Super Soldier

Chapter 1256: He is Xiao Bing! (two more)

If Xu Pingchuan’s strength is not enough, it’s still a little bit more difficult. Xu Pingchuan is now the initial state of Danjin. Although it is a first-class in the special forces, it is still worse than his rival Wu Qing, but if It is said that Xu Pingchuan is too close, and this is too deliberately humiliating. Xu Pingchuan looks good in terms of temperament. The most important thing is that Xu Pingchuan is born with a good skin, even if it is The face is given to the entertainment circle, and it must be a handsome guy.

And Xiao Bing actually said that Xu Pingchuan did not grow up?

Some people started to mutter immediately.

"Is this person a blind eye?"

"He just wants to defend his teammates and squint and say something."

Obviously, Xiao Bing’s words are a little bit unacceptable.

Xu Pingchuan’s face sank and said: “Do you think I am not qualified enough?”

"Of course." Xiao Bing laughed. "There are all the dragons inside the dragon teeth, but you look at you, it is just a little white face, a look of excess yin, how can you enter the dragon tooth? ""

Wu Qing almost laughed and squirted out. How was the brother’s mouth so poisonous? Besides, he didn’t mean to be temperament before, don’t take care of it. How did he tell me, but he was ridiculed in the past.

Wu Qing almost smiled, and other people may be different. Others are waiting for Ba Jie Xu Pingchuan. After all, the Longya Brigade is the top special force of the country. It is equivalent to the sacred place that every special soldier dreams of. After entering the dragon tooth, its identity The treatment is basically not comparable to those of them.

Entering the dragon tooth is almost equivalent to a step into the sky!

So now some of the surrounding soldiers have started to maintain Xu Pingchuan one by one: "Hey, what do you guys say?"

"Yeah, is this person with a problem with your eyes, or is there a problem with your brain? Or is your heart and mind, seeing others stepping into the sky, what will happen in your heart?"

"Oh, I guess you can't enter Dragon's tooth in your life?"

"Wu Qing, your friend, you should take care of it. What's more, I don't want anyone to go here anyway after seeing you. What is the gathering between our comrades, with an outsider, and Still a countryman who has never seen the world."

These people, you say a word, I said there in a word, and then began to tout Xu Pingchuan.

"Captain Xu is not willing to see you in general."

"Yeah, just rely on your mouth to insult Xu Captain, Captain Xu as a dragon tooth brigade, you can let people catch you up for a few days. You do not know where the Dragon Tooth Brigade is? Longya Brigade that But the most respected special forces brigade, if you insult the dragon tooth brigade, it is equivalent to humiliating the soldiers of the whole world."

"Oh, then all the soldiers in the world may not want to lick your skin and drink your blood. I see that you are still rolling yourself down now."

Around the sneer and laughter, Xu Pingchuan looked at Xiao Bing and Wu Qing at the same time, and his eyes looked like: "You saw it, and you... I tell the truth, Liu Yingying is the woman I saw, Wu Qing, You don't have to make up your mind. What are the conditions in which you are comparable to me? And you Wu Qing's teammates, there is no need to fight for your teammates, lest you don't know that you are offended. What should not offend people."

Xu Pingchuan finally broke the mask of hypocrisy. On the one hand, Liu Yingying’s perfunctory and refusal to him made him angry, and this rival is still here. The most important aspect is that he has finally entered Longya. As if the villain is motivated, suddenly I feel that I don’t need to be smeared with my high-ranking identity, and I don’t need to cover up. With the identity of the dragon tooth, what woman can’t catch it?

Liu Yingying frowned, and his tone was somewhat unpleasant: "Captain Xu!"

Xu Pingchuan looked at Liu Yingying with a stern look: "Ying Ying, you know that I have been chasing you all the time. Today I will also clarify the words. The woman I saw by Xu Pingchuan said that I would not let go. From Xiaoda, I couldn’t get a woman from Xu Pingchuan. This Wu Qing wants to compete with me, so he has not had enough opportunities to enter Longya in the past two years, even the captain is promoted. Go up."

Wu Qing gnashed his teeth and said: "Sure enough, you are doing the hands and feet behind you."

"What about me?" Xu Pingchuan said proudly. "This is not the case in this world. Whose fist is hard, whoever is strong, whoever is more powerful. You offended me Xu Pingchuan, I didn't want you." It’s already a matter of urgency to get out of the army."

Liu Yingying's eyes widened. Although she didn't like Xu Pingchuan before, she felt good about Xu Pingchuan. After all, Xu Pingchuan had been very gentle, but I didn't expect Xu Pingchuan to be like this behind. The person, Liu Yingying can't help but be disappointed: "Captain Xu, you are such a person."

"I am not all for you?" Xu Pingchuan said loudly, "Liu Yingying, you promise to be my girlfriend now, I will treat you well, and with your first waiting in the army, you can't use two In the year I will find an opportunity for you to enter the dragon tooth. At that time, both of us are dragon tooth warriors. In this life, we have the glory that others can't get!"

Although everyone thinks that Xu Pingchuan is doing something so mean, he has to admit that Xu Pingchuan’s words are still reasonable. Since it is a rival, of course, it is the relationship between you and me. Whoever makes you have no skill, of course, Wu Qing’s strength It may be stronger than Xu Pingchuan, but who makes you without me, and there is no such thing as Xu Shao? So you lack the backing, it is your sin.

Most of the women present even now feel that if they are Liu Yingying, they will definitely promise to be Xu Pingchuan’s boyfriend. That’s the dragon tooth. It’s the whole military in China who struggles for the whole life. a special force!

And now Liu Yingying just promises, the glory of a lifetime is at your fingertips!

Of course, only a very small number of female soldiers feel that Xu Pingchuan is doing something wrong, and even despising Xu Pingchuan's personality, but what about it? After all, the trend of inflammation is the nature of most people.

Next to Wang Yuan whispered: "Ying Ying, Xu captain no matter how to do it, it is not because you like you, you promised Captain Xu, this good opportunity, others will not get a lifetime!"

Liu Yingying shook his head in disappointment, looked at Wang Yuan, looked at Xu Pingchuan again, and finally said: "My Liu Yingying looking for a boyfriend is not just looking for a status high, let alone I am looking for a man. Friends, not to sell yourself."

Xu Pingchuan coldly looked and asked: "Ying Ying, do you really want to reject me in front of so many people?"

Liu Yingying said: "I'm sorry."

There was a sigh of voice around, but a few people even admired Liu Yingying.

Xu Pingchuan gritted his teeth and said: "Liu Yingying, you will regret it."

Xu Pingchuan looked at Wu Qing again and said: "And you, Wu Qing, I will let you see the gap between you and me sooner or later. You have been unable to catch up with me for the rest of your life. It’s hard work, hard work, and it’s never possible to catch up with me. I’m not kidding you, but because it’s the gap between you and me.”

Xiao Bing suddenly smiled: "This seems to be what I want to say to you."

Xu Pingchuan saw Xiao Bing intervening next to him, angrily saying: "Who are you?"

Xiao Bing slowly picked up his sunglasses and smiled and said: "My name is Xiao Bing."

"Xiao Bing? Ah, he is Xiao Bing. In the past two years, Xiao Bing, who shot a big Chinese-foreign joint venture movie? I especially liked the man he played!"

"No, he is the hero of the tiger. In the previous troops, he learned the spirit of tiger fight every day!"

"You are not comprehensive. He is the Shaolong of the four less in Kyoto, but he is the man who can keep pace with the cousin behind Captain Xu!"

Suddenly everyone is quiet, Kyoto is less! ! !

There is no longer any word that can bring more shock than Kyoto. It represents the supreme power of Kyoto. It is the character they have no chance to touch. If Xu Pingchuan is looking for them, Then the four little Kyotos are simply that they can't look up even if they look up, because they are looking for people who belong to the legendary and have no chance to see them.

After seeing Xiao Bing's appearance, Xu Pingchuan was also sluggish and was struck by lightning.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Xiao Bing really couldn't pretend. Xiao Bing was really too hot. He played tiger heroes and movie stars. Although the momentum has already passed, they still recognize Xiao Bing. Out, and the movie star Xiao Bing is the news of Long Shao, although ordinary people don’t know it, but these people who are present are not ordinary soldiers in the Kyoto Military Region, but are carefully selected in the Kyoto Military Region. The special elites who came out, although they are more than the seven special forces of China, can't compare with the dragon teeth, but the members of the seven special forces are finally selected from them, so they are only worse than the top special forces in China. Then half a step.

People like them are naturally much more than ordinary people know, and they know a lot more than ordinary soldiers.

In particular, the news of Long Shao has become more and more popular recently. They all said that Xu Shao and Long Shao had competed with the director of the Dingwu Office before, but in the end, Long Shao gave the competition, and the reputation of Long Shao was even more so. Numerous people in the whole city of Kyoto have used Long Shao as an idol. Even a lot of women are arguing in the back that they are not married, and Xiao Bing is in front of them!

Thinking of the words that I had said to Xiao Bing before, I thought that I would never know what level I had before I thought that Xiao Bing would never understand what level I was. Xu Pingchuan felt a burning pain on his face and his face became particularly ugly. The seams are immediately drilled in! . (.)

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