Super Soldier

Chapter 1225: Maggie and Xia Hongyin (three more)

Su Xiaoxiao gently put his hand on Xiao Bing's palm. I don't know why, even though she was a little nervous, she walked out gently, and Xiao Bing helped the other hand to close the door. ?

"Where to eat?" Su Xiaoxiao licked his mouth, unconsciously a little spoiled.

Xiao Bing smiled happily: "Look at you, what do you want to eat, we will go eat."

"I don't know too much." Su Dao, "Since you want to invite me to dinner, then you have to say it."

"Well, this is how to marry a chicken with a chicken and a dog with a dog..."

Su Xiao’s little bite bites, and the little hand retreats back, but Xiao Bing grips firmly.

Su Xiaoxiao bite his teeth and said in a very subtle voice: "Xiao Big Brother... give me some more time."

Xiao Bing loosened Su Xiao’s hand.

Su Xiaoxiao was always in love with Xiao Bing, and even everyone saw her like Xiao Bing's kindness, but Xiao Bingxin had concerns, but he always pretended not to know, never dare. Faced with frankness, now Xiao Bing finally slowly untied the knot, and decided that since Su Xiaoxiao can't let go, give each other a chance, but Su Xiaoxiao suddenly can't accept it.

Su Xiaoxiao let out a sigh of relief, then hurriedly transferred the topic: "Xiao Big Brother, where do we go to eat?"

"Well, since you don't choose yourself, then let's go eat Western food?"

"Okay!" Su Dao, "I just didn't eat Western food a few times."

Xiao Bing took Su Xiaoxiao to a nearby western food shop. Because this street is a commercial street, shopping and food are all available. What kinds of Chinese, Western and Thai foods are available, after entering, The two men found a quieter place to sit down, then ordered steaks and pizza, wine and the like, and let the waiter go down first.

"Big boss, today it is really costing you."

"What do you mean by this, this should not be." Xiao Bing smiled. "We usually seldom come out to eat on weekdays. When there is time, you can sit alone and sit down, coffee shop, cold drink hall. , restaurants and the like."

Su Xiaoxiao laughed: "I will have an internship in a few days."

"Well, so I have time. I haven’t been to work these days, I will stay with you."

"That, the leaves sister will not be upset?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "She won't, I know her. Oh, yes, after waiting for the unit, remember to have a good relationship with your colleagues, don't keep your image of the iceberg beauty, like you are so beautiful, maybe There will be a female colleague who will marry you, and when you work, you will be given a scorpion, or you will be chewing on the back."

"No," Su Dao. "I don't want to provoke them."

"But you don't care about them. I don't know your character. I don't know what to do, and people who are not familiar with it don't like it. Remember, you didn't give me a face." ""

Su Xiaoxiao grinned and said: "I remember how long it was. I don't think you can remember this now."

"It’s been a long time, but I am a man!"

Su Xiaoxiao laughed: "Revenge, then you remember the first time you came to my house, I will not let you enter the house?"

"Of course, you can't forget, life is unforgettable!"

Su Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "In fact, sometimes I think about some experiences between you and me. I also feel very interesting. In fact, I hate you so much, even hate you, never love to take care of you. I still don't want you to live in my house. Seeing that my mother always helps you talk, I am angry in my heart. I only feel that my mother was deceived by you. You are too embarrassed."

"Deceived? Hahahaha." Xiao Bing couldn't help but smile. "Auntie is a man with eyesight. At first glance, I saw that this person is very good. It is so easy to deceive."

"Yeah, but I was always biased against you at the time."

"Trolly and prejudice?"

Su Xiaoxiao laughed: "Is it true. Maybe I have a little arrogant inside of this person's bones, so people who are unfamiliar are also cold. In fact, I don't hate those people, but I am not used to talking more. And, and, in my heart, it is always easy to set some lines of defense for unfamiliar people, and I don’t want to get in touch easily."

Xiao Bing added: "I will start to worry about my lungs after I have contacted. OK, I know someone like you."

Su Dao: "I can't think of you or my confidant."

"That is of course, for the sake of confidant, we have to touch the cup for a while."

At this time, the red wine has come, and some good foods are put on the table. Then Xiao Bing picks up the knife and fork and says, "Come, eat, go shopping today, I am afraid of being hungry?"

"Well, it's really a bit hungry."

Su Jin was hungry, but when I was eating, it was still slow. Xiao Bing stopped the knife and fork, quietly looked at Su’s little forehead, looked at her nose and looked at her side face. It was such an iceberg beauty. Finally, I gradually walked into my heart.

She and her sister are really not like good or bad. In addition to being a little similar, the character and temperament are not exactly the same. Su Xiaoxiao is like a piece of ice every day when she is quiet, and her sister. It is like a flame all the time.

Su Xiaoxiao looked up and immediately lowered his head. He was ashamed, happy, and a little confused.

Xiao Bing knows that the words he said today are too sudden. Anyone who is afraid to change it for a moment can't accept it. Xiao Bing also controls himself for the time being. Don't try to approach Su Xiaoxiao too. Try to give Su Xiao a little. Space, a space for thinking.

Regardless of the final decision of Su Xiaoxiao, Xiao Bing will accept and bless.

At this time, at home, people in Xiaofu began to eat. Maggie looked at everyone in the restaurant. After counting the number, she said with surprise: "Why are there brothers and young ladies missing?"

The leaves smiled and said: "Just your brother brother texted me, telling us to eat first, don't care about them, they both eat outside."

“Wow, date?” Maggie said with some excitement. “The brother brother actually went to the date with Miss Xiao? This is the first time they went to the date. When did the brother’s head open up?”

Li Chunlan looked at the leaves and said in a hurry: "Maggie doesn't talk about it. It is estimated that they are going out to go hungry, so they can't wait to come back to eat, and they just eat outside."

The leaves smiled and said: "It's okay, I let Xiao Da Ge spend more than two days with the little ones. The little ones are going to work internships. I need to relax and relax in these two days. It’s just that Xiao Bing has nothing to do these two days. More accompanying is also very good."

Others saw the leaves saying so, and they didn't say anything, but the hearts were secretly admiring the magnanimity of the leaves.

After all, the relationship between the red rose and Xiao Bing, the people present here are basically in the hearts of the people, Su Xiaoxiao's feelings for Xiao Bing, everyone knows, and the leaves are as always like nothing, even treat the two women Just like treating a good friend and a good sister, there has never been a slight gap. I am afraid that no woman in the world can do it.

Xia Hongyin also looked at the leaves with a little bit of a strange look, then took the chopsticks and smiled and said: "Do you think the food is delicious? I just entered Xiaofu, I don't know much about everyone's taste."

Maggie clipped two chopsticks and smiled: "It's delicious, I like it very much. Aunt Xia, you are not only beautiful, but also delicious."

Xia Hongyin smiled and said: "If you like to eat, you should eat more. I am working in Xiaofu. Of course, I have to do my job well."

Maggie suddenly looked at Xia Hongyin seriously and said, "Auntie Xia, how do I feel that you look like a relative in my family?"

I heard that Maggie said that everyone was curious to look at Maggie and Xia Hongyin, and Gao Fei’s eyes also fell on Xia Hongyin’s body, and there was a slight flash of light in his eyes.

Xiao Bing threw the car in the parking lot and two people walked on the side of the road to prepare for a taxi.

Xiao Bing said: "In fact, I am not drunk."

"That doesn't work either. Drunk is not responsible for others, and it is not responsible for yourself."

Xiao Bing looked at Su Xiaoxiao’s reluctant look and smiled and said: "Well, I am also joking. How do you feel today?"

"It's very good." Su Xiao carefully added a sentence in silence, this is the happiest meal I have ever eaten.

At this moment, the sky is completely dark, but the surrounding is full of lights, it looks full of the atmosphere of the metropolis, looks more beautiful.

A pair of couples around took the hand and walked on the street. Xiao Bing and Su Xiaoxiao looked at each other. In this atmosphere, it was inevitable that there would be some feelings between the couples. Xiao Bing suddenly laughed. "It's very difficult to get here by car. Let's walk forward. It's easy to take a taxi when you get out of this street."

"Well, okay!" Su Xiaoxiaoba could not walk with Xiao Bing for a while. This road will never end. It is a rare opportunity for her to enjoy this opportunity with Xiao Bing. If she gets home, she can't open it, especially this is a rare two-person world.

The two walked side by side, walking slowly and slowly. Su’s small eyes stayed on the ground, and suddenly they thought of a dream they had once, holding hands with their beloved ones to press the road. Perhaps it is such a feeling, this feeling is very good, if you can walk together like this all over, it would be great.

If there is still a knot in the heart, Su Xiaoxiao really wants Xiao Bing to say two more words, such as I love you, but now Xiao Bing will only make her feel confused.

Leaves, can I really sorry her? She treats me as a sister. How can I grab a man behind her?

Su Xiaoxiao had always dreamed that Xiao Bing could one day let go of his heart to accept himself, but at the moment Xiao Bing did, Su Xiaoxiao hesitated.

Ps: I would like to thank the Lions of the Leo for the 61oo gamut, thank you for listening to the long songs of the moon, the book friends 27443o58, Zheng Zhao, Jun Zhi, Duanmu Ryan and other book friends.

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