Super Soldier

Chapter 1100: Nine-day Xuan female array!

There are about 30 women in the presence of these women, and the weakest ones have reached the stage of martial arts, and only a few people, the majority of the majority have reached the Dan Jin period, the master of the Dan Jin period probably accounts for about 20 people. There are five periods of enthusiasm, three that break the virtual realm. Among the top three masters who break the virtual realm, two are breaking the void period, and the other is breaking the initial period of the void.

If this force is put outside, although it is unlikely to sweep the entire dark world, but if it is not the existence of Buddhism and the Dragon Gate, the other people in the Diablo World will add up to the power that this fairy door now shows. It is half a catty.

The ancient Wumen School is really the ancient Wumen School. Although there is a certain gap compared with the Shaolin Temple, it is also very strong.

At this time, suddenly there was a beautiful woman flying from a distance like a nine-day mysterious woman. The people inside the fairy gates in the whole valley were wearing white skirts. The beauty is wearing a red dress.

Then, two women followed the red skirt beauty and flew over, the two beautiful women wore blue skirts.

The more than thirty fairy disciples in front of Xiao Bing suddenly fell to the ground and shouted in unison: "The door is good, the two deputy heads are good!"

Xiao Bing looked at this red dress beauty, the heart secretly, you are the door of the fairy door, I am looking for you to settle accounts!

The door of the fairy door is strong, she seems to be only thirty or forty years old, but the strength has reached the realm of half-step Tianzun, even the strength of the two deputy heads behind her It has reached the great conclusion of breaking the peak of the void.

Fortunately, Xiao Bing did not rush before, but raised the injury first, facing so many top players, even if Xiao Bing had just recovered from the injury before the injury, if faced with these people will also cost Hands and feet, but not used now.

When Xiao Bing was in the Shaolin Temple, his strength was improved. On the surface, it was only the early days of Tianzun’s early completion to Tianzun. However, in fact, after a master’s strength reached Tianzun, he made a little breakthrough and needed to accumulate. The power is extremely horrible. It may be that the strength that Xiao Bing needs to increase from the early days of Tian Zun to the Great Consummation is more than the breaking of the initial period of the void to break the void period.

Nowadays, Xiao Bing wants to deal with a half-step master of the sky is like playing, as these other people are even less in Xiao Bing's eyes.

After the door of the fairy door flew over, she found that she was a man who could not see the strength of her strength. She couldn’t help but be surprised. Although she was not afraid in this martial art, she did not dare. With a slap in the face, she looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "Who is you, why did you break into our fairy door?"

Xiao Bing looked at the door of the fairy girl and asked, "Who are you?"

Next to a beautiful woman on the ground said harshly: "Bold, even with my teacher, I am the master of the fairy door!"

"Oh, it turned out to be the doorkeeper, the two behind you are the deputy, right?"

Zhang Qinghua said: "This is my second sister Zhang Youlan, this is my third sister Liu Wei, they are the deputy heads here, the rest of the people here are our second generation disciples and our grandchildren. Three generations of disciples."

Xiao Bing looked at the three middle-aged women who looked like they were 30 to 40 years old and looked very beautiful. They said with a smile: "Your fairy door is also very interesting. Do you have a grandson at this age?"

Zhang Qinghua said: "I am just seventy this year. Do you say that I have a grandson who is normal? It is reasonable to say that this young man is also a junior in front of me."

Xiao Bing was shocked this time. He widened his eyes and asked with a look of disbelief: "You are only seventy years old this year?"

Zhang Qinghua said with some pride: "Our fairy door is one of the ancient Wumen factions, but it is not the strongest martial art among the ancient Wumen sects. But we also have our advantages, that is, we have the skills in the martial art, usually the disciples. As long as you learn better, the younger you are, the more people in their 100s will eventually look like they are 30 or 40 years old. If one day I can break through to the level of Tianzun, my appearance can even Return to the young beauty of the twenties."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "It turned out to be a group of female goblins. It is said that you will not practice what is the use of yang and yin? Then I am too dangerous to come in, but don't be caught by you." Yang Bu Yin, a man as handsome as me, lost to you these old women, that would be too bad."

"You dare to humiliate the door!" Five or six Dan Jin masters suddenly vacated and flew directly toward Xiao Bing.

When Zhang Qinghua saw that his disciple was so rash, he hurriedly shouted: "Don't do it!"

With a slamming sound, Xiao Bing just waved his arm casually. The beautiful women all flew out and flew out more than ten meters away. Then they fell to the ground and rolled a few rolls. It looked like a wolf. But there is no worry about life.

Zhang Qinghua’s complex face: “Thank you for your mercy.”

Xiao Bing carried his hands and said: "Give me my friends, I don't bother you. Otherwise, don't blame me!"

Zhang Qinghua asked: "Which friend is your friend?"

Xiao Bingdao: "Aydin!"

Zhang Qinghua’s face changed slightly. She hesitated. If she changed to be someone else, even if she was more gifted, she might have handed it out. She saw how powerful Xiao Bing is, in order to overcharge. It is not worthwhile for an apprentice to offend such a powerful existence, but Aydin is not the same. Ayi Ding’s talent is really good. Zhang Qinghua also counts on Aiding’s future opportunity to reach their opening ancestor. That kind of achievement, so she is not willing to give it out anyway.

Zhang Qinghua shook his head: "This person can't be handed over to you. This person has been accepted as a disciple by me. Since then, I have nothing to do with your outside world."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, you women can do this shamelessly. This is hard enough. This is good. You can help me to call me. If Aidin is my face, I will be your apprentice." I am willing to stay here, then I will not bother you. I will turn and leave. Otherwise, I must take people away today. You can't stop me!"

The disciples on the ground stood up all the time, and they were indignant when they were in a hurry. Don’t look at the ancient Wumen factions who were all forced to seal the mountains, but these Guwumen people are all very proud, in martial arts. They always think that they are the strongest of these ancient martial arts. The martial arts of those outside are all fur, but the people from outside are actually saying that they don’t want to stop him. He Grab directly to grab people!

Zhang Qinghua’s face was also gloomy. She said with a bit of anger in her tone: “This gentleman, your character is too arrogant. Our fairy door is a Guwu martial, not the outside of the warriors. I don't know how you found it here. I don't know who you are, but you want to grab people from me. I'm afraid it's not that easy."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It is not easy, I will not know if I try it!"

Zhang Qinghua suddenly shouted: "Architecture!"

However, he saw more than 30 suddenly formed a big array, and then sent Xiao Bing into the circle, Xiao Bing carried his hands and let them run the battle.

Outside the array, Zhang Qinghua looked at Xiao Bing’s temperament and suddenly sneered: "Don’t underestimate my disciples, their strength may be far from you, but if this arrangement is arranged, even if it is I am very difficult to get out of the battle. Of course, these are not enough for you. The two sisters, this formation will be hosted by you."

"Yes, the head sister."

Zhang Qinghua’s second sister Zhang Youlan and the third teacher Liu Wei also entered the battle. After the two stood up, the array suddenly changed greatly. The horrible atmosphere enveloped the formation. Xiao Bing actually felt that this formation had The power of the heavenly level.

Zhang Qinghua stood outside the array and watched and directed the formation. She smiled and said: "This array is called the nine-day Xuan Nuo, which is very powerful. My two sisters personally went in, even the Tianzun level. I can't just come out casually. If you leave immediately, I can still let you go. Otherwise, I am ready to strangle here!"

Xiao Bing cleared his throat and said: "I will talk about it first, my name is Xiao Bing."

Zhang Qinghua frowned and asked: "You are Xiao Bing, what about it?"

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "I just remind you, don't forget who was broken by your formation!"

Zhang Qinghua’s face changed, and it’s cold and cold: “Nine days of mysterious women’s array, get up!”

More than 30 women moved at the same time, and the situation changed in a moment. The atmosphere in the array changed. Xiaobing even had an illusion in front of him. Many beautiful women continued to dance in front of themselves, but the dance took them. Incomparably fierce murder.

Xiao Bing reached out and grabbed one of them, and with the speed of Xiao Bing actually caught an empty space.

A jade hand patted Xiao Cun's back, Xiao Bing had just escaped, and the other hand was only a few inches away from him.

A good array of methods is indeed mysterious. These beautiful women are constantly moving, and they can almost guarantee that their attacks will continue to gather together without any loopholes.

Then Xiao Bing felt that the space he could move to dodge was getting smaller and smaller, and the atmosphere of the array was getting more and more fierce. At this moment, Xiao Bing was fighting with the masters who did not know how many Tianzun levels. Become anxious.

Zhang Qinghua said: "This formation is created by the founding fathers of our fairy gates. It has not been used for more than 100 years. Today you are dead in this formation, it should be considered dead!"

Xiao Bing sneered a sneer, and suddenly the horrible breath was completely released from his body. Xiao Bing shouted a little proudly: "A district law also wants to stump me Xiao Bing? Let you see how easily I broke! ”

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