Super Soldier

Chapter 1104: I will come often in the future!

"Aydin, are you really planning to stay here?"

"Yeah," Aydin smiled.

Xiao Bing curiously said: "Do you like to learn martial arts?"

"I don't like it." Ai Ding's eyes looked softly toward Xiao Bing, gentlely said, "I like to let my loved man protect me. Every time I am in a dangerous man, the man who loves me finally appears in front of me. Have you seen the Westward Journey of the Stars, like the Supreme Treasure that is stepping on the colorful clouds."

Xiao Bing vaguely raised a sense of uneasiness, and smiled bitterly: "The final ending of Zixia Fairy and Supreme Treasure is not perfect!"

"It's not perfect, but it's beautiful, isn't it? They loved at least, Zixia Fairy is gone, but Zixia Fairy lives in the heart of the Supreme Treasure."

Xiao Bing sighed, and Ayi Ding next to him suddenly smiled happily: "We don't talk about it, or say something happy, Xiao Da Ge, my father never let me go out alone, saying that I am too beautiful. It’s dangerous to go out, but now I’m finally out, not just going out, but also coming to such a world. I’ve been locked up in the cabin for a few days. I haven’t found it yet, in fact, if I can be accompanied by my family, Even if you live here for a lifetime, you won’t be bored. It’s really a paradise.”

It is also true that there is a paradise. The valley is full of beautiful flowers everywhere. It is full of fragrance everywhere. After all, it is the ancestral address of the fairy door. There are a group of women living in it, and all of them are temperament and dust.

Although the beauty here is a Guwumen school, but not as arrogant as Xiao Bing imagined, at least they seem to be very harmonious between the same door, can live in such an atmosphere, but it is not very difference.

Xiao Bing and Ayi Ding talked for a while. Xiao Bing clearly saw her feelings for herself in Aide Ding's eyebrows, but Ayi Ding did not say that Xiao Bing did not ask.

When it was dark, Ayi Ding’s Eight Masters came over, and the age of the Eight Masters seemed to be only in her early twenties. At the beginning, she and the second sister together took Ayi Ding into the fairy door, so She is now in front of Aydin, and it is not too embarrassing. It seems to be somewhat unnatural. "Small teacher, Master asked me to come over to you, the dinner is ready."

"Oh." Aydin agreed, and looked at Xiao Bing, and smiled softly. "Let's go, I see that my master is already afraid of you. You are really scary today..."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Not for you."

Aydin's eyes showed a bit of shyness, a bit of joy, and a faint smile on his face.

The three people walked together, and the eight division sisters led the way and said: "Little sister, my name is Huang Shanshan."

Aydin said: "My name is Aydin."

"I know." Huang Shanshan smiled. "You are not very familiar with our fairy door. The whole fairy door counts the master and the uncles. Forty-five people, don't look at you." There are only four close disciples that Master Shang received, Master Sister, Second Sister, Me and You... As for the other people, all of them are disciples of the four uncles. It’s just that our sects are different from other sects. There are not too many rules at all, so the disciples and the disciples received by the two divisions are all commensurate with each other. They will not distinguish who is the disciple. In short, they are all second-generation disciples."

Aydin nodded and said that he understood.

Huang Shanshan continued: "The master and the four divisions are five people in total. Our master is the door of the fairy, the strength is half-step Tianzun, the second division and the third division are the deputy gatekeepers of the fairy door. The strength has reached the peak of breaking the void and the top of the world. The four divisions and the five divisions are the elders of the Fairy Gate, and the strength is to break the realm of the void."

"The second generation of disciples counts you in total, there are 19 people, together they are twenty-four, and the three generations of disciples are twenty-one. The three generations of disciples all worship the master sister, the second sister and the third sister. The master sister Li Qingrou, the strength to break the initial stage of the void. The strength of the second division Liu Ying and the three divisions Baiyun are all sturdy."

Ayi Ding doesn't have much conception about the strength of these people, so I don't think there is anything. Xiao Bing can't help but sigh with emotion: "If you put the strength of a martial art outside, you can basically sweep more than half of China. The martial arts world."

"I used to think so before." Huang Shanshan smiled bitterly. "The ancient Wu Shi. The world usually thinks that there is basically no master in the outside world. Even if it is, it is very rare. It is completely comparable to the Guwumen. I didn’t think that Xiao’s predecessors could be able to fight against our entire fairy door...”

In the world of martial arts, the strong is the teacher, so no matter how old Xiaobing is, Huang Shanshan must call Xiao Bing a predecessor.

Huang Shanshan continued: "This time I forced the younger sister to give up, and I hope that the younger sister can not blame me... This is the rule of every martial art. All the sects do this. In fact, our fairy door is not Then the overbearing martial art, but for the sect of the sect can continue, but it has to be."

Aiding sighed: "I hated you very much before, but now I don't hate it, I won't blame you. In fact, everyone is a poor person."

This said that Huang Shanshan’s heart went inside. Huang Shanshan said: “Yes, everyone is a poor person. However, we are not pitiful. We can learn the best martial arts, and we can live longer and stay young. ""

Several people walked into an ancient building when they talked. Huang Shanshan said: "This is what the fairy door has, such as an annual performance, or when everyone holds a party together. Here."

Xiao Bing walked in and saw a white dress girl coming in from the outside, plus the classical atmosphere of the whole building. Xiao Bing returned to the ancient times and couldn’t help but sigh: "Be able to stay here, It’s really very sensible. If it’s not too bad to leave here, it’s actually a good thing.”

Huang Shanshan said: "So now I am negotiating with the government. I heard that it is very likely that the ban on our sects will be lifted. This news makes everyone very happy. If we can really lift the ban, then we will It’s not like forcing a pre-existing apprentice. At that time, there are opportunities to follow the temptation of some qualified young people. If the other side wants to enter our fairy door, then it is naturally welcome. If you don’t want to join, then you will forget, anyway, anyway. There is time, and there is nothing in the world, that is, there is no shortage of people. The reason why I did it before was because there was not enough time to accept the apprentices and only forcibly tied."

Xiao Bing also has to admit that although these ancient Wumen factions forcibly tied people, it is a bit bad, but from their point of view, it is really a last resort.

Between the talks, they have already walked into the magnificent hall, and there are several dining tables in the hall. Many beautiful women have sat down, chatting one by one, unrestrained.

After seeing Xiao Bing, these beautiful women all stood up. Everyone’s eyes were different. Some were hostile, some were respectful, some were a little bit afraid, others were curious, but they When I looked at Aidin, my eyes looked very friendly and even very warm.

"Xiao senior."

"Predecessors are good."

"Predecessors are good."

No matter how they look at Xiao Bing, at least they are very polite to Xiao Bing.

As for Ayi Ding, all of them are like sisters, and they greet Ayi Ding. Others come and take the initiative to introduce themselves to Ayi Ding. Xiao Bing looks in the eyes and stays in Ayi Ding. It is also relatively reassuring here, at least these people are not bad for her.

At this time, several people walked upstairs. Everyone looked up and saw that the door of the fairy door advocated Tsinghua and her four sisters. Many disciples of the fairy door immediately called: "The teacher is good."

"Master Shi Shuhao."

"The door is good!"

Everyone called what, Zhang Qinghua did not put any shelf, said with a smile: "Everyone is sitting down."

Everyone was all seated one by one. When Zhang Qinghua looked at Xiao Bing, his eyes were a bit complicated, with a bit of awe, with a bit of hostility, and a bit of helplessness, but she was still very polite and from her arms. I took out a reel and walked over to Xiao Bing and said, "Mr. Xiao, what you want is here."

Xiao Bing took the reel and opened it. It was a few topographic maps, detailing the addresses of several major sects.

Zhang Qinghua said: "I don't understand the overall strength of these martial art now. After all, we usually have no chance to contact, that is, every 20 years, the main gates can go out and see in the same place. On the upper side, but I wrote all of their strengths that I know, and marked them down."

After Xiao Bing collected, he smiled and said: "Thank you."

"Don't be thankful, I am also looking at Ai Ding's face. Tonight, Mr. Xiao stayed for a night. You can also talk to Ayi Ding. Would you like to leave Mr. Xiao tomorrow?"

Xiao Bing said: "I feel that Zhang Men does not seem to be willing to me..."

Zhang Qinghua is as ugly as anything, and it is ugly to look at the ugly face. Others have seen their own door owners helpless to this appearance, and one by one is also helpless.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But I really can't stay more, so I can only decline the good intentions of the doorkeeper."

Zhang Qinghua has a long sigh of relief, and he wants to leave you more. You are not only martial arts too high, but also brazen. If you remember the secrets of our martial arts, what should I do? If you can still go, leave early.

Zhang Qinghua’s face was a little smiley: “Since Mr. Xiao has something outside, I will not stay much, and I will be willing to let Mr. Xiao come to be a guest at any time.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Reassured, I will always come later."

"..." Zhang Qinghua smiled reluctantly, "Welcome, welcome..."

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