Super Soldier

Chapter 1102: Aidin's decision

Ayi Ding shook his head, surrounded by a sigh of voice, Zhang Qinghua suddenly said: "Aydin, can I talk to you alone?"

Xiao Bing looked at Zhang Qinghua, and his eyes flashed a sharp light.

Zhang Qinghua said: "You are here, so many of us are not your opponents. Do you dare to treat her?"

Zhang Qinghua said coldly, but this sounds like it has some soft taste.

Ayi Ding looked at Xiao Bing and said: "I have been here for a few days. They don't let me go around, but they are not sorry for me. They are also delicious and good, and have not abused me. I think I will go and listen to what she said."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Then go, I am here waiting for you."

Zhang Qinghua went to the cabin, Ayi Ding followed. Two people walked in and closed the door. Then Zhang Qinghua looked at Ayi Ding and said, "Thank you for listening to me and saying more, maybe you are against us." The door is a bit misunderstood."

Ayi Ding shook his head and said: "It is not a misunderstanding. It doesn't matter if your fairy door wants to accept the apprentice. I have relatives outside, friends, family, and I like it... you put me in this way. Forced to tie it up."

Zhang Qinghua smiled bitterly: "In fact, this is not what we think, but you are not quite sure about the situation of our Guwumen faction. We can only live in this valley on weekdays. It can only go out once in 20 years, only once in ten. When we go out to find the time of the apprentice, if we have to talk about it in the ten days, I am afraid that we will not receive any apprentice anymore, and the fairy door will be extinct. Our fairy door is different from other sects. The martial art may feel indifferent. I feel that the people outside are originally inferior. Even if it is tied up, it is not a problem. But our fairy door is reasonable. You have lived here for so many days. We have bullied you. , sorry for you?"

Aydin did not speak, but the anger has dissipated a lot.

Zhang Qinghua continued: "Are you a pair with the man outside?"

"Well, yes."

Zhang Qinghua asked: "Do you know that according to the strength of his realm of heaven, the future will live at least a hundred years old, even if he is still so young, like he is so young, he will break through to the realm of Tianzun, and there will be less in the history of China. There are few, in my opinion, it is possible that he will reach the sage level one day. When he can live more than two hundred years old, you may be old and old, you may be seven or eighty years old, you Ever thought about this problem?"

Ayi Ding thought of that scene, could not help but startled.

Zhang Qinghua continued: "The rest will not be said. Men can also say that the older they are, the more mature they are. The more mature they are, the more flavor they have. The one who is in the realm of heaven, even if it is ten years old, does not look very old. But what about an ordinary woman? An ordinary woman, even if it is a natural beauty like you, may be mature in his forties. When you live in your fifties, do you think he will still look at you? So what about 60?"

Aydin is somewhat silent.

Zhang Qinghua continued: "You are almost a dumping country now, but no woman can stand the crush of years. If it is just an ordinary family, this is no problem, but your man is not an ordinary person, he will not accompany As you age together, although he will not be able to walk in the morning and evening, but he will be very late that night, and even you will not be able to wait until that day."

"You are old when you are fifty or sixty years old, and he was still very strong at that time. Even his life is probably not half past, and even one third has not arrived. What do you do in the next few years? He will always accompany at your side?"

Aydin said: "I can't stay here, my parents will worry about me, and I have to be filial to my parents."

Zhang Qinghua smiled and said: "If you have any concerns in this regard, can you look at this? I can make an exception, bring your parents in, and they are ordinary people. The country will not worry that they threaten the safety of the world. Therefore, the state will not block them from entering and leaving. If they want you, they can come in. If they want to go out, they can go out at any time. Of course, the premise is that every time they come in, they must be blindfolded and brought by the disciples in the door. They come in, so that they can be guaranteed not to talk nonsense, even if it is said that no one can find it."

This time Aydin really began to hesitate.

Zhang Qinghua said: "You must be worried about other things. For example, if you stay here, you will be separated from the man outside, and you don't want to be locked up all your life, so you can learn all about it. This is also useless. I understand this most, just like me, although I have the ability to work, but I can only be locked in here for a lifetime, and it has any effect. We all say that we are Guwumen, we all say that we are It belongs to the kind of extraterrestrial high-ranking people who are not in the world, but who wants to be under the house like a sparrow?"

Zhang Qinghua said: "But you don't have to worry too much. This situation should be solved soon. Kunlun has already started to contact the country. Some days ago, we can go out for twenty years. We have several martial arts. The doorkeepers gathered together, and then the state has already proposed to lift the blockade, and the country is now growing stronger, and there is no need to worry too much about controlling the major sects. Therefore, it is said that it is under discussion and it is estimated that it will take too long to propose. The plan, although it will definitely bind us, but the ban on closing the mountain should be imperative."

Zhang Qinghua said: "Would you like to stay here for a while? Your man has the ability to find it here, and can also take you out, it proves that he is definitely energetic in the country, after a while The country has not lifted the ban, and it is the same for him to take you away, and I can teach you martial arts slowly during this time."

Seeing Ayi Ding still thinking, Zhang Qinghua is not going to persuade next to him, so quietly waiting for Ayi Ding to consider, now Xiao Bing is coming, Zhang Qinghua does not dare to force Ayi Ding to stay here, everything only Being able to see Aidin’s wishes, Zhang Qinghua’s heart is still very nervous. She just did not deceive Ayi Ding. It is really hopeful to lift the ban on the mountain closure. At that time, the competition and comparison between their major factions is also To start, and Aiding is the hope that their fairy door can force the crowd!

Finally, after thinking for a while, Aydin said: "Yes, I promise you, worship you as a teacher."

“Really?” Zhang Qinghua’s eyes lit up, and some excited, “Do you really want to worship me as a teacher?”

"Well." Aydin suddenly slammed down and said, "The master is on, please accept the disciple."

Zhang Qinghua gave Ayi Ding a helping hand and excitedly said: "Get up, get up quickly, then you are the 19th sister since then. It is a second-generation disciple. There are many three generations of disciples under you. The qualifications are not bad, but they are not particularly good, so I will let my disciples take the apprentices. It’s great, great, Aydin, I will treat you well after the teacher, you can rest assured. We are very united in this sect. There are no intrigues. In the future, you are the door of our fairy door."

Ayi Ding shook his head and said: "I didn't think about what to be a master. I just think that the master's words are very reasonable. Aiding will grow old sooner or later, and Xiao Bing may still be young for a long time. What should I do when I am... and the age of the master is now so big, but still young as a girl, if I am like this, Xiao Bing will not dislike me."

In fact, in addition to this, Ayi Ding has other considerations. Xiao Bing is now a girlfriend, so she may have nothing to do with Xiao Bing, but Xiao Bing looks at these people and they are all one. The humanoids are all martial artists. If you are here, you may be able to help Xiaobing one day. Maybe she will become valuable in Xiao Bing’s heart, even with Xiao Bing. Compared with her girlfriend, this is also her advantage.

In any case, after getting the consent of Ayi Ding, Zhang Qinghua happily took Ayi Ding’s hand and walked out of the wooden house. Watching the two of them pull hands out, Xiao Bing could not help but be one of them. Looking at Aiding, I asked, "Aydin, you are..."

Ayi Ding smiled and said: "Thank you Xiaobing, I decided to stay."

There was a lot of excitement cheering among the crowd.

Zhang Qinghua looked at Xiao Bing, and some smug smiles said: "Xiao Bing, now you should be relieved? I have no coercion, Aydin is willing to stay."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Although I don't know what happened, I respect Aide Ding's wishes."

Zhang Qinghua looked at the many sisters and disciples and said aloud: "From now on, Ayi Ding is my apprentice. I am ranked 19th among the second generation of disciples, and at the same time I am the protagonist of the future."

Many beautiful women immediately swarmed around, Xiao Bing saw this scene, suddenly found that this fairy door is actually not bad, although doing things is really reckless and unreasonable, but it is very sincere to treat their own counterparts, even if This airborne Aydin was suddenly announced to be the door of the future, but no one here showed a sly look, at most it was envious, and most people were happy from the heart.

Xiao Bing sighed. Anyway, this is Aidin’s personal will, then he will obey.

Xiao Bing stood next to him and did not leave. Then he watched them quietly around Ayi Ding. He smiled happily. After a while, he suddenly lifted Aiding and threw it up, then caught it. Then throw it up, throw it and throw it away.

At this time, Zhang Qinghua walked to Xiao Bing's side and said, "Look, I said, Ayi Ding will not be bullied in me."

Ps: Thanks to the book friend 274,430,58 for the reward of 5,500 latitude and longitude coins, thanks to the night readers for the reward of 600 renminbi coins, thanks to the rhododendron 3999 reward 500 latitude and longitude.

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