Super Soldier

Chapter 1098: The craziest insight!

Zhiming abbot looked at Xiao Bing and said: "The secret is the highest secret of Shaolin Temple. It can't be told by anyone. But I think that the donor's killing power is heavy, but it is a simple person. Inform, this thing also hopes that the donor can keep it secret!"

Xiao Bing said: "I will keep a secret!"

"That's good, I trust the donor."

The abbot of Zhiming looked at this monument, and his eyes showed a longing for the color of the yearning. He said slowly: "This monument contains the secret to the **** level!"

Xiao Bing was attacked by electric shocks. He looked at this seemingly tall monument with gaze. This is the secret to the **** level. Who can not be tempted?

The abbot of Zhiming said with a side: "In addition to the secrets leading to the **** level, there are also the tyrannical forces injected by those god-level masters. Later, the mythological era ended, and many years later, the original one was in the myth. The era has not been completely killed by the hunger of the wild animal, the strength of this monster is enough to sweep the world, several top powers in the human world have brought it here, and then seduce into the depths of the earth, directly use this The god-level monument will completely suppress it inside."

"One of those human powers is the abbot of Shaolin. Later, our Shaolin Temple will continue to suppress the heavy responsibility of this wild monster. Because of the suppression of the god-level monument, this wild monster has been sleeping for a long time. Among them, it used to be an average of twenty or thirty years to wake up once, but now the power of the god-level monument may begin to weaken, and the average beast will wake up once every ten years, and our Shaolin Temple must do its best to suppress it. !"

The next Master Zhiren said: "If you really let this monster come out from the ground, I am afraid that this world will be a real life."

Xiao Bing asked: "Is this secret only known to you Shaolin? Why not let the country use nuclear bombs to destroy this monster?"

The abbot of Zhiming said: "This is also known to the top officials of the country. This is why other ancient Wumen sects have been forced to close the mountain, but our Shaolin Temple is not affected at all. The country knows that we have a generation of Shaolin Temple. What has the country and the world paid for?"

"As for why not use nuclear bombs to destroy it, in fact, this is also very simple. Here is the holy land of our Shaolin. In the past, there was no such monster that can be destroyed by large weapons. Now, although nuclear weapons have appeared, However, we do not want nuclear weapons to ruin the millennium foundation of our Shaolin. We would rather continue to suppress it from generation to generation. This monster can not add strength to the depths of the earth, and is always eaten by the god-level monument. One day, one day, it will sleep forever. Can't wake up again."

Xiao Bing frowned: "But you said that the power of this god-level monument began to weaken..."

"Yeah." said the abbot of Zhiming. "This god-level monument contains inexhaustible power, but after all, it is necessary to be weakened bit by bit. This is inevitable. According to our research, the god-level monument may still be able to Persevere for a thousand years. Now is the contest between the strength of our god-level monument and the power of this monster. See if the power of the god-level monument persists for a long time, or the time of this monster. The Wicked Beast has now revived once in ten years, but the power of this Wicked Beast has obviously weakened. Before it was awakened at least, it must last for a few hours or more, and finally it was unwilling to be suppressed by the monument, and now You also saw that it was suppressed only for a while, although it sacrificed the lives of the two younger brothers..."

Xiao Bing sighed: "The roots are ultimately important without life. If people live, what is the future? If I were you, let the country use nuclear bombs directly. Right, Zhiming abbot, you said this monument. There is a god-level power hidden inside..."

The abbot of Zhiming said: "Use your spiritual strength to sense this monument. Only a very small number of people can see the road to God in the monument, and at most they can only see the fur. It is already extremely eye-catching. And the people of Huigen, sixty years ago, someone saw the road to the saints on this monument. Later, this person became the pillar of Huaxia. I saw the saint before the monument 50 years ago. All the cultivation roads feel the infinite mystery of martial arts..."

The abbot of Zhiming is talking, suddenly discovering that Xiao Bing’s eyes are fixed on this monument, as if he has been immersed in it. The abbot of Zhiming and his own brothers glanced at each other, and both of them saw their eyes from their respective eyes. In the depths of the horror, in the past 100 years, only two people in China have been able to feel the contents of the monument, one is the Zhiming abbot, and the other is the Huaxia Pillar, but now Xiao Bing can actually feel it.

Just don't know what Xiao Bing has seen from inside? Is it possible to see the peak of Heaven or the sage? If you can directly see the road to cultivation that leads to the living, then is Xiao Bing not going to become the second Chinese pillar? It is rumored that from the nearly two thousand years of history with this god-level monument, only ten people have felt something inside, and there will be one on average in two hundred years. Now less than one hundred people already have a Zhiming abbot and the one. Huaxia Shenzhu two people, is Xiao Bing to be the third person in a hundred years?

The abbot of Zhiming saw that Xiao Bing had been standing here, and the two of them did not bother. One hour passed, and two hours passed. Later, the abbot and the younger brother of Zhiming had already gone up the mountain, and then the Shaolin disciples were all responsible for their duties. As old as it has been, nothing happened, and then wait until the next decade, and no one in the entire Shaolin Temple is not looking forward to the demon in the depths of the decade. Will be completely suppressed and die.

The second day, the third day, the fourth day...

This is the fourth morning. Two people, Zhiming Abbot and Master Zhiren, came to the abyss together. Zhiren saw Xiaobing still standing there. He couldn’t help but be surprised: "The abbot brother, remember the last time you were there. Have you stood for two days and one night?"

"Yeah." The eyes of Zhiming's abbot also revealed a deep and incredible color, and said with emotion, "Even if the Huaxia Pillar is called the celestial genius of China for thousands of years, but in the end it is just There stood for two days and two nights, and this Xiao Bing had already occupied three days and three nights... I have never been able to do it since ancient times."

The eyes of Zhiming’s abbot showed excitement, and his younger brother was equally excited.

Finally, after a while, Xiao Bing’s body suddenly had an indescribable atmosphere. Zhiming’s abbot widened his eyes and said: “Did Xiao Shi directly break through here?”

However, when Xiao Bing's breath finally recovered, the Zhiming abbot shook his head and said: "There is no breakthrough, but his breath is obviously stronger than before. I am afraid that the progress of these three days and three nights can be almost It’s worth a few years or even decades.”

"Yeah." Xiao Bing finally spoke. His eyes sparkled with excitement. Some excitement said, "I am only half a step away from the middle of Tianzun. My strength has just stabilized in the early days of Tianzun. There is still a big gap from the early perfection of Tianzun, but I did not expect to break through the realm of the early perfection of Tianzun in this few minutes."

Master Zhiren smiled bitterly: "The donor is not standing here for a few minutes. The donor is standing here for three days and three nights."

Xiao Bing suddenly said: "Three days and three nights?"

"Yeah." Master Zhiren smiled bitterly. "I wanted to be here for two days and one night, and the master of Xiao Shi really was a genius, and there was no such thing."

Zhiming looked at Xiao Bing and asked, "What do you see inside?"

Xiao Bing suddenly thought that he was listening to the abbot of Zhiming at that time. Suddenly he saw a lot of golden figures on the monument. There were people, monsters, and gods and demons. Each of them had Unbelievable power, although it is difficult to make a move to the sea, but they can directly cut a long and long river surface with a sword, and even fly the Yangtze River with their feet on the reed, and others can lift tens of meters high with one hand. The boulder, the strength of these people is especially exaggerated, like the gods in the mythology, and then the picture disappears, and several Terrans show their horror.

Xiao Bing saw how an ordinary person refines and forges, and sees how a person has entered the innate realm, and then how does the body begin to show infuriating, become a Danjin period, and finally how to become a break. The void, and then slowly became the realm of heaven, and above it, Xiao Bing has always seen these people cultivated to the level of saints, then the middle of the saints, the peak of the saints... no more, but no How to practice at the **** level.

Xiao Bing tells the truth: "I just thought that I had become another person, and then I have been practicing from an ordinary person to the realm of the peak of the saint!"

Although Zhiming Abbot and Master Zhiren have been psychologically prepared for a long time, they are still stunned. This is simply unbelievable. They have never heard of people in these past years, and even in the whole history, they can see their way to the peak of saints through this monument. The road, that is the peak of the saint, it is too far away!

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "But those feelings, I can only understand in my heart, but I can't say it in my mouth, it is very mysterious. Otherwise, I will share my experience directly with you."

Zhiming abbot nodded and said: "It should be like this. It is the same reason... I was the same at the beginning. These feelings can't be shared with others. Only I can understand it, and then after comprehending the above experience, the next one. The path of Xuewu will become free from those bottlenecks, all the way up, and the special speed of practice will be two or three times faster than before you realize these things."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "This is the case... Unfortunately, if I can always let me feel the **** level."

Zhiming abbot smiled bitterly: "You are already rich in nature. Under the sun, I am afraid there are no other people besides you... Amitabha, this is the blessing of China!"

Xiao Bing folded his hands and smiled. "This time I would like to thank the abbot and the master for their accomplishments."

The abbot of Zhiming said: "You have helped us this time. It is only natural that the old man will share this secret with you. Moreover, this secret is not only only for Shaolin, but also for the country. Even the old man does not say, I think the country will tell you someday, sooner or later, and I will let you come and try to understand it."

Xiao Bingdao: "In any case, this return is too big. If there is any trouble in Shaolin in the future, despite the last one, Xiao Bing is absolutely obligatory. But now I also hope that Zhiming Abbot can drop the fairy door. Tell me."

The abbot of Zhiming took out a piece of cloth from his arms and handed it to Xiao Bing. After Xiao Bing started, he saw that it was a topographic map. His eyes brightened and he immediately closed it. Excited: "Thank you, abbot." Thank you, abbot."

"Before Xiao Shizhu had a good understanding of the old man's lesson. If you didn't help us Shaolin, I will give it to you. The painting here is the address of the fairy door. You can find it directly with this. Your friend is caught, you have reason to rescue your friend, no one can stop it!"

"Well, thank you, Zhiming Abbot, then I will go back first."

The abbot of Zhiming smiled and said: "If there is a chance in the future, if Xiao Shi has time, I welcome you to come and talk to me about Buddhism."

"Sure, must." Xiao Bing arched his hand, then looked up and began to look like a monkey dexterously grabbing the stones protruding from the side of the cliff and flying over the cliff.

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