, Xiao Bing also Followed by, and then I saw a monument of two meters high in front. There was no word on the monument. At this moment, the monument was shining with golden light, but the root of the monument was covered with black. The fog, but also constantly spread upwards and erosion, the golden breath and the black mist seem to be in a fierce confrontation, the golden breath still prevails, but the impact is getting more and more fierce.

At this time, there was another roaring sound below. Xiao Bing’s feet were like a drumming drum, and then there seemed to be a voice in Xiao Bing’s heart. Let me go out and let me go!

The four sorghums have already sat in four corners at this time, surrounded by the monuments, and then all four people began to read the Buddhist rumors, a force from the body of the four high-pitched, constantly injecting into the monument Power, help the golden gas to resist the invasion of evil black.

Xiao Bing shook his head, and the perseverance of horror pushed the voice that induced Xiao Bing out from the brain, and then walked over and went through the darkness. It seems that the real wilderness of Warcraft should be the one in front of it. It’s a monument, and it’s really impossible to imagine that a monument has such a powerful power.

The roar of the ground is getting stronger and stronger, and the ground is getting more and more fierce. Xiao Bing notices that the contest on the monument is more and more anxious. The black breath is becoming more and more fierce, gradually The golden atmosphere turned out to be a little faded. It was still in an overwhelming advantage, but at this time, under the infusion of the four sorghums, it was only able to reach a level of equal strength.

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and sat on the ground with his knees. He mobilized the breath inside the body and poured it into the monument. Xiao Bing felt that if his strength is a stream, then this monument is inside. The power of storage is like the ocean, and the power of the wilderness of Warcraft in the depths of the earth can compete with the ocean. It shows how powerful the power of Warcraft is!

Even if Xiao Bing belongs to the power of assisting the monument to fight against the wild World of Warcraft, he still feels that a horrible evil atmosphere seems to be swallowing himself. Xiao Bing also uses his willpower to resist the evil atmosphere. Even Xiao Bing can't imagine that if he faces the Warcraft himself, he will die even worse.

This is the most powerful opponent that Xiao Bing has ever encountered. Even the more the gossip snake of the r country, Xiao Bing has encountered countless enemies and opponents before, but the most difficult thing for Xiao Bing to resist is eight. The big snake, although Xiao Bing was lucky to escape, and seriously injured the gossip snake, but the state of the gossip snake did not really recover, still in the process of serious injury, plus how many people were helping Xiao Soldiers, otherwise, even Xiao Bing is difficult to escape from the mouth of the Eight Diagrams Serpent.

But now this guy in the depths of the earth is the surviving peak of the saint. You know, there is no **** level in the bottom of the world. Even the saints of the Tianshan old man hundreds of years ago are considered a generation of legends, and this guy is the peak of saints. The strength may have passed the Tianshan old man of the year. How horrible is this?

The horrible evil atmosphere constantly confronts the power on the monument. In this war, Xiao Bing’s power can only play an auxiliary role, but in this case, the confrontation between the two sides is still evenly matched. !

At this moment, suddenly there were countless forces in the mountains that began to pour down and then merged into the monument. Xiao Bing heard countless stilts on the cliff and mourned the Dharma together.

Finally, the power of the monument began to grow stronger and stronger, and then the force in the depths of the ground was suppressed. Gradually, gradually, the black breath has been moving more and more downwards, and it seems that it will slowly be forced back to the bottom. Deep, and Xiao Bing and the four high-pitched foreheads are full of sweat.

Seeing that they are going to fight the wilderness of Warcraft in the depths of the resort, suddenly, a roar of roaring, this roar spread throughout the valley, and even spread throughout the world, seems to spread throughout the world, the face of Zhiming abbot changed Shouted: "Oops, the power of this Warcraft has increased. He is afraid that he will break through the holy level and reach the **** level! You must seal it as soon as possible!"

At this time, one of the masters of Zhide who broke the virtual world of perfection suddenly stood up, and then a shout in his mouth, Xiao Bing’s gaze, and then saw an amazing scene, his body seemed to be dismembered. Beginning to split, and then a radiant glow in the body, a strong light, a strong breath instantly went to the monument and integrated into the monument.

The master of wisdom, who also broke the realm of the void, also stood up, and then the same body began to break, and all the power inside the body poured into the monument.

Xiao Bing looked at this scene, and his heart was deeply shocked. These two masters actually tried to suppress this Warcraft, and they sacrificed their lives and steamed directly from the human world.

They used their own lives to interpret what they often said: "I don't go to **** and who goes to hell."

Xiao Bing sighed. At this time, there was an unwilling roar in the depths of the earth. Then all the evil spirits dissipated. The monument also looked ordinary and calm. There was no golden power and no black power. It is like a huge stone standing there.

Master Zhiming and Master Zhiren stood up with grief in their eyes and read: "Amitabha!"

Zhiming turned and looked at Xiao Bing and said to Xiao Bing: "Amitabha, Xiao Bing, the lord today contributed his power to save the dawn. From this, it can be seen that the donor is a benevolent person. I will be the fairy door. The specific position is truthful."

Xiao Bing did not feel much surprise at this moment. The death of the two masters just made Xiao Bing feel shocked, but also made Xiao Bing feel a little sad.

Xiao Bing sighed: "The two masters..."

"The Dharma has a cloud. I don't go to hell. Whoever goes to hell. In order to die for Limin, he also has to die. Xiao Bing's donors don't have to feel sorry for them." Although the mouth said so, Zhiming's abbot also took a bit of regret. Even if he is a sorghum, he can be a human being, and a person will have his own feelings.

Xiao Bing asked: "Why is there such a wild World of Warcraft in the depths of the earth? Who is this monument to suppress it?"

"These words are a bit of a long story. This monument is actually a monument built by the human god-level masters of mythology!"

In Xiao Bing’s heart, there was a surge of waves, and he was surprised to say: "God-level master??"


Xiao Bing asked: "So, this horrible monster is a god-level master to suppress the following? That since the god-level masters have personally shot, why not kill the monster, but use the monument to suppress Lived?"

Zhiming abbot smiled bitterly: "Of course it is not a god-level master's suppression. In fact, the existence of this monument is not to suppress the beast, but the human god-level master wants to continue the secret to the **** level. You must know that after the mythology era, the gods and the demons were sealed, and then the human god-level masters did not exist, and the cultivation methods leading to the **** level were all burned, and humans did not need such powerful power. I am worried that some people in the world are still thinking about dominating this world!"

"But there were also regrets in the hearts of the god-level masters. They did not want the future human beings to master the power of too horror and override the various countries. Finally, they were above the race, but they were not willing to be so prosperous. The power of the flying earth is so completely gone, it is not known, so several unwilling god-level powerhouses have used their own strength to create this monument!"

Xiao Bing’s heart was a little shocked, and he felt as if he was going to hear a secret.

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