Super Soldier

Chapter 1105: Aidin's parents

During this dinner, everyone was very enthusiastic. Although Xiao Bing had handed over these people this time, it was not a result of enmity, plus they all saw Ayi Ding’s feelings for Xiao Bing, Ayi. Ding will one day be the gatekeeper of the Fairy Gate, although it may be far away, but the person with the exquisite jade body must be the main door of the fairy. |2

Normally, the fairy door man does not have anything to do with the man, even the door owner is no exception, but Ayi Ding is different. If Ayi Ding becomes the door owner, it must be the most special in history. One of the gatekeepers, her status will be equal to the opening of the fairy goddess, when any rules may not be useful in Aiding's body, Ayiding can be abolished anytime, anywhere, no one here There will be complaints.

From now on, Aydin has just entered the Fairy Gate, and even no effort is made. Everyone is so enthusiastic about her, and this has already been seen.

After Xiao Bing had dinner, he and Aiding sat outside and talked for half a night. Xiao Bing saw that Aiding was interesting to himself, but Xiao Bing now does not want to owe too much emotional debt, so Ayi Since Ding did not say, Xiao Bing did not intend to break through the window paper.

In the middle of the night, two people went back to the room to go to bed, and had breakfast the next day. Xiao Bing left the fairy door. When he left, the fairy doorkeeper took the disciple to send it personally. Xiao Bing just had to When the exit left, Aydin suddenly rushed forward and hugged Xiao Bing's waist and put his face on Xiao Bing's chest.

Xiao Bing is somewhat overwhelmed: "This..."

"Xiao big brother, count this time, you have saved me three times... The first time is in my hometown, the second time is in Jiangcheng, there are hooligans to slap me, then count this time, I don't know How can I repay you?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "In fact, I don't need your reward, are we not friends?"

"But friends also want each other. My parents have taught me since I was a child. Even if I am a good friend, I can't let my good friends always pay unilaterally. Others are good to me. I should also have some rewards."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I really don't need it."

"Xiao Xiaoge, actually I thought about it... I’m going to be..."

Xiao Bing scared a big jump. He looked down at Ayi Ding, but he saw Ayi Ding buried his head in his arms. He couldn’t see her expression at all, but he could feel Aidin’s chest. The face is very hot and hot.

Xiao Bing softly said: "Aydin, why bother to think about it, you are such a beautiful girl, it is really difficult to find a girl who is more beautiful than you under the sun, you can find more for you. Good man."

"But, can I still find a man who can appear like you at any time when I need it most? You know, when you were in your home for the first time, when you used your body in front of me, I feel that there is no longer a man in the world who can make me feel like you."

"After you left, I didn't say goodbye without saying hello. After a while, I finally made up my mind to come to Jiangcheng. I even met you on the street soon after I arrived in Jiangcheng. Although you were dressed up, I felt embarrassed. I have been there, but the moment you protect me, I immediately recognized you."

"After that, I heard everything about you. You are so famous. Big stars are still the model for the nation to call for learning. There are a lot of news about you online. I know that the chairman of Yeh Group is yours. Girlfriend, I also know that Ye Xiaoxi is not only the chairman of Ye Family Group, but also the first beauty of Jiangcheng. Even she and I have been together for a long time... And I, I have only a few contacts with you. Haven't said a few words yet."

"I thought at that time, why can I still be with you? I can say that I am stronger than her in terms of feelings, family, appearance, so I hesitated, I have never dared to see you. I didn't go looking for you. Until one day, I finally couldn't help myself, and finally I went to see you. But you are not at home, but I saw your girlfriend, she is really beautiful, and people It's also very good. When I left, I was caught here."

"After I was caught, I was really scared, I am afraid that I will never leave here, I am afraid that I will never see you."

Xiao Bing heard some emotions and was a little heavy.

"Well, Xiao Bing, my brother, I have never wanted to say this. I don't want you to have too much burden, but I can't help but see you go."

Xiao Bing sighed: "Aydin, you are really a good girl."

"Don't give me a good card." Aydin laughed. "Because it doesn't need to be. My Aide Ding's principle of being a big man is to love and love. If you hate, you will hate. Xiao Bing, you have Ye Xiaoxi. This girlfriend, you don't accept me, I won't blame you. But you can't stop me from loving you, because Aydin likes to like you."

Ayi Ding was like a cat in the arms of Xiao Bing, and then she let go of the hand holding Xiao Bing's waist, looked at Xiao Bing, smiled and waved her hand, free and easy: "Xiao Da Ge ,Go ahead!"

"Well..." Xiao Bing said, "I will tell you when I leave, if they want to come, I will bring them over. Oh, yes, you can record a video."

Xiao Bing took out his mobile phone because there was no signal here, so there was no way to directly call the phone. He could only record the video first and then give her family a pass.

Xiao Bing took out his mobile phone and pointed the camera at Ayi Ding. Aidin suddenly opened his arms and turned around in a circle. Her head danced with the wind. Xiao Bing looked stunned, when Ayi Ding stopped. When I came down, Ayi Ding looked at the video and smiled and said: "Mother and Dad, have you seen it? I am very happy here. Don't worry about me. You are not always afraid that I will be bullied in society. What, but the sisters here are very good to me, no one will bully me, if you want to come, let Xiao brother take you over to find me, Xiao Brother is my good friend, still remember, when Lu Tuming To bully me, Xiao Da Ge saved me, so he is worthy of trust."

"Mother and Dad, my daughter is worried about you, I am sorry to say you here."

Ayi Ding looked at Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing turned off the video, then put the phone in his pocket and waved his hand. Seriously said: "Remember to take care of yourself."

"I will, Xiao Brother, you too."

Xiao Bing promised, turned and burrowed into the hole, disappeared.

Ayi Ding suddenly turned to look at Zhang Qingshui and said: "Master, teach me Kung Fu earlier. I have to work hard to learn Kung Fu. I want to be able to become the cumbersome brother of Xiao Da, and be able to enter his martial arts world. ""

Xiao Bing left the Fairy Gate. After three days, he came to the hometown of Ayi Ding... the border town of Xinjiang.

Xiao Bing had lived in the hotel of Ayi Ding before. After Xiao Bing came to the hotel, he heard a man and a woman inside the counter full of sorrowful words. The man sighed and said: "Good. A few days later, the police have not moved yet. You will stay at home to look at the store tomorrow. I will go to Jiangcheng to see if my daughter is missing in Jiangcheng."

Listening to the sound, Xiao Bing knows that the man who spoke is the father of the temperament of Ayi Ding, Cushman, Xiao Bing and Ayi Ding’s mother are not very familiar, but they have spoken with Cousin.

The woman said: "I have to go along with it, my daughter is missing, and what should I do with the store?"

The woman who originally spoke was Aydin’s mother.

Coussa sighed: "I blame me. If I stop my daughter, she will be so beautiful, and her heart is still so kind. It is easy to get dangerous outside, so she grew up, I have never been She was not allowed to leave the store alone, but she did not expect... Hey."

Ayi Ding’s mother said: “I’m blaming the Xiao Bing. If it’s not for looking for him, how can the daughter leave home? If not leaving home, how could the daughter disappear?”

Kussaman said solemnly: "This is not to blame others. I know my daughter too well. After Xiao Bing saved her, she seems to have always had the same thing. No matter what we think, she should finally go. Going, this has nothing to do with Xiao Bing."

Xiao Bing listened with a deep sigh, then went to the bar and said to him inside, "Uncle and aunt."

The couple inside looked up and looked at Xiao Bing, and they all showed a bit of surprise. Kusam was the first to react. He suddenly stood up and excitedly said: "Xiao Bing? Are you Xiao Bing?"

This Kussaman is a tall, bearded man, but this time it looks like a beard is thicker, and in addition to rough, there is a bit more vicissitudes of life, it seems that he has not rested in recent days.

"It's me." Xiao Bing apologized apologetically. "Uncle, can't help, Aydin..."

"Are you coming over to apologize?" Ayi Ding's mother also stood up, some excited. "We don't need it, you can leave soon. If it is not because of you, how can my daughter have an accident? If she finally I can't come back, I will never forgive you!"

Next to Coussa is serious: "You don't talk about it, it has nothing to do with him."

Seeing that her husband was angry, Ayi Ding’s mother did not say anything.

Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter, I can understand your feelings. However, I am here to tell you not to worry too much. Aiding is not dangerous now. I have just seen her."

"You just saw her?" Cousin immediately came out of the counter and grabbed Xiao Bing's shoulder. He asked emotionally. "How is my daughter? Where is she? You see it now. She, why didn't she come back with you?"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment. After all, he did not say that Ayi Ding was tied up. Otherwise, they could hardly understand it, but they would be more worried. So Xiao Bing changed his way and said: "Uncle and aunt, in fact, Ayi Ding is nothing, she is going to join a martial art school and go to other people to learn martial arts."

Coussa frowned and said: "Study Wu?"

"Yes." Xiao Bing sighed. "I will be hard to understand for a while, but she is really good now. The martial art is all women, and it is very good for her. You don't have to worry. I don't worry." Didn't bring her over because she was unable to come back according to the rules of the martial art, but if you want to see her immediately, I can take you there. Oh, yes, this is the video recorded by Aydin. ""

Xiao Bing took out his mobile phone and found out the video to show them. Aiding’s parents looked at each other and left tears. Ayi Ding’s father said that his eyes were a little red, Ayi Ding’s mother. I cried directly, and said to me with tears: "Nothing is fine, nothing is fine."

Coussa sighed and said: "It seems that Aydin is really good and the environment is very good... I can be sure that she has nothing to do, we are relieved."

Xiao Bing said: "I have to tell the police about this matter. Do you want to see Aydin immediately?"

Ayi Ding’s mother is about to agree. Cousman directly interrupted: “I don’t need it anymore. I see it. She is self-centered in the video. It’s not forced, the daughter is like a father, I won’t Wrong. Since the rule of the division is that she can't come back temporarily, don't bother her, lest she be confused."

Xiao Bing said: "Aydin asked me to take a video and show it to you. She is like a paradise on the other side. There is no cell phone signal. I will leave first. The police have already filed a case. I still have it. I want to talk to them."

Kussaman took Xiao Bing and said: "Now it is late, stay here tonight, let's have two drinks."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and said: "Good!"

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