Super Soldier

Chapter 1224: 袒露心声(二更)

Xiao Bing never exposed his inner feelings so frankly in front of Su Xiaoxiao. This moment stimulated Su Xiaoxiao and touched the softest part of her heart. ≠

Su Xiaoxiao was held in the arms of Xiao Bing. Her head rested on Xiao Bing's shoulder and cried very badly. Xiao Bing kept pat on her shoulder and said softly: "Nothing, nothing. ""

Hey, what happened to me in the past few years, how can I make a girl so sad, crying so sad, I don’t want to delay her, are they all wrong?

Xiao Bing has some self-blame.

Su Xiaoxiao cried and twitched: "How do you want me to find someone to marry? I haven't affected you, and I haven't bothered you and my sister. I have to marry, you only Will you feel at ease?"

"Stupid." Xiao Bing took a deep breath, his nose was a bit sour, and smiled bitterly. "Stupid girl, you are really a stupid girl, no matter if it is a man or a woman, you will always marry."

"But I don't want to marry, but I don't want to marry people!"

"Yes, OK." Xiao Bing finally said what he had just thought. "I want to say, if you really can't let go, don't want to marry, then follow me!"

"I..." Su Xiaoxiao was scared to stop her tears. She was really scared. She never dreamed that Xiao Bing would say this one day. She had dreamed of this in her dreams. Countless times, but after waking up, she will always know very clearly that this is impossible, the dream will not come true, she and Xiao Bing are simply not worthy.

Xiao Bing saw Su Xiaoxiao not responding, and his heart was a little nervous. He said: "You don't misunderstand, I don't mean to be irresponsible. I just think... just think that you are not going to find someone else since you are. Since we must not let go of this relationship, why don’t we accept it frankly? I admit that at the beginning I took care of you as a sister, because of Paya’s sake, but I have already had it for you. I feel it, but I always feel that I must not face this relationship because of my commitment to Peya."

"Remember that I told you before, I admit that I am not only because Peyia will take care of you, but also because of yourself. But I can never face this relationship between you and me. In fact, I don't dislike you, but I am afraid to delay you."

"You are a girl. I want to marry and marry sooner or later. If I delay you, I am not only sorry for your sister, but also your mother and your dead father, but my most sorry person is you, because that It has delayed you for a lifetime."

"But I want to understand now. In fact, this kind of drag and drop is the real fallacy for you. You can't put it down. I can't afford it. One can't afford it. One can't let it go. It will eventually be miserable for a lifetime. This person can't let go, and I will spend my life in that kind of regret and loss."

"Instead of this, why can't we face it calmly? Since you like me, I also have a crush on you, then I will accept you. Even if we don't want good results in the future, at least we are happy, happy. It’s better to spend more than a lifetime and regret it. Not to mention that I will never allow you and me to have good results. What is the solution?”

Su Xiao was shocked and she was not surprised.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Do you think that I am too greedy? I already have leaves, but still want you, if you don't want to, then you should not say it, I just want you happy. It will be fine, even if I don’t consider your sister’s point of view, I don’t want to be sorry for you.”

Su Xiaoxiao was only a half-day to be slowed down, and his heart was pleasantly surprised, uneasy, embarrassed, confused, and somewhat expectant.

Su Xiaoxiao hesitated, and asked a little bit of struggle: "I don't care about those, I don't even care about the name, although my mother may care if I have a name, but she will support me."

Xiao Bing said with amazement: "Reassured, I will not let you and Auntie disappoint. One day, I will give you everything. So, do you agree with what I just said?"

Su Xiaoxiao sighed: "It still doesn't work."


"I can't be sorry for the leaves. She is very good to me. I am a sister, but I can't slap him behind my sister."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Do you think that the words I just said, the leaves are completely unknown? In fact, the leaves have always guided me, otherwise I can't let go of this knot, as long as you have no problem, we can live. Together, live together forever."

Su Xiaoxiao said incredulously: "What are you talking about? The leaves know what you said? The leaves also guide you... to guide you to accept me?"

"Of course." Xiao Bing smiled bitterly. "If I didn't get the consent of the leaves, how could I get through this barrier so quickly? Little, this is not just a question of leaf consent. What is important is that I don't want to." Delaying you, I used to think that if I accept you, it will be equivalent to delaying you, but now I feel that if you can never let go of this feeling, I have never accepted you, this is really a delay for you!"

Su Xiaoxiao loosened Xiao Bing and stepped back two steps. Her mood was very complicated at this time. She was happy, awkward, and upset... She shook her head and said: "Xiao Big Brother, I Let me think about it again, let's not talk about this problem first? I like you, I will never like other people anymore, I don't care to share with others, just as you said before, as long as we can open Happy life is better than nothing. But I still can't be sorry for the leaves. The better she is to me, the more I think about it, the more I can't be so selfish."

Xiao Bing opened his mouth and sighed. He didn't know how to persuade him. In fact, there was nothing wrong with Su. Xiao Bing could not continue to persuade.

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "Well, you think about it slowly, and then tell me the answer you want. No matter what you think in the end, there is no problem, because I just want to make you happy."

"Thank you, Bing Ge." Su Xiaodao.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I can't help you..."

"Don't say that." Su Xiaoxiao shook his head. "In fact, I am interspersed between you and make you embarrassed. The first person you fall in love is the leaves, your girlfriend is the leaves, and I Strictly speaking, it is actually a third party... It’s me who makes you embarrassed.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "If I don't like you, can I still reject you categorically..."

Su Xiaoxiao suddenly smiled and smiled: "Bing brother, you are not going to buy clothes for me."

Su Xiaoxiao’s smile this time is more real than that of one time. It’s a smile from the heart.

After Xiao Bing saw it, he smiled and said: "Let's go, buy clothes for our beautiful little girl! This time we have to choose two more good-looking clothes. This is my first time to send you clothes. I pay, I don’t want to grab it with me. Also, I won’t say it expensive.”

"You bought me a set of hundreds, I don't say expensive, just that home will not work."

"Okay, okay, I know, you are a gimmick, it really saves money." Xiao Bing would have to say, whoever smashed you is going to be happy, but suddenly reacted, you still don’t take this. When I was young, I hurriedly closed my mouth.

Two people strolled around other shops. Su Xiaoxiao specially selected two clothes that were more beautiful but not particularly expensive, so that Xiao Bing bought them. Although they couldn’t say bad things from childhood to big, they were strong. Independent, she already knew that it was not easy to make money, so she paid more attention to the expenses. Even if the economic conditions of the family are good now, she has half of the shares of the two noodle restaurants, but she is still not used to being too big.

However, Xiao Bing saw that the two sets of clothes worn on Su Xiaoxiao were really beautiful and decent, and Xiao Bing specially bought the better brand stores, although the price is cheap, a piece of clothing is close to a thousand dollars, Xiao The soldiers will stop, not Xiao Bing luxury, nor Xiao Bing feel that clothes are expensive, mainly this is the first time Su Xiaoxiao went to work, there will inevitably be a comparison in the workplace, we do not compare with others, at least Not to be laughed at by others, this dress is ordinary, but at least it is not ridiculous.

After an afternoon of shopping, Xiao Bing threw two sets of clothes in the back seat of the car, and then sat down with Su Xiaoxiao on the driver's seat and the co-pilot. Xiao Bing turned his head and looked at Su Xiaoxiao, but he saw Su Xiao. Xiao has a little bit of the meaning of the soul, Xiao Bing smiled: "What's wrong, what are you thinking?"

"Oh...nothing." Su Xiaoxiao woke up and smiled. "I was thinking, it seems that we are the first time that two people are happy shopping, right?"

Xiao Bing was a little embarrassed and smiled and nodded: "Well, yes."

"So, it feels so good." Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Go, go home."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, originally intended to drive back, but temporarily changed his mind and smiled. "We are not in a hurry to go home."

"Ah? What happened? Is there anything else?"

"There is nothing wrong with it. Isn't this just the time for dinner? Let's go, I invite you to have some food outside, then go back."

"No," Su Dao. "The new aunt should have cooked at home..."

"Then let them go eat it. If you want to eat the trick, there are two goods to eat, are you worried that the food will be left?"

Su went home to eat, she looked up and immediately faced Xiao Bing's focused look at her eyes, Su Xiaoxiao immediately blinked a bit, his heart was chaotic, his face slightly red.

When Su Xiaoxiao reacted, Xiao Bing got off the bus early, and the driver's car door was opened, and he also extended his hand. The gentleman said: "I will help you get off!" 8

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