Super Soldier

Chapter 1101: Stay or not stay?

The strength of Xiao Bing was raised to the extreme, and the battle against the law. These beautiful women were screaming and screaming. Several beautiful women could not bear the collision of this force and vomited blood. Outside Zhang Qinghua also widened his eyes, although she felt Xiao The strength of the soldier is above her, but the strength of Xiao Bing is still beyond her expectations.

However, Zhang Qinghua still did not panic, and smiled coldly: "Change!"

The formation immediately changed, and the force began to wander around. Xiao Bing was like a phoenix in the air. He continued to wander around the body, and then searched for flaws to attack himself. The power of Xiao Bing bombarded the surrounding Phoenix. But suddenly flew out, and then formed a large net, Xiao Bing's power drilled out of the gap of the net, only a small part of the net formed by these forces personally withstand.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "A good array of methods, even if it is the middle of the sky, I hope it is difficult to get out of your formation, but unfortunately, the district array method is not worth mentioning in my eyes."

Zhang Qinghua calmed down and smiled coldly: "Let's talk hard, see how we can refine you."

Zhang Qinghua suddenly stepped forward and entered the battlefield. He became a sneak peek. Then the power of the nine-day virgin woman suddenly increased. Xiao Bing felt countless energy into a fine needle, and then flew inwardly toward his body. These fine needles are densely packed and almost block all the retreats of Xiao Bing.

"Yes, it seems that you are the most crucial part of the nine-day mysterious women's array. If the power of the formation is just enough to trap a super strong man in the middle of the Tianzun period and lose both, now I am afraid that I can kill Tianzun. The mid-term strong, but these are not enough for me."

Zhang Qinghua sneered: "Do you mean that your strength is still in the middle of the sky?"

"That is not." Xiao Bing smiled lightly, and suddenly took a step forward. All the forces attacked the air. Xiao Bing took a casual step and was like being at home. In the courtyard, the general leisure walks, watching Xiao Bing's appearance is not like playing with the NPC, the power of these people is empty, and this feeling of nowhere is actually making them sad. To vomit blood.

Zhang Qinghua's face became a little pale, lost the previous calm, shouted: "Change, change, this person turned out to be a master of the array."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I once got the inheritance of the actor and the illusionist Han Huabin. You feel that you are high on the top. I feel that you all inherit the true orthodox inheritance. Unlike the outsiders, they need to comprehend themselves. Compared with you. I have lowered a grade. I don't know if your lower limit is very high. There are almost no weak people in the whole martial art. Everyone takes it out as a top-notch master, but your upper limit is very low, because your mood makes you break away. The people of Limin have lost the experience in the market. Don't say that you are still isolated from the world. According to your heart, even if it is not isolated from the world, I am afraid it is difficult to truly understand the secret of martial arts!"

Xiao Bing took another two steps, and in addition to Zhang Qinghua, there were vomiting blood and serious injuries.

At the same time that Xiao Bing broke, he let these people bear the power of the formation. Only the most powerful Zhang Qinghua was better, but his face was a little pale.

Xiao Bing carried his hands and looked down on these people. He even knocked down the fairy door!

Zhang Qinghua's body trembled, how ugly his face was, and Xiaobing looked at her. The tone was calm: "Old woman, still not letting people?"

Zhang Qinghua bites his teeth and cuts his teeth: "Let people release people."

"It's still not necessary. You told me where she was locked up. I went to see it personally. Lest you abuse my friend, I don't know. If my friend really has a hairless hair, then I am sorry." There is no need for your entire fairy door to exist!"

Zhang Qinghua was ashamed and annoyed and said: "You are too arrogant, and our fairy door has existed for hundreds of years..."

Xiao Bing smiled faintly: "Can you beat me? Just those of you who are united are my opponents?"

Zhang Qinghua was dumb and speechless. Their strength was indeed much worse than that of Xiao Bing. So even if the heart was humiliated and she was the head of the school, she had to close her mouth and said, "Let's go, I bring You are past."

These disciples stood up and said, "Master, let us go with her with you!"

Zhang Qinghua's face is even more ugly. He didn't expect his own lord. Even the disciples were afraid that they would have an accident. They feared that they would die in the hands of young people in such a secular world. This is simply a humiliation.

Zhang Qinghua and Xiao Bing walked in front, others followed, while the two girls who were outside the wooden house saw so many people coming over, and there was another one in front of the door. Men, they are all dumbfounded, all stunned.

Xiao Bing stepped forward, the two girls wanted to stop, Zhang Qinghua was afraid of Xiao Bing, and hurriedly said: "Let him go in."

The two girls were puzzled and let go.

Xiao Bing pushed the door inside. Ayi Ding was sitting on the bed with some souls. At this time, Xiao Bing came in. Two people were opposite each other. Xiao Bing felt the grievances of Ayi Ding here. I was afraid, Xiao Bing smiled slightly: "I came to pick you up, rest assured, no one dares to stop!"

"Xiao Bing big brother!" Ayi Ding directly cried, plunged into Xiao Bing's arms, hugged Xiao Bing's waist, and cried, "I thought I couldn't go out anymore, I thought I will always be locked up here."

Xiao Bing took advantage of Ayi Ding and felt the soft and fragrant body of Ayi Ding. To be honest, this Aydin Dingmei had some inconspicuous fireworks, so that Xiao Bing had some heartbeat, but Xiao The soldiers didn't want to provoke this girl who looked beautiful and clean, so she would have been hiding from her. She didn't say goodbye in the small town, but now she is involuntarily when she is holding her. Feel the feeling of a heartbeat.

However, Xiao Bing quickly suppressed the feeling in his heart and said with a smile: "A silly girl, how is it possible, no one in the world can lock you up, as long as you want to leave, you can always Go, and, what happened to them? How to bully you?"

Aydin shook his head and said: "No, they are okay for me."

"Oh, then go, let's go, I will take you out."

Ayi Ding snorted, she looked up and looked at Xiao Bing, hesitating and asked: "Before Jiangcheng, have you seen me, then you saved me. Don't deny, I know that is you. It’s like being in the town. This time it’s been the third time... Xiao Bing, why are you so good to me?”

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "This is just a coincidence."

Ayi Ding shook his head and said: "But in Aij Ding's heart, this is no coincidence. You are the man who guards Aiding, right?"

"I..." Xiao Bing smiled and said, "You are my friend. Since I know that you have been kidnapped, of course I will come to save you. If it is other friends, I will not see you." ”

Aydin said: "So what about the previous two? But why every time I am in danger, what is really in front of me is you? Or is this fate?"

Xiao Bing actually did not know how to answer it. When a beautiful, white and innocent girl is telling you, is this all fate, what should you say? Especially when you look at the big, watery eyes and look at you, even if you are not careful enough to make a heart of such a girl broken, what should you say?

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Let's go, I will take you out first."

"Well." Aydin agreed softly.

When Xiao Bing took Ayi Ding out of the log house, Zhang Qinghua’s face was a bit complicated. Today the masters of the entire Fairy Gate were all injured. All this was caused by Ayi Ding, but Ayi Ding’s for the Fairy Gate Too important, because Ai Ding's physique is too close to the fairy door, the first door of the fairy door is this physique, this physique will not appear one for almost a few hundred years.

Therefore, this time Zhang Qinghua placed high hopes on Ayi Ding, hoping to have the opportunity to cultivate Ayi Ding into the strongest doorkeeper of the Fairy Gate. Everyone knows that Ayi Ding will be the heir to the future, but now This is going to be taken away. This is not even a blow to Zhang Qinghua's blows, even before it was hit by Xiao Bing.

Seeing Xiao Bing holding Ayi Ding's hand, Zhang Qinghua's face was ugly, but he dared not go up to stop it. He could only say with a serious tone: "You took her away, it is a huge mistake."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Oh?"

Zhang Qinghua said: "Can you see it? Aydin's body is the legendary exquisite body!"

Xiao Bing has some doubts: "Learning jade body?"

When I saw that I was able to live in Xiaobing, Zhang Qinghua felt a little bit of face. She was slightly proud of it. Xiao Bing looked at her and sneered. "If you don't want to say it, let's go. Anyway, no matter what exquisite jade body, I know that this is my friend. She was kidnapped by you and forced to come. Knowing this is enough. I will not kill you. It is already my heart and heart!"

Zhang Qinghua’s face is ugly, and he said: “I’m too lazy to swear with you. This exquisite jade body is not necessarily one of the hundreds of millions of people. It’s hard to have a special physique for hundreds of years. This kind of physique is especially special. Pure, there is no trace of impurities in the body, and the practice of our fairy door is created by the door of our first generation of exquisite jade body, so the practice in our door is dedicated to the woman who exquisitely If she came to practice, the speed of cultivation would be more than the lord of our generations, and even the ancestors who wished to surpass our prefects. You said that you would take her away, is it her loss? Are you helping her or hurting her?"

Xiao Bingdao: "Oh, that's the way it is, but my friend doesn't want to learn Wu, what can he do?"

"You..." Zhang Qinghua was mad at the road. "This is the exquisite body, the legendary body, the body that can be cultivated to the **** level in the legend. It may not appear one for thousands of years. Such a body, not practicing, is it not?" unfortunately?"

Xiao Bing was surprised: "God level?"

The legendary **** level... that is the existence of the mythological era. After the mythological era, it basically did not exist. Even if Xiao Bing listened, it was all heart-warming and longing for a while, and watching this person pay so much attention to Ayi Ding. It is very likely that the words are true.

After the mythological era, the saints have stood at the top of human history, such as the legendary Tianshan old man, which is a legendary level that can sweep everything.

Xiao Bing frowned: "If you cultivate to a god-level body, you can cultivate to the **** level?"

Zhang Qinghua said: "But this kind of physical quality, even if the cultivation is not enough, the final cultivation to the level of heaven is also the lower limit. If it is enough hard work, the saint is not a touch to her, the saint is in the world today. Already counted as being able to sweep everything around?"

"Well." Xiao Bing had to admit that Zhang Qinghua said that it is correct. This is enough temptation for any one person. I am afraid that there will be at least 9,999 people in 10,000 people who will be crazy about it. Stay here.

Xiao Bing looked at Aydin next to him and asked: "Aydin, are you willing to stay here?"

Others have also looked at Ayi Ding nervously. Do you still stay or not?

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